<br />83- ()()41.74
<br />
<br />9. c...e.-'oa. The proceeds of any award or claim for damages, direct or consequential, in connection with any
<br />condemnation or other laking of the Property, or part thereof, or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation, are hereby assigned
<br />and shall be paid to Lender,
<br />In the event of a total taking of tbe Property. tbe proceeds shall he applied to the sums secured by this Deed of Trust,
<br />wilb the excess, if any, paid to Borrower. In the evenl of a partial taking of the Property, unless Borrower and Lender
<br />otherwise agree in writing. there shall he applied 10 the sums secured by this Deed of Trusl such proportion of Ihe proceeds
<br />as is equal to !bal proportion whicb the amounl of Ihe sums secured by this Deed of Trusl immediately prior 10 Ihe dale of
<br />laking bean to the fair market value of lhe Property immediately prior 10 Ihe dale of laking, with Ihe balance of the proceeds
<br />paid to BoJTower,
<br />If the Property i. abandoned by Borrower, or if, after nOlice by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor oilers to make
<br />an award or settle a clAim for damages. Borrower fail, to respond to Lender within 30 days afler the dale such nolice is
<br />mailed, Lender is authorized 10 collect and apply the proceeds, al Lender', option, eilher 10 restoration or repair of the
<br />Property or 10 lhe stunJ second by this Deed of Trust.
<br />UJl~ Lend<< and Borrower otherwise a,ree in writing, any such applicalion of proceeds 10 principal shall nol exlend
<br />or postpone lhe due date of the monlhly installments referred 10 in paragraphs I and 2 hereof or change Ihe amounl of
<br />such inilallmenls.
<br />10, ..........er Not RdeMed. Extension of Ihe lime for payment or modification of amortization of the sums secured
<br />hy Ihis Deed of Trust !l1Ilnled by Lender to any successor in inte=t of Borrower shall not operate 10 release, in any manner,
<br />the liability of the onginal Borrower and Borrower's successors in lOteres!. Lender shall nol he required 10 commence
<br />proceedin/ll against sucl1 successor or refuse to extend time for payment or otherwise modify amortization of the sums
<br />secured by this Deed of Trust by reason of any demand made by the original Borrower and Borrower's successors in interest.
<br />I.. F~e by l.nder Not . W1IiwIr. Any forheanlnce by Lender in exercising any right or remedy hereunder. or
<br />otherwise atfot'ded by applia.bIe law, .hall not he a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any such right or remedy.
<br />The procurement of Insurance or the payment of taxes or other liens or charges by Lender shall not he a waiver of Lender's
<br />right 10 accelerale the malurity of the indebtedness secured by Ihis Deed of Trust.
<br />11. ....... C_IIIlIIl..e. All remedies proVIded ID thIS Deed of Trusl are distincI and cumulative 10 any other righl
<br />or remedy under this Deed of Trust or afforded by law or eqUIty, and may be exercised concurrently, independently or
<br />i~Vety.
<br />13. s.ce-.... A.... ........: 101111 and S<:nral UabOlty: Captions. The covenants and agreements herein
<br /><.:ontlined .hall bind. and the rights hereunder shall inure to. the respecllve successors and assigns 01 Lender and Borrower.
<br />subject 10 the provisions of parasraph 17 here<>f All covenants and agreements of Borrower shall he joint and several.
<br />The capUoas and headin/ll of the paragraphs of Il1i. Deed of Trusl are for convemence only and are not to be used to
<br />interpret or ddIne the provisions hereof.
<br />..... Notke. Except for any notice fCqmred under apphcable law to be. given in another manner, (a) any notice to
<br />Borrower provided for in this Deed of Trust .ball be gIven by lll111hng such nollce by certified mail addressed to Borrower at
<br />the Property Add,.,. or at such other addreu "" Borrower may deslgnale by notice to Lender as provided herein. and
<br />(b I any n~ to Lender shall be given by L'Cttitled mail. return receipI requested, to Lender's addn:os stlted herein or 10
<br />$lldl other Jlddr_ 1Ul I..alder may desilD"le by nOlice to Borrower as proVIded herein. Any notice provided for in this
<br />Deed of Trust .hall be deemed to have been given to Borrower or Lender when given in the manner designated herein.
<br />15. U~ OeM of Ttwt; C.onmlDc ._: Seurablllty. ThIS form of deed of trust combines uniform covenanls for
<br />natIonal use aod noo~uniform co~nantl with hmiterl va:nahons hy jUftUhChOn to constitute a uniform security instrument
<br />covering real property. T'hi!l Deed 01 Trust ,ball be g<werned by tbe law of the luri>d,ction 111 whieh th.. Property is 10000ted.
