<br />83-u04493
<br />
<br />24th
<br />
<br />
<br />,19
<br />
<br />THIS TRUST DEED, made this
<br />beahdbetween:
<br />(A) SHF.L1mllT T F. v niT AN T DF-THY.OFF,
<br />after called "Trustor" whOse mailing address is
<br />
<br />day of
<br />
<br />AUGUST
<br />
<br />83
<br />
<br />, whether one or more, hereIn-
<br />
<br />2620 WEST STAn: STREET
<br />GRAND ISLAND, NE 68801
<br />
<br />and
<br />
<br />(8) JOHN A.. WOLF
<br />address Is P. 0, BOX 428, GRAND ISLAND, NE 68802
<br />(e) FIas! SAVINGS cmfPANY
<br />
<br />as "Trustee" whOSe mailing
<br />and
<br />
<br />as "Beneficiary" whose mailing address Is
<br />
<br />P. O. BOX 1566. GRAND ISLAND. NE 68802
<br />
<br />WITNESSETH: That Trustor, in consideration of One Dollar ($1.00) and other valuable consideration receipt
<br />whereof is hereby acknowledged, grants, conveys, sells and warrants to Trustee, intrust, with power of sale, the
<br />follOWing described property, situated In HALL County, Nebraska:
<br />
<br />
<br />The Intention being to convey hereby in absolute title in fee simple, including all the rights of homestead and
<br />dower, together with all buildings. fixtures, improvements and appurtenances thereunto belonging; and all of the
<br />foregoing, together with said property are herein referred to as the "Property,"
<br />
<br />FOR THE PURPOSE OF SECURING rY*Mftn~n&1~i\W ~W.pfTlent and covenant of Trustor herein contained
<br />and the payment of the principal sum 0 " __ __'- ___-'___ Dollars ($ 16,040. 27 l,
<br />as evidenced by a promissory note beaflng even ate at the rates of interest thereon which may hereafter be paid
<br />or advanced under the terms of this Trust Deed; both principal sum and interest thereon being payable according
<br />to terms set forth in said promissory note, reference to which Is hereby made. at the office of the Beneficiary or at
<br />such other place as the holder may designate in writing, the final payment of principal and interest. if not sooner
<br />paid,shallbedueandpayabieonthe__ 24th ,____dayot__ AUGUST ,,1987
<br />
<br />Trustor and Beneficiary covenant and agree as follows:
<br />
<br />t Wa~ of Tlk TttUl10r la1aW!t,/.Hr J.~I~OO l..111rlf;> PIOpurty, q D," \ll.lOO llijf>l."na
<br />I,.fw authority to..u BOO COI1i1i!y ltltl PTl.1pvrt" lho& PIOP&lly JS fr" oi.<ld cl_ear of ai.l
<br />llena ~ eOClJrnDrt:f\<:"8$ ell.~p11i-ens nQ'lIi OII~QHi, and lfus:~ w.1l .Quant.'1O
<br />Mfeod t,- title 10 the. Property vOla lho Tfl.l$lU ~j';~ its. s",cc:os.s,m'O .nJ ...u."ns
<br />foreY$f, agiiMt thftclalma ot aU parsons. TfYlitm..;tl Its ell.p&ou. ,^,m n\&lnl41(1 a....o
<br />PINeNe the. lien o.f U'tis Itu-Sf Deo".u ~ Iril'rl upoo tn" T~us\ Prop~fi) ;;'<lOlCKl ~nr) 1('
<br />.p~A.Unbronc., 8xiSti.nij aa of lhe d.-hl tlQI~t, Wlil c...:;~ t!U.li fru.s1 o.a, .-r.a li!<letl
<br />amendmetlt Of.aupp~me(1t thereto, to btl: 1ll.6a .na 1ItCO_HlW '" iI nwr{~ of thoil
<br />Tfust Pfoperty m :su.ch manner end !n wch place, ana ~LiI j~ .l1Jch elM! itchon n
<br />In the O$)ifllon of TrU:tt88 ma}' be feqUltOO hy any present Or h.lttHe h:hl; i., crj6~ t,;,
<br />~t. matnta.1I1 ~ Ptotoct the iien of this Tr...$l DM\1, as the $a11!Cl mac, Ooli Iton';
<br />Umtt to.lime- ameo~ (l! ).wplem$nlad,
<br />
<br />2. P.~tot ~i__.ncl in...... TrYStnr $hall p-:.lnc.tuaiiy pa) t~c ~H,{}'clP~i 01.
