<br />I
<br />
<br />. ~"'_"W.,~...;,....Ji<'~ _',,'l<11r"'"'' 1........",..,D"'lIO(llfOflrflf_ ~~..dbd
<br />
<br />83-004207
<br />
<br />(Open-End. To Securlt Prltsltnt and Future Obligations and Advances)
<br />ICHOW All MEN 8Y1I1ESE PRESENTS: TIJaI Bison Investors IV, Ltd, A Limited Partnership .11 Individuals.
<br />joInlly anclseveratly. resltllf1g in County. . and if a corporation or Olher business emily. Wil~ 115
<br />principal place 01 business in Hall Counly. Nebraska . (hereinallerrelerred 10 as"" Mor1gagor"}in consil!era-
<br />tlonolaIlMor1gagot'slndeblecl_s.liabilllitS. and Obllgallons 10 Commercial National Bank and '.l'rust Company .
<br />of Hall. Counly. Slate 01 Nebraska C" Mortgagee"). now exlsling or ~erealler incurred. and Olher valuable consideration inhaiHIpaid.
<br />dlJeshereby sell ancl COfW<lyunto MoI1gagee lhe 100Iowino described premises situated in _--Ball_____ County and Slate 01 Nebraska
<br />Io-wll: Lot Nine (9), in Block Nine (9), in Continental Gardens, an Addition to the
<br />City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska
<br />
<br />1
<br />
<br />logether with-dll 01 fhe right, htlt. and mlere-Sf of 1M Mortgagor in said properly now owned or nereaftm ;1CQUlfeoj and all bUildings Improvemems. and fixtures of any lype
<br />flO!W or heteart-!f placed on said leal property atld all easemenls. fights. appurtenances. fents. royaltlcs. 011 ~nd gas nghts and proms wafe-r, water rightS. anl.1 water stock,
<br />and aff fixtures now or hereafler attacned to !he fOfegolng described pfoperly. all of which includinq repl.iCFfTlertls and additkins fherelo. shan b~ deemed 10 be and remain
<br />part of lhe property covered by thiS Mortgage" AJI of the 1etegoing property shall be c:olleclively hercmallel felerred 10 as the PremiSes
<br />T~ls mort9;oge IS \JiVen 10 secure a ,ertain orOlTllssorV nOle dale<! .,_~~_s_t::_~ .~. __.1 ~ 8:3-.,_ _ , __ _ ,n me o"neloal sum 01 O'!~_!iun<:12:E!~Lf ifty
<br />Eight 'l'hQY!i~J1iL~!!g__liQL1QQ:_:=:-.:--=-::::-:=::::=:::- Dollars Isl,?!b O(m.Op_1 and 'nlerestlhereon aceotdrnglo the lerms ol
<br />said.noteand-any and atl exten$kJns. (enewals~ mO<JiflcaltOflS Of subStltullOOs fhereol aM each aM pverv deDI" Ilabtlily and obrlgaUcn 01 every type and descriphOIl which the
<br />Mortgagor may now or at any ti~ f1efe.atter owe TO lhe Mongagee. whether sue" debl. liatuhly or obligatiOn n(lW eXIsts or IS or may be I1!Iect or mdlrecL due or to become
<br />dUl', absolute or continqent. primary or secondary. hQUidatet1 01' unhquidated. Of JOlnt. several. or loint and se..eral. all such deblS, haoliflies. and obliqallons aU collectively
<br />herelllaber te!er'e<!IO as - 'Obl>gollOllS .,
<br />The total prmttpal amount, exclusIVe 01 interest. Of Ule ObUgations inctudlng any futufe nebls ad\'ances. habdlhes or ObligatlOfls. no1lOcludm9 however any sums ad~
<br />_for lhe prOleehoo 01 lhe Pr......s or the MOf1gagae' s ,meresllhere... shall nole<c..d the sum 01 q,:,e Hundred F if t Y Eight Thousand .
