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<br />I <br /> <br />15. ThaI II any acllOnllf prGCeeding be commenced 10 which action or proceeding Ihe Mortgagee is made a party by reason of thee.eeulion ollhis MOrtgagellf theObll. <br />gallonS whlth K secures, .. in which the Mortgages deems II necessary 10 appear or answer in order 10 uphold the lien of Ihis Mortqage..lhe prlorlly lher", or the posses' <br />siott Of lhePremlses, .. OllItIWIse ICl prOlecl lIS inleresls .. security he..undor. all sums paid or Incurred by Ihe Mortgagee lor attorneys' I... and other e,pensesln s""hac' <br />lioIl. or lJ'll'*Iding'snan be repaklby lhe Mortgagor. loqelher with inl..esllheroon from dale 01 paymenl by lhe Mortgagee. .1 the rale 01 ~~ percenl {I ~~ per <br />annum; and III sUCh sums ami the tnterest thereon shan be Immetlialely due ami payable ami be added 10 and become. part ollhe Obligations secur8lfhorebv In sUCh lllaiiner <br />oronler as Mortpgoemay desire or dolermine, ami be secur8lf, having Ihe benefll ollhe nen hereby created and ot hsprlortty. *Thirteenand One/Half <br />16. Tha1acceptance by Mortgagee 01 any sum in payment: or part payment ollhe Obllgallon. seeurOO hereby. alter !he same Is due or aner loreelosureproceedlnqsafe <br />fIIe'tshallflOltollStil\l1e a waiV<!l'oftno rlghl to require promplpaymenl when due. 01 all Olher obllgallons so secured. nor shall such acceplance elIr. or waIVe any remalnlnq <br />delauhor invalldalf any foreclosure proce8lfinqslor any suchremalnlng dolault. or plejudice any 0' !he fight. ot Mortgagee onder !hI. Mortgage. <br />.17. The-terms Mortgagor and Mortgagee wherever used in thiS insfrutnf'nt shall be conSlrued to iochl(ff! heirs. legatees. devisees. executors. admtnistrators. SUCC8S,$t1rS <br />and assignS where the conloxlmay 'equlre or permit: and Ihe convenanls and agreements herein conlalned shail DIRd .nd Inure 10 Ihe benelllol said Mortgagor and Mortga- <br />gee fespettNe heirs. executors. admibistr31ors. successors and assigns. and the terms Mortg-:ll)or and Mortgagee shall include sfngUlaf -and plural, regatdle$s or <br />genllefThlsMortgage and Ihe Obligations which II secures are assignable by Morlgagee. bur nol by Meltgagor If appticable and ilpermilled by law. Mortgagor hereby <br />WafYe$ aRd-r,leaH$: any and all rights alld remedies relating 10 homesteads, marshating of liens and assets redemptions and statutes of limitation: Redemption perrn;tfed~by <br />law alter foreclosure saJe is 'KIlf..sly waived. if permilled by iaw <br /> <br />18,~~~~naI{~~: to be renewed under the following terms: A five (5) year term loan based <br />on a 25-year amortization is to be scheduled with 59 monthly payments of $1,842.28 <br />and a balloon payment of $154,333.70. Rate of interest to be 13.5%. <br /> <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF _ thiS tnstrllment is executeD aM deh.....ereo 10 Mortg3gee by Mortgagor thiS ~ aay 01 <br /> <br />August <br /> <br />.198~, <br /> <br />t__ <br /> <br />Bison Investors IV, Ltd. A Limited <br />~'''_ ~era.i partner, M~a-com::~nent <br /> <br />Bv ~€r- ~~ <br />. II~ ennsrCi" ~ son, :J <br /> <br />Partnership <br />Enterprises, <br />Inc. <br /> <br />Ind~t.WIrl'POD' <br /> <br />STATE OF_I <br />I 55 INDIVIDUAL ACKNOWLEOGMENT <br />COUNTY OF _ I <br />On this _ C1ayol_~______._ _.___" 19__.,_ before Ole. Ihe underSIg.f1eO notary pub-he in and for 53t(2 county, J)efsonaUy <br />c..... . 10 me personally known 10 be lhe.denlical <br />perSOOf-$} whose namets-IIS aftfX!6 to the loregomg In!ilrument and acknOWledqed the eJ;ecuhon thereOf !o M hIS (lheffJ volunl3rv aci and deed <br /> <br />In wIlness whe{~ I hereunto Sot'l my Hitfltl3!1d oot,jfldi Sedl i:i! _ <br /> <br />If! S;il€i couniv the dav and yeaf iast abOvfl wnUen. <br /> <br />Nl,t,j,y Put}if( <br /> <br />My Commi$SlOIl tu{mes <br /> <br />SIAlE Of ~J,;a <br />i '>5 <br />COON IV Of .f!ll }oI, <br /> <br />CORPOMH. ACK~OWLH)GM[NT <br /> <br />Onlh:t$ 4th (fay!)! Auqust __--...__.._._,__ J'-J-.1!J be"lor&me lfJelJnfJets.jgfll...>onoliH'jP1JbhcjOafldfm~H'tOIJOly,-pe'$Qo-aUy <br />came Glenn R. Wilson, Jr., l?r~sident of Mid Continent Enterprises, Inc, (General Partner) <br />01 Bison Investors IVt Ltq~.L.~..l-.i~Fed Partnership , tqmep'''''''allyknownlobe <br />It'lt . ,Presiden t o~ .ttid-Con tinen t En te rpr ises. IQk.....and l~e IGtlnltcai person wno-se r\dme IS aHIjl;e(t to the Rnegomg IIlstrument and <br />it-~9'd tt\e ~<<u1!on lhe!eullQ oe: n.s. VOluntiJ!Y att <lnd Ceed as :>\ ~"cef aM the .00unl.Hy -ilel dnd deed 01 s.ald CQfj)Or.lIl00 by dU!Mflly 01 tiS Boaed 01 OlrfclQ{S <br />-Jnct-that the tOf-pofat6 seal of tile saIi COl-pofi1-tGf! WdS th6H~-l-O iJhlt~d tw liS iUlhGfd)' <br /> <br />fll WttnessWhereoll het-eun{O$fltmy-llanu .jl'\.(i lX'la.t.3i Wtii at <br /> <br />GrQnd Island <br /> <br />!Il sam t:oooty the day 400 year lasl abOve WHiten <br /> <br />_,~ex~._ <br /> <br /> <br />~ // <br /> <br />H.~.~~~':::~~_ <br /> <br />181 _~ c.:; )'.. <br />"_"------c-," "" """_""""'-1 ~" ~ <br />;r) it c-J ,~~ ~ <br />~~ ?, t..c <br />, ~'. 'i <br />.:x::- ~a <br />= j t;; <br />C; _~ <br /> <br />;.~ ~ <\ <br />~>~ t ~\ <br />./1 l'....... <br />t <br />t.:_ <br /> <br />rn <br />::J <br />ii <br />iil <br />COo.. <br />Will <br /> <br />l-t's~b; <br />3'" '" 0 <br />f'>.lll iO S' 0 Q <br /> <br />~ftl"r&i <br />tl~~ Q~ ~ <br /> <br />] <br /> <br /> <br />,....."" <br /> <br />~ <br />", <br />l!h <br />::~} <br />A: <br />'...;;;... <br /> <br />J <br /> <br /><:::::) <br />--r <br /> <br />(f> <br />(fl <br /> <br />f <br />
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