<br />~)~! -on. sak1_p(o:m~'Y note mc!Vdl~'; afll' aavance,; !hareto U p:i).~
<br />~ ~_thl!_~,t.. at:M1.l.t~ pl.ace and illlhf, l"t~~m$t prOt'lded lherein ana: ..,.ii;
<br />WOC:~\i.~I)-~_alragrgmeot$. condmoos ana p'lQ-visiont <::-1 an) l)trnv .$QCi.inty
<br />fAS~tglv~o m,conn8(fltOQ w-lth tnlS !~40s.a1;rio.l1,
<br />
<br />3..: ~~ -ncs ~~ Qf Pt~', l't,":SHlI "'''lnct u;)mmii a.ny waste
<br />~.f'_.l~,~~, .lil..t a.il Umi's. ~m{aH11h41ii!t~ in gooo (Mdm- and
<br />C9i"td~iOn ~ .m ~", ff~ time 10' Hrr.e, all rttpf,HS, r9-t'ewai$, r\!i).!{i-'Cemcr.\$.
<br />~,_aO(i iq)p~,~1t$ w-h:{ch af"- f~n.b.li requi1ao to prt!!vQn-~ wa.st~.
<br />t~.tkm _01 ,said Pl'~t)'. No Glli1Olng. or Im""Q"'i;ur~nt oow Ot
<br />~ ln$ PfQptrt~_ :shall De altifred. 'Ml~~.j or demQ-!j$~
<br />Jtt~ ,CQJ'Iseo! of :8enefl(;jatjr
<br />
<br />
<br />~'~-=::t::R=~I;~~o~~~~~~~~~~~:::e
<br />
<br />tU<lh. -tOQ ~ CO\t8NlQ _trf_ ~1l."t6l'~ Of O'MfWi$(!~ Trl.istCf, <it IT!, ~o-l~ 1:;0\1 oil""",
<br />~~f ~r~, :~Oft~ !~, ,-.ptac. ar>;."! ~~bVHd H'w S'\;';'e \ill. fl-4iifry n
<br />~,~itil,CO~~"'f-~eJY.Of1:ortO$t.lCh1Jama\}l!' Of~~~!'\j'1!,1.l'~Q{ 'l'tril!\
<br />~ Cttan~ Jmd aJtef1i1:km, t.~ TnJ:afor "f'~)' ~m i.lPfJ~"Dl:li"lT,* D-rC'''ld9;j ~<J-C!'::
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />:$" ~'-r~~., l~ :l!~~Qt!A ~ cOtjXlr*tJ?-?_ il wil; au;\li!
<br />~lf.t~9'j(;-s.'t~I't<<,T1gttt!l~l'rlr,'!1'''I:~tlj'''()f!l
<br />..--
<br />
<br />... ~ ft'~,-.!)o',_"l tl$,"'-X~!!'9" ,.~,_tt:.l'n5""" ~'f;f'" '-'~"l}r';'':~.'''iJ\'ir(''W'..;:1 t.',
<br />~~:~-M~~ ~h. ~ t...,.~mo 'f11t',ftA''''~4r.'''t_~ 4.t"1!J p@'~rl"I'.1 t'-i~~I!Ht{
<br />
<br />5t~:1E:;;!:;~..i~~=;;~":'~:~':~E:~~~;
<br />
<br />~'-~,~!';;~~"'-''!f1 ''''m'0-",,~;.,~t-!i~ ~ ~'''-'$''ry..A,1d_'-YC'''Hij1\$:b-~ (,;.t;,":J1l_'1'l
<br />~ ~~~:. ~ 'tj~f !?1j:t.!(\l..--t~ ~! U ~"i"'tC;JP"i' ~I,,;{ r'-!i!;j:!J;~t1 i""" ,\J!.'
