<br />83- 004493
<br />
<br />and, without demand, thall ~ Immediately due and payable by Truslor and ~"all
<br />bear Interest al the maximum allowable 1~81 rale; provided. ho.....ever, 10al al the
<br />option of Beneficiary or Trustee such sums may be added to lhe principal balaoce
<br />of any Indebtedness secured hereby and shaH bear the same Interest 8S 9ueh
<br />lnd.,btednese and !'l;hall be payable ratably Dvm the remainIng term thereat
<br />
<br />r
<br />
<br />10. At.'ort~'" 01 Ft.ntt:. Beneficiary shall have the right, power and authority
<br />during the continuance jof this Trust Deed to collect the tents, Issues and profils of
<br />the Property and of any personal property located theroon with or without taking
<br />possession of the property affected hereby, and Trustor hereby absolutely and
<br />uncottditlonally asslg-ns all such tents. Issues l;lnd proflls to Beneficiary.
<br />Beneflctsry, however, hereby consent!- to the Truslor's collection and retentlon of
<br />such'rents, Issues and protlts 6.9 they accrue and become payable so 10000g as
<br />Trustor is nQt, at such times, in default with respe<:l to paymenl at any
<br />Indebtedness secured hereby Qr In the performance of any- agreement hereunder
<br />Upon any such default, Beneflclary may al any time, either In pe-rson, by agent, or by
<br />s receiver to be appointed by i:I court, without notlce and withoul regard to the
<br />adequacy of any security for the Indebtedness her&by $&cured, (a) enter upon and
<br />tall:e possession of tile Property or any part thereof, and in Its own name sue for or
<br />otherwise coJlect such rents, Issues and profits. including those past due and
<br />unpaid, and apply the same. leS5 costs and expenses of operatIon and c-ollection.
<br />inCluding reasonab1e attorney fees, upon !'Iny indehtedness secured l1e(aby< and in
<br />sueh order as Beneficiary may determine; (b) perform such acts of repair or
<br />protection 88 may be nec-essary or proper to conserve the value of the Property: (c\
<br />lease the same or any pan thereof for such rental. term, and upon SUCh conditions
<br />as its judgement may dicta Ie. Unless Truslor al'ld 8eneficiary agree oihe-rwise In
<br />writing, any application of renls, j~!wes or profits to any indebtedness secured
<br />hereby shall not eitten<! or postpo!'le the due date of lhe installment payments as
<br />proYlded In said promissory note or change the amounl of SuCh Installments. The
<br />entering upon af'ld taking possessio!l of the Property, the collection o! such'renls,
<br />issu8& and profits, and the application thereof as aforesaid, shalf r10~ ~'ajve or cure
<br />any defaul! or notice of default hereunder, or Invalidate any ac! done pursuant 10
<br />such notice. Trustor also a~sjgns to Beosliciary, as furtMr secLlrity 10r the
<br />performance of the OblIgations s&cured hereby. ail prepaid rents and a11 montas
<br />which may have bee-n or may herealter be deposited .....ilh said Trustor by any lessee
<br />of lhe Property, to secure the paymant of any rem, and upon de-fault j,., t~e
<br />performance of any of the proviSions hereOf. Trustor agr~g to df'h"er sl.lCh rents
<br />and deposits to the Beneficiary. DeHlfery 01 wutten netice of the Benelic:ary's
<br />exercise 01 the rights granted herein, to ar'1v tenant OccoDrlrlg saId premises snall
<br />be sutnclent to requirE' said lenant to pay said r&nl to H',e Bel1etlc1ary untH further
<br />notica.
<br />
<br />11. L.....,......... Within 10 days after demand. Trustor shall furnish to Trust$e
<br />a schedule certified 10 be true, settlng forth aU leases of space in )he Trust
<br />Property then In effect, InclUding. In each case, tM name cf tr.e tenants and
<br />occu~nts. a description of the space occupied by such tenent and occupsnt. the
<br />rental payable for aucn space and such ottler Il1tormatlon 8no documents with
<br />respect to such IU&88 and tenancIes as the Trusl&e may requesl
<br />
<br />Wnhout the prior written consent 01 Trust", Truslor snal! nol, dlreclly or
<br />Indtrecfly, with respect to any 168N of space In ttle described premises. ""nell"ler
<br />such ..... Is now or hereafter In existence; (aj accept or permIt any prepa~ment.
