<br />r
<br />
<br />1~'fI\N:r~T1eB~utwAR~~NTIES: ...... ..... ... .' ....... ......'
<br />.. ~jLJ';r361i1h-t~tjf~~~~J!::~f.'g~~Mp~~-.,.JttAn~~nS$;:;~~R~N
<br />'J~I!~PJ..t'~:()WN~.HACl'f(WHreH,,'Jf"''''~'DE~~~e~MPi. .... .... ....... .. .... ..... ........ ............ ... ......... ...... ..........
<br />~~~I~~~:lr~e~~~~:'=I:~If!~~0~~~~~~;~~:~~~c~~7=~~~~~or::~~:tl:~~~:.~:~i~:~=~m_.~..
<br />goods las~ _only as long u.tl,1e warranty qr;s~ryice ~ontract.' . <.'.: c~ .".~- '-0
<br />SPECIAI.-ORDER G90DS: I kliow that you have measured my houseandits openings so that you canmake the productS. to fit mYIpai:\icular!1ou~I!Bk~notiCl;:tIi~1,Ihe
<br />goods,thllt..", mallUfii:llired fof myspecifit.bouseprob~bly will. nb' fitanyotl1erhouses, and undersueli conditions; l.lmow tI1at'l ctannbrcilJ1cel1hi.-conlrlJCl'iwllDY1ll!\e'"
<br />a~~_~_~od_ofti_megiyen tome. ,by ,law, in ~bi~h t.o cancel. After that legal-perh:>!l qf tim~, I know that I have theQblig~ion',t~,paY.Y-O:lrin ~l~ ~'~~~~!!'~~.i~~;' ;' - -
<br />OBLlGA TIONS PERTAINING TO MY'RJ;:AL F..sT A TE: I, I promise '0 keep my house in good repair and 10 keep it insured f .
<br />by buying:a -fire and cXteJ\ded 'Coveragbnsutance policy. The insurance company'must'be'approved by you; and the'pol~~ m "
<br />you ~ to be pai~ if ~ere is a.loss. The i,nsur:an~ comP!lJ1y~.n:lUst agt:ee thant will not c~cel my WHey_without frrsttelling you~
<br />you directly fo~ any loss; You can choose to use this insurance payment to either repay any amounts I owe you or to repair my h
<br />anYQne .else to plae<: any liens on my real estate without your written permission. 3..1 promise to pay alrtaxes. a5seSsmeqts,and
<br />4. I_'p~mjse tQ timely make ~J pay~e~~ on my prior loans.,secured by ~y real estate. r also promise that I will ~()texte'fld,,: ~~e~
<br />permisSion. -S.'ItH:lo nohnsure my'house'orfulfi1f myo~erob!igations to myreaJ estate;tfien you can"do itfortneifyou want ~t:y.o-
<br />of these obligations for me, fasree to pay you back on del11'!/,ld plu~ int,re~~ at the highest f.awful contractrate of interest. Until f Plll,ygu baclc;th",,!,~]lVill.~~
<br />~o my debt to you which is -secUred by my'real estate- and house. ! know that if you decide to buy insurance for me that you do"not have to obtain any homeowner-or'haoI6ty.'
<br />lflsucance.
<br />SALE OF. MY HOUSE: J prom~ not to sen. lease or give my house to anyone until I haveJully repaid my debt to you.
<br />DEFAULT: lWin he in default under this contract if:
<br />I. I don't make"3:'payment wtlen due; or
<br />2. I break any promise I made to you in this contract: or
<br />3. Something else happens which causes you to believe in good faith that I do not intend to pay you as promised; or
<br />4. J default on any obligations for which I am using my home as collateral; or
<br />5., Somethinghappenstomyhousewhichthreatensyourrights.ifany.init. . . .. . -'i~,' .:;.~,,)
<br />IF rAM.IN'DEFAULT: I uriderstand that you have the right to foreclose the Mortgage I have given to vou and have my house sold to,repay any amountS I owe, you ifl
<br />am in default under this contract. Before my house is sold. you will do everything that the law requires. I(you hire an attorney to assist you to-sell my,~se-,.or. to-suo.me,
<br />_ .r~~~;~;~~;:~~,~;;-u I~~~;{O~~JI~~~ l~ ~~~~~~~,f~~~eys' tees and for other related.expenses such as,court COS~. title searches and man~y Y9u .~x~ded
<br />
<br />! ~':IW>>fT!!': We canchoose notlQenforce any of the rights underthis contract as often as we wanlwithoutlosingth.ml Or. VIe can~.lJy.'.!If9I'l'i!lt#J:ll''irt.b~1:ighls
<br />; ,Wlthout'losing !h~m. We~ana1sou~anyiigbts now orin the future given to us by law. : v, -,'
<br />,DELA y~:. ~ know-,thal you will use your best efforts to install the products I am purchasing on.my house. but I also un~'~ in some si~s'}'q~)f~<<;nqoPntc{
<br />delays that are. ~ by strikes. weather conditions. delays you have in Obtaining materials. or for oUter reasons that are beyond your control. I understan'QJ~oYJn~ wiO
<br />not hdiahle fursuch.de)ays. .
<br />,ARBf:rRAT10N: If I have a dispute'or claim with you COJl(.."'erning the quantity. quality or ped~ce of the products. I understand that my dispute o)&Y h:e-s_ubmi~ to
<br />and settled accordin~ tothemediation-arbitr4lion program.that may have developed in my communuy. I also know that any decision made by an arbitrator(s) would beent
<br />.~ered in the coun havmgjurisdiction ove.r me and you.
