<br />I
<br />
<br />83- 004169
<br />
<br />6. If he fails to pay any sum or keep any covenant provided for in this mortgage, the Mortgagee, at
<br />i"option, may pay or perform the same, and all expenditures so made shall be added to the principal sum
<br />oWin, on the above note, shall be secured hereby, and shall bear interest until paid at the rate provided
<br />n for in theprineipal indebtedness.
<br />
<br />7. Upon request of the Mortgagee, Mortgagor shall execute and deliver a supplemental note or notes
<br />for the sum or sums advanced by Mortgagoo for the alteration, modernization, or improvement made at
<br />the Mortgagor's request; or for maintenance of said premises, or for taxes or assessments against the
<br />same, and for any other purpose elsewhere'authorized hereunder. Said note or notes shall be secured
<br />hereby on a parity with and as fully as if the advance evidenced thereby were included in the note first
<br />described above. Said supplemental note or notes shall bear interest at the rate provided for in the prin-
<br />cipalindebtedness and shall be payable in approximately equal monthly payments for such period as may
<br />be agreed upon by the Mortgagee and Mortgagor. Failing to agree on the maturity, the whole of the sum
<br />or 8Um3 so advanced shall be due and payable thirty (30) days after demand by the Mortgagee. In no
<br />event shall the maturity extend beyond the ultimate maturity of the note first described above.
<br />
<br />8. He hereby assigns, transfers and sets over to the Mortgagee, to be applied toward the payment of
<br />the note and all sums secur€'d hereby in case of a default in the performance of any of the terms and condi-
<br />ti<:ma of this mortgage or the sald note, all the renl" revenues and income to be derived from the mort-
<br />gaged premises during such time as the mortgage indebtedness shall remain unpaid; and the Mortgagee
<br />shall have pow~r to appoint any agent or agents it may desire for the purpose of renting the same and col-
<br />lecting the rents, revenues and income, and it may payout of said incomes ull necessary commissions and
<br />expensejj illcurr~ in renting und managing the same and of collecting f<mtals therefrom; the balance
<br />n>maining, if any, to be applied toward the discharge of said mortga.ge indebtedness.
<br />
<br />9, He will ('ontinuously maintain hazard irumrance. of such type or types and amounts as Mortgagee
<br />may from time to time n'f!\lire, on the improv('ments now or hereafter on said premises and except when
<br />payment for all sllch pn,miullUl hlUl theretofore be..n made under I a) oi paragraph 2 hereof, will pay
<br />promptly when du{' any pn'miums therefor. Upon default thereof, Mortgage.' may pa? the same. All
<br />illllurance shall b<' carried in companies appro",~d by the Mortgagee and the policies and renewals thereof
<br />allail he heM by the Mort!!'agee and have lIttacl1E'ii thereto loss payable claus('s in favor of and ill form
<br />, acceptable to the M:ortgltwe, In ;>vent ()f loss Mortgagur ,nil Ilwe Immediate notin. by mail In the Mort-
<br />gqee. who mil;". make proof of loss If not made promptly by !I1ortgal/,'Qr. and each ll1surance company COil.
<br />cern~ is hereby authorized and .lir('('tcd tD mak,~ payment for such log;; <iir""tly to the Mortgage!' instead
<br />'of to the :'<fortgag<g and the ;\!(H't1l'agee Jointly. and the insurance pn.."eeds. or any part thereof.
<br />may be llllpii.;d by tile Mortgagee at ita option ",tll('r to th(' rMU(,tlOll of th,. inddlteoness hereby s{'eured
<br />"I' to the f('st'J/"atioo!)1t l':lIfllillr (,f,t~y damllgl'i't In "vent of f.,n'l'lo~!ll'e of this !l10rtgllW. or other
<br />transfer oi tltlt'.t().th\!'m,.,rt~~ in ,'xIHlgtllslmwllt of Ihe mdd,t,'dness seclIl'(.d her..by. al!
<br />l'lltht, title and irtwr"N! nf !lw .Mortgagor HI and to allY trl'lUmll<~e J)(,lt"lf'S t hr.'ll ill f"rn' shall pass to the
<br />pUP,'.h_r m'1!'r;wI(~.
