<br />83-Il04114
<br />
<br />r
<br />
<br />4. As addJtlO'nllf aeeuriti, Trustor hereby giveo.W and coment upcln Benelieiary the right, power and authority, during the oontinuanee
<br />of theoe Trwmo to ""lied the ...mUt, isoue8 and pttlIit!t of said property, ..-rving unto Trustor the right, prior to any default by Trustor
<br />in l"'yment of any indel>l:edn_ _~ hereby or in perfonnance of any agn>ement ""reunder, to ",,!leet and retain such rertUt; issue8
<br />and profit.. ... they """""'" due and payable, Upon any BUm default, Beneficiary may at any time without notite, either in penon, by
<br />agen:t, or by a ..-i_ to be app.nnted by a court, and without regard to the adequacy of any security fur the indebteclneos hereby secured,
<br />ent1M' \tpIIIl and take ~ of t!llid ~or any part thereof, in his own name RUe for or.othenrise colled'aucllrents,:iSo\lt!\land
<br />profifM,incllldinBtbeae put due and 1IDJ*id. anda\lM>the BIlIIlIl upon BXIY i~~red hereby. and in aw:horder.lIJl ~6eiary
<br />mtly detennlM. The ""taring upon and taking ~ of t!llid propertY; the colled:ion of aum mrta. isauennd profits andtheapplltatlon
<br />thereOf eM ~, shaD not cure or .._ any deliult or notiCe of dofaultht<reUndi!Tor invalidate any act do.... purauant to such bOtiill!.
<br />
<br />6, Upoo defatlltby 'I'runor in the payment of any i~'~ hereby or in the ]lBI'fOhnBl'lC!eof any agteeinent contaititlCH!ereln,
<br />all _ -....thereby ahall inunediate1y be<<mle due and payable at the .optiOn of the Beneficiary. In BUm event and upon writlieno~
<br />of ~,'l'rutee ahaIl aeII the tnIllt property. in Ilt<lOr<Ianee _h the Nebraab Truat Deeda Act, at pubUe auetlonto t!lehlgbeat
<br />bieWet-, Any penon ex.. Trustee mtly bid at Trustee'a .aIe. Trustee .hall apply the pI'1lC*lds of the asia as fulln1llll: (I) to the.~
<br />of the oaki, including .....-ble Trustee'. fee; (2) '" the obllgatkm seeured'by thi.l>e.idOfTru8t:(31 the""r'plue,iCany, shaUbe'dietributed
<br />to the pilftOofta ....titled tMreto.
<br />
<br />6, ~ shall <leIiver l<l the pure~ at the oal.. .to deed, without "",monty, which ahall """vey l<l the purchaaer.the interll8t'in
<br />the )JI'OfllOI'ty w!lith Trustor had or had the po....... l<l eon""y at the ti"", of hi. e-..tkm nf this Deed of 'l'nM\, and eueh ... he may have
<br />aeqWnd t'I>moafter. ~.'deed man l"flcite the filct& obowing that the ..Ie ..... enndueted in ......pliance with aU the~ts
<br />of law and of this Deed of Truat, whleh recital shall be prima facie' evidenee of ....h <ompli...... and eondUaiie. eviden<etherelifl" favor
<br />ofll<ma fide ~ alld ~fm-..a1....,
<br />
<br />7. The power of asle .....r.m.d by tlWo 0Md of TTUllt .. not an eut....."" remedy; Beneficiary may eaWlll thi. Doed of Truat to be l'oreel.-l
<br />... a ............'
<br />
<br />8, In the _t of the dttath, ineapacity, diahility OF ....ugnation of Trulotee, Be....tic:illlY may Appoint in writing a ._ ~.
<br />and upon the .--uirqf of INclI appoin_ '" the """"lI"Il' ........... of the eounty in wltieh th", Deed of Trutt it I'\l<OI'Ci<od, the _
<br />~ ahall be ...-..d ..th all ""...... of the origll",1 t~, The ~ .. not oblipd l<l notify any party hereto of pending sa'" und...
<br />any nth<< Deed of Tn1IIt or of any _ or ~'ug In ..hieh ~. TtuatAIo or Benelkiaz:v shall be . party unlea eueh action or
<br />p-...ling .. brougiJ.t by the T_
<br />
<br />9. Thill Oeed of Trutt al'P1ioa !D. in...... '" the be....fit of, and .. ...."bug not only on the pam.. hereto. but on their heirll, <ievi-.
<br />J...-, lOdlIIinUltnltora, _....... ~ and ...,.... The l<orm Beneliclvy .""11 mean the holder and owner of the note secured
<br />hereby, whotharor not....-; SA &noI'iciary here.n.
<br />
<br />NOTICE TO CONSUMER: 1. Do nol . tb.ia paper before you read it. 2. You are entitled to a copy
<br />of tb.ia paper. 3. You may prepay the unpaid ba.lanee at any ti_ without penalty IlIld may be entitled
<br />to ~. refUDd of unearned eharpa in aeeon:t.nee with law.
<br />
<br />Slped th. -----'~ day nf _ AUlOOiIt... A.D. 19.3L.
<br />
<br />_.~.JiW ____,...., COUNTY
<br />
<br />i
<br />!M
<br />
<br />./~/~~ :c~ . ."~-~I!)t~~ ":f'
<br />'~':.t:::t)'/~~...,-:x L7>:uJX
<br />
<br />On tnia o..y oj -.~~!_...'O "'.0. 19.13.':L before me, the Wldersign~ 8 Nottry Public, duly
<br />~...nd q\!Il1i!~ C"" and ~ ." ....ldrount)'. pl!f'II(HUIlly aunt> ,g~!.!lt.!JMt4..J~'!2AM_I._..__
<br />__..~__.._~.!:~~~.al1f:l \9.;A kMwn "" boo tho. ldentmll .-- ,~, ""'- na.1M .jL ailhed "" the foreaoilltf
<br />inArument u. ~ S .. and ack_1ed,ed tho. ........., to be ,_..,...L~,.. _"'_' ..". vol-
<br />UM.&ry act and deed.
<br />Wl~ my haM and Ntltanal Seal u.. day and y...... 1&11. 800-.., ",nt"'U,
<br />...~ c. - ..... , ~ I ~.- . .' ../ I ,
<br />"'V - "IW"* ...... --.--.,. ""'" ~ ,>,. .-,."" _'
<br />nf -_______.".l1J/l.'1.LL_ 19l.:J. ~\J...!.J'J.lC.f 'h~~Pu~:!.Lt_.----_...._~
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />STATE OF
<br />
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<br />
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<br />......._,.."..._.....'.. C~Ly
<br />EaWnld in Numerieallnda and flied fur rec:wd in the office <Ii the ftetpater of Otteda of Bald county. the _.
<br />day of ,19.,..,.. . at ,,'dock and
<br />nUnt.llANl ~_'W M.. and duly I"I!<:Ol'd<<\ in BooIt ___ nf
<br />
<br />~ JIlIC'l .."---'..-,..-,-"
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<br />~r ofDeede
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