<br />(With Power of Sale)
<br />
<br />83-;')04114
<br />
<br />THIS DEED OF TRUST, made. this --L- day of August 19~,
<br />~ Charles 'f. Zi.elllba ud Yvonne I. Ziemba, husband and vife
<br />whose mailing address is 11' 1rl. 14th. Grand Island. Nebr. 68801
<br />as Trustors, Stewart Title Gllaranty COIlIP8l1Y P.O. Box 2029
<br />whose mailing address is Houston. Texas 77001
<br />as Trustee, and Norwest Financial Nebraska,;},pc., whose mailing address is . 2337 N. Webb Rd.
<br />P.O. .BG11373. Grand IelMd. N,,~01 as Beneficiary,
<br />WITNESSETH, TTtlllto1'8 hereby irrevocably, grant, bargain. sell, and convey to Trustee in trust, with power
<br />of sale. the following deE!cribed property in . Hall County, Nebraska:
<br />
<br />Lot Three (3), in Block Seventy One (71), in Wheeler and Bennett's
<br />Second Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska
<br />
<br />Tocetber ..th _. _..a_.... and appurlA>lUUWell tht....n1nW helotllP"ll or In any..,... ~nlng and tht. rents. iuua and
<br />profit>> t.beroof
<br />
<br />Tlua """..,....... .. '~ f~ t~ ~ of ~11ll the paytMnt. to Be~ t>f Ttwot.on' Indebtedneu tividen<e4-\>.I.... ~vplving
<br />Loan ~t dated ~~!L.",...,..._'" 19.9.2.. punruant to which an advance h"" boen made tn tht. !\Um of $._~:.L....._.
<br />topther ..,th el1arilM ac<onliTlll to the """"" of ..ud R.,,,,,lvmg i_n ~,. ami al... any amI aU ,ndebt.edn_. sum.. future adva.......
<br />and en..-- now, or ... may ""....ft.r he or _ OWIng ",. 1'.....w. t<> Ilenelktary. un" Mid '"''''''V'TIll i_n AlilI""'"",nt ",. any futunl
<br />Revolyinc Loan ~t bet~ Tnutor and: Btmef'lc-Ull'Y \.lp to a. ma:umum \mplud balance of 125.000. and alao payment of any sums
<br />~ (1f wdvanaed. by Bo1wftetar,. to prot<<t. tlw M!Cunt.,. ht>f"E"O't [~fllUh in malun~ any J)fty~nt j;huH, at the &nertelary''8i uptlon and
<br />wtt.bou:t not.... or detnand.. ~ 1hf' trn1t~ unpaw bs.lana! M'CUNoli her.un.tit-r 3.~ .mf:t:' dut! tUtu J..-1d..Y3bit'
<br />
<br />To pt'<'tlOC\ th4t ....my of thto l>-l or Tnnot. T.......... ",,_nb! "nd ....-
<br />
<br />~ To k.Mp the property- m ~ t"'l'l1\4tUon 4nd r~pi'lu:r. to ~n::Ul nrJ wRfttfo tlw-n>'tlf, h) rompl-ete ao)' hwldJnM. Stl'udlU'~ or Jmpl'OV'tt-rmmt
<br />bttn& built- << ahuut tu be bui-lt ~ tQ r-~ promptiy .In)" butld.tt1Ii(. l'tttuctttr-e or unpro~t th~reut, whu;h O\ar be dJuna.ved or
<br />de8....,...t; and,l<i> ~ w.th .1114_. <><<1._. l'lI'lIUl#t......, """,n_to. .""""t"'"" "fK1 .........<1......... alTo.:unllth. property
<br />
<br />2 T.. l>*Y btotono .w.l._.t .Ul...fult.._..nd .._,. ",.... ,ju, _MY; '0 k""'!' tho> p""",,"y I...... ami oINt "C..U other .hargM.
<br />It..... or ~ 'mpam"lllho> -unl}' aC U... r_ u( T......I.
