<br />83- 004174
<br />
<br />the sum~ sectlred by this Deed of Tnm shall continue unimfaire<l. Upon such payment and cure by Borrower. this Deed of
<br />Trust and ttle obli..ti~ $tlCured hefebyshall remain in ful force and effect as if no a~celeratlon had occurred.
<br />21" ~.(lfR... A~ofRfteiyer: Le'" III.........n. As additional security hereunder, Borrower
<br />he~. ........ lIS.. .IIJM.'. . ........'.t. 0.. Len... .... ckr..... t..he.........rtn'tsOf...t..he.... .Property. ... ... ,prov. lde.d.t. hat.. Bo.rrower sb.al.I.;. prior to accele.,ationu.nder
<br /> parag.ra.Ph 18
<br />htfe\:ll'or aba~ ohbe ., haVe the. right to collect and. retain such rents as they become due. and payable.
<br />UJlOII'aeciileratid!Jl!iIder 'aph 13 hereof onbandonmentof the PJ'Ope.tty, lender. in person. by agent or by
<br />tlldlcialtyapt!l)lfltdd rtc:eiver, s. .entitfed to enter upon, take ~ion of and manage tbeProperty and to collect the
<br />re. .1IllI...... ....0. H..he.f... P ..tl tQpm. ... . .YillC..... ...~...utfiItI.. ..... .. lb... QSIl. . '.past... ..due..... . ^.I.I. renl$eoI. ... lecte<l b.VY'le lenn'de.. r or the
<br /> receiversball be applied firstto p.ayment
<br />oftmCOSU of~t of tht,J>tOperty and collection of rents, including, but not limited to. receIver's fees. premiums
<br />on~"sbolld5 _ ~ble attorney's fees,. and then to the sums secured by this Deed. of Trust. Lender and the
<br />recm:l1t~llheliable'to lleCOltlltootyfot thoserenlS actually receive<l.
<br />1t..FlIfiIft.~ Upon request of IItmower. L\lnder, at Lender'soption. prior to full r\lcf>nveyance of thl' Property
<br />by'T~~o.~tj1ll8Y mlikeFutUre Advances to B0rr01"'Cr. Sueh Future Advances. withinlllrest Ibereon.shall he
<br />~NlllltfhitDeHofTtll$l wMt\evidenee<I by promissory nOles stating that said notenre secured hereby.. At no time shall
<br />the~lpaI~t\lf the I~_uredby tbis Deed of Trust. Jl(Itincluding sums IIdvaneed in accor$nce herewith
<br />to ptO(eCt1htseeurit,y ofthisDl!edof Trust, exceed the original amouo.lof the Note plus US L."U1.oo..QC}.,..",..
<br />n.. ~.Upon payment of aUsurns secured by this Deed of Trust. Lender shall request Trustee to reconvey
<br />tlle~ya~shllll.urroodef Ibis Deed. of Trust and all nOles evidencingindebt\ldoess. secured by this Deed of Trust
<br />to.. 'fr~,. TI1lSfeo shall_vey the Property without warranty and Without charge to the person or persons legally
<br />_itfe4t.lo: Such penon ot perllOIl$ shallp.y all COSIS of recordation. if any.
<br />u.......T,..., l.eodef. at Lender's option. DUly from time to ti_ f\lJIIOve Trustee and appoint a successor
<br />t,.... ,. tilA.nYTrusteeappoitlkd. hereunder by an instrument recorded in the couflty in which this Deed 0.. {Trust is recorded.
<br />Witboutconveyanceofthe.P~y. the'successor.trustee sball succeed to all the titkl. power and'duties conferred upon
<br />the Tru_ !lmin' aodby 8p9lieablc law,
<br />24" ......101' N~ Bono"r requests that copies of the notice of default and notice of sale be sent to Borrower's
<br />a.ddres$ whichisthe Property Address.
<br />
<br />,"_W_'~~~~;;Z:;;j,l~~,4t~............
<br />~l D. Plunkett /'> -8_
<br />\ /, ,{-/,,:/ /
<br />. '~Z~~4i~ Plunk~~~c?~:~4#. .. .... .. ~
<br />
<br />,/
<br />ST"TEOJ< NEJI.USJI,A,.. . .... .. . . .... ,1lALL. . , , . . . . . . . . . . .. , . . , ,County ss:
<br />On this ..... .;itA . . . . . .day of.. . . . .~1;. . '. 19. !l~., before me. the undersigne<l, a Notary Public
<br />duly commissionedand qualified for said county. ~rsonaUy came.. . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .
<br />~.r.l,.Q~ .f).AA~t;t; ..~. .J~~41,4~p~. ~'.. ,~~!l!r-,~.t.,. J~q~~;t~. !'l~d. ."!H~...... to me known to be the
<br />idential person!&) whose name(s) are subscribed to the foregoing instrument IInd acknowJedged the execution
<br />theleot1Obe.'<M~f... . .. . . . . VOhUllary aet and deed.
<br />Witnessmyltandand notariahcal at.......~. lsJani. .:NebrA$M.....,..... .in said county, the
<br />date afo<<said,
<br />
<br />My COIllmissioo e_,)
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />To TaUSTU:
<br />
<br />llte ~ is the h(Ilder of the note or nOI\l5 secured by this Deed of Trust. Sai4 note or notes, together
<br />with aUotbet'~edne$s secunld by tltis Deed of Trust. have been paid in full You are hereby directed to cancel
<br />saidnqte()f IlOte$ ~nd this Dee4 of T~ which are delivered hereby, and to reconvey, without warranty. aU the
<br />"'e1lQVi~by you under this Deed of Tl'Ust to lhe person or perwns leaaUY entitled thereto,
<br />
<br />~;..,.."....,',...,..,....,..
<br />
<br />(Spoo:jo _ Th4...... R__ Fw L_...."" ~t)
<br />
<br />
<br />W. alt.. .. &qU41 u.ployl/l!lmt Opt>ortuntty/ AfU.J:lIIt,tive. Action Etaployer MlF,
<br />