<br />In lhe eveol tbatany prov.._ or CW- of th.. Deed ot Trust or Ihe NOle conthel. wllh applicable law, such conlliet shall
<br />not alfeet other pre. wisio.... of thIS Deed of 1'fU$1 or Ihe NOle which can be given effect wilhout the confiicting provi.ion,
<br />and to Ihi> end the provisIons 01 Ihe Deed of Trusl and Ihe Note are declared to be ""verable.
<br />.6. ............, Cepf. il<lrrower "udl be fur",shed 0 conformed copy of Ihe NOle and otlhis Deed of Tru" al Ihe time
<br />of eucution or after recon:IatioIl hereol,
<br />.7. TnoIlIfer of die ~y;~. If all or any pa" of the Pmper!Y or an interest therem IS sold or Iransferred
<br />by &<.trIO"'" without Lender, pnur ....nlt~ COll""flt. exdudm3 i.1 lhe creallon o! a lien or encumbrance subordinale to
<br />lhi. Deed 01 Trust, (bl the creation of . pul'clul>e money ,"",unly IIIler.,.t for lh:,~hold applu\Oces. (c) . transfer by devise,
<br />deacem or by operatiou of law upon the death (If . IOInt lenan' Of (d) the gn.n! uf any leasehold intef"'l of three years or less
<br />not COlItaini". an OptlUfl to purchaoe. Lender may, .1 I end"r'> Op!lOn, dcelor. alllhe sur"' .ecured by Ihi. Deed of Trus, to he
<br />Immediately dUl: and potyable~ Lender shaH have w.m,d .uch "')luon in ."""'lerale ,f, pnor to tbe sale or trall.fer. Lender
<br />atld the penon to whom the Propert)" 1$ to be ~{)ld Uf ut..l\dened rea...;-h 3gree.ment. H'I writin.s that the credit of such penon
<br />i. satitfactory 10 lender and thaI the 'lIler""t !",yabfe un ,he .um. ","-culed by Ih" Deed 01 TfIIllI .hall he a' such rale a.
<br />Lende-r shall req_. If Ixnder II" w".i.ed the "pilon ", accderate provided 1lI th.s paragraph 17. and if Borrower's su<:cessor
<br />ll\ 'IUet""l bas exes:uied a written .....umpl.on allf"me." accepted 1Il wntlng by Lender. Lender shall relea"" Bt~rrower from
<br />all obliptiom under lhrs Deed of Trust and the Note
<br />If Lender eX,4n~iM:$ such option to accderate. Lender shaH mail Rorrnwc.r tlOf1(:c of ac~eI~ration in accordam.."e with
<br />pua.raph 14 hereol, Sw:b notice shall provrde a pe<tOO 01 "01 Ie.. lban ..iJ days fmm the date the notice is mailed within
<br />which Borrow'" may pay lhe swm dcclared due, If Bt~"ower fait. In PO} .ucb .ums )lflor to the expiration of such period,
<br />lender may. Wlthoul further nOlI<< or dc",and 01\ Bt'ffowe,. In'.o~e an} remed.es permilled by !",ragraph 18 hereof.
<br />
<br />NON.UNII'OllM COVl!NANT'. Borrower and Lender funher covenanl and agree u follows:
<br />Ill. A""lendooo;; R~ .::.."....... pro..1dctd 1ft panocrapll 17 "effOf. UpoA Borro..e.... b""",1t of any connanl or
<br />._t of Bono_r 1ft tin. l>e..d of 1'...... iodu4ia& the co'e_ 10 pay wh"n due any .ums """ured by this Deed
<br />of Trust, Leader pricK to iIC~. tIlWI mail notke to Borrow..r ... ,..nided i.. par...apk 14 hereof .pedfying: (I) 110..
<br />bread.: (Zl the ae:tioA ",quired 10 cure .""b bnacb; (3) a date, aot ""'" Ih... 3& day. from the date the nollee Is mailed 10
<br />Borro.."., by which .U<'h tm:ad. ..._ he com:d; and i4, that fallure I.. cure .""" breach on or hef...... the dale specified
<br />i.. lhe flOtkt- may ft'$Ult 1ft acrelendoa of the ..._ _ured by thill lleetd of 'I rust aAd ....e of the Property. Tbe notice
<br />shalt fort_ Worm Borro...r ..f !be riahl to rei_ af"'r accd...ation and the righl to bring a c....rt acllon to a'.lert
<br />rhe ~dsr,,""e of " ddlMdt .... ...., OCher dd_ of Borro..er 10 acceleration and .alc. If the br.ach is "01 cured
<br />.... or lid...... the date ........iIHd I.. ..... Htlce. I....... at Lender'. optioft may det'tar" aU of lhe su.... secured by Ihis Deed
<br />of T..... to "" i.......nar..ly Ii.... and,.,able ..i1hout f~r de.......... and may In.oke Ihe power of sale and any other remedies
<br />""pqjtte<f by applieabIc law. Leader shalt .... endtled 10 collect all ......nable co>b and expense!> IMurred in punuing Ihe
<br />............ pro.Wed Ia Ibis paraataph II. htdvoliag, hut _ rimited 10, r_~ attorney's fees,
<br />If dw poww of satr Is im'obtl. TmslU duIIt record a 0011"" of defaull in ..ad> county In whleh the Property or ...m.
