<br />I
<br />
<br />83.-l) 04342
<br />
<br />4. As additi()ntl~ security, T-ruirtor her~by_ g'h;'es to and confers upon. Beneficiary the right. power and 8uthori~'y'I__-~uring t~~ e.olltin~a.,nc.e-_
<br />of th;!se Trustsfu coUecttbe renu,.:i....... and profit. of.aJdpropetty, reserving unto Trustor the rigbt,ptiOT'to any defauWbyTrUstOr
<br />in payment of any indebtedn"". serort'tt'Mreby or in p<I"mmanee of any agreement hereundet';to"eofleCtand retainsuchrerits,iesues
<br />and prol'ltl! a8 they beeome due arid'payable. Upon any such default, Beneficiary may at any time withoutnotiie, either !nperoon,by
<br />agertt, or by a recei"er fube appoint<!dbya t,'Qutt, and. without regard fu the adequacy of any ..curity for the indebtedh....herehy se~ti.....a'
<br />"nter up<ln and take ~on of .~d Prop,l'ty or anypal't thereof. in his own name sue for or oth"rwi..eolil!et suclfretitS:.i~es'"",d
<br />pnifits, including.those'pe'stdue ani! unjillid; and apply the. same upon any indebtedness secured hereby. and in oueh order'asBen<>ficia..,.
<br />may determine, Tbeentering upon and taking posseSllion of said prop<lrty. the collection of .uch rents. is.ues and profits .andthe application
<br />~_~fa9 afore8nid~ shall not-cure or waive-any default or notice ofdefa_ult heteunder or invalidate any act- done ptttsuant to sucl)noti.ce.:'
<br />
<br />iI, Upon default by Trusfur in the pa)'tnen~.ofllDyindebtedness ~ured here~y or ip the perfonn",\"" of "ny ~l}lentcortjl,i"edherein,
<br />aU.umssewied hereby shall immedietelY.i:>OOOllie dueena payable at the option 6ftli.eHenefibiary. In suchevenfimd upohWtltfehl'eijuest
<br />of Beneficiary, Trustee .hall sell the trustYprop.rty, irrac""rds",,", with the "NebrllskaTiustDee<Is Act, at public auctionfu thehighl!st
<br />bidtlet'. Any person except Tru.tee may bid at Trustee's sale, Tn.st.. shaUapply the pr<;<:eeds<>f th..sale as foll"W!'r..l:Wfu theeXJll!no.
<br />of the sale,including a ressonable Trustee's fee: .2) to the ohligation !\Ccured b)' this Deed of Trust: (3) the surplus, if any. shall be distribilted
<br />to the persons entitled theret". ' . .
<br />
<br />_6. T1"USt-OO_ shaH- deliver to the pUTehaser at the ~alp iti:i .deed, w.thout warranty, wh<<-h shaH convey tQ t~e purc~ase_r- the in~rest:in
<br />the pfOpetty whicb Trust<Jr had or had th;! power t<l convey at the time of his execution of this need uf Trust, and sucll as he Inay have
<br />a<<Juited'-thereaft;.e.r-. TroMee~s- deed shall r~it.e the facts shnwing that thr sale was conducted in comph-ance with an the requirements
<br />of:l_8w, ~nd of thi.s {ked of 'frUst, which recital shaH be- prima facle eviden~ of ~u('h cOn1phanC€- and conclu~ive evidence thereof-in favor
<br />or-bOna fide-purchasers and .ent:urnbrancers for vatU€',
<br />
<br />7. 'l):e poW;~,of.sa)e conferred Q}'. this-Deed of Trust is not an exclusive remedy: Beneficiary may C3Use this Deed ofTrust~tQ be fQrecl~
<br />as a nmt'tildg,t ,.
<br />
<br />8. In the event of the de.at.h, incapacity, disahility or resIgnation of -Trustee, Beneficiary may appoint in -writing '-(1 success:or_:1;~~~t
<br />and upon the recording of such appointment m the mortgage recor-d-s of the county in whlch this Deed of Trust is recorded. the successor
<br />trustee shall- be vegWd with aU powers of th~ original tT\l$te{', The tnl"lt~ is not ohli~ed to notify any party hereto of pending sale under
<br />any other lleed of Trost or of any action or pro~ing in WhICh Tn-lstor, T,>u$te1;> or Rt~nE'fkiary shall ht? a party unless such action or
<br />proceeding io brought by the Trustee.
<br />
<br />9. This Deed of Trust applies to, inures to the benefit of. and 15 bindmg not onl~' on the partie-$ hereto, but on their heirs. devisees.
<br />legatees~ administrators, executors. sue.c~$SOrg and assigns_ Tht> t~nn Re-nefiC'iary shaH mean the holder and owner of the note secured
<br />hereby~ whether or not named as Be"eficiary herein.
<br />
<br />NOTICE TO CONSUMER: 1. Do not sign this paper before you read it. 2. You are entitled to a copy
<br />of this paper. 3. You may prepay the unpaid balance at any time without penalty and may be entitled
<br />to receive a refund of unearned charges in accordance with law.
<br />
<br />Signed this August
<br />
<br />
<br />I SOS
<br />
<br />Hall .._.... COUNTY
<br />
<br />On this _~1~..~_,,~ day of _~~~~..__,.. A.D., 1983.... before me, the underslgned. a Notary Pubhc, duly
<br />oom;ioned and '\yuali.fied for and residing in said county, personally came Gera),<LG ftc <;stherine_,!:.l.Jr!!ch
<br />,___".uaban~_~_.:l:.~" to me known to be the identIcal perso" ,S wbose name ,~, alllxed to the foregoing
<br />illlltrument as Trustor ____~...,____,__.__........__,.,....__.... and acknowledged the same to be __ ,__t:llE!;i,I:.. ,,01.
<br />untary act and deed.
<br />Witnesl! my hand and Notarial Seal the day and year last above written,
<br />My C<:>mmission expires the ____,.lL., n"" day
<br />of .-.-----,.----rf,.JzuL----,- ,191.':/...
<br />
<br />-_f\{l.i"A l / f-!L.'-d___~'-.
<br />j Notary Public
<br />
<br />"T::.
<br />
<br />
<br />STA1'E Ol"_,.__._.,___.._
<br />
<br />1$.
<br />
<br />a
<br />oS
<br />
<br />..____~._,.__-- COWlty
<br />Entered in Numerical Index and filed lor record in the olllee of the Register of Deeds of said county, the
<br />day of __,,_.__."'.,,__,'._ . 19.. , at o'c1ock und ..______.,.
<br />minutjls '_.,__'_.___,__".__,.,___""_________, M., and duly recorded 1l\ Book '.'n of"
<br />
<br />Mortgages page _ _.____.___,__.__,___._....__ ____.. __ ,_..,.,.__,."" .., ."_____".."_'""...__.__._. .__
<br />
<br />Register of Deeds
<br />
<br />Deputy
<br />
<br />L
<br />
<br />L
<br />
<br />L
<br />