<br />I
<br />
<br />,;.' ~:I<;? '., }J~i~~~1.
<br />
<br />'f?3-6o.;,i~-J5::'
<br />
<br />~_'_'~ _ ' _ , __''';'_" _'" _~~T._," _ __'__ - '.:if'~ "'tA__.:.:'}\,,1'~~J4"5 _hH;'>,,~_;
<br />PREPA YMENTAND ACCRUAL OF THE FINANCE CHAR$: Evl!llithOUgll 1'd<>nofJtaQe1il'pay more than the regulan.chedUl
<br />right-to. -prep.. ay-the'wHole- amount owing to you in fun at any time or in part. fro. m time.. . to ti.me. If the len.ding institu. tion ~r ~ank that bu
<br />charge daily, I know my finaneecharge will be less if I make an early payment, and it will be higher iHpay late;1 also
<br />fin~ charge willf?e_refl~ted in ~y_ finllI bm_~] also kJ.t.ow that the amounJS-~hown on th~-revers_e_si~efo~-tbe-Fi~apce
<br />are:estinjates based olfthe-assu,mptiojj/tfultyou wilJ'rebeive-each-of-the payments exactly:on . ,
<br />is nothing to refuqd if I am cn8.lJ~ on a d!li~y'basis. If the lending instttution or bank: does
<br />
<br />~Wi~~~i~h~~~~~"o:~~~~tp~ep~~~~~J:~~~~~~,da!Os.and,~,~~ntb,
<br />
<br />I~T~N;""NC)T'~E~BOvriWARR~NTIE;S:, .,. ... ,. ......... ......,.,",.
<br />" '.: (a);W.:as,SmEf:I;HE'flEBy,.DrSC(.jiM<ALI~: W.fiIRl'NTfEsi"eX~
<br />".:.c~80t(~I:r,$'~QWiil\~i:!~tf" . .:. bJl!P~Ili!S',
<br />,.".itlnhavi ~lid,iWlli;tai!; th"~<iP8ra.e'itIMITEDWARRANTY" w6Ich~ccbm(lllllIUthii,gomn\et;lf'e~~IJili1ilieconllr'
<br />ufactured_ products wHI be repaired or replaced. J take notice of the limitap,ons on the wa~ty I ~d I particularly recognize that
<br />g~~}as~,pnly.asJ~n,g, as,thewarra.ntypr:serv_ice:c::~~trac~~ .
<br />SPECIA,L-ORJ)ER GOODS,J kpowthat Y9uhave. measur~ myhoij.e1lJld.it. opening...o that yo
<br />goods that ani'iIianufacl1ircilfor'iny spe<jfic housel'rObably '\Vill.Tlot'fiianyo'herhouse.; an
<br />afterthe period of time given ",me,. byJJiw, inwhich '0 c""c.l'After that leialperiodoftime, I know thanhaye
<br />OBUGATIONSl'ERT AININ.G:TO MY REAL ESTATE: I, I POODli.e to keep my house ingooo.~ and
<br />by'buying--irfire-and extendet:l:c.o~erageinsur3nce'policy~ The insUrance company_Ii'lUst be-alWWved biY:~~:;_8n
<br />)'ou 8"? to be paid if ~ere-j~,~ loss_ The insu_~ceJ:o~pany-_mus~ ~ that it "{-iJI not ~eI-in)' ,P9licy ,'.Vithou~
<br />you directly for any loss. You _' .
<br />anyone else_ to place any liens on my real,esfate without youF'written-pennission. 3. -r promise to-pa~,all taxes. assessments,apd
<br />~~~st:l~~'~~ m~~ :~~:~J;bg~~~~o~~~~i~b~~~':10~Y ~~lfeS~~?J~~~t ~tJdiri~i:::;;~~~a:"f
<br />~~~e~~~~~~~n;JrC111:~~~6~-~~ leo~ ~::eo:ri~7h6~~,Piki~~eili:~_i:~ ~:~':t: :~~l i~~=~f:~~n~'f;~~d~~fhi~Q;:' ~b~ikany
<br />insurance~
<br />SALE OF MY-HOUSE~ 'I promise DO.t to- se11._1ease,or give my house to anYOJ.le until I have fully repaid:my debt to-you.
