<br />I
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<br />r
<br />
<br />UNIFORM COVENANTS, .Borrower and Le;:nder covenant and agree <IS follows:
<br />I. 'Payment of PrincipJd and Intert$f. tlOfW\Ver shall promptly pay when due the principal of and interest on the
<br />indebtednen evidenced by the Nme, prepayment and late ch.arges as provided Hi the Note, and the prlncipal of and interest
<br />on any Future Advances secured. by this Mortgage.
<br />2. Funds for Tuts and InsunUlCe. Subjctt to applicable law or to a \\Tiuen waiver by Lender. Borrower shall pay
<br />to Lender on the day monthly installments. of principal and intercst are payable under the Note, until the Note is paid in iull,
<br />a sum (herein "Funds") equal to nnc..twelfth of the yearly taxes and assessment.. w'hich may altain priority - over this
<br />Mortgage. and ground rents 00 1he Property, if any. plus one.twelfth 0f yearly premium installments for hazard insurance.
<br />plus one-twelfth of yearly prenuum installments for mortgage Insurance, if any. all as reasonabiy estimated initially and from'
<br />time to time b'{ Lender on the h~ls. of .u,.se:s-smcnts and hills and reasonable estimates thereof,
<br />The Funds shaH ~ held in an Ins.ritutlOn the deposits \)l ~ii.,:counts d which are ill!mred or guaranteed by a Federal or
<br />state aE--ency finduding Lender if Lender is such an insriUHfon L Lender s.hall ;iPPfY the Funds tp pay said taxes. assessments,
<br />insurance premiums and ground rems, Lender rnay not charge !(\r:l>o holding ~tnd ..1pplying the Funds. analyzing sai-d account.
<br />or vertl}ing and compiling sajJ a$seisments .<inti bitb-, l.mles-s Lender p..1.y!> Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable law
<br />permits Lender 10 l'nake such a C"harge-_ Born.'"l-wer and Lender may .lgrce- in wonting at rhe time of execution of this
<br />Mortgage- that interest on the Funds: $h~H he patd to Borrower. and unh~s-5 :}uch agreement is made or applicable law
<br />requires such imere!il to be paid, Lender "ihall not he !cqU1rcd 10 paY B,~rrO"':t.'r any Inlerest or c;unings. on the Funds. Lender
<br />shall give to Borrower. without <:harge. ;m .:moual :'IC-C-OllrltHlg llf the Funds shl'wmg credits iwd debits to the Funds and the
<br />purpose for WhICh each dehit h~ Ihe Fund:;. "'.1~ matte. llK~ i-unci" arc pledged ,1.:' additional ~ecurity for the sums secured
<br />by Ihis Mortgage,
<br />1f the amount ...of (he Funds- held hy Lender, wgethcr v.itn lhc future momhly ms.tallments of Funds payable prior to
<br />the due dates of (axes, a,,--\c:s.sment:.-. msuran\.'c premmms and gfi...und l'-cnt-s. s.hall c\.l:ce-d the i1ffiOUnr required to pay said taxes,
<br />i\lI.Sessmems. Ins.uran-ce premunns ..wd fT(ltmd n'nt~ ;j':; :he\ I,dl due, _"IlL'h t'u'-c~-s ...h.I.H be, at BOffower"~ option, either
<br />promptly repaid 10 Borf014-er Of cfe~hted h' Burn'>wer I'll n1fltllhl) t1J,t..lllmenh i,"lt Funds. If the, amount of the Funds
<br />held by L-cndrr shaH not be ',uttiCK-,ot t(\ pa?' t-;i.\;:", ..is....c"~mcnl:<.. ln~_ur;HK(" prem!lln'l'\ and gmund rents as they fall due.
