<br />
<br />(blt have tead.~iri derail, the separaf~ HLlMTTED 'Y ARRA~." ~hlC'h acC'omp'Mleii'this contrac~. It eitphihlf> th~ conditions .and'~jrcumsrances' i~'wh.~c~ ~~~
<br />ufactured products Will be repaired or replaced. I take nollce of the IlmJtauons on the warranty. and I partu:ularly recogmze that any Imphed warranty whIch: appJlellto ~
<br />goods lasts only 8s1ongll5 the warr.tnty or ~rvjce contract.
<br />SPECIAL-ORDER GOODS: I know that you have measured my house and its openin$' 50that you can make the products to fil my,particularhouse; I take notice lh8lthe
<br />goods that afe manufactured for my specific houseprobahly will not fit any'other houses, and under such ~on'diti(ms. T know that r carinot cancel this contract atliity'time
<br />after the periOd of time given to me, by Jaw, in which to caned. After that legaJ peri~ of time, I knoW that J ru.ve the obligation to pay you in ~n the amoun~ .l?_~#'.""_';'" . i _.
<br /> ,,,,_,
<br />OBUG A TIONS PERTAINING TO MY REAL E~T ATE: ,1,.1 promise 10 kee~ my ho~se In good ~palr and to keep !l .insured for ~tl~t80.,. of i~"'I'P!at;~pl,val~
<br />by bUY.,". g'afile.. and. t..Xterl. de<!. ell. verage .,"'ufan.. . cepo. hC..Y.'..The. .. '". S1lntn... .c.e c.o....n,tp.anrm. .u'..t. be...a.pp. ro.. .Ved. b.Y.YOU.,. '.and the. ..
<br /> ..po...I.ICY.. .m.. us..t ha. ...v...e.. .'~ benOffclIuycJarl'~'WhiCb"YB'l!>l!t.
<br />you a:e to be paid if there IS a-loss. Tne insurance ~o!'1pany~must. agree l~! ~t wtl! ~ot cancel my pohC)'..~lthoutfi.rst:telh.pg y~)U. I.auth
<br />you dnectly for-any loss, You can choose-to use thiS Insurance payment to elrherrepay any amounts lowe, ou or to repair my house:, 2.
<br />anyone else to place any liens po mv real estate without your written permission. 3. {prom~ to pay-aI
<br />4. J P!?~ise t<? timely ~~e!llJ payme.~,~_o,n_ my pri?f ,loans secu~ ~.r ~y re~ ~tale:._ I,also pI:~mi,se ~a~I ~ill ~,~t ~~~~~(
<br />permJsslon. 5;, If r do not msuri.!"my house or fumnmy other obhgations t.o my real estate, 'tben_you CM dOlt forme'i.fYou-
<br />of these obligations for me; I a~ree to pay, you bac~ ~!ld~Jt&1d pluli:In(~res~ .~t the hj_~e:st, l~wful ~o.n~l ~te: of ~Qt~~J.
<br />to my debfto you which is secured by my real estate and house. 1 knoW thal if you' de-eide to"ljuy irisurilnce: fornltHhilt you
<br />insurance.
<br />SALE QFMY .H.?USE: J promjsenot t<,l sell. Jeaseor give my house to anyone until I-haveJulIy repaid my ~Pt t()'YQu,
<br />DEF'A UL T: J will be in defalIlt under this contnlet if:
<br />1 Idon'tmake-a,paymeTttwhendue;or
<br />...... I break any promise I made to you in this contract; or
<br />3. Something else happens which causes you to believe in goodfai~ ~bat I do not intend to pay you,as pro~ed; ,or
<br />4. J default on any obligations for which I am using my home as collateral; or '
<br />S. Somethinghap~nS tomy house which threatens yourrighrs, ifan~, in it. _._ ,;__',',_.-- /0,'" . ,_
<br />IF fAM'IN DEFAUI.i~: I unders~nd that yo~ nave the right to foreclose the_ Mortgage I have given to you and Q8ve my-~6u~,'sold,tO/
<br />am in default under this conrract.,Before my house. is soldo, you will do everything that the law requires. IfyoU-hire.ma'tt~y.