<br />dt.count or advance fent payable t~rellf'ld$t; {bj cancel or terminate tile same. O!
<br />accept any c&ncellaUon, tennlnatlon or sorrender thereat. or permit .any e....ent to
<br />occur which wouktentlUe the lea8ee thereunder to terminate m cancel the same; je}
<br />amend Of' modIfy the urne so l!lS to reduce tne term thereof, the ren-Iai pa'faOia
<br />thereunder. or to change ally renewal prOl/"lons thtlrem contained: (dl waivtl any
<br />default themundet or breach th&reot; lel glye any consenl, w.uver or approvai
<br />thereundef or take any oChef action in connection ttlerewitfl. or witf't a '''55ee
<br />theNunder, which would have tr. effect of impaIring the "slue !:If lessor's tnlerest
<br />~,on tM property subfect thereto, or of impalling the position or inte'est
<br />of the Trustee or 8eMOCtary; Of (1) Mil. aSSign, piooge, mortgage O' olherw!5,9
<br />dl$poee of, or encumber. Its inl.,est In any such If!asa or any re-nt!!. Issues Of prolns
<br />Issuing or artS-IRg I.hefeul'\def
<br />
<br />12. ~tIon..lf tltle to ally p.t11 01 1h1t Propltrty ~Mii be takan 1(\ con<k!mnatiol1
<br />PfOClMdlnga. by -riCht of eminent domain Of' similar schon, Of shall be ~ld ooder
<br />th....t of eondemnallon. en .w~, datnage3 a~ pnxeeda arf! heteb)' aStiignttd
<br />and shan be paid to Beneficiary who shaH apply such Il\ward~. damages and
<br />pt'OOetllH to the.Utf\$ $eclJted by ttte Truat Deed. wuh the 8xC~. 11 any. pa,~ to the
<br />Truator. Troator wflf p-rornptly, .00 with due dlllgen-ce, repair, alter 41'\-0 rElslQ!lt the
<br />remaining part ot the Trust Propelly to Its former condition substantullly to t!'le
<br />extent that the same may be 1_8ib~ and so as to constJ1ute a complete.no usable
<br />unit.
<br />
<br />13. F.... AdRftOM. Upon request at Trustof. BeneUciliOl). 81 8e-n6tk;lary'$ optIOn,
<br />priOr 10 reeortif~anc. of the- P!'Op8rty to the TrustOf, maT make h.llure aQ"o'a.nces to
<br />the TN.tot. SUCh future advanC$a. .,.lIn Inter,"l thereon, snail De secured Or all$
<br />TN*t Deed ",hen evidenced by prorm&SOfy notti'S Stl"'ti~g thai sai.:;! notes a-re
<br />s<<ured het~; provkied tnat al t~O tlme shah t~ ~ure\J prirl1':;ipa,. tututv
<br />ad~. not Including :suma ad'f'anCtld to PlOtlK! the l$lKllilt';. e;o,ce&j OM
<br />hund,-.d ~~nt (100%)Of tN original prlnCipil>1 amounts MCured neritby
<br />
<br />1-4. ........Cuawt.Uft.All remedlU prOllioed in trulS Trust ~ are >11stmCl.t1l1!
<br />CUtt'Wlatlve to any otMi' (IOl'lt Of rem.dy unGer tN' T ruet Deed Of atfQfoed O'r i.... or
<br />Iql.llty, and may be ....-clMd concurr.nHt, l~~tl\l' or suec.."..el.,.
<br />
<br />1$......1ioni ~ Sale. Upon default by TrulUOf In the: piiymeflt 01 ant
<br />1~.Cllred ,*,eby Q( In tn. performance of any a.gr"m<<It neteund4i!r.
