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<br />I <br /> <br />83-()04601 <br /> <br />(I) month prior to ItS due date the annual mortgage insurance premium In order to provide such holder <br />with funds to pay such premium to the Se~retary of Housing ami Urhan Development pursuant tu the <br />N<\tional Housing Act, as amended. and applicable Regulations thereunder: or <br /> <br />r- <br /> <br />HI) If and so long .as said nute of even dale ::md this instrument are held by the SC1.:,ctary of Housing and <br />Urban Development, a monthly charge i'inliai o{ a mortgage insurance premium) which shaH be in ail <br />amount equaJ to (1/12) of one~half (ll2) per centum of the average outstanding balance <br />due on the note computed without taking into .a.c~otlnt delinquende-s. or prepayments: <br />(b) A s.wn e.qual1o the ground rents... If an\'. next due. pius the premiums that wifJ next become duc and payable- on <br />policies. of fire and other hazard insurance con'ring the mortgaged property ~ plus taxes ,:md assessments next due <br />on the mortgaged propeny { eSlimated bl' rhl' Mortgagee} iess all sums already paid therefor divided by the <br />number elf months tn cbpse hefm" one month pllor to the date when such ground rents, premiums, ta.xes and <br />.aMeSSments wlli bt'curnc ddinquent. welt sums to he helJ i"1y Mortgagee Iil Hust to pay said ground rents. pre. <br /> taxes :md 5:pecial assessments: and <br />(c) All paynwnh me-nttont'"u in the TWo preceding ~lIh~CtlOr.S nf thL;;; paragraph and all payments to be made under <br />the nn.te se-l."Ur~d nerc<vy shaH br 3lideJ lop.erher. Jnd the aggrepte amount thereof shall be paid by the Mortgagor <br />t';H.:h month Ul J ~m.;ti(' paymeHt ll.) he ::ippJieJ by the Murtgagee to the following items in the order set forth: <br /> <br />(I) plCtn!Um ..;h;ugc~ under the ;llfllr:Kl 01 msurancC" with the Senetary of and Croan De"f'clopment. <br />Dr monthly ,:har~! in iu!u "d mO!'fxa<~(' insunmcr f1r('!J1lum ,I. ~b tInt case may he: <br />01} ?-foUntl r\.'"f1ts, ta.."',!;. .1.'i.5e~'O;mem~L lIre J.WJ nthct h;uard insurance pn;mlurns; <br />If!t} m'~H~s1 i>n \:fl-t' onIc' ~I.!trt:"d helenv' ~U1d <br />! IV I .:unurtUilthm ,;! the' pnn..',j-p:.ij ~)f said Hot~ <br />.\ny defidcficy 1::1 lh~ Jm-oant \,f J:n~ <;u,,~h jggr('~a!~' monthlY rJymC'lli :'o.halL un1e!1.