<br />or, t? protect your rights, I agree to pay you for your reasonable attorneys' fees and for qther.relalc:d ,ex~,suc.h ~~.
<br />_~~,p~~te_,:t,!!,Y P()lf~~_l!}'ou ~ _allo,,!,~d f9cc_o.llect, s_.uch aID9'mts by law.
<br />OTIiER'~GHTS:-'We _can"ch~ nm~:~n~orce any oft~-rights under this'~OIitraCt as' ofte~.a.s:we w~J)l(itfiQunt,[S,intlb~~"_
<br />Withouflosin'gth~~. Wec~ alsouseanynghts now or in the future given tousbylaw. --' '_-::.-';",'~/~';'i
<br />DELA y~: J _know thai you' will use your best efforts t.o instalJ the products I am purchasing_oD.:,my-house, but I '
<br />delays that are c~ by strikes, weather conditions. delays you have in .obtaining materials, or for otherre
<br />nm be;liablefarsuch delays. < ,_.. '_' _1__ ~ __<_ ,:'_:'-,_____, _:
<br />ARBITRA TfON: If 1 have a dispute Of cJaim.with- you concerning the quantity, quality or performance of the products. [ un~rs~<fthat iny'ilisJ;ure
<br />and settled accordin~ t.o the mediation-arbitrati.on progt1lm that may have developed in my community. 1 also know that any decision lDade by an ami
<br />tered in the coun havmg jurisdiction over me and you. '
<br />SALVAGE V ALUF...: I know [hat the windows. woodwork, and other materials that have to be removed by you for this installationJj.av.e,NO~salvage"
<br />m.ove them. )'ou can have them for Whatever purpose you want.
<br />SPECIAL SITUATIONS: Due'to the unique-nes:, of some of the J?roducts that you-sell , { understand that in special situatio11S'that yowR~~.n.~ '
<br />and accept this con~ct I also understand that thiS sale occurred in mv home and that you and I mav not have had all the correct mfonnatlOn.-tm
<br />at our fmgenips; I give you my consent to correct an)' obvious errors that may have occuired \\oilen the blanks'if) this con_tract'were,~,mpJ,eted", ^,'- _ __ tq ,_",_,,;;?_:,: -;- l
<br /> i
<br />INV ALlD PRO~'ISI0NS: If any provjsi,?o of this cont~ct violates the law and is unenforceable, the rest oftJ:Ie contract;wiU be'valid, If any part of thiS.' contraCt ~ire)-:~
<br />payment of more Interest than the law permIts. then you will only have the nght to collect-from me theamountofmterest WhICh the law allows you tocol~t,,~ ' ,\~,
<br />COMPLETENESS OF TIllS CONTRACf: This COnIraCl can only be changed if both you and I agree in writing, .H
<br />The following notice brings t,o my attention the rights that J have even when this contraCt is sold to a financial institution or a bank, and I should notice that the, impoIfi
<br />tance of this provislOD is streSSed by ttsappearance intenpoIDl. bold face type: ' 'i ~
<br />NOTICE,,,,,,' ;
<br />This credit contract finances a purchase. All legal rights which the Buyer has against th_S.ller.lIlI.ll'ii~ ; i
<br />out of this transaction, including all claims and defenses, are also valid against anyholder~f thllf c~(... ...:
<br />The right to recover money from the holder under this provision Is IImltedto the amountpaldby,thebuyer H'
<br />under this contract. " ';""
<br />A claim is a legally valid reason for suing the Seller. A'defense is a legally valid reason for not paying
<br />the Seller. Aholder is anyone trying to collect for the purchase. ' ,'-
<br />
<br />L~SURANCt: CANCELLA nON: If I have requested insur40ce in this purcbase. I ma}i cancel such requeS-t lor insurance for any reason within-fifteen (1~) daysJrom th~ r-1l.
