<br />I"
<br />
<br />83_ 004609
<br />
<br />Lender's written agreement or applicable law. Borrower shall pay the amount of all mortgage insurance premiums in the
<br />manner provided under paragraph 2 he"""f.
<br />Any amounts disbursed by Lender pursuant to this paragraph 7. with interest thereon. shall become additional
<br />indebfedness: of Borrower secured by this Mortgage. Unless Borrower and Lender agree to other terms of payment, st..."Ch
<br />amounts shall he pay.bi~ upon _ice from Lender to Borrower reque..ing payment thereof, and shall hear inte....t from the
<br />date of di.hu.........nt at the rate payable from time to time on outstanding principal under the Note unless payment of
<br />interest at such rate would he contrary to applicable law. in which event such amounts .hall hear interest at the highest rate
<br />permit,sible under applicable law. Nothing contained in this paragraph 7 .hall require Lender to incur any expense or take
<br />any action hereunder.
<br />I.. I-aspectio& Lender may make or cause to he made reason'lble entries upon and inspe-ctions of the Property. provided
<br />tha,t Lender ~haU give Borrower notice prior to .10Y such ins.pectlon specifying reasonable cau~e therefor related to lender's
<br />inlerest in the Property.
<br />9. Coadeftllllltkm. The proceeds of any award or claim for damage-so direct or consequential. in connection with any
<br />condemnation or other taking of the Property. or part thereof. or for conveyance in li'C'u of condemnation, are hereby assigned
<br />and shan be paid to Lender.
<br />Tn the event of a total taking of the Property. the proceeds shall he applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage.
<br />with the -excess, if any, paid to Borrower. In the c....em of a partial taking of the Property, unless Borrower and Lender
<br />otherwise agree in w'riring. there shall he applied to the .'i.urns secured by thi" Mortga~e such propOrtion of the proceeds
<br />as i" equal to thai projX\rllC1n '-"hien the amount or the <.:tlm, ~t'Cured hy this Mortgage immediately prior to the date of
<br />taking bea" to the fair market value of the Pmpcny immediately prior to the d.lte of taking~ with the balance of the proceeds
<br />paid to Borrower,
<br />If the Propert)' is abandoned '"'V Borrower. or if. .after notice hv Lender to Borrower that the condemnor offen: to make
<br />an u-w,nd or ft,('[tle it claim tor -d3.mage~. Borrower bih hJ r~p()nd tlJ Lender within 30 days after the dale such notice is
<br />mailed, Lender i:\ 3uthof'tzed to coHe-c-t and <\pply the pf{)clX"ds. at Lender's Qption. either to restoration or repair of the
<br />Property or to [he' sum~ secur~ hy fhi\ Mnrt;!:agc
<br />lJnh.~$s I ender and &rr~w.ler (lfherwi~:e- agree in writing. :1f1Y 'il.H.:h application of pr(\("eed~ to principal shan not extend
<br />or postpone the due llat~ ;.11 the monthlv ln~ta!fmcng ft"ft'Trrd !0 in r-arl\gn.lph~ 1 and 2 hereof or change the amount of
<br />'Ouch ln$faHment~
<br />to. Borrow~r Not RekaKd. EXrl"mh'm (If ,he- time f;if L);J;Vmem or frH"<litk::atwn ll( am0rtilation ~')f the sums secured
<br />by thIS Mm1g.ag<:' grant~d l:'-y r _cnder i>;, itn)" \UCi;~V'i)r inte~e"t ,A B~"rr(\wer \;'.111 nIl! opt;'rate to release. in any manner,
<br />the liattility (tf fhe Hrlgin.a! Ro-rrower ;l!ld BDHfl\l.-t..r\ ~tKas.Stlr'\ 10 inter~t Lender ...hall not he required to commence
<br />pn.lce,~.:hn~ ag.nn..1 \uc-n succe~~or (If ,du".C !\l t'xfcnd ;imc f.,r P,t\'n1CIH fIr \"tlhcrwi"c modif\' amortization of the slims
<br />secured 'LMQ~,h~~-Qf ,;0'" dt"mand lnJde r>\ lhe \)ri~jnal Bnrn1\\'er .HllJ Borrower's S\h::CCSSOrs in interest,
<br />~ -.. I_~~NM a W.i'U'f. \'-1;; ('1rhcarann.' h\' Lender in t"\Cn~-i"lnl? uny fieht or remedy hereunder. or
<br />,\t.he ~b~~~ law, ..h..tll :1<."" ~""-' .\ wai\<t.'r ;,f ~'r ;'in-dude- the nt'r~l':ie of ~lnY ~uch right or remedy.