<br />DE:FAuLT: I will heln default underthis contract if:
<br />,I. I don't make a payment-when due; or
<br />2, I break any promise I'made to you in this contract; or
<br />3. Someming else happens which causes you to believe in 8000 faith that I do not intend to pay you as promised; or
<br />4. I default on any obligations for which] am using my home as collateral; or
<br />5. Something happens to my house which threatens yourrigh~. if any . in it. ,_ ' ,
<br />!FlAM IN DEFAULT: I \lIide~tand that you have the right to foreclose the Mortgage 1 have given to_you and have my houSe sold to repay any'amountS:1 riwe"yo~_ if I
<br />am in default under this contraCt. Before my house is sold. you will do everything that the law -requires. lfyou hire ananomey to assist you-to sell my:hOU5ei OI';:to'sueme,
<br />.or, t() p~tect yaur ~8:hts. I ~gree to pay you for your reasonable attorneys' fees and far _other related expenses such as court costs, title searcbes'and moneY1Q)l_ expended
<br />~to, p~~t~y Jlo~dJ Y9lJ.are a)Jp'!~4 t~ c"oUe!==t,suchamou~,s_ ~y la\:\;._ '~'H_ - ,-, -,,,,.-.=q;-,,~ ,,~""",~'" ,,~>
<br />( ~'RIGHTS:We can choose)!Ol toenf9rce ll!lY,ofthe rizhts under this contract as often aswewa.t witho~t 1000ing'tl>em,Qr ;we can deJf!Y.eriforcil!&l\iiy:Qt:tIi~.l:Ignts
<br />, wjthoutlosing~em;,:W~caoa.1.souse'anyrigh{Snoworinth~ef~turcgiventousbylaw. ,-_ ,-,,-.:'_,::,~,;t~ ,: :~
<br />-DELAY&._ I ~w that yqu wiU use- your best efforts to install the products I am purchasing,on my house. but I also.undcrs~d;tl@l in some simati,.oils'YQ~::~y;~ntcf
<br />~Iays that are: ~d P)' strikeS. weather conditions. delays you have in obtaining materials. or for other reasons that are. beyond your control, I understan~~~ ~9U wiq
<br />potbe:liablefor such delays. , ' ,-:. :: ~
<br />-AaslTRATION: If I have a dispute,or claim, with you concerning the quantity. quality or perfonnance of the products, I understand that my dispute may. be-:~~tied to
<br />_and ~ttled accord.in~,to ~e. m~~ation-arbitration program that may have developed in my community, I also know that any decision made by an arbitrator{s) would tie cot
<br />~ered m the coun havmgJunsdict:ton over me and you. < c
<br />_~ALV AGE V AL_UE: I know that the windows. woodwork. and other materials that have to be removedby you for this installation have-NO salvage value. When y~.u re; t
<br />Jllovethem. you can have them for whatever purpose you want.
<br />SPEClAb SITUATIONS: Due to me-uniqueness of some of the {'roduets that you seJI. I understand that in special situations that ,your Regional_Office may ha:ve to review
<br />1md 8C.ce.Pt..'.,hi.'s. co. ntr. Be. t..lalso. UDders.. tand that this sale occurred In my home and that you and I may not h. ave...had all the COfTeC. t ,".fO.rtn. ..liti.o..n impo~tto.~istransactio
<br />p.,
<br />at our fi~g~;-I givcyou my consentto correct any obvious errors that may have occurred when the blanks in this contract wex:e completed.
<br />)NV ALQ:tfR.O. ..VISI....PJIIS. ._ J;, If,iijly,..provision .of. this.'. contract violates the law and is unenforceable. the rest of the. contra.ct.wm be Val. id. If any part of thiS.
<br /> .-contract requires...
<br />payment of more in,teI:est ~ thelaw permits. then you will only have the right to collect from me tbe-amount of interest 'which the law allows you tocolleet..
<br />:COMPLETENESS OfTms.CQ,NTRACT: This contract can only be changed ifboth you and 1 agree in writing, .