<br />and No/IOO-----------------------OoiJars I Ll.58 , 000.00_, I. prov'Oed. _ever mal nolhmgeonlamed herein slrall constllule
<br />a comrmtmenl to make additional or lulur! loans or attvances In any amount
<br />Tile Mortgaqor hereby warrants tha-I It is lee owner ollhe mortgagee leal property t"alll WIll delend lr\e l!tle agamsl all clalfTklnlS whomsoever and 11 relinqUIshes au
<br />rights of homes1eaa in said PcemtSes aod covenanlS and i9rteS 'tfi~h tbe MDflg:ayee as toUows
<br />, To pay wtJen aue.a11 taxes. >>ens. lu4gments or assessments which may be llWlu.Uy assessed -agaln'i! ll1e PremIses aM !he rental charges upon an)ll&.1SeS assigned
<br />as addilionat secunty tor nits Mortgage:
<br />2 To Insure and keep ins.utea 1M Prt!IDlm!S an(f other tfllOla-..-emenls now 01'\ or whIch may nerealte-r Of! plaCe(! on said Prf1'flllSeS 10 1M SaltstacliOfl of the Mortgagee
<br />Any poucy evtdentmg suc.-b Insurance shall be endOfUd: wlln.l mor-tgagee loss payable ciauSt. approve<! by and rn lavor 01 Mortgagee and aeposlted WIll) the MOflgag8e and
<br />Wiln lAy toss: tntfftUndC!f to be payable 10 Mortgagee AI the opbOn at Ute MonlJaoee. sums so received b)< Mortqagte 01 Morlgagor may De used 10 pay fot ~co"slruChon 01
<br />lhedestroyed PreJtNS1S; or, if not so awed. may. illl'M! !)pIton of tne Mortgagee. beapplJed '" pavme~1 o~ any ObligatiOns m,alute(j or unmatured, secured bV lhis Mortgage.
<br />3 To keep all buiidJng$ 6CeUS)lt!d and In good fep.ilf .and to reltain from Ihe CcmtllfSS10n of any att~ 01 rem'h"a! demohhon ollm.pamnenl of lhe Premses. not to Cui or
<br />ftmorfe. Of oerrntt 10 be cut Of removed. at\)' wOOOi 01 tirnbr;llrnm utd teal property, ana l1\1t to COIMlI! or p~Hfll! any wilsle or ltnpalrmen' of t-he value ol!he securtly: 10 conlin-
<br />uou.sty practice jppt:oved methOds of tarmmg on sMd Plen-wseS, to PfMnllttOSlOA atl(f ttlt: sprtad 01 RCJ;tQUS and damaglOg weeos. and to oreS8-rve tne fertility of Ihe soil.
<br />., That aU money-.a'ld D"ards payable as damage!; or tompenS$:OfI for the lakltt9 01 hUe 10 Of pos'}t!l-smn ot (H' lor Odmage to any perMo of the Ptenltses by reason 01
<br />~ny c_ton. _I_n. elra,. of Wildt, or Olher proc_mg s/laH_ a! lne ."Iton oi lhe MOJlgagee_ tie palrJ I. Ihe Mongagee. and SuCh moneys and ~"ards are
<br />her.",IS$~ 10 MortgJgee-. and r~t thefflfor ShaH be tAtered tn taVOf of Mortgaoee, ~11(1 wtlen~.o ShaH btuse<i. at lis op-tfOO. IQWafd the paymen1 01 the-Ob-lIgatlons
<br />SleUfed he1eby m SUCft-otOet or manner as Mofl9lQft may de$tfeOt Ottefmtfle, ::. soa.U be used..f lts opllOfl. I(U pavm~"t oIlax{;-~_ -itssessmenls. feOOlfS Of OIher ttems lor Ill!'
