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<br />I <br /> <br />83~04138 <br /> <br />''I <br /> <br />.. <br /> <br />r <br /> <br />ADDITIONAL TERMS <br /> <br />PREPA VMENT AND ACCRUAL OF THE FINANCE CHARGE: Even Ibough I do not have to pay more than the regularschedUledmonthly.payroen~.,iha~the <br />rigbr to prepay me wbole amotfil! c)~idg t~ yPu \''''f''.lI ar anY,time or in part from rim7 to.rime. If rhe 17nding institution or bank that buys my con. tract computes me finance <br />clulrge daily, I know my finance'Charge WIll be eSHfI make an early payment, and It WIll be hlgber If.! pay lale; I alsorecogll1ze Ibat any necessary 10 my total <br />finance chargewiII be reflected in my final bill; I also ki!ow mat the amounts shown on the reverse sidefortheFinanceCharge;Total of Paymenlll, ldePric,e <br />_estimates based on me assumptioi1that you will receive each of the "aymenrs exactly onitsdue dall!: and I know that ~ will be.lIO rt!fun<Hf I .. se1hCre ' <br />is to '.efund if. I am charged on a daily bas... i... If the lend. ing in.murion or bank does not compure' charge daily, and if I. prepay the W 8D1OUlI. ..." you <br />willtefund to me the \lIlearIIedportion of the finance charge (interest) by me accounting procedure known as.the actuarial methOd: and the amount'ofmy reha/biwillbe <br />~fl~ u:, ~f,~~U:r ~~a:d, amounts of my monthly payment and not on the actual dare. and amounts of the prep.yments that I pay ,to yo~., I ~~ that a refund <br /> <br /> <br />IMPORTANT NOTICE ABOUT WARRANTIES: , .. . .... .' . ... ...... ....,..) ',..... <br /> <br />(a) W. .a SELLER' HEREBY DISCLAIM. ALL WARRANTIES, .,EXPRESSEOOR..IMPUEO;.oli;MERCHANTA;.<;. <br /> <br />BILltv AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ON ALL GOODSANDSERVlCES.UNLESS,SetiURiFU.... <br /> <br />NISHES BUYER.WITHASEPAAATE WRITTEN LIMITED WARRANTYOR..SERVICE'C()lfrRl\eTtfA"".BY"SEL- <br /> <br />LI;R ON IJ"S OWN BEHALF (WHICH, IF MADE; ACCOMPANIES THIS CONTRACT). '. '. . ",', ' <br /> <br />(b) I have read. in detail, the separate "LIMITEb WARRANTY" which accompanies this contract: Ite.plain.the condition. and'ciil:i1l1i~irt''''j!~me'.... <br />ufactored products WIll be repaired or replaced, , take notice of the limitations on the warranty, and , particularly recognize that any implied warrantywhicha1>\llll!$,itHlie <br />goods lasts only as long as the warranty or service contract. <br /> <br />SPECIAL-ORDER GOODS: I know that you have measured my house and its openings so that you can mue the products to fit my particular house. hue i1oti~1h81 the <br />goods that are manufactured for my specific house probably ..~II not fit any other houses, ilnd under such conditions, I know'that' cannot'cance! miscbiltraCt af>anvtime <br />after the period of time given to me, by law, in which to cancel. Afterthatlega! period of time, I know that I havethe obligation to pay you in fpllthe amount owed. . <br /> <br />OBUGA TlONS PERT AI1\'ING TO MY REAL F.sT ATE: I . , promise to keep my house in good repair and to keep it insured font least 80% of its repIacement.value <br />by buying a fire,and extended coverage insurance policy, The insurance companv must be arprovedby you. and the policy must hINea benefici~e'tiu...Which'Sl\ys that <br />you are to be paid If there IS a loss. The Insurance company must agree that It Wlh not cance my polley Wlthout first telJmg you. I authorize ~_m_su~"cO~:t(j, p~y <br />you directly for any loss. You can choose to use this insurance payment to either repay any amounts I owe you or (0 repair my house. 2. I also promise thatlwm'iWtall()w <br />anYQJ:)e else w place any liens on my real estate without your written permission. J. I promise to pay ail taxes, assessments and other charges_on my.