<br />dare of this comract by notifying you or the holder of this contract In writing. I knOW-thaI the cancellation of my coveta'ge will be arranged with the insurance:carricr(s) an~ ~,,,,J
<br />a fuB refund of my premium(s) togetberwith appli<'--able financechargewill becredited tothis-eonrract. {
<br />
<br />r~~~~~~~~'t~;~~~: ~~~~~nhi~~t~ :;;:~~a::a~~ 1~;Stki::~;e~~Pt~C~~~lt1~~~~~)~ii~lu~~~ da~~ ~~~~~,~~i~ ~~ti~~~ ~~~~>J~:~~~!:~~teli::;:~~vc:r:~~j:~ i
<br />tl-ie extent stated in the fofiowing Notice ()f Propo~ed In....urllnce _ 1 also know that I have Insurance coverage only ifl have been charged for it. . ~.:
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />t .taI:~notice tha,either Credit Life or Credit AccideOl and Health 1I15UTlUl<::c. or both..will be, applical>lcto,thi, SaJe,coTll@ctpn,lh!:. g:v.,~~<!e"!iJ!IY..iflllJly.,chOj;en;
<br />if by sls-niog the request for such insurance. Thi~ insurance will only cover the ~rson signin. g the n."quest at the cost for each type of insurance shown. S.u. bJec.t to acce.Ptan.
<br /> c. e
<br />by the msural1c-e company, the InsuranL'e Will be effocu\'e as of IWaY and Will corlUnlJe- uoll for the number of months after the_.effective date equal-to theDUOJber~of
<br />~nthl)" payments. I understand that this particular Insurance rna.y not p,:,-,vide cov-ercige for my IllSt few payments. and that during -that_period of time: J-wiU,JlOt hav_o.any
<br />N"'\insuran<--e coverage. AU benefi_ts and proceeds .of the ,i":SllrW1Ce Will be P'Jid to }'ou ur to a financial instituHon or a bank if it purchases the Sales Contract to tbe extent
<br /> of its
<br />." ~in. lerests and any balance will be payable to me. The lnlllal anl(lUnl o(CreJul.lfe In....urance is the a!'nounl required t.o repay the TO,tal of Payments; t.hereaft. cr, the b1surance
<br />\()!<<~s bi' the amount of ea.d1 monthly pa>'nlent on a s;;heduled 30 day ba.slb. Ii I am jOinlly obligated on the Sales Contract With a Co--Buye-r, aDd we have. both sigqed
<br />.r the. ""l. ueM fa. r Cre~it Life Insurance. death be. nefits will be pa\'abk only wid, l-e\pect to the first one of ~~ to die. SUbjec. tto eXclUSions,.eliminations.or Wai.ting. periodS.
<br /> tated
<br />lD t~ lrui.uran4,:(: poJJCY or ...-ertificatt. Credit Acqdent emu Hearth I nsur.tnce I-l> for the benefit amount 01 1! 30th of each mouth's payment for each day that I am totallydisa.b~
<br />8due '.'.' ~n injUry. 'or.:-;'ickness While. I owe.afl;- payment.to you; howcver, I Understand. that 1 h~.\;. 'C to~. . P ccvcnted ffom wo.rkiOS due to ~.u Ch. to,". I disab. i1. itY.for.mQ~e.