<br />n.. pf~lremem of itwttra~<< fhe p.lvmem ,,,, 1 t'C... I,r- \.rhcr hen, N .::harge.. nv l.endc-r ..h"U nor be ;\ waiver of I.ender's
<br />righf h"-acxeler.tte'TM maturh\' ,;.f the !O{k~fl;"dfle~' "~~(\lr.;.-J tn' Ihi" \i~lrt!.':~'~C
<br />12. R~ Cuaolafnf'. _'\H rt'me~he'" rf(l\ id>;?d ,t\ 111:" \-f,lrt)taj?\' an~ di~Hm(1 :wd cumulative to any other right or
<br />remedy l..m<kJ it"". Mortgage tH ~\ffM&:d h... h\%. "1 ('.pH!\", ,trod mav r.c l'"\(:n:,o:.t-',J ,'I)l1CUrrentl.... independenlly l,lr sHccessively,
<br />13, Svt-rnson aAd ".taln Bound: Jotn! and StHm LhtbiJit),-; C aprio..s. fne ;;.nVl,'nants ,Hld .;\gr<<ments herein
<br />contamed ",haU r.md. ;H'Id fh(' n~ht~ hef'CHnJer ..h~H !!1UfC ill_ ,be !(',;;pecll\'.t' \'l,,';.;e\_...nr\ ami a"-'1i:gns III I.coder and Borro~,'er.
<br />s.ub~ct h~ ~he PHHti",ion.. ..>f rilragraph ; ~ hen,'of .\11 ,C<"Q4fum.. .And ,1~f1..'\~ment.. ,,( Runnwer ..hall \:Ie joint and 'Several.
<br />Tnt ;,:aptioft'i and headm~ of the pa:-al':'npJ'l'i ,-.f rtw. \h?-n~;!~C' ~lrt" fig ...'\lH\'t;nle-n...'C ;.~niv ;md H-c' not to he u~ed to
<br />!~!~~'Tr~! <:.~~ -!eP-~ !~ r-f>::'1."~"_'~)" h.;r~_flt
<br />t.... Sotkf'~ F.~~p-t h:"!-f ;i:l\' nOf/l;c n:ql!!!N under :q.1plkJ.hlt t1\." h~ he ~ivcn In .Hwther manner. (~H any notice to
<br />Borro'olt-er pn'l'o-jdcd f~Jf rn thi.. \1png:.J-gc ..fl..ll l--e t.:;Y;;~n h '~1ading ~LI-\.'h /l-;:~il\.:e h \.'t:ndkd mail ilddrc'i-scd ro Borrower al
<br />!he Pr-ope-n:y :\\kire-'!.:I- pr J.~ <;,ud: ,-.the.. :dd:e,-" d." B-~'rrtl""'n fTl;),- ,h~'I~n,tfc J-'\' lU1k'C !" f t"ndcr ;,IS pnlovidl"d hl.~rein. and
<br />(b) 3-ny n('fK.~ to L-t"oder '\.haB t< gtv..'n h...- ,,'~nrf-,e-~j rn.:p! ref,;!T ll:';Tipt n~qHc,tc{L !{\ t enlcler'i,. adJf't-:\.s sta[!;'d herein ~}f to
<br />~Hch i;.tlher addl"'r~'\ <l~ I ~rl!jcr m.l~ dc..l~nate tl., 'h1[h:C !,~ Bl'n;;'J<{'r ~O. prt1\-Hkd hell'ill :\nv llotkc pHwided for In this
<br />.\tprt~aFC "fl.i!H he ~n<<i ~~~ h.t.~. N"cn !?,iV~n !.~ I.h,tn,wn ,'r ! ~'rHjer \;"hi-n ~,\-t~n in lhe manner de,i~nated herdn
<br />IS. l1Aifonn MortaaIe-: (;o.('~ 1.--111.: "itu'rabUih. !h:... l,"lm 1'( nWff>>!aJ.tt <.i,~mhinC'3 \Inifo-rm cnVtnafH'i f0t natioolil
<br />use and noo"l!niforTll (-q"'("nam~ l,.\,lfh h.ml!ed \~.fl..Hjnn~ 1--\ '\jf;"d~C:h:Hi fi.~ ~.orntltdh~ ,! 111l1f(lnn ,e~Hnt\' in~trtlme-nt (overing
<br />re-.I property nw", M(\nia~c \h.:tll ht, ~\l'nn'~-d h the i.l~ ,;( l!'k' 11Ifl.......h.:liMl ~l~ whIch !he Property 1\ h~~ted In the