<br />....flctary""-y ~*. I.Il auma .owrtlO "*fttly fmmltdt.htly due .na p&ya.bht by
<br />~ to- Trut.t_ of WclUWI deci&lauon of ~.ult Tn. Trust.. .hall ~~ ttto
<br />PGW4H' of Mle Oflhe Pfoperl;y and It Beneficiary dO$ll.S tn. PrQp4trty to blt soltt, n
<br />ahI.U o.po.Jt wtth ThJtitM thta Truat 0Md and aU ptQ.s-njUOfy notes and ~met\tll
<br />~ .l.P8f$ditutQ !IeeureQ hereby, and shail d..Uwr to Tru$tee. .. wrItten
<br />I\OUCe of default and election to cauM the Property to ~ told. a.t\d the Trustee in
<br />Iqm fihaU ~. almuat Notice In the form IeQi.llred t;y law, ~'h<<:h ahall be QlJi)'
<br />fUtd tor f1MXIfd by Tfuol...
<br />
<br />(a) After ll'M t~ of such time u ma)' bIi t8qUlred by taw IQlio..'r!<Q tne l(lCorc;t-
<br />au.on of hid notice- of default. and notice of deta-ult and fl.Q.[ke of $ale havmg
<br />been QWeflN feql,llred bylaw, Trus!oe. without d.tmana on !flJlitOf, sn.H ~l
<br />lht- Ptopetty on the d&t. a.n<f at t~ time and place dsaignated in said r.ollc-e of
<br />..... at pubUe auction 10 iha hlgn8$t bi4der, the p-urc~ae pdC'$ :Pay*bid ,n
<br />lmuJ It'lOntIy ot iN UnihM1 Stal.. at tr.... Un\$ of ..I.e, The> pttl'$O'" conductlog
<br />ttw ....~, for any uuse he dMms exp.eillenl, POSl:P006 U"8 hIe- from time
<br />to t1m9 urM" .l't&l'f be_ con:\plt'ttld aoo, In tiY..-y toUCh CUB, notice of polltpaN-
<br />mom ~l bt given b)' pubUe declaf.Hon ther90f by $lJCh PftTSOI1 ,t the lhne
<br />Md- plaot t..t appointed tOo!' tht MIe; Pf~ It the sale I. postponed fm
<br />~ thin (1) a.)' ,bO)'Ond_ the day destgoatad In t~ no!Je. 9t )lIe, notice
<br />thtifeOf ohall tr. ghten In.ttlo l.-meman"ar AS the orlglr-..t;1 notice of &.a!&
<br />
<br />Trual" _ sbeU u.cut. an.;:: dtUver to tn. purcnQel hi. Dud eonvey~ng lhe
<br />~_1Old,. bu-t w"bQu~ an) ~t Of "".ftanty, .lt~, or lmptled. Tn.
<br />,..,nait tn t~ Qeed ot any m.tt~s or !tet. anaIf be c-oncwl... proof of trlQ
<br />t-rvthtvtf'HtP thertaQt. Any )*"$Of'l, !-nchtd~110 -&.M1'lC.l4ry, mat purChu.f at tt>e
<br />..'"-
<br />
<br />tb) ~ 'tom_ MU5 pu~t to tM QQWOf. l\efetl'!, H~ lrvstM ~haJllPpj)- tht>
<br />~ of 1M _~ ,o_~ 011". ~t.I.N.f ~p$n-~s Of j);)!$n::I,'ng ttl&
<br />
<br />=:=~~n::~~: ~_r:_~~~I~~~~~~:'::t~~
<br />
<br />~n.m. _Ir\aubpv~ (c)l:n fh.w_!)f'def t~ etairKf
<br />
<br /><<9 _A_n.r ~no ~_ ~.~lfi.a; In .~".Qf*Ph (bl If H'Wit"to i, by trust.., or
<br />me propMGOUt\, ~ ~ tX*ts.of ~lJr9"00: -N~ it IN! Nltl It! p\#!ivef'l;
<br />10~~.., fht ~.()j$Aio""'H blJ-appl~ in ~hft~ lJtatiIV
<br />1<l!iWlNI_'*'
<br />
<br />~ ;::;:=:: 0-1 Ht!f; prt,:<t.VfeO 11'0 f){;-h""floCt~-!"\ ",,'i-H.. t.1,K:h _It!!. ,.tr..;i 0-'
<br />
<br />
<br />,U,fi A,~~~"''4'Cldtf<tr~;
<br />{tK} Thi!Il ~~, !ft.ny. Wl""pt;ti{l"r~!'f toN1!l114 tt,.-rlit!,j
<br />
<br />16. Dutle. ,net Obllglltlons of Tru.t... (a) The dulfes and obligations 01 Trustee
<br />shl:lll be determIned solely by ttle express prO',lslone of Ihe Trust Deed and Truetee
<br />ahall not tHt liable except for the performance of such duties and obllgatlone aa are