<br />" , The following notice bringS-to my attention the rights that I have even when this contract is sold.to a financial ipstirution or a bank. and I should notice.that the impor~
<br />, lanceoftlW\provi.io~is S!r~~by itsappelll'lll!CeinJeo! poinl, bold face type,
<br />NOTICE
<br />This credit contract finances a purchase. All legal rIghts which .th. BUYlK'has~g~lnl!P".~lIfi1ra~!.!ng-
<br />out of thistran!lllCtloni Includlng.all.clalms and defenses, are also valid against i1ny holder of this contract;
<br />The,rlghHo racovermoney from-the holder uqc:\e~ this provision is limited to the amount paid by the,buyer
<br />under this contract. .. ..... ,. i . '., .
<br />A claim Is a legally valid reason for :sulngihfil ~ier~ A: defense is a legally valid reason for not paying
<br />,tile Seller. AbolderJs.anyone trying t9, C9n~f9rthe,~rC;!1al!8'
<br />
<br />JNSM . Q,N: 1f1~ave~ueslO<! ii\surance.inthis,purc.,Jmay c",\<:<;1 ,uc\1!"'lueslforiru;~l)1D~for any reason within fiftO!'i'.(15)daY~.ffOm the ;
<br />:date--of~ ouor.~.h(jld~rofthis_<?o~~~:;t.-~~ lJCIJO~~UW.t!u~~~aqceU~on oNnyc~verag~)Vlll be arranged With the msurance..camei'{s) an~_,
<br />P,full refund WIth apphcable finance charge will be credited to this-contract.
<br />~~~SE NOTE: In have requested insurance in this pu~ase' I will receive within thirty (30) days a certificate of insurance more fullydeSFribing the insurance coverag~.
<br />~l ~_o~ that if th~ is any co~flict in. the coverage or- the langUage of the cenificate o~ in~urance and the _follo",Ving Notice of Propo~ ~nsuranc_~ that I. am covered only t? '__
<br />~ extent stated In the followmg Nonce of Proposed Insurance, I also ~now that I have m~~,~~ c~verag~,only In, fiav_e been charged for It. ~"i :
<br />
<br />, .<}oiC"'lllV,ecid!'Al.i!ild.mJUth l~n~. .~e.t<>llii.SalesCoow.ii:t.M!he reverse .ide.ollly.iflhoveChoSeIi
<br />e,. This insuran~e will only c _ ~~~i~~~_~:;,Ui~df=~~~~~:q~~~~~_=~
<br />l"'yments,ali<lthat duringthOtperiod of time [will,no, naVe any
<br />~ _'- '"_''' _ _ re~ui~~~~~~':T~~?pa;::~~ili~~~~Xi~:~~~
<br />
<br />~'!>J!i!lll>J!lll'llml"(,eacl1.\1l!l!l!lllypaY~QI OQ~~1ed ~.Q.c4Ybasis, Ifl amjoiJ!Uy obligated on. the. Sales ~o~tract with a C..B~y~.. and.,~ bave.both signed
<br />'tJi8teque$lfo'ICi&I,It me l~sUrance; deatli ben~lili Will ""va, able only with ie t to the first one of us to die, Subject to exclusion., eliminations or ~':~~';Il~':i
<br />
<br />for,milNljlanlour-
<br />.!
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />of !lOt; (1) The..""ntion of this
<br />lil~~);ln !IftO'#ilIitlh#'thlt
<br />lionpNiod has elpired and neither the ,ale not !.hi,; contract hu ~c~I1cd.Of.fttie'ftd&d:
<br />IN -TI:ib"TJMONY WHFJUiOF. (he: u.lldt3tgned UI= AD ~t%Cd f-tP'!e~nbdw~ vf dit StHer 15-J\lJ halt iligncd belt-iw on behillf tit d'te 'Seller ,_m thi",
<br />day <Jf ..~<,Q." '" ~.4.!.~_,_"..,_..,,__,.... <!"'l3..
<br />"
<br />
<br />U\:
<br />.obi..
<br />
<br />''', ;j,-ih!,nl twl;-<f1" f~ nn
<br />
<br />PACEst r n._~
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