<br />I
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />3-- Oa4s01
<br />
<br />r
<br />
<br />''With. defer.red interest and increasing
<br />lIlOnth1y. installments"
<br />
<br />THIS MOR'TGAGE. made and executed this 30th day of August ,kl>.
<br />19 83 . by and between James David Murray, Jr, and Donna Rozanne Murray,.. Husband and
<br />
<br />of i~~:;"otv of Hall . and State of Nebraska, party of llie ft....t part. bereinafterCl!lled
<br />the Mortgago... and Superior Mortgage, Inc. . ..
<br />
<br />arorporatiOl1 organized...d exi:\lingunder tbe law. of
<br />party of tbuccond Fl. beremafler called ,be MoftPBff,
<br />
<br />WITNESSETH: Tbltt tbe 'lAW Mortll"llor, for aod ;n considerdtinn of tbe .um of Fifty Three Thousand Four
<br />!lundred and No/I00ths ---------------------- 00110,,($ 53,400.00 l,paid by the Mort"
<br />_. the receipt ol whieh i, beroby ad,oo'wledged. has Granted and Sold and by these presents does. Grant. Bar,
<br />pm. Sell. CtJfW-C-Y and Confirm unlO tbe Mortgagee. lis :;.UCCC5SQ.fS and aS51gns. forever. the foUowing-descnbed
<br />rear estate. ,\lWited in tbe County ,,/ !!all ' and State
<br />of Neb-ra&ka~ to wit:
<br />
<br />Nebraska
<br />
<br />L<>ts Thirteen (13) and"Fourteen (14),
<br />
<br />
<br />in Block Five (5), in the Original
<br />
<br />
<br />Town of f.airo, Hall ('.ount y, Nebraska.
<br />
<br />{,~t the Sixth Prl~'t,"'ai M~:rm~Mi:. ...{H'll..\jm~ iO itll
<br />rntftl ~urn:'\'
<br />
<br />,ll':rc~ a~,,:ufdlt1g (II (Jl)\"~rn~
<br />
<br />TO B A\-" t' ,\-'>.;0 rn HOI j) the rf~m:\,",,,,,, :.t-,...... Iit.....:tlN:O. ,.nth JH tot' 'lpp.\jrh:nl'.ln~~o;; thereunhl h-c{nn~inJ! ~md indudinll
<br />..Ii hcalm~. plumbtntt ",n-d h~hhn~ 6'h_iU<i. ;md c'~Ulp'm('nt nn"" ,If ndeilflct ;.tr!<l->.'heu h' i>' \h~~! in I,.:I'une~tinn with '\aid rc",i t'"t~Hc
<br />tuHo lAt- M,~t~, ~md h" th ~~1<,;..:r-~~nf~ .iJhJ a,,,,j~n~. !,lfC_VCf fbto \,tnrf$tltJetn r-eprl""coh w. ,Iud (m cnanh ",-ith. the Morqz.a-
<br />~cc. th.at the- '.\lf1~\,t b.a; ~*;J ngJH ".' ~dl 'IrW ...::vflVev ".Uti pH"mt'\-t:<'. !hltl the\' Me free- from t'n(umbrance: and that the
<br />MdflgillNf ....ill 'A,;\tf;.ttH .*1W J.d~n~T {fk- \~.me ~ii4J.n't the l;n"fuj ,-j..Hm~ of' "ill pCf'io\ti\:. \~hl.!m~.\cvl,."r. <lad the ,a.hj Mortga)tor he-re-
<br />n~ n~,1jfK4ul,n-e~.;tO n~ht... \\f tKltHt>..h,"a-J, ,~n\.f ;dl Hl;;t;l'll..i;t f1&hb, ~lth('f Ifl j,'l'il. t'l in (.~tIH~ ,_H)"l .lill1lhcr t:nntingc-01 intc:resh tlf the
<br />\t(lf1~~~ i-n ~l!k.t h\ llw _1t)(,\t'~l,k'dfOi:J rf~mt"I:', the l~h.'nth}n hCtH)I: I;) ;:,;.H'\.(Y h-ch'n\- .\0 ;1h....ojulc tllk. in fee 'l1lT1J'lk, indud.
<br />i"li: aU f1l:ht",. Il! h,'m{""t'~J. .;inti {Ilh(,f fI~h J.ntl mlC';tt>'i'- .lS ~dptt".;,\id
<br />
<br />PRovtOf,H -.\1 W.-\ YS. ;ind !ke"t rft':l.t'n,'" Me +:\CT,:ul-nf ;Ifh.t \!-e!t.....efe(! UfWli tht' foll(\wm~ cooditkln..., h\ Wit'
<br />
<br />rhc Mt.'rt~v{ -i:i~e(.~ ti.\ p:'n' to tht" \\l.)(tg.~~t. ~,~ \lrl1iC[, the p!ln~;!r'li ~Hm ill Fifty Three Thousand Four
<br />Ilundred and No/1OOths ------------------ ;)"li",", 53,400.00
<br />
<br />\Vtto Ul-t~re,.t t~\.}ft~ uatc- iti the _~.;llC u! Thirteen & Three-Quartersf1e1 ..:(':nlum \ 13.7.5 J ) pef annum DO
<br />the unpakJ b:ati-ncc unfll p-atJ, rhe )AW f'fHKtr-ai ~~fl4 lnt-Ctnt .,hl~H hi; pa'Jabk at tht' l.rftk<!. uf Superior Mortgage,. rne.