<br />Borrower shall pay to Lender any amoun! ne.::e~~al\ h' null' op Ihe dd,(H:n.:'\- Wlthlfi 30 Ja)-~ lram the date notk-~ is mailed
<br />by lender to Borft"lwer reque\-{,ng pa) m~_nr !hcreni
<br />Upon payment In tuB "t ali s.ums 5e-,:uf~d b\ t!n'- :..hH'lg.If:-\.'. L-cnj(:r ...hall rwmp1Jy n:l:Hnd 1<..) Borrower uny Funds
<br />held hy Lender- If under r:'lrag~~ph \:-. hen.:;); the P""'rcr!~ "dd ,'.[ llw Pn~pt'q\ i'" p1h-ef\\.'I.:.e ,l;;.:-qUlrcd fI)' l.ender. Lender
<br />~hail apply, l~O later than lfnmcd.i<lleh pft0r :~' :h.... ',:i!e '_'! lhc Pn.,pt."r1\ ;'i .,...'l.JW~it!On tw Lendt.~r. olny runds held by
<br />Lender at the time ,~~ applii,:a.tion T', a ...:'cdn <l!lam~t (h: i-Ulfh "'l:.:ur~d r.-"- inl" \1()Tti!agt:
<br />3. Application of Palmt:'utJi. i 'rde"--,,- ~{lpi:ca!'>lt: <;iV.. pal\ 1,1(",> \dh'f\" h.... .lit p",;'rnrnts fCi...~t\t:d bv L:nder LInder the
<br />Note and panigrapns ! <ind :: nCTent "h,-;H 0-i.:~I'r'hc,j by i f~n.h.'; f;,...t .~1 ra~ m\~;\l ,;: .Ul1o\Jnb pay<\blc tL' Lender hy Borrower
<br />under pangraph :; hereof. ~hen tL) ;1ll\.,rC"\! i~~l~~b-k I'~; in,' ""It' '.,"<:';T 11' lhL' pnm.'lp..l ,It the ~01C', :UH.i then 1('1 interest .md
<br />pnnclpal ,-'tl MW rUh.lR Advance,;;
<br />4. Chart"': 1Je-1tS. H~~n,)-""'("r '--h.di pJi~ '~~,,,'... ,\'<\.'<,"1TI;,_'nl'j .\~1\j .lth;:r .-h,H~~', Ii,1\:;' ,md Hnp,~sittl"'n.., 3Hrlbutabic {t)
<br />Ihe Pro-peny "'hkh may ;.'HIam:.{ rrwrny over In,,, ~1t,'n~1-l,t!t'. .,,:d k.i~t"hofd l~~nmcnt~ \.r ~r("\und [ems, if any. in the manner
<br />provuJed under rara,gfaph .::. he-roo! ,'r, ;; [""it ..u~h fl_UlH1>.T h\ Ik\trINCi' ma"lIlf, p3.ymcnL v.-nen due, directly t(l the
<br />pay-ec the~('t, HOHuwc-r 'ih.J.il prt}mpny !,.l 1 end-t'r jd il,\ln:f.'';. \,{ ,l\tWHll{\ dut:' uoder lhl'i paragraph, ilud to the event
<br />Horrowcr \bii\H maKe p'l\-H-lC'ftt ihrcui", Ho!w'>"-.;r <,hill! }'r'_\Wpli\- !\)rn,\h :,~ L,:rnkr r~.:cirts t'\',dencHlg ~1J(~h p,\yntt'nts
<br />Bl)frO'-'"'e-r shaH promptly t..1lSchJ,;J:;t." .HI\ ;'':0 ,~h!l.h n<1'> p;"'.11\ ,''',~f .011', \1~'H~a~1'> r'nw1dt.'d. !hat Bl)rr("Wt~r "haJJ lW{ he
<br />requlred h.i ul\Cha-rge iln)" 'ou.;!". hcn w h'ln~ ,I) lSdr!~,w!.:( '>lli.-.lH 1<' I hI.' p;l;\ment t't 111l; ohll~itlton ~\.:_curcd by
<br />;.uch hen In a m:inner a-c\.'Cp~abk t>' Lender. ,~! '1i~IH !Ii .>;::>,\(.~t h\-. ,'r ,!dcnJ t:n1pfn'mi"nl t'l sll\:h il~n in,
<br />it"1;al pfV\:eeci:m.g:i. wnl-Cn \'V!;:T~te tC' prc..-e.H :n.-:: cnn..,,,-f;metl' (' ,H1~ ~MH \lKf~\.'l.