<br />SALVAGE VALUE: I know that Jhe wmdows. woodwork, and other materials that have to be removed by you for this installatiQP hav.e- NO salvage.value.. When y~ re;
<br />: -,nove l:hem. you can have them for whatever purpose you want.
<br />'. SPECiAL- SI.TUATIONS:'Oue (0 the uniqueness of some of the prodUCL"i that you sell, I understand that in special situations that your Regional Office may have to'review
<br />-: and accept thIS contract. I.also understand that this sale occutted to my home and that you and I may not have had aU the correct information'important to .thiS'tran$8CtiOD
<br />at our, f~gc;nip$; I giv~ you my CPnSeJJl to ~Prrect ~y oI?vious errors that may have occurred when the blanks in this conlraCt were co~~ted..__ :
<br />.JNV,.~IQ;~.R.. O..Y. .1..S.IO. N...S:,.lf~~. .y.p. .ro.visio.n of. .thili.:. ,co. ntr-act violates the law and is unenforceable, the rest of the contrac(, will be valid. If any p~ of
<br /> this contract require~
<br />.payment of IlWPi' i~ than the Jaw~. then you will only have the right-tocoHect from ~the-amount-Of interest which the law allows you tocollecL
<br />COMPLETENESS OF TIllS CONTRACT: This con<rllCt can only he changed if both you and I agree in writing.
<br />: .tan~~of;t;ris.f~vi;:;~=t~ \~ ~~=~=~t~~ll:f~~eet~~:",hen this com~t is sold.to a fiiuU1cial insptutionor a bank, and I should notice that the impot..
<br />
<br />NOTICE
<br />This credit contract finances a purchase. All legal rights which t~ BWeJ: haa..aplnstthlt~l\l!rar,!sl"g.
<br />Qut Qf tills, transaction, Including, all claims and. defenses, are also valid against any. holder of thlacontract;
<br />lIJe... right to. recover.money .from the holder under thla provision Is limited to the amount paid. by the buyer
<br />under this contract. ., '
<br />A claim Is a legally valid reason for suing tile Seller.kdefense Is a legally valid reasoll for not paying
<br />. . the. ~Ier.. A.h<llder IsanYQ(l8 trylnSt to collect for the. PlArcha~.
<br />
<br />i JNstlR.ANc:!>CAN N: Ifl ,",ve requested insurance in thili jlUfCjJase. I may cancel such request for insurance fOTany reason within fifteen (15) day. from th~;, ,
<br />1&te'Of-this,:ooiitraCt 'OT. the hQlder of thiS ,cOJuract in ,~tllig..l'k.now that,~ cancellation of my coverage will be arranged with the insurance i:ari;ier(s) arnl.~..:' "
<br />; fa full refund of my premi with appliCable finance chargewill he crediloolothiscoitthtcl.
<br />~ 'L~ N.pTE: I~ I have requ.e&t~ ins-urance in thi~ purc~, I will receiv,: within th~rty (30) days a certificate: of insu!ance more fully describing the insurance co\'erag~.
<br />~ ,J know tbilt if thc:re IS anfi (:o~fbct In. the coverage OT,the language of the cenlficate o~ msurance and the follo~.m~~ouce. of Proposed !nsurance that I am covered only to i
<br />f' re extent stated In the fo lOWing NotlCe of Proposed Insurance. I also know that I have msurance coverage only If I ve be~n charged for It '. "
<br />
<br />
<br />r.;r;,y.'.;l,f!~~~~~l~f.&~{~s~~~~~~~.d'.!.'~~:'..!'tson.'bl.'.=..... ....fi..w.,.gtJ..J;.~,APRl. ..Uti.~:1:. .~.i.h~,.~..:t ~~..~'ir~YW..'i.n. s~.. ~~~fo'w..~~.~..~.o.~~.Op~tal~~'
<br />hy . . Y aJ)d WIll continue,QI!/y Jor the nwnbe!'of:mQnths after !be,eifoctive dale equa!.to !be nwnber. of
<br />J;],QI'prilvhio,wv~e-.for.m . _ . .
<br />~C:~:lrf~~~~J~~:::~~~~~~~u~~~~ i~~
<br />
<br />O.day:b~is. If I am . ointly obligated on [he $a1",Con"",,~ with a Co- uY~J. ond. wellav.. both. sigqed
<br />. one of us to die. Subject to exclusions, eliminati~Q( waiting period stated
<br />
<br />
<br />"
<br />.
<br />
<br />ADdlTl'bNAl" 1eFtMs
<br />
<br />..
<br />
<br />r
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />t'ede:rah1f'\tiiite- htw, tlirt'\."uve_ tU;!~ orl'ts,ulatiOi\ rn:>-W
<br />I't(.-ofJttion -by ~ 8p.~, ~UCh l'ucis.'i\OU- ur.,tJUlteU;j>
<br />'."'j'<ri<>d tu., "",...J 0!Wl neitl1<r tho ,Ill< .."hi. eMir"", ho. """'HI~,d"'ffii<'!tl<l!od" IS$OUl8UaUIlWltllllllTRECoum. .~, l.t...
<br />
<br />lnIG.."V. :l~JUit.. ': )f~ ~ w~,pe-d ij.'kn _thon'j!e~h~abU1~ -c~. the StJle't M'id ba'l -lHrM ~i(>w .r.~, N>h~H oi 11M'. s.::ik'~ ,"1 ;~Wi ;;? iJ.
<br />,10)1 '" .. . '~"""" .!~t(;3
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<br />j-""'f.,~'r. i,-ioIr. ~lH
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<br />PACf~t '1"":'"rt>
<br />