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<br />NOTICE 83......JlI q .1l1 Cj
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<br />This credit contrsct f1"'~. a purcha... All leg.' rights Whlcl} the Buy., h.. again. ttWI~. .rtali'IG
<br />out of this. tranaactlon, Includtng .Ir ctalms and defen..., are allO vaIlB.'n. any hOfd!roftfi/j.contriIcJt.
<br />Thertghtto recover money from the holder under this provision Is IImltecfto the amourttj)i/cl by theb.....
<br />under this contract. . . .. .....
<br />A claim la a legally valid ....aonfor 'suing the SlItI.,. A'defen.. Isa 1eg8l1y valid rea8Ol'!for not paying
<br />the s.t1er.Aholder Is anyone tryIng to collect for the purch.... ..'
<br />
<br />JNSUR~CE CANtEtl,A ;rrON: In have requesle<! in'~hce in tIri...purcbase; I may cancel such request for insurance for any reason widliltfifteenJ IS} da:5\' ffPJl!~i
<br />,Oate ofthts conlfaCt by'noti'fVmg yoll or the holder of lhts~'\tract m writing. I know that the clU]<:ellalton of nlY coverage will be arrangedwtth the msurance:e~~ "
<br />,,,full refund ofmyp",mium\s)toge!herwith app!icilblefinancechargewill be credi!ed to this contract. . ., ., .." .'. " ,.'
<br />'PLEASE NOTE: If I have requested. insurance in thi. purchase, I will receive within thirty (30) days a certificate of msuran<;e more fully describing the insurance coverag~;' i
<br />'J know that if there is any conflict in the coverage or t!WI'lIgnage of the certificate of insurance and the following Notice of Proposed Insurance that I am covered only tb '.
<br />.the extent stated in the following Notice of Proposed Insurance, I also know that I have insurance coverage only iHhave been charged for it. ,. .
<br />
<br />,.... . ' tIl111 eitl1i:rCredit Life or Credit Accidentl!11d HCJllth Insur'!Dce, or both, will heapplleable to \Ills Sail\< C9nlni<:.tQD \hC.~jj~OIllilflhliv.e~i!J
<br />It f>y . uest for.such insurance. This in'. Urance will only coverthe. p'"rsoo'signing the request at the cos.t for each type of lMura. 1tC. e. Shown,. SUb.!Jeel..ti> lICUptlIJICe.'
<br /> . . ..
<br />byt '. ..' . y" \he. it1$urance will be effective as of today and WIll continue....1y for the tllIIl1ber'ofmonthsafier \lleleffectlve date C!II!aHo.1h6,lIIlIIIdJier,of
<br />mon""ypayments, I understand that !his parti(lular insuran"" may not provide ~overage for my I..!few {'Symonl$, and that during that period of tiQoJwltl_I\;lve.,any
<br />insurance l;;Iv<nllle.All benefits and proceeds of the insurance will be paid to yOU or to a [maneial institutiOn ora bani< if it purchues the Sal~Conttae,HO' the extentofi"
<br />interests and any balance will be payable to me, The initial amount of Credit LIfe Insurance is the amount required to repay the Total.ofPayments:'thereafl<<;,theinsuranee
<br />decteal;es bytbe .amount of eacb monthlv payment on a scheduled 30 day basis. If I am jointly obligated on the Sales ConlTact with a Co-Buyer, Wwe have b<!lh.rped
<br />the request fo. r Cred.it I;.ife Insurance. de8th benefits will be payable only with respect to the first one of us to die. Subject to eXclusio.ns., eli.miD8. lionsor. waiting periOd..
<br /> '.stated.. .
<br />in themsurance policv or certificate, Credit Accident and Health Insurance is CllT the henefit amount of I /3Oth of each month's paymeald'orQaCllday thaHam. waI1y!liPbled
<br />due to an IDi. ury. or sic.kness while I o. We any payment to. you; however. I understand that I have to be prevented ~.rom w. orki.ng. due. lO.sucIt.totaI... dl~lty'forJJlOR:lI\;ln:fQur,
<br />teen (14) consecutlve..daYs before the irnlUTanC.e ~t is paid back to the first day of my total disabilitY,.1 aI80 know that. I aIIIJIOt. . eblaIn. . J
<br />am over 6S Yl'al'S or. today, and 1 . Me _i tbe II1SIll"lIIlU eoverage provided In _ may ronlain a maximum _oleov
<br />cases, the entire _I that I owe you. to the maximum amount of coverage stated in the insurance policy. I know that any unpaid . .. .. . '.. .... ... . .
<br />coverage will stll! have to he paid, !flbeSales C'Alntract is prepaid in full prior to tbe !ast raymentdate, anyuneamed insllI1lllcepremiumswi1lbere~1Ome?n,tlIt\nalt-
<br />ner p",scribed by law, Wit~in thirty (30) days. I will receive the certificate of insurance more fully describing my insurance coverage. If tf!e insu~isllO! ~by
<br />t~,_company, I wtllrecetve a refund<>fthe msuranceprenllums I have paId,
<br />
<br />BiiYE:~~~~:;;:::~~;:w=:;:~~;~;~~e~:;;:~~:ancial:siit~;~~ankin~;:::;J;=~i
<br />
<br />FOR V ALOE RECEIVED. SeUer hereby sells, assIgns, convey', transCers and delivers tc> '. . ,/'. . ,'" '.J ,,....<~..
<br />(A. .....ignee) all o. f its rights. ,title and intetest in and to the Installment Sales Contract and Mongagi:, togeth. er WI..th alJliens eJOSUn.' , g. 10 seem l'8YmenY... "and, the...l'fllP<'I1....
<br /> Y
<br />encumbered herel>~, Assignee i. hereby substltuttdllS Mortgag~ under the Mongage pro\isions of this contract, Seller wammts andre IS; (I) lt has thCright to.1tUIlIe
<br />this assignment; (.) All statements and figures in this contract and in the Buye,' s statement are materially true and correct; (3) This contraclarose frol>l thebona;fi!le~e
<br />of the goods and services described herein; (4) The cash downpaymentshown in this contrac.' was actually paid by Buyer and no part of .aidllownp.iiymetll,....loaneddl-
<br />reetlv oflndirectly hy Seller 10 Buyer. i 5) Each Buyer is legally ~ to contract; (()) ThIS contractls not and will not he subjeetlo any claim, defense. demand or right
<br />of offset: (7) The execuUon of,this cont:nict and the unde:rlrmg Wes~'tIQfl gIving rise thereto did not ~'lOjate any federal or state law. directive. rule or regulation no~
<br />in el'fect;(l!)ln the e_that this contract or the underlYlllg sales. traI\lIIICtion " subject toa right of resctssion or-x:aneellation by the Buyer, such ntscissioll or cancella,
<br />lion period has expired and neIther the ,ale nor \his COlltr'dCt h'!$ been cancelled orrescinded. TIllS COIITIIACT 1SS8LO IYSflLER WtlHOUfRECOUllSE,
<br />IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF. the undersll!ne<lI.S a"<iu. t. hon7~ re~.' e of 'he Seller and has SllIned below on hehalf of the Seller on this
<br />-''(''-'' \t ;,
<br />day of ~-,----~---~---~--4-LL ,19~__
<br />
<br />
<br />,___.'.____'______ ". ,_~;;;;.;./"'~c_;Lf;:;
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<br />hy the tiUmnnl"etl agent of ~net who I)', --- -,L.:J;:;:.;.:;:r::_~L-~~
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<br />PACESEI:!!.A PRODUCTS, INc:;.'(SoIIlelV
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<br />The lore-gmng llb-trument was acknowledged before me on
<br />
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