<br />
<br />HJ. As t::tdditHHI;;d iJH-d 1-"..lHah:nd &."t'iJ:f!ty Lqr t ht! rla:fnH~nt nf tilt.' Bote dl'.'i~Td.J,.'d, ;'Uld at! .l:Wnlo'i to t>eCUHle
<br />JUt' under this 1ll'H'tg;Ij!", II", ~1()rtgag"r h(:n,by tUI5ignll to tll.; Mortgag,... all k,,,,,, bOllllS.'S, proflts. r"ve-
<br />nUltSl r()}'alti(~. d-ghts; i~Hd clthi~r iJ.enf;fit~ itC(TU!ng to th(f ~tortKag{)t tH:d~:r any and aU od and gas lca..5{ls
<br />!HJ-W. or -d\u:'ing ht~ lift. of rhlS trt-()rtga-g-th t"Xt,'uh:..d on ~',a~d pn:"nHS,~g. with t'hp right to n>'(_:-!:"!l\'(~ :uHl n'(~ei,)t
<br />for the saIll"e lUhJ Hppiy th{,.nl t.o sald HHi{~bb~dlh_'s...~ a..., ..~dl hefon: a.,s aft('r ,if.fault in tht'" conditions of this
<br />!u<Jt'tgage, anti the )ioftgrtgt~~ rn-ay t1Clnauu. S.UH fttr and r\~eUVt~r .any ;'\th.:h p.a.,\ t1H'Ht~ \vht'n due dud pay-
<br />ab-h,~. hut shaH Hot t)t~ H_"qUH't.-"d gU to dn. Thi~ a.s,SJgUH1-t:ut LS t.o tt'rnunate and b~!conw null and \'oiJ upon
<br />,.",itc~ of this mortgage,
<br />
<br />1 L He lUu.illll>l c.xllnJlI "I' (:>ernul Wil.~t.,; ilud sball malllllun the pl'Ol",ny !!1 ;;J, g'K.d C1lti\lltWll ad at
<br />pr\:li<;lllt, re/Ui(mable ''''Ill' autl 1""1' ,'x"epte;!. t:P(l1l au.\' failure to ,w nU(lntwll, Mortgag('... ilt Its option,
<br />may Cl\U$e fNIl:l(Juahl" maiutt'lIlluce work to he pej'f,.rmed at th.. <:(>"t of MOI"tgagor. ,'\ny amount.~ paid
<br />tht,rl:tiOl' by MOt'tgag..'tl. "hall b{!IU' inter"..t at the rate pro\ld"d for in the 1''' lll<"pal inJ..lrtedness. shall
<br />therttupon berOln" it part vi' the lntiehtl.,'dl1e~ s&:ured hy this ;n>>trument, ralably and on It parity ",.th all
<br />other indebu",iness """ur<<l lwreby, and shall be payable thirty (10) daYII aft"r d..mand,
<br />
<br />12. If the pr"nlls;;s, or tlllY I,art thereof. 1Jt> <.'olldemneJ under the I")W"I' o[ "fIlilWIlI d"main, 01'
<br />acquiroo for a public uS<!, the damllWs awal'deil. tlle pl'oc""ds for tlo,' taking of, or lh" c"I,,;ideration for
<br />such acquigjtiol'l, to thf. t'xtent of th~ full amuuut of the renlauHug unpHid i!Hl..~hh;dHes~ ~("ClHT.d by this
<br />mort;pge, or lu~reby assigned to th" Mortgagt'e, and shall 1><' [}<tJt! furth"lth tl> 0'''0 MOl'tgllgt'''' to be
<br />a.ppUed on accoullt of the last maturing installments of su<;h indebt..>dn""s,
<br />
<br />18. If the Mu)'tgagor faila to make any !layments wlwn due, 01' to ('onfonTI tn and comply with any
<br />of tlte couditions or agreements c(mtalned in this mortgage, or the !lut!~s wha:h it SCC'UI'('S, tltt'n the
<br />El\iUre p.rltu:ipalllum aud ac.cru<:rl iutel'est shall "t ull,;e becHme dUl:l llnd Ilayabh:. at ti,e ejediOll of the
<br />M.,~; and thl" mortgage, ma.\' thereupon be foreclmwd immediately for tilt' whol.. of the indebtllo-
<br />n_ ltel<etW secun,d, wdurling the ,:ost of extending the :10strad of title fmlll the dah, of lhi" m\rl't-
<br />~ W the ti.nli: of Cnl1lIlHltlcing such suit, a reasunable attorney's fe;;, an..! 1ltl:> sums plwl hy the \\'t(,raus
<br />Adwnil!t:raiioIl on l<<:count of the guarant"v or insurauce of tile indebtC'dlll";;S "''''llled hereby, LIII uf whidl
<br />~ ..be indudt!d in the decr,-'8 of fOrel~\{)$lll'e.
<br />
<br />14, ..lttile In<lebtoxtne1llll!eeul'ed hercby 00 guamntllt:d or IlJsured under Title :\8, l'nit"d St<lh~s {'ode,
<br />such 1'i~ &uti 1ll!~latiOU#.~ ilummndel' and in eff..,ct Illl the date lierl'of s.ha11lft'vl'rn the rigl1hl, ,lutte"
<br />a~~ill~ (If the 'PlU1l~ nl[lteto, and All.Y prO\'il>!oll" of thill or otlwr instruments t'xt.>eut.('t! In coJltwdiOIl
<br />with u.m i~~ which afil In,,"l;1!l1ll&tent with :laid 'I'IUe .'1' n.;gulatiolls are hereby llmend<'d to
<br />~at~...t:lI4n1J4,
<br />
<br />The e<lYt~llts herein crmtaiIl{.>Q IIhaH bin<l, lUld thl1 lrenelits lInd advantage." .,hall mIll'>.' to. II",
<br />