<br />paymtfllof whlch It>>s Mortgage 1$ gwtO is 58CUfny. whetner thtl same be then due or not .rnd in suctl oraer or m.lMff is MOftoagee may deter:nme. and any .mounl no! SO
<br />I.iSiG i-ttiG be ,i~eU by ine MOii~ (0- me MOtig4gOf SUC" iPOhcauon Of retease shAU not cute 01 Wc1tVe dny default Of IOf&fOsure PfOC~.edlftg5 Itl the evenl Mortgagee
<br />deem$, it fteCeS$Jf-W to ~ Of answer!O COndemnation achOn. heanng 01: Pfoteedinq, MOftQdOCf Shill pa) dllleqif eJl:pemes In connetf<<>n lherew-llh. I!"lclu(iing bul not Urn-
<br />iteo toahorneys' tees-and court COSI-s-. a.'1d unI:f so p.;:lO. s.ucn '-.oens<<S, With mltf"t af the- Idle 01 ,_.~! ~.~ ~...__, per<<l'fll. sl1aJ! oe.alJdtd 10 the Obhgahoos secured
<br /> hereby If1
<br />5l.il::b manntf Of OffJ;ef as Mort9'9M may desllt Of detefmtne fl.1:VlflQ the DenefU oi tnt Uen crealB<1 hefet>y as a pan bereol and 01 Its pnQuly
<br />5. Thai to lhe event -Mortgagor taUs to pay when- due any ta..~es. Hmtai Charges iWOO jny lei:lSfl: 4SS19ned as ado!ltooal: 5&tlJnty lor thIS Mortgage. liens, ludgments, or
<br />assessments ~1IItufty asSM$IU ~gamst tile Premt_ Of tafts to matntaw. InSufa-net ~ here.-o.befofe P'-OVlOtC. MOf!QIgee Jni.V tndke Stich payment Of Pfovtde sue'l msuranct,
<br />and the.MD.tntt,$) paid theretor ~ betome ~ part of the Ottltg.il:KlUS. secured herebY'. due ~(td payabie 1mme6I.1Utly .iM 5n.a1l beaf IflteIl!st at Ihe rate oJ _.l.~..:_?. percenl
<br />per _ It""' ana at the "''''' tno Moc1gagoelllil<es such payment
<br />6. That lh lhe fWefU M(K1~ dtlautb Nt the pay~t 01 anyot the OimgahoM Of QIIfiY Inlet,sl thefeotl. at the time when the same snail be (tije, Of With. respecl to any
<br />_ 01 wn4iliOn here6l. then. ~llno oplion of MoI1gagoe. Ille ent". ObI>gat.... ser:Uled Ilereby shalllOltllw,lh beCOo". 0.. anO flilYaIlle. and Ille Moltgagee may 11!1-
<br />~ lorldo$e llris MoI1gage or putSlll any Olher .vatlJilIe legal remedv In the _ 01 any iICllOfl by Mortgagoe 10 ",101<0 eOIl",I<oo ol any 01 lhe Oblrgahoos secu,ed
<br />l1InlIy. Ille Moc1~ agreea lllaI an.,. _.... iflcluOjng w~IloUI_ allolllOyS- I... ~nd costs 'llCufled 00 connlChOllI""'''''' Of ,neufled 10 plDcure or e.lend ~n
<br />allS<<ilct Of UUt $llait. wilen _Ill! or !liid by MortgoQM. _ ~ par1 ollhe O/lllgallOllS ;ecureo llOreby and ,hall De ll3'd bv Mortgagor logether willi all ollhe lil.l<3il1e
<br />C05I$ 111 $UC!l iClIoo
<br />1. Tl1aImtno_anyatllooilbrvuglllto _,lIlS Moc1gage lor aU or any pa'lot the 0lltrg;I1""" secu'e<! nereby. !he Morlgagre slla" be entJlled 10 Ill1IfIedoa"
<br />IIO$SlIUIoI1 elllle -\liIIed plflllius, ancl the court or . jUdgt!hereol in vatll1loil. may ~ ~nd tno Mortgagor heraO} COll5el1ts 10 fhe appointment ol a rece..er to Ia\<e