<br />
<br />J To k~ ..u bwldiftg5 ~ <$ ~~r f!>~ tm tn.. ~y ~nbed h..-nrm ('ofd.U1UUuo!Y lmtUrwl d.g-aUUJt lM& by fire or ut.her
<br />~ '" "" ._< _ ~ I.....n "," ""..J .;..ht _u....\ h, ti".. ._ d 1'r_ Alll'<'lK.... ahalll>o ft..M by tht. &nellcuu-y. and be
<br />m ~b OOiU",~ u ~ &nwftCU6.I')' UUl)' approv. ttn:d n.VY i... pa)-~ fU'$( w the &tMtfKt,ary: &It ttli lUte~ nul)' ap~r and then
<br />w tht- 'f~_ 1"ht- iUIlUUt);! ('l;!t~ u,*, :an) mtilJ;IliU\(:W" ~Jlw:y m4-y hto llipP1...-1 upon ...u~'" u~ hereby M<Cund in 1NCh ordvt' III
<br />W ~~ 1JhaH ~M S~h -.ppl--.:.~ U) ~ &~fkYU') ~taU ~ -,<-':tUN dwoonttn~ ui an}" Pf"Ul:~!ftgft to- f()N-CltWil' thi.
<br />l)e.ed of T'ruMt Of' Ntw \If _.l~ u,y dei.uit w fk.JU;(:~ t4t 4efJutit or tuvM-hdat. .cU'l~ ~t dtKw ptd'MUUlt tv ll\.Kh ~_ In lh. event of f~l(ttn1t~.
<br />.U oent. ut -t.he 1"'rw<<.ur Ul UtaiUf'&-flQ! po&w:tw won Ul tOft.. .l-U:lH p.a.Nl td the pun.:h.fUiIU at ttw ~llllro\tN Wl~
<br />
<br />"' Tu ohqufi m. ~tttlw wfiMAt q( ~rK'tillf') bJufi MdhfijC, affi"'"t"}tnlC Of' Ulhco-nrl~ tr-.twft!--rTlUg tiw property ot ilily part lhel1!lOf and
<br />"0)' ~-h ..Ie" t,~vey~ 4}t t.r.h.,Je-r .~tOOut the!- ~(i":t.&r>' ,., "'fd.t"1 .....un...t-lt w..1\a.U CQ~1t~k- a ~fauit lultl"r the, It''inNi herwf.
<br />
<br />5 To-defend uy a\'tfQn UI' ~m. ~.tl-nC w arT.-t tl:. -..:w;-unt) Mt'auJ'l,l.r the nghbl.:tt pow",,.. of Berwtk-lar)' Of 1'ruStM
<br />
<br />6" ShcM.lki T1'\.lIWi" itaJ'! Lv P4f-)' wben due- 4n) 1"'''I!Itt, ~\Out., itutUt.uu~' pt~tlu\UWl.. l~. ""no:urnbt.,K;Q, or uth., charlfi 34tWWll the
<br />property ~... dootcnbod.. """-Claar). """ pa.> IN> _. .nd tl.. ._nt "" pa..J. ..Il.h lft....t<lOt al Ih~ row <Wt rurth 1ft 1M ""1<1
<br />.......... ~. ohaU be ..w.d to and ~ .. part of th. doobl _...,...; '" ll". !.lo<Ml vi Tm.. ... pormltted by I....
<br />
<br />IT IS MUTUAIJ.Y Ailll.l::t:UTHAT
<br />
<br />I In u.. _t ""1 pt>rtWIJ of tht. ~)' .. ta...... or ~ .n an .nu"",,1 do....... proowedtng, the .nlt'" "'00",,1 of the aw..rd
<br />.,.. MOd> ~ tMno>(.. may he ~ ... fuily -.aty I!,.. 01>/....1_ _unod luo.n<hy. ohaU he patd I,. Iletu>ik.ary ,.. he appIltid \0
<br />......t~
<br />
<br />2. 8)' ~ lllQ'_' oi lll\)' ...... -..ncl ~ a/"" lto d... da,., l:kmafKlary d_ nu, ....". "5 tlghl W "",m", proml'l p>lY"",nl
<br />..twn.<ilMolaU.... _...~ Ok \0 decla.n. dei"u1t rur i..ll"", 1<1... pay
<br />
<br />1 n. T~ llh&U f'OiCOIh"y AU I;)f any prran at dw P~) \:.'OvtU'ed b)- th.. l~ tit' Tr-u6t l.o !.h~ peOKW ~ntHlJ;tti lh"'tew. on wntwn
<br />~ <H the Tt\dtot &nil the a...ikWiU')'. Ot ~ u.u.tartwn I>f tht vbtlC*tlOO H-\.'u.ntd and .."ntull ,.equat for f"KUtlW}'IU1OO t1\4dt:: by
<br />th4t .....iary Of th4t ........ ...hUed tJwn.l<I
<br />
<br />i!l~_\Mi:)
<br />
<br />L
<br />
<br />--1
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