$ made gOl..'ll by the Mort- <br />t;*g..H rOnl t,; tht'" due d.:lt.e ,,{ the- 1\t~.': \uch Fl,.'nl':',[ ,,'1t~tJWk an o.'Vt.~nt ,.jf ~,kf.ault under this mort!!age. TIle <br />~hm.~e\: :n.i} ~'nik..'!.1 '-tHe ..h~ltg('" Hnj!\, ~'\,>.',fJ ~ \\.f ..,',:nh (4)l11m (':JCll JOHM ($1)01 ~;:u:h paym~n{m~JfC' <br />,!tan !'ifh;-c1i j I:' ~ ,_1,;\ S, lP J.He~E t~~, ..:\,vt'f t1U' e\.t!;J t',\f'ensc lli'o'OfWJ In handling dehnttuent paymems, <br /> <br />fh.1t ,r th*. tubd of tft", p.n'mpnc", ma..dl' In.- tb' \h~rtM~i~1H ulidf'r' of par~nl-ph :! prt.i...~,din~ ,~ha}) (,x('f'-ed <br />l}W amount of tla.\nU'fH.~ -,H'I,iJOiH; mat1.. h~ tht. \inrq,pl1!(oi-' f(jr 2.Tound rptH...., !axl'~ and a:>-~.',~;<.;.m('nl:<, or into:ur;-ln('(~ '}ftl'~ <br />ttHum:-., :..t.." Iht> 'u~......~ ma\ iw. "U~tl CH"e~~. d tht' k&lH t... nnft.'tlt. ~! Iht.:, OPUOll of tile )tor[gagoL shaH lx. credited b-~ <br />ttw \lor'~~UN~ un "'ab,",4,~t~UNH J!.l\nWfH:'<- In ht' ff\tullc' h\ Itlt' 'lnrt~,llltlr. "It fPfufHh.d In ttw \1nrtua#.!:of, fr, hn\H'n'r. tht, <br />r>1'Hflthh pJi.~ lTumt"" w.ade f-,-v the \tntt~;::l~nr under It! }hlr~t~r:\ph < pre\..t~ho,~ ..hall not iw o:;uffki(~tH to rM~' ground <br />n!fH, ta\.f','" o111d ;;t......f'''...m..IH.. qf In"'Hr:U-~(;' pff'mHim...., ,t,-" Itu' t'.t....l' trill; It.", \\IWIl dw ..;amt> "haJI h{'enmt. lint> iUld pay- <br />abh' th'-:'Ii tJH' \k.trl~~vt ..h~}ll fin;: tH thor' \tnf1i[;l~t'" .J-~'\ :un~.H1n1 ~H'{'p""'~r~ I.) malt,'. up (he th!ficil'IH.'Y, un or h{'(OfC <br />LfW rial.. l\hpft pJ.l\nW1l1 of ~ltrh ;.~rn\H1d H'f\L~ 1:\\I'~. .L'"':'-i-,-.....nwnt.. ~?f fu'"'ur-a.nn' pr('m,um~ ,.,half tw tllH', If nt a.n~' <br />l.-!nw tht!' \i.f}rt~a~ur ,"!laH {podt.'f t... tht', \t.Jng:a~t'I>. H) 4t'ftH'tlann' "lih tilt' prnq"'lOn-:-:- IIf UH~ uolP ,...I,'(~Urt>d hl'rt'by_ <br />iuB pa\RWfH vi tht, ".ntHp Hld".bu'",U1.._--.; H<p-r~-,~-nh',fi t~wft'h\, lIw )tuni!l.\~Pt. :-h,ilL 11\ ~.omp-uun~ (ht:' amount t)f ",-urh <br />Hhid:)(~lt':s':!oi., i.:rC'\ilt t.:, d~ :lu,-,)t-HH ~'l~ !h(' \,i,';r!~~t~tn ,f!l [},i\'Hwnt'!\. on.k.1e lHu.:lt.'r the pf\l'-I...It,~),~ (\1 ",-:i of ptlT41~I";:-tph 2 <br />ht~~f wtnr-n Hh' \to.r-4!:t-~(-"~' ll;t,'" nUl h~"\"tlnw dbilgil-f-PU tu }.1J.\ !~f H'w "'''f'rf'llfr\ of HUll,klne 'IUd t Than tlt'\'{"iopm<'nl <br />>mu ;U1~ rmJ;tlXt-" n'ma~H!U-C If!. ftw lund- .-H nutm!<tt.-.d uudf'r llop pro\-I""-lnn- nJ ~"f pa.nt!