<br />5.. It.aard JnAll1ll\t.'C'. Iil..np'.-\ct '.h.1H ~'-cq' l"'\.' \:np~'~ -..'; hi'T('~lt!::r !;rCd~d 1111 fhe Pr('p..:-ny lH,;urcd
<br />.tga.1li$t k-,.s:l. b~' fire. haza.rd.. m...:hH.ku ",qth;n the !nn: .--.._{,'n...h',: \lid\ ~'!h{~r h"z4nJ_" ll'> I cmkr nu\ requlrc
<br />and m :lHKh ;imounts iit1J 1':'1" ~u-..:h f\<;:'"tIO;J... ~l"! ';;It,h.~f !~1.!\ -'.:~Hlilr.: \"t. that I ,.:,,,)r.;' -...h,1I1 m.t n:\1ulfl" that lh(' amount ~lt
<br />'uch O;:t.Wt"Hligt: c_\.1o.'"-t:l."t.J t'1a! .J.llhHm1 _'t ~,'''l'!.~!c-..' rn~u;[\:i.i !<' P'~\ 1"<, ~<:,-i.il~'d b-\ til,'" ~h'ng;1tt:.
<br />The In~-Or3fu.i: o.:arOCf p!o\iidin~ [he in\Hl'An\t^ '_f1.d! l't_' '>.~1\'''i.''l\ b, B;.}rh".~~:l ,',~bH.'.:! hI ilppl{W,d ~y I cndCL prQ"lded,
<br />that SlJi'h apPf~")\-'a.I i.haH ;);11 f---:- ~;,\H'a'lm...i'l~ \<dwhdd -\j) j'i'".t1Hllm~ ,'n i~''''UI,ln\'\': p()!In.:" '<flail t~\.~ p<lhl In the manner
<br />PfO\'Jded undtr p:..u~n:.ph 1. hCH-'-{ll ,,'I. ! rh~l r;i:J. In ...n-.:h rlMlilh:'C h; !{,!llt1'.H:! mak,t1!: p~:tJmcnl, v.,hen Jue. lhrcctlv to the
<br />Ul$Utanc:e "-&emf.
<br />Ail infiUrilrK"t' pl"\lH.::l~ a.nJ n:ne"'.ti"lIK<!I.',l~ ,.hdE h' P. t.Hm ,"~,-,!,\.ll'k i') !l:n,x: ,\ihl sh.tli ;\ldHJ":.1 <.,t;lnJ<trd m\ll.t~agc
<br />::laU:Se Ifl fav\"lf .'f and m h'~fm .....i".'epuf'll,,~ ~l' i -:oJcr j .::ilG-:r ,i',~i, ;',l\\'- ItW tight h' il\\id lilt' pt\lJ..lC... :Ind r..'llcw;lb thcrCl\f,
<br />J.lld Botn.~w~.r :-.h.lli pn.."fllptJy ftufils.h h:< Lcmkr a.lJ rl'Ht''''':.Ii 'h\ti,:n ;iJhi .til ;n'Cl!v<, i'l l):ml ;'Hcmllllll~_ In lilt. I.';-~nt (~l 10"<;,
<br />llorrnwer ~hall !!;1\C pr\.'mp! ootH.'l.' (t~ IhL' nhUl.HlI..(' ",'.ii!H.'t .md J lend!:l i l.."h_kr L1,1) !l;~,i>..l' Pl(hlt III h\~,'i Ii :h'l lllillie rrt'mpth
<br />tw B','-lrro-W~r.
<br />, UnleSs 1 cnt.icr <inti BO(t,'",Cl dhL'(\l..,,,~. 4~H'T ,r; "':lr~U,~, Hh01"!h'~ p;i.~-t.:t.~i..h "!1a!i t~ .Jpplled I.) n.~...tor.lttnll Uf repair tl!
