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<br />(With Power of Sale)
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<br />83...D04342
<br />
<br />Amount Finaneed $19965.00
<br />Prineipat.Amount of Loan $ 2046l1.00
<br />Totat.ofPayinents $ 34272.00
<br />Annual Percentage Rate 1L%
<br />Number of Monthly Instalments ~_.
<br />
<br />Agreed Rate of Interest on Prin~Amount of Loan 1.3.5%
<br />Amount of First Instalment $ . .00
<br />Amount ofOtherIn.tslments $408.00 _
<br />First Instalment Due Date Sept 19 I9~.
<br />Fin.1 In.talment Due Date. AUI!: 19 , 19~.
<br />
<br />TIDS DEED OF TRUsT, made this ~ day of AUlNst
<br />b<.tween Gei'alciG L1ilcaand Catherine.E Lynca. husband and wife
<br />whOlMl mailing add...... is 2025 N. La:fayette, Grand I..l..~ Nebr. 68801
<br />as 'I'rustors, Stewart Title Guaranty COD!1l811Y
<br />whose mailing add...... is P.O. Bmt 2029, HOI1ston, Texas 7200L
<br />..Trustee, and Norwest Financial Nebra.ka, Inc., whose mailing address is P.O. Box 1373
<br />2.337 N. Webb :Road. Grand Island. Nebraska 68801
<br />
<br />19-.&L
<br />
<br />. a..:; BenefiCiary,
<br />WITNESSETH, Trustors hereby irrevocably, grant, bargain, sell, and eohvey to Trust"" in trust, with power of sale, the following de-
<br />scribed property in Hall County, Nebraska:
<br />
<br />Lots Two (2) and FOUr (4), in Block Eight (8), in Scharff's Addition to West Lawn, an
<br />Addition to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska.
<br />
<br />Together with tenements. hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining and the rents, issues and
<br />profits thereof.
<br />
<br />This conveyance is intended for the purpose of securing the payment to Beneficiary of Trusters' promissory note of even date in the
<br />. amount stated above as "Principal Amount of Loan". The agreed rate of interest per annum provided for in said note is the Agreed Rate
<br />of Interest on Principal Amount of Loan stated. above. computed on unpaid balances of Principal Amount of Loan, Said loan is repayable
<br />in the number of monthly instalments stated above. The amount of the- instalment payments due on said loan is stated above, The first
<br />and final instalment due data on said loan are staetd above. Payment may bt> made in advance in any amount at any time. Default
<br />in making any payment shall, at the Beneficiary's option and without nutlet" or demand, render the entire unpaid balance of said loan
<br />at once due and payable! less any required rebate of charges (interestJ.
<br />
<br />To protect the security of this Deed of Trust. Trustor covenants and awees:
<br />
<br />1. To keep the property in good condition and repair; t.o permit no waste thereof; t.o complete any building. structure or improvement
<br />being built or about to be 'built thereon; to restore promptly any building, structure or improvement thereon which may be damaged or
<br />destroyed; aod to comply with all laws. ordinances, regulations. covenants. l'Goditions and restrictions affecting the property.
<br />
<br />2. To pay before delinquent all lawful taxes and a.......ments upon the propert.y: to keep the property free and clear of all other charg..,
<br />liens or encumbrances impairing the security of this Deed of Trust.
<br />
<br />3. To keep all buildings now or hereafter erected on the property described. herem continuously insured against loss by fire or other
<br />hazarda in an amount not less than the wtal debt """ured by this Deed of TrusL All policies shaU be held by the Beneficiary, and be
<br />in -such companies as the Beneficiary may approve and have loss payable first t.o the BeneficuU')' as. it$. intereBt may appear and then
<br />to the Tn1stor. The amount coHect.ed under any Iflsuran~ polley may be applied upon any mdebtedness hereby t\eCured in such order 88
<br />the Beneficiary shall determine. Such ap~lication by the Beneficiary shall not cause d",eontinuance of any pro<:eedinga w foreclose this
<br />Deed. of Trust Of cure or waive any default or noti<:e of default or mvalidat-e any act done pursuant to such notice. In the event of foreclosure,
<br />all rights of the Trustor in insurance plli.ciea then in fonoe shall p8..5S to the puft'haser at the foreclu~ure- sale.
<br />
<br />4. To obtain the written \."Onsent of Beneficiary before selhng, conv~Ylllg 01' \l-therwu~e transferring the property or any part thereof and
<br />any such sale, conveyance or transfer without the B~n-eficlary's written \'on!$t"nt ~.haB ronstitutt' u default under the terms hereof.
<br />
<br />5. To defend any action or proc-eading purpornng to aLTect the St"Curity hereof or the nghts or poweftl of Benefidary or Tru~t.ee.
<br />
<br />6. Should Tl'U8tor fail to pay when due any taxes., a~ltmt~. msu.rttuctl premiums, liens, en.cumbral\ce:i or other chl::l.rg~t1 against the
<br />property hereinabove described, Benefici6ry may pay the same, and the amount so ptUd. wath inwrest at the raU!- set forth in the note
<br />secured hereby, shall be added ttJ and become a part of the debt ",",ured in this Deed of Trust as permitted by law.
<br />
<br />
<br />L In the event any po,rtion oi the property is taken or damaged in an eminent. oomain proceeding, the entire amount of the award
<br />or .uch portion thereof as may be n_ry w fully ....tisfy the obligation secured he....by, shall be paid to BenefiCIary to be applied w
<br />said obligation.
<br />
<br />2. By RCQlipting payment of any sum secured hereby after its due date, Beneficiary does not waive Its right to require prompt payment
<br />when due wall oth.... llUDUi so secured or to declare default for faliure to SO pay.
<br />
<br />3. Tbe Truatee shall reconvey all or any part of th~ property covered by this Deed of Trust to the pe....,n entitled therew, on written
<br />request of the Trustor and the. Benef1ciary, or upon satisfaction of the obligation 8t'Curoo and written request for reconve)"ance made by
<br />the Beneficiary or th~ person entitled therew.
<br />
<br />991 E83 (NE)
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