>!raph ~ h,p'N."t)L It th(loff:' <br />"'-fmil r* ~ "it"I.\llfi Undt>f :m\ ill 1tw pnHI"Hm ~ ,-,f Hu.. mnni!~4!.~' n....HHIfH~ III ~i pubiH' -,:tl,. lif tilt' pft.~ml..,t''''' l'UH'rt.J <br />hi.~t..b). Of ti UtP \\Uf4!3;W~' ;.HlfUHt'''' l!W pmf)PI'h H~~Wf"I"';' ~!kl' lh'laull. ~h,' \t-onJ?<1:!.'" ..;:hall appi~o ~lt t-ht' !-inw uf <br />Hl'o{> \ Hffi:~'i"li',-"'ffi;r;o;~ ..of Aii"'h i":;:;:;",,,.-d:;~~""> ',~~ .;; !h;,' ~~~~. th~, p!'~r~'r.~ ,~, .-.du'r\u..-t' .....l.~uin'-d. Wt' hatilll{'p [hen ft'rnain- <br />ifit!fl tilt' !u,mi... ~tH'mtmbti~ij un;:.k'>f ill p,tf:~j!fj\{lh .; prp("f-dw.;!. _i.'" .1 (tt"tht ,it!;,lHl"'t lflt' ,UHtlllUl ui pntH'lpal OWll <br />n:,miiHtiJ1t! ti.!lfi~id Vfit,h--f ";.iu! ;Tl.!j -1-;:;tH j1nl1Wrh ~Hhu___t _,11\ [u'd!H>fH', \..IH~'h ~hidl ha\t. hi'f'fl mau.> U!ukl <br />\If i-HiraUT~;Jh .: <br />~ Ht;t: ~!;e \~,g'T}':AiJ~'t " ",t(",,,!~J :,;\(, ,,\r:-;"m!."fH' -";I!Cl r,dt'" ,;ad .,l!'l-CI ~O\t.'1lU11cnt;tlllT Hlum....lpat <br />.:~~c..., i!!,H,~", ,.f l,nf'"-~;,,ht'~' ..IUd, G),,".h ,'r fl.:" .'~('n ;"\~hk fH'I,'lnh~'i,H'f ,\11\1 m dehul! Ih('r{'~,t the \t,)n~agc(' m:l\ <br />r' ,he ",', .dh.' lh;\I ;h<; \1,1'1 t;;:..f~,lr ''''li' ;'1' .",:~t~" ;J(';'~1:'t nK uth~ j.;,;f r,':{,"l1lh it:(,I\"fnf (\, Ihe \ll'flg;t~t't." <br />.. rht." \t"11,,-d,j.:.'<{ '-"'l~: f'..;' ,l~'! ;U.'. "" f\h;: '~'.lt',i j!.~,'n iht' \h~I!l;t~w{,t: 1'1Ic-H...t 10 ""lld ~'e,~j c"lalt and Imprl1\t" <br />'Hrnh, ",Il.J ....fH'd1 f!U\ hI\' !(\ !{,"~i i;[','l1thl'" '-~;>n<t~l,;lt' .,< 1~1t- dt'i', "i.~~ H.;t'v fU:1Ct-,\ (hut ilfl~'! h' rht' "li.!t:nt 1h;'ll \IICh h ntl! prohlhll- <br />.t'.J t"-, j~{\, _md ..r;l\ h' !In: ~~\h"j1: ~t,j\ -'_II...t; '"",' nd! :-n,~ll.': !h... i,',Hl u~tlrlt)j.l..f, hit l"h'Wdm~ d!n lfh.'tlHH" Ll-\, '1l;itt nl t,t~lh:rJI. <br />im~,..eJ \'0 M\l{t!lO~I~H'e "l~l1J ;..,1: hk We' ,.jf;~ I.ll ,ied'l!,: ...;~Il", H~).: "',h 11 j',n Hlt"ni V>lfn HIt.' \1tlnjl~t~t'... t -(htfl \ lo!.llh\O of inl' IIfhkr <br />~~\~m~. ~>t ~f thi: \!).::;l~~H l' r-t,IOtf>llt'\! 'III. ;,1"" J1\I\\ Ii< fH'I..';dlt'I t""'l"'lffj~~ !r.,m r,l'>tn~ th~ V.tHljt~ 1.\1 .HI\. POfll(lfl 01 the "t-.t\.", <br />"',Jhi ((nC'..... \'1 upun ihe f{,!l~lrOa~ .,'li ,i~!\ ~,~U!1 L!C~ ;t'-c r!nhtr..H!).li' 10< ::'~1\ rtl.:!1l f'\ the \illn;':~1~1lf .lj' <Hl\ 'Ili:h I~n('''i, ,,1' If \lh,'11 lot\.\ <br />'f ..k....t{.(' N.n I-\.!('). H\~1! .