<br />(he Prt"'{)en)' Jamaget.l, pft""HleJ )Ul..:O n:~t~~r<t~Jt~l1 ,\~ ;1.'P~{j: c~,H1\\IllK~ill\ ;C,\~lPk ;HJd p,\,. "l~UHlt... ui till'. Mortg<lge h
<br />not thereby lmp.lllred_ It '>\!;.'h t..'~WrJ.tHm \)1' r~'p..;l t_,> n"t l.'~j\m~ml<.:,)lh ~.:.!...{hlt., \11 :1 Ih~ :.....(_tlnlv oi ,tw; !\hlrtgagt." wll\lld
<br />be lmpa1fcd~ th~ -'flS-urancc pWI,,:ecth ..hatl be rtPP}It."U h' the '\;.HH. :<I..''l.:ured h~ !!US \.1urtgage. ;'i.-:th the e\.cc'~, if ;lny, p:.ud
<br />.0 a......rwwt:-l, If the PrOJ.-lC.'ft\' IS ,t~<ln-d.)!l-Ct.1 i',\ H,yifl.~-W~t ;~ B..~r;"""c-J t;.ll!'. 1\.' rl.':..!X-H,J to l_~mjcr lA":thin 30 J.J;.':: lrNll tilt,
<br />Sate nothx :~ mal led by LtHdc-r tn Burrower tn.il the in:.Du-n"e '.'^l.fn~i ;>!kr-. '_II '-CHic' ..1 ;"!.dllll ii'lf ln~urancc bendil~, Lender
<br />l!i. authonz-ed to) \:n!k:ct and app!~' the H1:',ur""n-..:~ pf(.),of,;~'ed... ~H L::lU-t.'f ~ (\ptH)rl either tl't r\.':.!Or~\II\.H) ('1' r.:pa!f ~,i the- Prnpe-rty
<br />~)r 10 the swm. St"'\:ured by ttt--1S Mortgage
<br />L:nle$1- I.xoocf >l_ud Bvrri.'~'c! I.)~~f'\\t;...:- .if!tt.'(' ^.Ani;ng, .to'- ::dJ....h aprhl..-~!lCifj lit prl;..:ced~ lI._' rrlll\:lral ,h.lll Hot '::\H:nd
<br />-i)f ,)O$tpotlc the due date \)t the mnnlhh :n"t<J.Uml..'lih f-ctt;; n'J [, \ ;:! pMag:r;.tph.. ,;.nd:' hcn.:t"{ t1( ,:h;tll~;;: lht, ~H\h1unt O!
<br />$oUi:h mstaUme.nts. If unae-r p-aragraph I ~ hcrc:(}t tht..' Fr~)pl(:rn 1:,. fi':'''-lUlr\.'J t';\ LeJH.h.'f, ,dl ntthl. lltle aad 1f;h:r~st \)t H\)rr~'w(,f
<br />m and to an.! tUSUnU'KC IX'hclet dnd Hi ~H1J tt' the t~aK<:-e-,-h lher~(\! :c-,>u!ll/lg !!~'m d,lJn:q.::t: ''-' the Pr"lf1t'Tt\ pnnr tl> the ....;ti(::
<br />or M."qwStDun ~haH rass III Lender to the Cl.I::fH ,it lhe "llim ...e.....un:d !'~ \Jus \h__ln~_l:.l~'i.' !cl:lledlillt'l~ j:'f'lt.lr hI ~ll;:h ,;ide or
<br /><li."qUlIItloo.
