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<br />83--HO 41 03 <br /> <br /> <br />shan have the ri ght to make any such tax payments and sha 11 be reimbursed <br />by the Lessee on account of such payments upon demand, tor,ether with interest, <br />at the highest rate then permitted by law. <br /> <br />7. Buildinas and Improvements. The Lessee shall, at Lessee's sole <br />cost and expense, cor'-struet on thitTeased premises, a sin<1le family residence <br />together with any aporoved accessory bui1dinq. Such construction shall <br />ca~nence within 180 days after the co~encement of this lease and shall be <br />sUbstantially completed within 15 months after the caftW~ncement of this lease, <br />An !Junctinns and improvements upon the premises shan be constructed in <br />accordance with al1 laws. ordinances. rules and reaulations of Hall County, <br />State of Nebra>ka and the United States Government. Lessee ao'rees to keep <br />all buildings and i!llPY'ovements constructed on the premises in good condition <br />dnd .-epair in accordance with the provisions of this lease, Prior to con- <br />tracting for ~uch construction, Lessee shan submit for Lessor's approval, <br />the plans for such nui ]ding and imorovements, which plans shall be subject <br />to Lessor's appl-oval ;>lhich shan not be unreasonably withheld if such plans <br />dhc10se construction and development of qood Quality which will fit with <br />plans for' the use Of ddjacent oroperty with respect to exterior design, <br />exterior arChitecture. traffic flow and in conformity with any restrictive <br />covenants, ilGreements. rul es or l'egu 1 a t ions then in effect as to the remai nder <br />of tHid Rose Ranch Estates. If ~esso: does not object in \vriting to ~,did <br />nlaf's within fi"teen .15) days after 'iuomitta]. then l.essor shan be deemed <br /><to >1ilve cOl1sented thereto. Lessee aQrees to emoloy for such construction <br />work. one (Jr' '"ore q'sponsi b 1e contractor>. ~;ej ther the l.essee nor anyone <br />(1 aimi nq by. ,:hr'Oti9'\ Qr under- l.essee sha 11 ';ave the ri ght to fi 1 e or D 1 ace <br />,'flV mechanics' lief' or ot'1e'-'lar lien of any ~ind 0'" character whatsoever <br />Uj)~.Hl the jt:ds~d iH't~~i5es or :j:'<\~ (~ny bui ld~nq or imDrovements thereon or upon <br />the inten:~st of thp ~.essor therein. Lessee shall permit no mechanics' or other <br />,'>niJar 1'"", to "It :aced ULlon tf,e "n~!>,ises ::,y others and shall cause any such <br />~lt.~ns to ~H: (jj~ChcH"f!eC at Lessee "':; cost~ except for ~uch 1iens beino contested <br />i~l dQod faith t:~)l ,.e~.}se-e !l'1 which (:as(~ Lessee ':)t-tal1 ind~nifv and SaYE~ Lessor <br />harm-!es"S on ~~((;t)unt of any 10ss or damage arisift9 out of any such l~ens or <br />cli~jelS. ~-rtt. mnrQ'w'eFlents to be €-!'ected hy Lessee s~)al1 ~e con!.tructed wholly <br />U!lon the GOl't)W! o' t'le DrOper<ty "<lnc" c,; the subject of this lease described <br />in the dt~athe(1 Ef"~1bit j, I,oj bviid~'.~9s or improvements constructed by <br />Lessee Shill 1 :'€' US(:c for r<esitiential purposes only without :'1e prior express <br />1''-; t ten corlsent of :,('S SOl" and the Occupllncy of '<he any such tui 1 di ng$ or <br />iU;pl'ove1llents snallxCo!",form wi th all laws. rules ilnd rec;ulations of any public <br />duthOl'ity ilfrectin(J the leased ')"eli,ises. !t is understood dnd il<1reed' that the <br />lessee may at any time durinq the continuance of this lease, or ilny renewal <br />th€n;;of, enlar9f>, add to or otherwise ;rr>pr-ove the buildings and improvements <br />but such ,il'e"dtions Or< improvements must be agreed to ;n writing by the <br />Lesso.- end th.: construction llians ap:>roved pdQr to the awardinC) of ilny <br />contrdct then:tor or the ccrnmencelllent of constructl0n of such enlarqements. <br />additions or improvements. which consent shan not be withheld unreasonably <br />hy lesSOI', All bUIldings 0., improvements constructed or erected On tile - <br />pretaises ShJl1 int!lediately become d ;>a"t of the real estate and shall not <br />be refl~ved without the orior written consent of the Lessor at any time during <br />the tenn of this lease or any extensions or renewal there.of. It is lmdet'stood <br />that at the temllnation of tilt So lease fer any reason, the buildings ,.nd i!11Qrove- <br />ment,> shall mmain wi th the land without payme!'t of any kind whatsoever to <br />Lessee for the \i<llve of such tmi1dinys or improvements on the oremises sf,all be <br />mdce '11 d good <lOU wc'rkm4nlike manner. in conformity with all then existinq <br />laws. rules and regulations of any public authorities ilnd ,1S eXDedHiou;;ly as <br />weather <lnc wor~ing conditions ~ermit. <br /> <br /> <br />0, Maintenance and Reoair. Lessee, at its eXPense, dudoC! the term <br />of this lease 'Or-any renewal, s1ii'llkeep in good condition and repail~ (including <br />relllac~ntsL ordin.1ry wear and tear excepted, any buildings and impr-ovements, <br />sidewalks, driveways. oarking areas. and an sewer, water, electdc, qi!S (>" <br />other connectiOnS extending beyond the leased premises to their source of <br />SU!'91yor outlet in the streets adjacent to the premises and Lessee will obey <br />all rules. ol"dinanClls and laws affectinq said premises and the sidewdH:s and <br />streets adjolnill9 same. providU.. hQWeVfll". th<\t Lessee shan not be ob1ipdted <br /> <br />~3- <br /> <br />."...~""";f~~"~""""';O""'~""""eTH-;;;""."'."""'''.''',,,, _ .', <br />