<br /> th... ;u1...~. o. u. r-
<br />teen (14) ('on~cutJ\'e days before the insuran.ce benefit IS paid b.lt.d: to the firsl day of my tl)[al dlsabilit)'. 1 also know that I cannot obtain any-iDSUfance 'rom.Youifl
<br />am over 65 years of ag.today. and I also know lhatlh. insurance coverag. provided \0 me may cootaln a maximum amount of coverage which wiD not palin some
<br />1 cases, tl:le entire- amount that I owe- )'ou. Due to the max irnum amount of coverage stated in the insurance policy, 1 know that any unpaid amount in excess of the InsUrance
<br />coverage will still have co .be,paid: If the Sales Contract is prepaid in fun priorto the last payment date. anyuneamed insurance premiUJllS will be refundedto me in the man~
<br />~r prescl}.bed b\' law. Wnhm thJl~' UOj day:::.. I ~m recelve the certificat~ (If in.l.urance .more fully desqibing my insurance co.verage. If the ~ns~ce is not acc~pred_by
<br />fX:;)~lrisuJancecompany, IwiU receive a refund of theinsurance premiums I ha"'epaid. " , --
<br />. ' BU~: The next two paragraphs con~n warranties relative- to this sale given by us to the financial instituuon or bank in order for it to buy this contract.
<br />FOR \"A~U~ RECf\JVEp. Seller hereb)'_ sells. assigns. COll\'e}~. transfers and delivers'to __FfJ mA ~ 0 f) L~M?A ~-1:;:.() "S ~ J~ ~
<br />(Assi~eJall of its rights., tit!. e.an4 in!f:re. s.t inan<!. . lO,th... e. h. nstall. ,ment. Sale~ C.ontr"dC.t and. Mongage,_togelher with all liens ex~ting W SI; __ its ~)'ment, ,and.
<br /> the. PfOpert.>.
<br />.. ' ~ here. by. .- AS~ignec.. . .IS bt:reby SUbstit.uted as M. ortga.gee under the MOngag. e ProViSiOll.5 of thi~ contracL Seller warrant.s and repres. ents; (. I) It has the right
<br /> to U.'akC
<br />. nt~ (2) All SUJ-tements and ftgures in this"contract and in the Buycr's l'tatement are materially true and_correct; (3) This. contract arose from the bona fide ~alc
<br />and services des-cribed ne!ein; (4) The ca<;h downpayment shown in thiS contract was actually paid b): Buyer and no pan of said downpayment was loaned di-
<br />reelly or indire~,..tly by Seller!o Buyer, (5) Each Buyer is legal!)' competent tOtOlllr<u:L (6) This contract is not and wit! not be subject to any claim, defense, demand or right
<br />ofoffse-t: (7) The e,ocution of thi~ contract i;tnd the unde1'lving sales uansa~oo givin~ rise thereto did not violate any federal or .state law, direcliv,e. rule l)f regulation now
<br />~(i~..t8):.In tbc^ev-cpt-thlt_thii contr&:'( pr Jhe u.ndetlying sales traos.acti6n is subjeCt to a right of ,rescission Of cancellation by the Buyer, such rescission or cancella-
<br />tion penod has cxpired sod neitber tbe sale nor this contract has been canc.llcdQI rescllldcd, THIS CONTRACT IS SOLO BY SEllER WITHOUT RECOURSE, . 4-..
<br />IN TESTIMONY WHEREOl:. the undersigned i,~ an authoriz.ed representati...c of the Seller and has. signed below on behaJt 01 the Sellcr on Ihil) __:2...~__ _~._ .
<br />day of . 0 U?S, 1> r. , ___"_______"___ ,1L~?
<br />
<br />The ft)t~g(;ing In!>trument wa~ adoowledgeJ before me on ._
<br />
<br />~~dA~-'-:~:n--n~u-~ 11_ ,19 ~~,
<br />
<br />hj',lhl:;:a\.HhPriled_~mf.'lfs..el~erWhi)"S~.. .......'.. .'........'..~..........,.'__' , _ ~.'.
<br />My ~or:nfnL"'_'iIOn tt.ptrt~ /--"""""~....,,-""~..,.~..__< _~<~~~, '.__" ., r~
<br />
<br />--'------,,-----,-, 1~~~;I~:;~:il" . ,
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<br />
<br />j.J, t - 'I /[,
<br />ll) l1-~~'-' 1\:, l.:fl:2)'2,..,~g~"
<br />
<br />( \
<br />)~~, -~"~, --'
<br />. >,\;,~~,-v PQ.N~e-
<br />t_,"
<br />