~n\ ;,JrH'unt ",I ,',~ld t'i !tlt' \~.<nt-:~ig..-'I ,tl"l;! t'>< (1nhtr:J pH tt:t' Olnrlj.':.aloJe .kt'>l. the \1"t lJ.t.agee "hull h,.\'t' <br />t~ ~lFllf t, ~1\t' mn<l\ d,\\' '.~n;U'n nolO,:\:: h' !h( "''''H,,~r \;1 {ht Hhln~a1t'n! r~~rlH...-e'! :eulJlnng the r,~~'mcnt .d the m~\nj.;;J~e <br />-kht If ;.u~h fu}fk..t' t>,-~ J:n~~IL!h(' .......H>J tkt>f ",hillJ ~,,-~>mt' -due. ~'<n.~flk .tlld ,;,;lko.:uhlc ;'-11 the l':\.j1lf;.Hh1l1 pI ",1Id nw('!\ dan <br />-h i' ..i'h,lUft.l r-~ LHi !,' P.!t\ rlO\ "urn~)f k-ec:r am, t.:t,'v,"~~nlrro'-ld(d h~r Hllhh ~long;-j~t:_ thl:: :\hln-ga)lce. ;.! If'., nr. <br />tM.Ht, ma\' piI~' ,'If r--('rh~fm {ht': .;.amc-. ;HH.i all "'\.,r-ertdmm,~:-. ..~, m;Hk '\ohall r.t.' ,.u0cJ h, th{" rnn;;wai ...urn U\\:IH!i= ul1 the .\t'lt)\~:' !1~lt(', <br />."hAll t'< \Cl:ukd hutt:.. ;H1J: ~ha.H t>e-ru mt('-fe':S~ at the r~f(' ~('t f'l!!}'l ffl the ,-,t{tJ lH)IC, unnl p!:uu <br />~ Th4-l ~ hert"!w .:l,f!,J~n:o., a~fh-ten :i.!Hj ~I;'h 1..'\';:'f 1,; nIt" \h\!'l~gec. h1!~ ;lpphed hmard the P;l\llICHt iJf the twit' ~lnti .lil <br />",um,). "It,~ufe-d her~tn 1!) ..:<1,\( \'r ~l ucbuft m rot' nerL:~lmam.',e \'1 ,w\' nf the !("fm, anti (onJlhun.. t',( {tHo-. \h;n~il~e (If Ihe ~,ljJ <br />n(ttt, :J.llnc f'cnh, ft'\.t:nU('~ .1,nJ lTh:\Jme h) ~ ...1t"1:1\.t.'Q fr(1-m lh(' f1WH~!}.~d prt"llli"!-':' ~iHnn~ ...uch lime ~~, fhe monR'a~-e HHlt.:-r-,leJ- <br />11t'''\'' ""ha:ll reffJ.alO unp.ud: ;md the Mt\fti~j1l1:<< \h411 hi:i"(' r..,l>i.-er ld ,'lpp-Olnl itO" ,l;l!enr pf d~('rH" IT m<l~ Je'-lfL' f'-ff !hi: pmp\\<,c "I <br />rc:paiun, MUU rremt~!i. ..uru: of renting ir:-t~ ~amt:' ;mJ ..-.}Ut:'c:H1~ the rent". (('.(nut:''\. ,~flij 1fH.:llnh.~. J.n-J II mav f';l\ ~HH i.'d "-;lid lH- <br />-";'-llme~ .u! ('.\~n_~ i,.l! (rpalHoR >>Hi rn:m~\-.:io, "md o-e(e'",,'i-an ..<Jmmh~H.m", ~nJ c \pen~.., HK'utrt'J m renttn~ ,U'id m;tnti~itl~ the <br /> and iA ":-l.~!t:...t.i:~ ; ('l1ul." tberdrtHn: lIle {l~ltlm:(" remammg-. Jf .-.o\-, h'! Pt' 4,pltcd h'W.it1tl tht' dl\-.:hargc i.lf \dld liwrt!!~!gc <br />,mkl>trdhn' <br />g l'hat be ""l.H k<<p tlte' Ufl:Pfo\'-emcm"\ nH~' 'C\i...un~...r hCfeafler eredctl on 'lht' InllriJt.lge-J rfl\pen~, m\ur~ll ~I<' m~\,,~, <br />teqwr~ from rime hI HOle tn,' IN: 1\1(lrt!ii:~ee ~J,u.un~t k.;,.. tn' tire <.lad ,}thcr hal';'Hh. ..:3'\ualtlt'" ;if~d ~ ,_lntln~l'nl.'ie'" 11"1 "lh.