-real estate whendue. <br />4. J promise to timely make an payments on my pnor loons secured by my real estate. (also promise that I will not extend, renew or change prior loans:witbOUt Your;~D <br />permis.ion. 5. If' do no' insure my house orfulfil1 my other obligation.. to my real estate, then you can doCit for me if you want fbu.tyou. do no. t have to..t,If.'f..Ou,. dopa... ran." <br /> y <br />of these obligallons for me, I agree '0 pay you back on demand plus intere<t at the highest lawful contract rate of inrerest, Until I pay you back, the,",amounts,will beldded <br />to my debt to you which is secured by my real estate and house. I know that if you decide to buy insurance forme that you do not have to obtain any_homeowner,or liability <br />insurance. <br /> <br />SAl,E OF MY HOUSE: I promise nallo sell, lease or gIve my house 10 anyone until I have fully repaid my debt to you. <br /> <br />DEFAULT: I will be in default under this contract if: <br /> <br />I I don', make a payment when due: or <br /> <br />") ( break any pronuse I made to you to thIS conuact; or <br /> <br />3. Something else happens which causes you to believe in good faith that 1 do not intend to pay you as promised; or <br /> <br />4 I default on anyobHgauons for which I am using my home as collateral; Of <br /> <br />.c: Something happens to my house which threatens yourrighls. if any. to it <br /> <br />IF I AM L"l DEFAULT: I understand that you bave the right to foreclose the Mortgage I have gIVen to you and have my house sold to repay any amounts I owe you if' <br />am in default undeTthis contract. Be. fore my house IS sotd, you wili do everythmg tha' the law require., I(you hire an attorney 10 assi51youtosell my house, 0.1.., 10 sue.. me, <br />or, to protect your n~ts. I agree to pay you for your reasonable attorney.' fee. and for other related expenses such as court cos.., title searches and monoy you eXJlC!lded <br />to protect my house. If you are allowed to coliect such amounts by law, .' <br /> <br />OTHER'RIGHTS, We can choose not to enforce any of the rights under this contract as often as we want without losing them. Or, we can delay e!lfOr\;i~ aoy.liflltr;j'jghls <br />wilhout los1ng them. We can also use any right., Dowor in the future given to us by law. ~ , <br /> <br />DELAYS: I know that you ,!\,'iU use your be1JI eff~)n~ to mSUllJ the pnxh.lcc, l am.purchasU:lg on_my house. bUll also un<kr$tand_thal~ some ~lt~~YD~Jt)A~,!l\CQUn~ <br />delays that are- caused by strikes. weather condlUQns. delays you have In OOtammg matenals. or for other reasons that are beyond your comrol. r understand:th~ _~P'l Will <br />notbeliableforsu~hdelays. ' . <br /> <br />ARBURA nON: If [have a dISpute or c1a.mwlth you concemrng the 4uantily. 4ualily or pertormauce of ,he product', I understand that my dispute may beliUbmitted ltl <br />and settled ac..::ordH'J.~ to ~he rnedlauon~l:U'btt:rauon prog.ftUn that may have developed m my communIty I also know that any deciSIon made by an arbitrator(s) would be en~ <br />lered in the coun havmgjunM..hcuon \)ver me anti yuu <br /> <br />SAlV AGE V ALUE: I know ~al the windowis. woodwork. and ~>>her malcnab that have to be removed by you for this mstallatlon have_NO salvage value. When you re" <br />plOvethem~ )'ou can have them tor whatc\'crpurp(l!)e you want <br /> <br />SPECIAL SlTUA TlONS: Due to the uruqU<Il"" 01 '01"" 01 the prodtll:lti thaI Y'lU ><:11,,1 Ullden.tand thaI 10 SpeCIal s!tuahon, that your Regional Office may have to review <br />and accept this contrllCL I also und....tand that mi. sale oa:urred IR myholl~ and rhatyou and lmav "')t have had all the Ctlrtoct informallonimportanHO tl1is.transaclioa , <br />at our- fing.erupl~ 1 give )'0\1 my consent I.Oc-orre-t,;t uny obvious errors that may have cx."Cu~ when the b-IWlks In thisconuact were ~ompleted, <br /> <br />INV ALID, PKOYISl.ONS: If il.f\Y prn\'l.\lOll of l.tU~ ~LlnllACt Violates [he l~w and IS unenforceable, the reSl of the \,~ontr8.ct will be valld. If any part of this contract requires <br />p-aymentof mote ulterest m.n the law.pemliu.lhc-n you will onl~' have thenghr to l,'oUcct trom Ole the amount of mteresl which the law allow!) you to c-OUect. <br /> <br />.eOMPI"ET~;NE.!t'SO~' THIS CONTRACT: llm colltrad call <July be ,'hanged If buth yuu and I agree in wriling, <br /> <br />T. he.. not. i.C.t bring~ to my .atlention the rights that I have even when this contract is sold to a financial institution or a bank, and I should notice that the impor.i. <br />tanq:,oflJU.cprovislOOlb~byitsappearan<:eintenp"'Jlt.b"ldfac.IV"" -,... -- <br /> <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />-.J <br /> <br />L <br />