<br />r
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<br />r
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<br />83- 004169
<br />To HAVE AND To HOLD the same unto the Mortgagee, as herem Pl'ovided. Mortgagor represents (0,
<br />and covenant. with, the Mortgagee. that the Mortgagor has good right to sell and convey said premises;
<br />that they are free from encumbrance, except as hereinotherwise recited; that the Mortgagor will warrant
<br />and defend the same against the lawful claims of ~lll persons whomsoever. Mortgagor hereby relinquishes
<br />an rllPfts of hOIn('lliead. all marital rights, either in law or in equity, and all other contingent interests of
<br />the Mortgagor in and to the aoove-de1\Cribed premises.
<br />~ ALWAYS, and these presentll are executed and delivered upon the following conditions, to
<br />wit:
<br />
<br />Mortgagor agrees to pay to the Mortgagee, or order, the aforesaid principal sum with iuterest from date
<br />at tlw rate of n.'ELVE and SO/100 per centum {2 .)(f6) per annum on the unpaid balance until paid.
<br />Thell&id prineipal and interest shall be payable at the office of Commercial Federal Savings & Loan Assoc.
<br />in OJuha. Nebraska , or at such other place as the holder of the note may designate in
<br />writing delivered or ftUl.iled to the Mortgagor. in monthly installments of SIX HUNDRED EIGHT and 34/100
<br />~ ($ 608.34 ). ,commencing on th.dirst day of October ,19 8JlUld continuing on
<br />the tirat day of each month th;;reaft;;r until said !lOU' is fully paid. except that, if not soon;;r paid, the final
<br />payment of princirml ami interest "hall be due and payable on the tirst day of September. 2013 ; all
<br />aecording to llu> terms of R ,,,,rtall! promissory note of even ,late lWNlwith executed by the said Mortgagor.
<br />
<br />The Mortgai'(Jr further ugrees:
<br />
<br />1. He will pay the lII<kbt~,<IIlNIS. lIS heh'inb,.(nn. pl'ovhll'd. Privil"1{e is reserved to prepay at any
<br />ti1m!. without pl'l1mJUm "I' :"<1. llw ,'ntir,' indd)t<~jm'ss "I' an\' part thereof not less than the amount of one
<br />inlltalll!ltmt, or one hundred dollars ($100.001. whichevl'r is less. Prepayment in full shall be credited on
<br />the date n1'ClliVl.!d. Part.ulJ prepayment, other than on llIl lIuta.lJment due date, need not be credited until
<br />the next fotJowlll!! installment due date or thirty days alter such prepayment, whichever is earlier.
<br />
<br />2. TOflI!ther with. and in addition to, the monthly payments of principal and interest payable under
<br />the rerm.s of the nore ~ul't"d heroby. M,!rtgagnr will pay to Mortgagi~, as tn/stet" (under the terms of this
<br />tl"U!lt M he.reinaft!er stated) nn !.he lint day ot t'ach month until said note ill fully paid:
<br />(11.) A Bum ('<lua! tu the {{roUnd r<:IIL'f, if any. fi<'xt du,,", pll18 the prmmums that willnl!xt become due
<br />and payabl.. "11 "OIICi"s of Ill'<' and oth,-r hlu.anl Insurane.' t'ov<'l'lng the mortgaged property,
<br />plua taXi'S ,,"d aSll"!l~mNlu. next du" '.n tllt' mOl'llrag,,,l j..."p~.rty (all as ,,gtilllllred by the :M:ort-
<br />ga~. /inr1 of "IH<:,h tll<' Mortgagur III nol ith'd i It'lls aU sums llln'lldy paid therefor divided by
<br />t-h-e hurntk-'-t' Hf ::ntH1U'HS t!) t'h:tp.s..~ t,:H:*fon: Oi'H: roouth iH'l()f to tht~ date- whecft 8UC.b ground rents.
<br />I!N'mtum.ll. ta:<~s and ll,,_',",n1{'nt~ will b""'olll<' d,'hu'lll.mt, such sums to be held by Mortgag'OO
<br />in tt'Ulit tu IlllY "",id gruum! nmtll, pn'UHlH1Ul, laJ(,'~ /lnd gpL'<.'iallUlil<_nenta.
<br />(b) Th..1l4nf....gll!,. ,>I' till' """"Hwhl I'ay"bl<' pUn\,umt to subparagraph (II) and U,08e payable on the
<br />fJ,o-t~ ~"f:<'un:,-d h~'~-l'h_'i1, ~haH.w t-~"ud in Ii hinl(i~. puynwnt I'ild~ rnonth. to bt:! applied to the foUow--
<br />.ne ,h"lllll, HI UH' ord"r "ta".o ;
<br />0) g~"ound n..n~ l.aXt"~~ a.~~~un,putd. fir.' ~H-d (:!Hw-r haul"ti iUSUffi.f1e-t! premiuma;
<br />(it} tnt.t;-.f~;'!':t ("n t-hf~ note 3t.,~-un-...! hFr,~hy : a.nd.
<br />(Ill) 'llthWtiut:iOfl of th.. r'rmt:11>al of lllll,llwt".
