<br />r
<br />
<br />.. fa) .W. ..sEu.:.eAHI!REBYDISCUlMALL WARRAN1'lES.EXtAE88ED ORIMPUIiD,g",~"",
<br />
<br />r~~i~ii:f&~~~~lQi~~:i=i:iIi~:~'ff~~~~;~~,~~. ",'
<br />
<br />''(bl' havcn.a<i, in dOtil", the sOp....'" "'tlMl1'EDWARR'ANTY" whlcb'accompanit! this 60ntnll:L Il'e~phtln!the conditions an,fl:lrCumRabce' in '~hlcl\~~
<br />of_red produc.. will be repaired or replaced, I take nOliee of the limitations on the wammty . and I particularly recognize that any implied w''TlllItywhicli.ppl~lAflfil!,
<br />good>lastS,only as long.. II1ewammty,orservicecontrll<t, .'. . . _:
<br />SPEClAL-O~ER GOODS;:! know that you have measured!l'y ho.....,and its oPCOningsso that you~Illl!ke t!!e products to.fit my pjlllicullll;Po'lSC, J take,IIOIil:i>Jbat.~
<br />good> thitt are ~ufacWredformy spe<:lfi~ho~,,,,bablywtllnotfit any other hou..... and undOr'suchcond1uons.: I know tharl'.~otcance'lIilt.'C\lnlt'81:nt~Yllme
<br />afterthe penod ofrune given ton>e. by)a",. In which to c~nceh After that ,egal penod ofume, I~ow thlit! have lI1eobbgalloJ] topay.you,JO \i1)1.th.1!JIM!unloW~. .. ',.",.;,<
<br />OBLlGATIOI'IS.l>ERTAIN '. k..p,myhoos.l!iglJOd.:rep~i{.lUld'o k"':Pjt;iniure4 '. , '
<br />bybuymg'afire and'exlended: be a vCd l>y ynu,aod the Pl1bcy must
<br />,you.~ to f?e paid..,if Ut~_is~, .
<br />you directly" for ~y.loss. Yoo
<br />an1,one else:to place any.liens
<br />~~~tt
<br />of these ohligationsJ?r ~e,I~~e'9c,~JfYou bllCkondemandpll!!j*re!t~I:We high.es,t
<br />,to my debno you whicb l~ securiro 9y_my real estate andllouse, I kh9w'Uiat If you dec~de
<br />insurance; ,:
<br />S:ALE OFMY>HO!JSE:lproinise.nqttoseU.I~.orcgive myhouselo lIJlY.o!IC until IpavefuUy,repaid ml'dept tOo/oo,
<br />DEF!\.tlLT:TivH, bein defaultunder,this ~onlTBclif;
<br />1. 1 don't make:apaytrient-wliendtie;-Qr '
<br />2. 1 break: any_promise [made to you in this contract; or
<br />3. Something else happens which causes you to believe i~ _&t;><~1-;faith_ ~~t I do D1Jt intend t9 pay :yq~,as proplised;. or
<br />4. J default on anyobligafions for which I amusing my home ascoUattTa1; 0 r '. ,.,
<br />5. Something happens to my house which threatens your figh~_s I if any. in it.
<br />
<br />~~::r:t~!f~t~=~J:f~.riW:u~i: s~W~~~~~iifd.f~~~~i~.oJ:~ta~e \::v~~~llly".:'ufri~:Jt.~~~:.!~~()~~~*~~;~9,tti
<br />~r, t~ pt:Otec:t_ho"u~ ~ghts, r agree to pay yqu-for Y()Dr reasop.able,'8:ttom~ys fees_and for other related ~xpepses"such ~,co~ co~,:titJe,~i~~pton,_~Y;1~~_~,
<br />_:;l~U~m~~~~~x.-, _ ,1J~-~-,-.if);.9~, are_ aJt~~,~?,t9CQ~~_t_~qclpunq~~_ ~_~Ja~:" '__ _,..- __.' _ ,_ _ '_" ',_ '- "_,, __ __ _,_"_,, ,'" _~-~;$<-"~~" ","~"_'-o'--,:_,,:t." '-,,,-.