<br />specifically eel forth herein, and no Implied covenants or obllgetlons snail be
<br />imp~ed upon Trwste-e; (b) No provIsion of this Trust Deed shall require Trustee to
<br />expend or rIsk hts own fUr'lrjs, or otherwise Incur eny flnanclal obllgetlon In the
<br />performance of any of Its duties hereunder, or In thl!ll!lxercl8e of any of Us right or
<br />powers, If it shall have grounds for believing that the repayment of such funds or
<br />adequate lJ'ldemnlty age.ln$! such rIsk or !lability Is not reasonably 481urOO to It; (C)
<br />Trustee milY consult with counsel of his own Choosing and ttle advice of such
<br />counsel shall De fuil and complete authorization and protectlon- tn the-respect of
<br />any aetlon taken or suffered by It hereunder In good faith and reliance thereon; Cd)
<br />Trustee 1;/lall not be liable for any action taken by him In 0'000 faith and
<br />bellevt,'(j b;- hIm to be authorlled or wHoln the dIscretion or rights of powers
<br />conferl'@du~l()n II by Ihls Trusl Deed.
<br />17. Additional Security Instrumants, TrtJslor. at Its expense, wlll execute and deliver
<br />to the Trustee, promplly upon demand, such securlty- Instruments 8S may be
<br />r&qUlred by Trustee, In form and substance satisfactory to Trustee, COyerlng anj' of
<br />lhe Pro~rty conveyed by this Tru~t Deed. whk:11 security Instruments shan be
<br />additional securlty forTrUstOr's faithful performance of all of the terms, covenants
<br />and COodltlOf1S of this TrulIt Dee<!, tM promissory notes secured hereby, and- any
<br />other secur!!y Instruments executed In connection with this lranncllon. Such
<br />Instrument~ shaH De recorded or filed. and re-recorded and remed. at Trustor's
<br />6'r;pense
<br />
<br />18. Ml.cettaMOv..
<br />
<br />(a) in the event anyone Of more of t~ provisions contained In this Trust Deed or
<br />the p-romI611ory note or any other securtty Instrument given In connection wIth
<br />this trsn'Sactlon shaU for any r68son be held 10 be inyalld, megal or
<br />uMnforceeble In any respect, such Invalidity, illegality. or unenf0fC88blllty
<br />shall, at the option ot Beneficiary, not affect any other provision of this Trust
<br />DNld. but this Trust Deed shall be construed as tf such Invalid, Illegal. or
<br />unenforceable proviSion had Mver b&en contained herein or therein.
<br />
<br />\b~ ThJs Trust Deed ShaH be construed according to Ihe laws of the State of
<br />Nebraska
<br />
<br />(el Thl!l Tn..ist Deed -shall Inure to- and bInd the heirs, legatees, devisees.,
<br />aOmlniSlr8{OtS. executors, 9UCCEtSSOttl and assigns 01 the parties hereto.
<br />
<br />,d) Trustor shall pay al! taxes levied upon this Trust Deed or the debt secured
<br />herE'Oy. toaetoar witt> any other taxes or assessments whlch may be levied
<br />agalnsl tns Tru.$too or Beneficiary or tl"\e legal flolder at said promissory note
<br />on account ot !lis Indebtedness evidenced theraby.