<br />'\1,)' (~lkl..l\"Y it! til" it..."",,! ..f Ml)' ~..dl liggrf1<'at., monthly I>aym(!nt shall. unl_ made good
<br />by tt!., Mor!ga~ prio.. t.. tht' <iu.. ,1<<1" uf tilt; lwxl s\lt:h pl>yltwnt. I'<'u..titut.> an evt;nt of default
<br />under till" mOl'l~, At Murtll'ag.,,,'s oj1linu, :.1<,I'lj{.tgor will pay II "late charge" !lot exceed.
<br />ing (ouI' {X'I' ('<'"WlU Il'k I nf /H,,;' "'>>taHlt....111 I<lwH pa.d more tb.'l flfte!~n (15) days after the
<br />du~ dat" Hu,n,.,..f to (<"\'''1' t!le ,.\tr" ,. ~r"l''''' "" ..lv,..lw lHllhihng ddwllucnt rmymellts, but !luch
<br />"Ia.... chargc" shaUll"t lit., payahle pul o( tlw 1""){','('<18 vf llllY sal", Inade 10 s.atisfy the indebted.
<br />fl(;$ii >le('Ul~"i h..reuy. IlnlvlIl; li\lch 1.1I'tll'",,,I,, an" "uitk"",t tn discharll'e the .mtire indebtednelil! and
<br />all Pf'l'Pt'1' c.(~LiI ami exptJl._ !;<!C1l n}<l thel'd)y.
<br />
<br />3. Utile tot..! I){ the ~ntll nwkl by the M~r under (a) of paragraph 2 preceding shall
<br />~the ~t. f1f Jlli\)'l'IlMtII actually made by the l\.{()rtga~. a..~ trustee. for ground rents. taxes and
<br />~t.t.W' iU$lnl.D<:e premilUllill, u the C:a&l: may be, such eXCeM shall be credited by the Mot'tgagee
<br />OiDS~lieftt ~ta to be made by the Mortpgor for such it<!m$ Qr, at Mortgagee'. option, as trustee,
<br />abaU. .. ~ to M~, If. however, such monthly IlOlymellta shal! not be suffieient to pay Buch
<br />i.. w_ the li<Ull\i iihaU ~'OOUl due ud payable. then L~ MQ~or "hall pay t.o the Mortgagee, liS
<br />trwltee. an.v lImOunt ~ to mak!!' up th<! detki'!nc)' within thirty (:10) days after written notice from
<br />the.M~ lIWilll the amount of the OOftcleney, whiclt notl~ may be given by mall. If at /lny time
<br />the ~ a4aU. t@nder to the llortpaoo, in accQrdane(' with t.h<! pro~'isio!U\ of lhe nuw S1c'CUn..o
<br />behby, full ~t of the entire indebtedneaa re~ted thenlby, the Mortgagee. as trnstee, shall,
<br />Incom~ the amount of lIUcA in~ credit to the llcoount. of the Mortgagor any credit balance
<br />~!1~ uDder the pro~ of (4) of paragr'ailh 2 hereof. If Uwre shall be a default under any
<br />of the ptOviMo_ of t.lUa mortcaare NllIUJtilll in a publi<: ule of the premise$ cover,,G hereby. or if the
<br />~ aeqUinlS the ~ otherwil!ie alte:r default, the ~1ortgall\l<). M trua4>e, ~haIlIlPPly. at the
<br />~.fthe _~ of .uch ~itlp, or at the time the property ia otherwWl Ile,quired, the
<br />~_ ~~l'lC to ft1Idit the ~ under (a) of ~pb 2pn!ee<iing, U II c~'>dit on the
<br />I~~_ Ull~,d aw;l t.he ~W to the ptindpal then remainlq un~d on 8lUd nolt!.
<br />
<br />,.4. TtlilJ*" of.tWa it\l>~_t shall filmalll in full tlm'~ and .'ffeo:t during Imy p<>i\tJ)(lnement or l!x1en-
<br />i!<io...at _ ~ of ~~tuf thej~~ Qr ally part thereof ~\lrll<i hercl;y.
<br />
<br />$, ~. w$..., aij pOI.\11d renta. fJlX"li~~~~ wawr ."'. and other gQvernmental Qr mun.ici-
<br />{Jf .lm~tlQllA, W\'ied ~lOid ~ and ~t he will ImY all t1\l>:t)1l le\'i<!<i UJ)(l1l thill
<br />~,.1lNJd tMnobl. ~r \\.i;th any otliflr lutMl ())" a~tla whkh m-'Y be wvied
<br />~_tIllt tlM! Mo)"~. or the ~ holder of said pnnelplll note, 11ft account of
<br />~~~ whoopaymcnt fur al1lulcJl itema baa Uiflr'Ct<,fm'l!' ~ll made lllldn (<t) of 1'......
<br />~J~,ltl4 bfi wUl ~pt11 deUVftf the ofl'lcial r....""jptl th"'rdor to the Mfirta....l<', III dal'ault
<br />tlNJrwt Ulil1..~.~ pIIy thllllalllft.
<br />
<br />