<br />~.,. 'tm!lJt)t .'m'Ch!'t~_~j -,iH~ 1~4'/~' OH4'"r '*~;",~'''~~11, ~.~' g~tk:'A1...- ~n
<br />f~ t~ t;;f f~ ~~ f,~jf-ff" ~i{~,:,iiU.~ r-.!<f 'l"-"WHH'~<:',,~ e:.1If?tJt ""~*~1f~ t", ~'."":!
<br />
<br />'''IO~I,I,. p.ilirjle~" Afl 1!'Sl,Ha.n.;;~ PCHClfJ$ mamtilmed purSl"iant to this Trust Oaftd
<br />5t\allllOlortlij ffU&.lp ana B.eneliciat) ilS, 1I~sWed6,"'o their fl}Spectllle int$ftlSls may
<br />iiPp.G.U, d~ pfQt"JlJe ltlilt thfore snail Qe no C~I\;';c:tl1ation or mo(hficatlon wit1'10ul
<br />',!Iti1fl"l dafS ~HOf wljllun nollllc.tlOfl to Trl,lShMt ano BWl8!l<;iiU.,., In the e'f6nl illlY
<br />pl.lll,;:y htp.teunQ8. is nol rlilne""aa on 0' bEllOfte "fl~n days PllOf 10 its e...pitallon
<br />Jate, TfuStetl Qr eooetil;l~()' mOl.,.' prOCure $UC~llnSl.ira(lce and the cost thef60f shaH
<br />t)tt 80000 to. tr1$ loan Sft<:ureu b)' lhls Tru~t Q.€t(tlj ;lna snail ~r int&;Gsl at the
<br />Jre.!~, of ltMl; i,ma/t-5t fate we<:ihea !Nafoi,lin or 1hlt h.i9h~st mterasl rale .ulhQlIl.eQ
<br />by tho! l;iw~"llh$ State ot NlJbrasJr;.a. TrvS10f Shall deliver to Beneticiary the original
<br />OOHCl9Js of lllliutaoc.e an>: (~ne.a!s thelacf or memo copies of such poil<::ies and
<br />'eOt>wais lhereol, F;)!!urtl to lumish inS1Jr\,nl;6 b)' Tru!Hor. Of fene....als as reqult~d
<br />r\9re..<ndef shal!, at the c;:;Uon 01 Boo~flciilry" con&Utute a defaUlt Ail uneaHlf;ld
<br />p;effll;';l1'iS aft> herfiby a.ssigr.ed to Tru!>totl as additlonal sscunty an", a lOala end
<br />ccm-e)-an;;e of tN PIQPcHty b~; t'10 Trustee shaH o-perale to convey 10 the. purchasor
<br />t11v Trli.s.tOr'S.lrlltHest In and to all pQ!!ClOS of lr"svrance upon 111& Tru.si PrQpQny.
<br />
<br />1 Tau. and ~.menta. lpJSIor st'!aii pay all tue.s and wecu}" assessmenls
<br />Itn'lfld Ol asse:;l..$ed against Qf due upon the Properl, oof.ort! didinquenc:y, and will
<br />de-i1'f(V to 8~N"Hci/HY cOj,'i1es of recei;:t-s liihowmg ca)'m~nt 01 SuCh taxes and
<br />:;P':'K,,;~' ;!,:,>sestl-:nents_!! BO:tl::fitlijf) ::tta:!i so ~equest frustO! ~-g!WS Inat tM-r8l.Otlali
<br />t.J,e added '10 tlac!1 PlIfiodit. p.ayme-nt feqUHe<j to t.'i! made h~(a(jnder an amount
<br />l\''itima.tt'd b, Tlu:,;-te-e to t-e $,A:k_H=-f11 ti!- enable T:uslor to P8l)', ,11 leas! 30 ddl's-