<br />
<br />(10, .....hen-ever used f1erftln. the singular number sMail Include the plural, the
<br />;;!f'lgutar. the use Of any Qendar shall be appllcabfe to all gendMs, and the term
<br />Beneficiary" shall i"clude any payee of the Indebtedness hereby secured or
<br />3.~y transfer mateo!. wroether by operat!on of law Of otherwise,
<br />
<br />19, SUCC*SaOf Tru..... Benetictary may Irom lime to time substitute a successor or
<br />successors to any Trustee namea herein or acting her.under to execute this Trust
<br />D9aa. UDGil such appointment and without conveyance 10 the successor Trustee,
<br />!ne IAiter S1"lalt b6 'ffl'sl&a w!m 81; tille, powers, i!lnd duties conferred upon any
<br />T1ust" t\&fl:HI1 namec Ot actIng her9under. Each ",uch appolntmenl and
<br />$vb$tltulion sh4!l ~ made by wrllt&n Instrument by BeneUclary, contalntng
<br />'~ter~f'ce 10 lnls Tlu,t D6'1W and Us place of record, which when tecorded in the
<br />otfice Of the rhtglsfar 01 0geds of the counlY or counU., In which said property la
<br />s!lvatad shaH be conClUSIve pfoof of proper appolnlfnent ot Ihe $UcoesaorTruatee,
<br />The foregOIng: power 01 eubstltutlon and- the procedure therefore shalt not be
<br />&,J(cluSI1f9 of the pow&!' a!\O procadure provided lor by jaw for the substltullon cf a
<br />Trustee or Trustees In t!1:!;l place of the Trustee
<br />
<br />20. ForttMfanw by fk.nehct*ry or TnntM Hot . W....... Any tor&D8arance by
<br />B&neHdary or TrUlltM .n e.Jo.<IHcisl!"!Q any fight or remedy hereunder. or oltt.Mlse
<br />af~ b-y apolicab1e loll....., Shall not be iii waivef of or preclude the oercl:se of any
<br />.jytlt or ff\m&ay MrQlJnl1er l:i<.h....lsa. Ihe w!uvt\'r by 8enetlclary or Trustee ot any
<br />d@f'&l..!H of TrUl'lf!'x liMet tm~ Tn.;sl Ofl&a ~nall not be d&em8d to be . waiver 0; any
<br />'CltNlr Of sH11ilar d~'tllJ!;s ~uDl:IeQl.lanl>y occurrlng,
<br />
<br />:;:,- Tnntot' Hot ,.......-dT htenSiOfl 01 lhe lime for payment or modlflcallon or
<br />emonizallOf1 of me el.!ms seCUli:lO oy mis Trys! Deed granted by Ben6f!clary to any
<br />succ8-$-5Qr In Interest 01 Trustor $hail nol openUe to release. In any manner, Ihe
<br />"aCiiHlt' OliN Qiigi('l(l' TflJstor or Tru~{0l'8 $UCC8!lSor in interest Beneflcllrry 5hall
<br />nol t>e req"ired {(' comf'lWf'lCti prOC6&Oioga against $ouch successor or refuse to
<br />[lltI6n;j IImtt f,:)! Vtt-~m..<11 01 Olh~;rwl;oe modlly amorllzatlon 01 the sums $$'Cured by
<br />!h;$ 'rus! [).}e.j by leason 0: MI}' dSllUjl)U madtr by tt)ttorl~l!'lal TrUSlor and Trustor's
<br />S\JC'::"sSQf&-;11 tlilt!1611t.
<br />
<br />n o.t.ullll thtlf6 shaH D~ a cletauH unfJel tnrs D1led ot Trust or under any prIor
<br />rnonij.git, the Ehtf'lellcllliY nldY ..;ula flillC-h OOfllUll, and the amounts aav.need by,
<br />and ot!\e.r coalS linG tHp,,;Ol\d5 or 1M beneficia!')' In cUllng such default, with
<br />lI~t$f&Slllt ltltl jtlfaull tate l;ont~jll$d in Il1e Note &eClired hereby from the Ume ot
<br />!he &h"nCN Of f)6ymenl!o to-l'1/iil Ile adCllKllO tl13 lndebledness secured by Itlls Trusl
<br />09&d afKl mil)' be coll~ctoo h$rbun061 at afly lime aUer the time of sucn advances
<br />(\( payments a.nd ail_Ii be d8iffl'fod 10 ~ ucur&d hereby.