<n <br />Atth1unU ~nd tflr :toc,h pcn\J(h ii~ au,), Pe rtQuuc:d b~-' thc Mnngitgt:e i:l:tltJ fA III fla.. j\ftltllrth. \~ hell due. ;11l\ rrt!nllHm ,,11 'lidl <br />tf1-Min'nC'e FUyujilft hlf p-.;n-me't\\ t.~f wh~-h ha\ rhJt Oe-er, maUl: h(,ff'm~fl\r{', AU lthlHanl,,"(' "h.lJl1'-'f ,'..trne(! nl ..~,Hnr,IOIe~ ,lP <br />pro~t'd hy the MDttPl<<' ",nd fhe pl.-'!<<.:-ic... ,~fid rt!~\i;ah thcfC'l'tf "haH he hrid 1"" the \hH(g~t~CC ~md h~-l'.{' ,iltadled fheH'lo ~d".. <br />~Y3.Me dau~" H1 itil'Vi,lf (~f .md i-n form if((('ptabk iH the- \~ortga~<"c in tq"nt nt hI.... \f\ntj:.!,i",~:>r \\II! ,ltl\(: IHH!1C>..h.Ht' 1\.Hl(t.' t>\ <br />~,w dIe Mon,~, wh-4:.l tJ-Hf\ miil(: rrL~'\f id hj~" d' Avt mmlc p-wmrth h \t.,)tt~a5"f\C ,:I!l~j ''';i:..:n l!1"-tlI\\fh:t' i.:dmr~tn\ ,"-'(In <br />-.;.'C't-Md" ht:teby RtbufllW and o{redcd hl makt r..1.\'m~nt f~u i,),,,,~ Jlfl~(Hv \l' Ih~ !\.-hJttlita~('e H1ste3Q (,'f h, the Mllrtgrtltpr <br />;&Ad Ibe'Mon~ ~ltnd~ und tht irt:\l.lmoct' pruc('t."tJ....l..lf an~: fMrt thett"('ll. mOl.\ be aflPhc:d 11....lllt' \hltl~a~t~C' iH It-. i\flHtln \.Jth\~l <br />to ~_tcdu~tt.;mlll the '~ne~~ ht"U'b~l\ol:Curt'd ur tn {he f:/:..t{}f;.ltton tH rC'lXlU~.lf the p-ropeny d)jma.~ed in ('\'ent ~,lt h~re<.:h' <br />~,ot t:fU ~.or o't~., tl'"~fCt of talk bJ the mort~d prnpelt} in t"\uo,llutshment \}{ the ltl(h;"hh.~dne".... :'--l'':iHftl ht.n..h\ <br />..ti~, fale- and- mttf't't.,t .Io'tf ~he' in lJtld w ~n\' irH1Ufl'n~t~ J1olii..'t~.. then m fot:\..C' ,fliill (},~".. III Int.' rur,'h~p'Cf Ilf gril.ntcl,:' <br />t) rW ,H' ad.ohUa~f ami ,;;',~n.te-ral ~U1UY fnl' tht;- payment oj the' nn~e dt.'<,crih('ti. 4f'1:J ;,1\ ,urn... to h(;:~i.Hn~ dlJ(~ tHltf(~f ihl" <br />~~.~, fM Ml~l~Uf' hct,il"t'lv It,..~ip\ h:,1- tM MOf1p_cc aU rrufif\, l{':v('nuc". [t.lYidti.e:,\, flll-hh ~Hld Penehh ,H.\,:rum~ h' thL' <br />M-~ un6cr &~} ~OO itU ad .l,In4 ~a-'" k3~<'~ PO ~iiJ J'lf{;mjM"\,, wid'!: tM n~ht 1t.~ ;t~t.'Cl~'t' ~fld rn:cll~f tin IN,' \;Hll" .Hld .1.tJp!\ <br />tWm to "-.a t~bft'dnt'__u. lL~ wdi hd''1-ft a~ UJ'f-("t' d"dauh m the u.llld-itron;s. Hf ttu~ mon~~l,~e, "Hd the ~lflft~~e ma....- ditml-ill1L "'il{' <br />iU!f 4N'f rtt~'o''''<r -ifiny ~q(n ~-y'~.nh ~-twn uU,t ;iOO fiayabk, oot ~hidt tWf bot U:4tlH'~'.d ..0 !(, ilk> rin" ;P,,,i~(Hfh"nf ," k' h:!nJm,-Hf' <br />~ ~~mt' 1'iIlill. ~ \I~.ud lj'N,m'N'lt-~ rtf thi* flV"wtga-;lC, <br /> <br />'i\,(\q;!I<I::,H.~ ~',l <br />