<br />l)i!It:'I~ ,"~!iI\qlJe'"'Ci, ;lii lax~$, a.s~",s5fn\lnis: 0.' Dther pubitC cMaT\16a .ii9Sfnst lne
<br />rf..~l PfQPl'!'f!y. t1'lif ~~"te s.ecjJloo by ~l1-is 11\Jst DOOd, Ct UPO!?- account of the dlfb.1 01
<br />;?'-.e FBI"! of tMts hust tloae.c, '!age(htl1 ft'lt~l pH!-m1um-s ~Ol lfl$l,Han(;lt fe-qlJif~d 10 b&
<br />o~c,dE;'d V1C~; this Tr-.iSl D%-!1 .;j-1'>-d Hlt~!eS; shaH be pa)'ablo: to Tt~8Io/ in
<br />'~~spe>;:;! Ihi":flrOI Upon demand by Tri.i~I~. TrustOf shan dtlH'itU !~ iilJ~!OO !<uCI\
<br />ilddiHor..ai SlJ'f'l~ (:.1 rrH)!'!.lit)' .}'j ;;ixe nec~$sa~'7 to fI1lill'J <JO ~\ny dlHlclt!!lC)' ill !rye
<br /><l'fIQun~-s nBC~$,vy te fj"n;ttHIO Tr;)st~ t~1-'pat any of the IOleQ9~l1g it1Jm'"
<br />
<br />-~ AddttiolUl U$a., True-1m sh.a'l ffij\Kt\.jt:1' i-'d'(f\Wl1ts ,-,;., inl!:lHHll and. pf'hlClpai /Ul'j
<br />~'~111l0-nl$ tJt any ,)!i',,!!! Ch4r\,W~, f~e<l, :.if'J) (txpQ1ns(l$ conhacted to t~ paid toO ally
<br />eX';'IuniJ- HfjJ'1 holqeri ~1 pf,-or ~t!.:i!1l,ifJ!!j under All)' prJ\'u Trust ~o Mi;mQilg~ ()r
<br />OltUH 1:l<<:cflh l'\4r(j(omen~. totfole ttte t1atf:l the)" ar~ d~ll(;q'J"flf ;),nd tQ pay any Qlhe1
<br />t;.{/ilm ~Nch i~p-8H!ttt;-S tOft ~uflty grlirrtoo hitr.ir1
<br />
<br />'~ Pti)~rtor! of 8~ty', SKutlfy. Shc'l,!ld r/\JRlor f.W Iv 1!"li!i~_1!: it!!'f pa)'rntllr,t,
<br />i"jt I^. do f1il1-Y ,atJ li'- hf!r~if"l. ~,!;y..i\~, o.r t1 jny ACtIon 0: pK.'C"th;fjn~ l!i ;.;omm~nced
<br />wfr-!ch m~hlin8i\i'y -ll!He;cUl &f'l~n.tlary'll. It:lt1'fM! In IN! Pr~fty, -If1CJud!(l.Q, lJvt "at
<br />~llTlj1oo ~c'J, ~rn;rn;>nt 16Jit~ir" !,*$;{~1~~q, JtrTnnw~111tt N P-flX_fll<<i1tlQS if'V01\'!'<'lQ II
<br />/'J-flt'fl:toiJr1 ~...' tl*t'=M\l!iht, tf'>~'\ Bw_,.,w-~ft:i31\i tor -rt\JM1l'e: tJ~t ....iHl>C:l.ft, o~ji93:ljon \U (h1 SO-
<br />......1 *W'I:~fll"',cl_~ '-0 Of dil-m.1i-d -;j~y1'f rn.I~I.(>(_ f-,"'!d wltt'lQtH fl\l'i~-a,jl'1Q tr'..~I-or f~{lr<\
<br />:t;r:-.i ~h~~H{'f\ -l-,;l;f'ol!l!~dl?--!, 'ney :n>>.. '3' do tl"o.(', 1\'IiJj~~ ~!'\'ti m!;ty ~<I;y t'vrt:l';.al>.",
<br />'~-(il"!~$t c." ;;-!.,"~"(;1.:>mh:I:'t" >fl),/tr"t';,,_lfl1-t'<!-!J'i1Ct'i, ,~l\.,v~# N ;-~'L w~id" ,~, !l"t~ ;'Kl-Qo-ml,,\rq ("~
<br />"';tt>/tl ~PO<lt'~r-ti ~n ilftllrt:! ~if,td p!,~~tty: H~ ~~f;:!!;.;-n~ l!ny ~!.IC~ im~l~ UN
<br />
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<br />