<br />eVent Thu iJny rWvrsl-lm "f ;::l.ai.lse ,,' lh!<" \.11.1r'tl("~t: ,,_~ the -"':Olt' ..'\lnl1kt\ ",ilh ~lppli;'::;lole !.tw. ..,lch conilie! ...,hatl !lot ~dled
<br />other PWVi\tOn... ,:If thi.. \t(in,!:a~c l'f dtl' 'I-'h: \\l'l'.:h ,'-<ill lx' .,n'd.'n dk~,t ""'llhfHH the i..~\_mthcring pn1-vhinn, and 10 this
<br />end the f'ftWl..i,\H'\ of ,he- \h'n~a~t." J:!1d !~<i;,' ,....te ~lr,r ,_kddiCd :,_' h;.~ "':"l"l'ahk
<br />16. Bornnwe-,-ll!l (~(lPY. Rorr(l\o\....' ',h;ti! ty hlft11<,h-l.'d ~ ~.'_'l'lt"m\-('d ,,~P\ .'f the 'Hie .lnd of Ihl"- \1ortgage at the time
<br />(lot i:',<<utkm In :dtt'T rCC(trdalkm hefe-"f
<br />11. TnMfft' o.f fhc. Proptn): A!tWmpeion. I!.aJi dr an, p.lft lit t"w Pn1ptTIV (If an lntercst therein i<; ,,\,Id I..r transferred
<br />b~' 8crrower \\'itht~ut I.e:odcr's. pn0f \\orith~n \-\lfl-..em \.,.Jlldin~ \,\1 t!w c:r~"idlnn .'t' ~! h:n lir cn("umbran<.:c "ubo-rdin~tte to
<br />th~1. Mortgage, !r.i t~ ",-re.'lttlm nf a pun:ha\C mnnt:\' "o.t.-'-:Hm\ mh~:re"l f,-~r h\H1Seh()jd appliances. Id <! transfer ov devise,
<br />de~ent or by uperatH.'m of b.. u;-,--m the death ;>f .i h1l!i:i ft'nanr N hJ I the grail! d :HI)-' ~C'<iserl\)ld lnte-re!st of three y;;"jU'" or les..1J.
<br />not confaining an (lPtio.n to PUn:h-lUe. tenMi m.n, ;It Lender'" \.pt'.,.l11-_ de-d;jr~ J.ll rht~ 'I\1m~ 'i.ct'llred by lhj~ Mongage to be
<br />Immcdii.11cl) due .md p-aY'iilbt;:. tender ..haJi ha..'C' ...,-~t\c-d <;lKh \)prh:m 1>., l1ct:derale- i( prior tn the 'die or transfer, Lender
<br />:iOO tbe person {(1 "A'horn fnc Pn:~rty i, h) be !i.oiJ ,)f If-.:.m~lcrrt.'d r~a(h '-l!=.n:emcnt :n \-\f1lini! that rhe \:re-dit of <;.u.:h person
<br />is satUfKtory w Lender and Hut the in.t(,f1:::~1 rayahk (lTI the- "l.!m~ ~~cured ~.,. thi>; \h'rtgage "hali be at such rate as I.ender
<br />dmll request. If 1 end<< ~ waivw tM {>PtH)r! tl"' :1i.:.:clerate pn.'1\'Hjed in- 1hi~ p-aragraph 17. ;uld if Borrower\- ~llCCeSS()r in
<br />U'Itel'CSt ha~ cucuted a wntt(:o 3.Humpfloo agreement ~Cf..'ep-led in ,.. ritjn~ hy 1 ender. I.cru-ter ",hall relea.'!ie Borrowt.'r from all
<br />--1bIiJarIDf1s un~r this M ()rtg~ and the N Ole
<br />It 1 tndcr e.~erciws: ~u,h D-ptH>n to a.';cek[Jltl~, h~rh_kr ..hJ.!1 mail B<)rro'o\'ef nutlce flf ~iCI.:-deratwn in ;Iccordanc-e with
<br />paragtaph 14 ht'te\")L Such nouce shall provide a pen.)o of fl('tt lc-s.~ lhan .JO day., {q'm the date the not lee i.. mailed within
<br />'A--+t~h Borrower may vay the 'Htm" dt:c-i3.retl duc_ It BOITOWI:T (;Hh ~H pay $u...::h ,pms I'fhlf tfi !he t.'\piratwn pf ~uch perlt.1d.