<br /> ,._"~;-,'_-c~__,__",,,,,,,,,,,_~_.,.~~~~~*
<br />} .6TIIE.R'm,GH1'!!:.y.f:~.~lfi1~lt<iO~1I!rrtn:enfQrce any;.o(~rtlllJts)1l'\~erthis.co~b"ac;t as oftenllS'Wewll!>t",itlj9;lt1~8!!P.m:Qt;.'W~:
<br />g r'lthO!t losmg~P1.;~~~.9~aIS9USeanynghtsnoworm th:.eflffilregl~en tousbylaw. ,; ~_':~~ .:><;_ /l~~~_-'~
<br />? VELA V~:,l ~ow,-.~ :you w,~U use your best efforts to install th~'products I am purchasing_o.nmy~house. but I aJso_un~lIb3t in same_
<br />t, '!ieJays that are; c~,~ hy strikes. ~eathef conditions, delays yo~_'have in obtaining materials. or fOf Other reasons_ .~t are ~Yond. y$ con
<br />; _~tbe~iableforsuchdeblYs,., " _ ' :, _ "" _ <. ':',_-_~ i_' ': "~
<br />E _ARBITRATION: If I have a dispute,of claim with-you concerning the quantity, quality or perfonnance of the products, I und~rstand that my ~SPute ~y_~;~tied tA t
<br />:and-settled accordln~,to the mediation-arbitration program that may have developed in my community.. I also know that any decision ~de by an aq,itrator(s) woUld tie enf ~
<br />~inthecourthav1Dgjurisdictionovermeandyou. _ -,_ ,~ _;-~
<br />_SALVAGE VALUE: I know that the windows, woodwork, and other materials that have-to be removedby-you-for this installation bave,NO"salvage value',_ When-YQu,~ ~.
<br />move them. you can have,them for \1{h~tevef purpose you want.
<br />:SPEClAb SITUATIONS:' Due'to-the1Jniqueness of some of the -products that you sell, I understand that in special sitUation's~thafyoUi Regi9n_al Omafmay'bavt~t(freyi~ ~
<br />and accept this contracL] ,also understand that this sale occurred 10 my home and that you and I may not have had all the correct lnfo~n-imp()rt:ant'tcJth~~<ttans~OD ~
<br />at our(i~ger:tips;-I gjve you my ,conSC?ntto correct any obvious errofs:that may have occurred when the blanks in ~,contract.were compl~red. ~- . - .~- it
<br />,}NV ALID PROVISIQ-NS:Jf any. provision of-this contract violates the law and is unenforceable,.tf:Ie rest of the contract will be valid. If any part of this contract req~ ~
<br />-payment of IIlore_ in~s~ l11.an the ~a~ permits, then you will only have the right to collect from me the amountof~nterest which the law allows you to conec,~_ '.:'; . t ~
<br />(;OMPLETENESS Of THIS.CONTRACT: This contract can only be cbanged ilbolb you and I agree in writing, ' ,
<br />: The foHowing notice bringS-to my atterition the rights that I have even when this contract is sold to a financial instiwtion or a bank, and I should notice.tha~ the impoI? f
<br />tanceofthisprovisicmJs stressed-by its appearance in ten point, bold face type: ; :',_ ~
<br />NOTICE
<br />This credit contract finances a purchase; All legal rights which the 8uYltr has against th'e~l..... all~",g<
<br />out of this transaction, including all,clalms and defenses, are also valid against any hOlder of this ,contract'
<br />The right to recover ,money from the holder under this prl1vislon is limited to the amount paid by the_buy"r
<br />under this contract. , . " .. ... '
<br />A claim is a legally valid reason for suIng the seifer: A- defense Is a legally valid reason for not paying
<br />the S8l1er. A holder Isanyane tryl"gt~ C<liiecUorthepur.c;liase.
<br />
<br />.INSUIiANCE CANCELLATION: If I have requested insurance in this purchase.,j may cancel such request larinsuranee f.orany reasou within fift~n ~15) daysJrom m; j
<br />date 'of this contract bY notifying_ you or the holder o~ this'contract i~~:_1 know,~ th~ cancellation of-my coverage will be arranged with the insurance C!Urier(s) and ~'
<br />_ia-full refund of my premium(s) together with applicable finance-charge wiJfbe cfed.ited to tliis 'contract.
<br />
<br />r~~~:~~!: :;ec~w~~t~ :i::~r;~~~ ~s~~:~ie~Pt:C~~:fi:~"oT~~~:~~a~:~~~~:;~~ti~~~~~~)~~~~~t]i~~~=~~~ ~
<br />:the extent stated in the following Notice of Proposed Insurance. I also know that I have insurance coverage-only iq have been charged fOf it. ~
<br />'___ _J@~o~J/lit\Oi.!ll"t'Cre<lill.if.. otCredil Accide,ntllDdll'eOIthlnJ;\lPlDCe, .or bOtl>;will beJIPplieable.tQ lhis.Sal.~ ConlractonthC ",verse,Side only,if.! huve cllOien
<br />~ybih~1~~~=~:_S:h~h~=~e~Tl:i~?:ff~~~ ~~f~t~~~~~h~fii~~~~~;'~I::h:s~::~~~~~:~_~c~~=~s~wn~~~,~;=_~~,
<br />
<br />mpn.thly;.pal'llllllI. ',ts, I. unders.tand.that this. particular insurance may n.ot provide oovenlgefor mylastJew \",yments, and thatduring,that,period oftime..!.wiltnOt ha..".any
<br />insurance coverage..- Allbenefits and oroceeds-of-the insurance will be paid to you or to a financial institunon or-8 bank if it purchases the-Sales"ContracUQ,the-extent of-its
<br />interests and any balance will be payable to me. The initial amount of Credit Life Insurance is the amount required to repay the Total ofPayments;-thereafter; the insurance
<br />~s l1Y,!9~amountQfeacb montl>ly paymenl on a sc/leduled 30 day basis, II I am jQintiy obligated oD,theSales.Contract with a Co-lIuyer, aod 'j(e hnv"both &igned
<br />the... req.... ue..s.' tf..c ".' C. . red. ..it L.lf.e. Ins. u. ran. c. e. ' death be. nefits w. ill be.p.,"ya. b.le only with respect t.o the first o.ne of us to die. . Subject to exclU.