<br />
<br />m Grand Island" NE \.If' ;1t ",ul.:h othC'r r1acc it:'! the nulder i'l
<br />the f~l{<t rnav de-~_j(p'lli!t in wnttng. in mUfnhh fn"'taHou:,ot.... ili (According to Schedule A on sa id note)
<br />- - IIIiIiIf:KJS \, ,:umm-crll,'Ul}!.<m {he fir...1 da\ tit
<br />October 1983' ,.HlU t~f1 the ~tr...! 1.1;.1\ i.tf e<n.'h Hh)fHh thcn:'.lfter uUII! the- NIOCtP.tl ;In(i In.
<br />t-errst ;m:',' fwly paid" e.'\ct:p-t that the nnal p:-:ayft-Jc.nt of pnncwal ;md mlC'fc't. tf Ildt ~uun('r pau..!, "halt ~ due and
<br />payilbie- 00 the fint d4y df September" 2013 . - ,,~ll acct-.1fdiri-': tu the term, "f ;t ~er!ain prt,HnI""
<br />""1_c,>ft'w,,<lll\el>eTe"'"h"ccUIWt>}.be,~itlMm'l\a#Of (deferred interest shall be added to the prin-
<br />cipal balalll;e lllOnthly and shall increase the principal balance to not more than 58,616.65.)
<br />1"be M~ U\\MQ:Cf m_\1~ fuHy to pHHC-lt ,he 'S("t,,:UfHy ~)f tlu~ Mortg~t. .lgre('~:
<br />
<br />i 1'h:ri" he win ray tht.1:00eh~ne-i~, a~ htfC'lnh<hJf\, f'ftl\'lded. P'rivile~e t.. Ti;'~ent'u fi:\ p.... lhe dent III whole, {.It man
<br />;UtK~ ~uaI _~o, iJl)t Of mort ml'Htthiy pa'j'mcnh \In the pondf'.at that afe ne.!U due "In tht- nute.' tIn the- tlrsl (hl~ Ilf an\." mOhlh
<br />punt -Hi maklntr ~l,'ided, nowt''''C''r. '11i.-\I, ...ft'ten {l(~Ke {1i an mtentKH1 tn c'('r-,:,..r "'u,"'h pnvticge I" ~J'd.'n al ka~t thut~, ! .{{H
<br /><lllf.l'ritW"'~f""'"t.
<br />
<br />L
<br />
<br />~^ "fllat~ li~_her- wnk. .md tn addinon tu. the: flu.mlhh' paym-enh Hi pt'lnclN\1 and inte-fe~t payable under the It.'fm~ .\f the
<br />M>I" _~ ...."I>y, I"'" M.~ will l"'Y '''lilt! Morl1!illl<'e. "n fbe lint ,laf of ~,,<h munth unlll .he 'IlK! "',.. "fuHy pa.J. the
<br />i~tlIll._.c
<br />
<br />h] -t\m~', Jtjffk~n1 ~u fl1l;1"ndt UHf h:l:4~f h.e'fe-~Jr \1II'l.th fund:s. hI plr the nt---Xl nH'1!\~gt tnSUJ'olJli':c pu:mH.ull ~{~hl'
<br />in;~:cr~JflC"lf iSM tire- nt}t~ \ei:j,i,~ f~H.my iHe- t1lJUfe'tL Pf a. rm~ahjy (haf~ Un IICU Ii,-a mott~lJ${" in:Q./ffmn' 1'It'
<br />i'.n"f.~lH the)" ;{t~ held t'\y tht Se~f'(:'t.it:ry fl-fJh~u-\miUHlq F!han t.)c_'V1.~h1pf1~~HC J-~ ((~k1.w\
<br />
<br />~o If mil. 1~1 ltm.s "}1_~td lH)l~ ,,~f tVt1t d,de 4_ud lhi$ uu!nml('!H ;nt" l'iH(i4t:'cl ,1{ .'Ht" '{"H\5U!t<,;J ,:~hkt Ih~~ pfl~'
<br />1t~,tttmf: {'d tJit' N;tUfmai H{ri1.'W:J-~ M-L ~n <%tm~Hn \-uff~~tH !<.J ul.-~umu!.itr In the hiln~b ,-it -;hi,' h~_~!h!! '.lIh
<br />
<br />SiA.n? in! NS~A,1i.A
<br />'+~!(),9',tl>1-:!M \1) r.jl
<br />