<br />lender may, v.-ithout further notice Qf demand nn Borro..-,n. ;nVl."l.-;:- ,HlY remedit:s ~fmlHetJ hy r.:ira~raph 18 hC'feoL
<br />
<br />NoN~t}Nlf'()fU4 COVt.NANT$ Borrower and Le-mkr further i::('n:n;lll[ ~H,-d ~~rce ,is f(ltl-o\''<y
<br />..t.. A~ ~ F...x<<pf as. pfOl'idtG in paraa:ntph 17 "..not. upon Borrow~,!s hnlK'h of an,., ,,'ovtmanl or
<br />....... of lIornrw"u hi this. M~~ iAcl", tk co"'~mmts to pa~. ~aen d~ an" ~Utm I!i;lX"ured by tbis "1ortaaaet
<br />,............. to _"..._... mall _ie. 'n 1I0<ro...r ... pnniclod in p....l\rapll 14 ........f spodfyinl' III 'h. """'h,
<br />(1)"'*...... ~ to """' ~ "",,,,,It; ,31 . <lat., ..... ..... thlm .1(1 day. fro... .he date the .....kt k malkd t.. 11<>",,__.
<br />.., ...... wdo ..... _ "" ...>M: om! (4l ..... fllil"... t.. ..ur. "Kit "'_It ..n n.. hef..... t'" d.,. "l'<<lfied in the noIk.
<br />..,.......'" ---- Iff Il>c..._ _llftf! I>y 'his M........ for........... Ity j..dicial __Inc .nd ... ..I the P"'f'Ot'ly.
<br />no. ........ ... hotIUIB iItf_ ........... of Il>c ,,"101 ... ........ 11ft.. ......ratlo.. and ,he rillht t.. ""-..en in .... 10-""
<br />........... "'* --...., of . olof_ '" ""y o.lot. tlrf_ "I ............. to ~ and I"....,.......... If.he b.....,..
<br />10 _ ..... _... ......... .too ... .opod/lt4 10 tit<! noIk.. IKade.. .t L.nder'. "",inn m.y """lare nil .., ,It<! ....... ,"",,,red by
<br />lloh MerIpp "'... ..........y ..... om! ~.......lthoot I..rt...... de_nd _ ....y 1......._ by judldol p-oedlna. l.mdrr
<br />... too ........ '" .......,. "' -'" ~ nlI.._ ... ,(lft<t.Jo...... lh<itadlatI, but ..... Ilmittil tn. ._. ,,( dm'.._.r.
<br />..w-........._lltior ~
<br />t-t. ~ ..... bJ ~.-. ~NWjth!tundm, !.cnde:f!:\ ;~(t."Tlenh...m nl lh{,; ,ums \l;.'I:.::nred t".. (hi~ M("ft~aJ:(',
<br />~ \Mlt h.\I~ the tt,h'f ~f! n"-w Itny ,..r...~<<d:m,~ t~JHn rv t.\l'tldo:f hJ ,~t1fon;e' rhi~ MnrlSJ;tgt.~ dt1O~Ol)tff11Ic-d .at ~flV tlmv
<br />