<br /> sions. e..liminations or W.ai.tin,g..pe. riod. ,.:sta. .ted.
<br />in the ,ll\surance.P\llicy.orcenif'icaIe.Credil Accidentand Health Insurance is f.or the benefil amounl of 1/3Oth 01 eacb IllQnth '.s paymenlfarlll!Cbda thall<Oll;totaIdisabicd
<br />due toan'injury or.Sick. n.,~ss. ,\vh. ile. . I.ow.ean. ypaymentto y_ou; hO.weve. r....l undef$tan.d..th&t Ibave to.bepreven\eQ.fro... m.wo. rking. dU~..~"S:Uchto. '
<br />'y". dlIys bef.on: the.iDsuranee.benefiUs paid hack 10 the first day olmy l.otal. disability, J also. know tba~ 1 cann!ll obtain
<br />, . ~tod'!J" ajidl~ know tbat lheiDsurance ""ve<8&e provided tome may,conlaln a mulmum~t...rcover
<br />"_, _. :_.' ~ ~at I owe you" Du~ t~_the ~iplUm 'amouQt of coverdge stated in the insurance poli~)', 1. knQw ~at any u_nplrid am , ,_ ID~qe
<br />have to be paid, If the Sales Conb"act is prepaid in full prior In the last paymeut dat~. any unearned i""urance premi\lD1S will . toni"in t1i~mait-
<br />
<br />~!.~yJ~*~e;~:>.i~a~/.M~:,~~~~~cf~~~I~Ti~~ce.m.orefulIYdeSCriblDg mrjn~rnce coyerll8e,If~iJ]s~ceis nqt ,cf~Ptedhy
<br />
<br />~:~~i_.)_Ai1li{n~~t~~~~!con~_n,~~c;,! rel~ti~'~~c~~~gtyeni)~_<~s_to ~f~ci~in~Jjtu~o~_,Qr~8n1<i~prder~QfitJ~o_b~~,,~~~,~OJl_~~.h
<br />
<br />-:r SELLER'S WARRANTIES AND ASSI~n~:s:~L~=~~::e:~~E~~~~O~~~~ ~~,NJ~_~R~~..'\
<br />
<br />WIth au,hens eXlspog ,10 sel~l~pa nlell'.and !~P!OPAAY;
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />rectly o~indirectly hy Seller 10 Buyer; (5) Each Buyer is legalll!cqrupetentl.o cpntracl;(6) .. . . '
<br />,~r~ff~[;.<1) The ~x~,u~tipn ~ffi!~~-c_?n.~t ^an<l ~ un~~r~ying',~es~~on~givi~;ri~ ,the~to_, ld:~t ~i~I~~_,any feder~ ~r state la~l.~i~tive..rul~.or.reg.!Jlali~,~ p.o'!V
<br />:tl\~~~)!Jn tbJ.eyellUJuij: IbiSi!'/>llll:aC1 .oo.the,underJYJOg~s_lton.1S subJectloa nglltof;re8<;ISSl.on,QC,canC4Ilation by, the Buyer. .sucb reSCtSSl.on oHancelIa-
<br />tion period has expiredaod neither the sale nor this contracl h.. been .cancelled.Or.roScinded, THISllOIllRA&lIS SOlD BUEU.ER WItHOUT RECOURSE; ,
<br />
<br />. 'IN.,TESTIMONY WHEREOF, theundetsigned is an auth.orizedrepresenlalive oflbe Seller and has signed below on behall of the Seller.on Ihis' t9 <4,. .Ui;;
<br />day '.of Q~, ^V41,.. . J9K3,
<br />.~
<br />The.fore~oing insl[Ument y!.as acknowl<js!ged before me on
<br />.. n :,;(':u;.ct..:..' t:\i'<3l!4:t. ( ;
<br />.. ~.
<br />~y~"!ttl;r,l,rP#.1!fof~le~;":ltoJs K~Q 0;7.""
<br />?vIy ~~mission e~pire:!l:
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />,19li By 1{('ct--'i.Qf.f.L,.)~ Q~QOQ.r-
<br />A[1~
<br />
<br />d ~ (}. iM/~r-
<br />
<br />;:t>tary Publk, _,;
<br />
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<br />l
<br />