<br />pu1 dwnol il; ~ line! shalt mail coplG of ....,10 _lla in the marUler prescribrd by applkable law 10 Borrow.r and 10 the
<br />..........- pmtCrllIell by appliaIbIot law. After the I"l* of ...cb li_ ... may he reqolred by appUC1IbIe law. Tmstu .hail
<br />,"e ........ Ill!lkc of satr to the ~ line! I.. """ manner pnscribed by applkaW" law. T......"". witbout ckmand on
<br />1kot't9_..... sdl Ute I'mperty at public auctma to the hlah<<l bid""r al I"" ti..... and place and unckr Ibe lerms d""iltnaled
<br />ill t.. IlOtl<< of IIIIk ... _ or _ parcelii line! \n such order as Tnutee may d."'moin... Trustee may poopolle sale of all
<br />.... lIIl)' fllI'1'd or die hopert, by pallllc __""111 at the lim. ....d plaa of any pre.io...., schwuled ...i., I"."der or
<br />(.......... ....... ..,.. parc:toMc die .........rty at oy satr.
<br />\JpQa rtidpt of pll,_ of u.. price bid. TI'tI$lee >IuoJ1 ddl.", tll "'" pu,rebaser lru.'It""" d-.I ,_.eyift& the l'rupert)
<br />!iilI4. tJw ndltk Ia Ilk T~'$ ~ """" be ptitna f.d" evidftoce of the truth or the st_b Il\ad<; tbcnin. Truslrt
<br />..... ..... ..'... dw ~ of Ilk. .... io Ilk r..llowtDa <<dcr: (al to all r-..ble ,_ and e$petIX> o.r the I\llle. indudlng, hut.
<br />..... to. ~'" r.... of 001; _1hIIlIlo ~.. of tii, of "'" llt'OOill ... poo. ...._abl<o ar~'. rees .nd cost.. of title e,idence;
<br />ltt)tO l!IlI\lIN ~ ~ lhIs l:lHod of l'nastHI.,,1 HI} tbe ellre>;l;, IhllY, 10 1M pe....... ar per......,.ltpIIy .ntitled theceto,
<br />19. ......<<1'..... to..~ NOlwith.,andillJ Lemler'. acceleral"''' of lbe ,um. ""uled by !hl; n.,.J "f T,,,,,,
<br />hrr~f ma,llllll...,'!wi rliht to ha~ "n. I'ro<;""di~ begun by l.end<;r 10 eof"",. thti Deed of Tr"'1 "..conli"".,1 0'
<br />114f !JmI.' jlfior tl) tile Qli... te O<:t;ur <>f (i) ihe llilll ./Joy belore lhe ...k:, of Ih. Property pUmlalll l<\ Ih.. power ,'f ,ale 'ot\H",,,,d
<br />tn.rhi.1>..~ ofTrmj 'If. fiiY. en!t)' of" i,..Idf;ft1C']1 .,,((acinglh;. Deed of TfilSt if: !alll<lfrower P'Y'." L.nder.1I 'U. ffiS WIlKh ",puld
<br />Ile ~ ;h;c .lmkr thrll DeoOd of Tnm. t'- NQte and 1>01.1\ ",Ctltlna: FUlure A,hancc>, It .nv, had flO a,cderolH,n ,,,,,,..ned;
<br />(I.>J Jorr~ <'UflOs aflltrt'$hln (If any other .",'enant.< ,.. og'flOe"",nl. <.'1 Bt"",,,,., ";tHaine<l rn ,1m Deed of Tr,,>:
<br />Ii'J ~t i>'IT" ill _nabie tI~/ll!n'ln in<:urred by L4tlldcr and Tria!"" in <nforemg !he c,)'<r\~"h .nd agrcemenh "t
<br />Bm_ ~IMd lit 1t....Doed <>f Tru.<t and in enfore"'3 Lemler'. and Tn",!'",,', r".""<1;.,,.. p",vlde.! ID rarall'''I'!\ IX
<br />~wf. '""~, ~l _lfmited' m, !''('''''OfUlbl<l"tl<JfMy', f_; ..r;J (d, Dorrower !al;", ,,,ch 'KII",.. as Lende. n,.,. .<"",,,.N,
<br />t~ut.r~ to. ~ t-h,l{ tbt tifn of th~ Deed tJf Trtl'tL fA;,ikr'<~ In-Jef~t m t~ 'PtOptf1j' and B-nrrowcr':\ f$IIt,1!Hon tn pol';
<br />