<br />llOSl8SSlat> of saidflftmlses to caileCl andrlCOMl renlHnd prohts JIfI$ill!; lheref'om; aflll lrom any monevs SO coitecled. 10 pay taxes, 1>'0\1.08 'nSUfante_ malIe _ed re-
<br />;WI.~ _ the fIftmlses. anclrnakt any oIllar 8.ql8n(llluf8S i\UIlIomed by lno tourt. "0 apply .ny sum remaining aile' lhe ll3yment ol $ueh ..Ihorlleo llJI-
<br />(l8lldiIlIf1$ upon the 0bI>gali0ns,
<br />8.. Tl1aIlalillIe<< I!elar PI Moc1gagoete_<iseany 01 ~..ighlS or prill'" or 10 "$lSt upooSlfict perlOlmanceot any tov.r.anls or 3O'ee",enlS of Mortgagor con!aifl'
<br />tIIlnll!ls/Hllvage $/rjII_lle euMlfUtld ~s a waMlf Of any ......_t Of ~llOO oIllorlgagor or r.gl1I Of remedy 01 Mortgagee cOllla"'ed rn o. baser! upon..V ollhe
<br />lanIlI.lIl1N-' ~Ol_ Olll!ls IIilflllage 01 any 1_. <lola<tlls
<br />
<br />, fl1aIl<tc.uaol ~flln the ~ 01 any 01 the llbIitI- 01 ifl c.ua 01 payment by MOf1gaQeo 01 any "en, ilia_nt. tl<_ insu,an"". COSI. or ..perrsa. sa':
<br />~ ll>alt lJayt the~. willlout llIdaIloa the _ ~ duo and ~. 10 forec.... 00 account of such specrlic defaulllol SUCh Obligations as ~re I.
<br />......an/I,-~afll~lIJiYll8llOdandthetand~llOrainllJiY be SOIf. subjl<110 1""..pajrJ OlllrgallOllS hel<lby \"Curell. antlll1ls Mortll3f1O s/1alI
<br />flIIl\IIIllt asa _lor any \Il1II1lld ~ 0Illl8 ~"'-----"-_' . \' 1
<br />
<br />1l),~~and""'s to the ~~&;'.'. _'. an<l to rents a"" prolo. oi lhe Premrses analOoe$ ilSSi\lfl1O Mortgagee all
<br />.--.......... ...~..the..... ~.... .... . _.....I!f. -... '. ....Wfi\llllilt... .... .' ... ..... ..._.. .... 10. X1tclan<lretellll 101 aIlltfllS, MorIlI3gordireclulileJlafllsfoPilyrent<lueor
<br />10--..... . ~, ltw_ 01_ ~ls' , _ . llIi paitI. ThtU'SIQMlOlIl .hall no! become operal'" unltSS OOlaulH' Illidtt. the
<br />! ~,\tItIl$. MIlCGl'4lI1il1l1UI.tn, 01\118 Obll0l1lG<lu.lIllt .....~.- .. h
<br />
<br />H, "any~Gl\118 ~....~ t,~r8lSor _ wJ\IllIOIl\118 pqqrWlitllm_ OIlno MofIQ;ogeO. Ille ~s""'v allt>e opllOO .lthe Morlgagee be decia,1Id
<br />~."MIl"","'IIIlsM\lfllllll8may lit ~ as,. _ UlIWIQl'~ 6 ancll 0I1~1$ Mortoaoe.
<br />
<br />1., llIil....... lit kaullllduJ CII atIllWand....._ wtlalsoe'ttf. "<:41>1. _p~~().>~_
<br />
<br />'" --.l-
<br />
<br />1~'1Jl~.M~l!laft,wJl/I.w!thellllor- ~ ol~.l1lQf1gaoe!lf _wi'!e __ \ho "'_"'. Of ll"'lllilllle Premlm '" ~."
<br />fnlqi.'lflJ._~'_~l!lIIl\Il~'laptiall.Il8tIIrUIl~lOlIe~ <luean<lPa)'iiilIean<l" 1<id1Mf)1 tM Mo<lgage may be lore-
<br />"._.llr~'.1t1lli1l__
<br />
<br />t~. l1lIiIJI.Jlf.............lItW~.. _.MM1l !l("""""'$llaitlltdMrned ""l>ffalll<! I,,,,,, ".. ""-'llI t!'QVlj""', on<l_'" no ...,
<br />...~..--,
<br />
<br />~.UIllH"'"
<br />
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<br />