<br />.. PreMnUioa -ami ~t~JlatK'e 0.1 PfOIW-rt,\; i,(,aM"bulds~ (-o-ndollliuiums.; Planned t.~nit I)e\t'lopments.. Borrower
<br />1.haU keep (he- PN'P<ny in il~1d f~r-aH and ..hail nm ..'omn\Jl \.. ,:t~h: ~~r pl.'fnm !mpi.~lrmCiH Of dC1CrH)ration oi the Pwp-ert}
<br />and \-bAU com-pi)" 'llioith the pr-ovlSfoI..)nS (.>j an~- Ie-Me :i Ihh '\-k-<ig.;l~;;' :, ~-'f\ ,1 k~L,>-dH)jd J: th,'> MHtt~;.lg~ '" tlll .( unn lt1 .;
<br />condomintum ef a p.i4ftncd umt de\'ek>.r-rnenl. &'l-n~"'~'t"r ..haH p'.:rf..:)fIi1 ~ill d HOffw.\.'cr"~ "hhg,",IHll'l'li Iil"H.l-l'f thi,.~ dCI.:laratH'n
<br />or 'OY<<ltlmtl i:re:~UnJ' {1-r gnv~rnH\g !he '."mO(Hn:num ~'r 1~!dHO~d l:mt dC",\,:jf'pm~nL ,ht b\- .J;),...." ,tIltl rq~!lJ.llt~)tl.. ,If the
<br />~"'1..lIldo:minnJm 'Of planned unit rlc,vdopment. );nd ~l.'~m.tiIIH:nt "l(lo...:urn(:nl~ II a ;,-,md.}fi\inttUn ~'! I.l~mn('d Il1ll1 dC~t'J"I'lHCnl
<br />ndcf is utJCt.itcd h)' Bon-ower and ft'-cordc-d !tljl:ctne:l .,qUo !hl'" ~1<"n!:a~c ~ltr- I:,nenan{:\, <tnd fig.n~t"n\t<nh 11\ '-.ili..h !\dn
<br />"bait be uu;;Ofp;trale:'4.1 mto And ~hail amend il1lJ. suppkr:Ut'Ht the ~:l~"t'rld!H~ <lnu agre~m\'lU~ 1_1\ inr.. ~-10flSi!gt:' .\'. ;; lIw lhkr
<br />........, . pan hct..,t,
<br />1. ~ f1ilIA.~I~. H BOf'fo\licr l;;t.ii,.. :,', r-.:'fh.lr1'T1 lht" >:-...wena.nt.s. dfld ~i~fct'n}r"I1!' vmLll!H.~d H! tfW'
<br />Mon.... m jt lUly ..c-oc~ or pfl.~~jflJ l' \,'(lmmenced \\-ht....h ma~ettaJh ;:th".:.t,; L..-..'-ndc!,., inlCf\"",t 111 {hi. Propen..
<br />.m.-JudJflI,. b\?t lWt limited: 10, emlf1t'lnt Q(..);fDaltl. ,n~,h'('ncy. ~.'>lk ('n/l)r.;:('t1H.'m. \H ,uT..'1pl\:emtmt\ \'\' P!'\""'-l.'l:di'\g:'lo In\"dvin;.! ,I
<br />bstIkfUPt Ot ~:"tt" tltcn LfUlUe-f .l\t 1 ende,(~ ''-~i'tH1n, UfK'l!1 n-oflC1.~ roo"~ &'(t\-I"'Cf. !'i1,n- n\;~L(' H!\:n ~p~anuH:'t:~. dl"P.UB~ \m'h
<br />~ 'and- la.k-e JUr;h- &ctilJn ~\ 1'1- UW(J:.\~Pi It, prult,,<-.;;-, LI;';JHJer'.,. ,ilien::~L .q.rjudlH~. t>1l1 !h,( iln\tlcd h'_ ~!;':<l"UE,Ctncnl "1
<br />~ahtc .llt.of1My\ f<<s -.nd: "tf:ur,. trpon the P'f'fl'pt'H'Y in- milJ.c fep~lt'l, j! i ,~rHkr 1^"~~1.1H''i:~1 mC\,rif!.ajl;t;' tn'-'lf;\('l('\" .{'. .J
<br />;;~~i-l1m uf mAklnJ t.Jw:; k\an l<<.uJ'N by th-l~ ~hln~llIl~. Ut,}:f!.pWCf .$h,",H pi.\\ th{" prC"tttmln~ r~'~H1f'~~} fl.' naintiHo ....ud,
<br />k~ m t-~I u-ntH: ~\ tt@ ao" ~he ft;{lUitvm-t-t!! hn ~l.K.h ln~v(ance. krnHn,"j\~" :n ,H~\,:t'lr-Ul:lf~~:C \I"-itn H~1HPv.;('-"-" :1thl
<br />
<br />83~ UU460S
<br />