<br />
<br />23. Option to FCN'KloM. Upon the oc:curanc& 01 an)' (,Iefaull hereunt1er, Benellclary
<br />snail tl8'o/e- the optlOti Ie ICf&ClC$fl ~nis TluSt Oiled in the manner provided by law ror
<br />the fcrecl!J4urEl of mortO-Q$5 on (ila;! properly.
<br />
<br />2.. Trwlor'. Rtom.. AD"nt o.taull Un!/! My da1ault In the payment of
<br />;r\deOte(ines$ h<:JfeQ-) se-c\.lled or ....IlW Ine breach 01 an) covenant hateln c:ontalnl1Kl,
<br />\he Trustor. jt~ $uccessor3 an;J 35si!;lns. 5haJl possess and enjoy the property, and
<br />re<;eiv. 1M rents "nct pw1lt$ IMrefwffl, Upon p.ymont of all sums secured by this
<br />Tnal D~, Bwleflclllry snai: f&qua-st TnJs!Q6 t<J reconvey the property and st'<-all
<br />"$uH&fiOer ltds Trust Oe&--J arH;l .all not6:S evlC<tncing lndebtedneu secured by this
<br />Trust Oood to T',lsle6. r'I;$\8-I'; 5h",ll reconvey l~ preperty without warranty and
<br />w:thoul ct)ar~.;J lQ :h!j ;'~if,s.ons :eogall'{ tlntit100 thl;tfe-la. TO;j Grantee in any
<br />r~,..{t"1all~tI m,i,)' t;~ de~l.::d~a i.l$ '-lfle panson or personts ontitled Iher8Io," and
<br />lh-e !'~U~:!I :F06,;JjQ of any malte-r:!! or ~act.:!l shall be -concluslye proof of 108
<br />truth!uitl~u, th6Iao!, Such pats-or. 01 P-8~5o-('!S shall p.ay all costs of recording, 1f any.
<br />
<br />25. M~llK."on In tM EVWit-of r,.".t.r. lfi Ihil e'o'6nt lh$ tItle 10 saId r19al estatlt is
<br />!rlln.$ferrllO, 0/ J;Q:nt(acl~d to ~ tq)-'l~"Ili-r!("(j, lrom U'6 ",md&rSIOned fOI any reason or
<br />by ..fly rnetb;>C! ....hat1tQ6..$f, thtl ..\111'1,,\ prh1c1pai 6um a;nd 6cc~d jnl8re~t shall at
<br />011(:011 ooc;::>/ntl due- IIr'lQ p.i.y~b:e iil (rIa e1ff{;tlon (Jf Hie 9$ne-nclal)'. Failure hHt)!I)f'CIG,O
<br />~his o-pt;on t">of:Cil1...se uj ttane'iH ,) l:t!e i!;~ ~b(;v~ ,lilted In on~ lntitanett ~l'l-al! noJ
<br />t,Qrttl-!!h.jt~.. w,.:V(O-! or !nJ:l d~hl !'.: 1:l~_N"i~" th@ ~am~ m the E!v@!"lt of eny subettquent
<br />!raM!~{
<br />
<br />20. ThIs d..o o-~ !;ru1.lt 11 lunior 1001'. d.ttt/J .._12J511i32..___&....__91JJJi2....___ .
<br />
<br />.x~~t~ by 1!l;t1l\0l 1:) ,_, J OHN .~A.. _ -WOLE__.,.
<br />
<br />ltuat...
<br />
<br />-."''\l' """"",,' <>0" ,,,, SHt.J](t..3:i~.,/' ~.$ll5!..QQ",*LI.l;L,.
<br />
<br />OOHV~ .nd t-Hed fN r.{cord ',IloHrl iI',(\- f~lf!tef t~ ~i$ _lu-;6 io1tl-ntlfl.a.a fOlk."'W8.
<br />
<br />flLEDl211fiL82.1iS..DQC, .No". 82.,..QQ53.16...
<br />9/17/82 AS DOC. NO. 82-00/.1 3
<br />