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<br />-' <br /> <br />-lit 'iT <br />83- 004071 1:: <br /> <br />Lender's written agreement or applicable law, Borrower shall pay the amounl of all mortgage insurance premiums in t~ -: ~ <br />manner provided under paragraph 2 bereof. J <br />Any amounts disbursed by Lender pUNUanl. to this paragraph 7, with interesl thereon. sball becomeadditionaJlJI <br />indebtedness of BorrOwer sectlre<l by Ibis Mortgage, Unless Borrower and Lender agree to otber terms of paymenl, suc"r ,,' <br />amounts sba!I. be payable upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting payment thereof. and shall bear interest front t~' <br />date of disbursement, at tbe rate payable from time 10 lime on outstanding principal under Ibe Note unless paymenl 0 <br />interest at sltCb rate would be contrary to applicable law. in which event such amounts shall bear inlere.rt at Ihe bigbest ra . . <br />J pIlI"iIIil$ible ljildeT applleable law, Nothing conlained in this paragraph 7 shall require Lender to incur any expense or tak.e <br />any action heteunder. <br />8, ~. Lender may make or cause to be made reaS<mahle entM Ilpon and inspections of Ihe Property, provided <br />thllt tendershlln give Borrower notice prior to any such inspecti"n specifying reasonable calise therefor related to Lender's <br />interest in the Property, <br />9. COIIlIeItmad6... The prr,cffds of any award or claim for damages. direcl or consequential, in connectmn with any <br />condemnatmn or other taking of the Property, or part thereof. or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation. are hereby assigned <br />and shall be paid 10 Lender. <br />In the event of a lotal laking of Ihe Property. Ihe proceeds shall be applied 10 the "'ms secured by this Mortgage. <br />witb the exec.., if any, paid 10 Borrn,.,er In lhe event "f a partial laking of lhe Property. unless Borrower and Lender <br />otherwise agree in writing., tbere shall he applied to the .um, secllred bv thi; Mortgage slICh proportion of tbe proceeds <br />as is equal 10 Ihal prnportlon which lhe amounl of the sums """"red hy Ihi. Mortgage immedialely prior 10 the date of <br />laking bean 10 the fair market val"e of tbe Property imrnediatefY proor 1(> the dale of taking. with the balance of the proceeds <br />paid to Bot'rower, <br />It the Property is abandoned by Borrower, or if. after nolice by Lender to Borrower that the conckmnor offers to make <br />an award or ""ule II claim for damllges. Borm_r faib 10 rc,spond to Lender wilhin 30 days after the dale such oolice is <br />mailed. Lender is authorized t" collect and apply the l'roceed., at Lender', opti"n, eilher to ~tion or repair of the <br />Propert)' or to the sums .CCllred lw this Mortgage <br />Unless Lender an<! Borrower otherwise agree In writing, anv "Kh applIcation of proceeds to principal sball not "xtend <br />or poupone the due da'e of the monlhly instaHment. referred", in "aragraf'h' 1 and 2 hereof or change the amotlnt of <br />sllCh inslallments, <br />t.... ,~Not R...... E..xt(!rt~H.:m of the ft}! paymem Of mc>dttkation of ~'1lortintiOn of the sums secured <br />by this Mortpge: granted hy tender to any SUCt,"C.\Sor !fI interest i,)( 8"'Trower s.hall riP-t operatt" to rele-ase~ in any manner, <br />lhe liability of tbe origin..1 Borrower and Borrower', ",cc""or; 10 interest Lender ,hall not he required to commett(:C <br />proceedings apjnst ,,,-tef, $l)(X,.~ nor rel'U\:e t(l e.(1-end hOle fnr payment Of otberwf\e modify amortization of the sums <br />"",,,red by th., Mongage by reason of ,ny dem....d made: by rhe original Ik>rrower .n<! Borrower's $UC.CC$3011I in interest. <br />11. F'~'" IAJldft Not a W........ An\' f"""",ra,,ce !'" ! ender in e,en:",ns anY right or remedy hen:oode:r. or <br />olherwl>C alr"nIed byappIk;a~)U";' ,half not he . waIver ,'I M """,tude Ihe ",oreise of any stICh rigbt or remedy. <br />The prL"CurementoflntuflllCl: "I llttPa)'lrIt'lIt of taxes '" nlher hens or char!!", h letHler ,hall not he . waiver of Lender's <br />ript '0 ,,~...,leralt'1.the _turiry (of me i~tt'dIW" "",,,red h\' IhlS Mnnl!3)!e <br />U. ~ C.........t. All rcrite9"" ",,,,,,<led In thIS Mort,"ge "'" dlSli"ot and "\lmutatiY(> 10 any otber right or <br />remedy under thi~ MOrtJ8,tr nr "tf('-(tled h\:- J:l'!:k ,-,t t,"~uit\", 4HH.I tn-a~ he t~'(cr'Ct~d ~-,-m\"urr('ntl).. indepe:nde:ntty or sU~"'C-!i$i-veJy, <br />13, Se<<_ aM AtIIIlpt. .......; lo!Jot ..a4 ~.fl1II lJabifiI}; CapliottL f'he co~nant. and agreements herein <br />contaiOS'(! shall !>ind, and III<: fig"" he""",der "han ",m" t('" ,he """",n',' 'u""",,,,,,, and "'';11"'' "I Lender and Borrower. <br />subiect to the t'<<)yjs'Kl(1,\-- of f)aJ-~raph i':- hcH.'of AU l;:_ov~n..nh 4nd ~liotfeern_en{' ,~t Born''''''-c'f shaH he joint ;and se\'~-.rat <br />The ...~liptk:).fll Jl-nd ~i-n-a;. (:of t~ p3-fiilg.r-aph.. ;\,~( t"\~ \1{'lrt~a~(' ~lTC- (, 1:; con,"'e-ftteJR;"e n-nJy an-d not h)- be used to <br />tnt'etpl'et or driine the pn:",u,~)n"" hercnf <br />t.e. N-odet... E.ce:pt tOt any fk1tl~"< tt't.;;bired U!hk-r ~ppJk~ihk 1..".... ~i,\ toe grvltn sO ltJllitner manner, fiH any notice to <br />Ek'\rR"'4-e-t fH.o-~i~ for f-fi thti. Me.rteaj'C ~aH t-oe gf"~fi r,y r.1~thnj: "!.och '1{.tr-ce h,- tltl'hfied m~H addr~'tCd to B~)ff{)-wef at <br />the Pfttpf."rty Addr~~ ,-'lor \t! \,:wh t~hef ~ddf~'\ ~-!~ 'fk1Hi'\toi'Cf m.;l~ <k~l~fi.He b,,' !l(>tk_t.' to 1 cn\kf ;,13: provided berei-n~ and <br />fb) any m>rice- to tentkr shalt be Jl"~n t"1y ~t:::rt-1tie-J !'tuBl n:turn re..:'t"lp! requested, to- Lenikf~'\- adJre85 stated herein or to <br />itu.:h other addtt:-'8S .a$ Lende-r rrHl~' tk~JgMte h\< n~)H..:-t' fe. 8-.:J:fh....ef a;\ PHWt-dcd he:r<in "-n~' notice p-rovidtKt for in th" <br /> shall be- donned 10 havl:.~ heen !!t,~en 10 Jk'tr(}"~f .;Jf I cmkr ....he-n #i\'-CH in the manne,- ~i,nalcd here-in. <br />1$~ l~~; ~-fl1Iiaa- t....~ Sc-\'~). Th,:", hw-rft ~~t mOff.J:.g-~ (:-omb~ unifmffi (:{wenantf\ for national <br />use and J'ltMt~Unifofm: c\)-,,"-enttnh ",tth hml--teJ \MtiiHt.m~ hv ptr!~i(th'141 k ~\m;$.tituh; a umform ~ur'ty instrumcnt covering <br />real property_ TIn\- MOf'tg~ malt be gt~~'\>nw-d tw... the- h'4 .~! the q,in'u:.hdt\lrt Iff I.41hkh the Property Ii; h.lC;;ucd. In the <br />event an>. provtti....m Of ~,:ta~l~ Lit tfilS. Mf\njpl$.l: '-~!' 1N ~iH-(' ;.'~,nf1h.:h "'lih ilPphcaNe law. ~u\;h cootlk,t ,han not il,tTcct <br />other pt\l\'tstons. of lh,s ~fOt1,qc ..'r fl-re ~vk '"tH~h ...iHl !x- !olp,~n dl'e\,,{ l\Hh~'l-Ht 'he confti\.'1ing prov-i:\ion, and to this <br />;:.nd the prQv$ons>>f lhe "1<1<1'.,;: am,! lh< ,.~< an: Je<.ta",d ,,, he ,<,'<rahk <br />16.. Cop)'. Borrowtl:r ..hd-H ne f:.r-H~..h~J ~ ..'lni~)-(tnc.j .:op~ (1f t~ Not.: and. ~;~f thi, M()t1gage at the tll1\C <br />of eJie<:mlon or "fter _."dation II<:re.,t <br />11. ~er of 11M Prop..1,.. A-.uoa. If all .'r allj r"n "I ,he Property ,.,r .n >oleIC'S! tberein i~ Sl,ld or trAn,ferred <br />by BorT\llllt"er wtlho\t-t Lender', pnor Wllucn ,,,;t"IlY:Ut. cx.dUllins: !.;~j tht Ul:4him (tf .1 hen or encumbraru..-e, !\utKll'dinate to <br />Ihi. Morl... rhl lhe creat'"n 01 " pureh"", llwn~r "".,"'1\ "'Iere.. f<>r 1\('u",h"ld appliance., rc) . tta",fer I>y devi,", <br />dok.'t\llt ,'If' by O}lel:alion of I..., upon the """th of a J\"'l! 'e.....ot ('r ,Jr ,II<: P"!1t d .ny le..",bold tnlerest of thr"" years or 1_ <br />not comainin& an op.tlon 1<' purch&oe. Lender fTl4}, .t lender', ,'pI",n, ""dar" all tl\e sum, ",cured by Ih.. Mortgage to he <br />i~t"'c!Y due and payable:. t4~c shaH tune \1t'lI....ed Jr,.w;:h ,-,ptiVil tv ~tL'~dClale it, prior tt1 the ute or tran.fer. Lender <br />and 1M pill1O<llQ wbum the Pt<>peftj i. te> be wid Of Iran.lcrn::d feOKh ~~ree_"' In ""tmg Ih,,1 the c,,,dll 01 su<;h pefWn <br />IS uU5flliCwry 10 J.ender ~nd IhAt lbe intere.t payable ,'" lhe "mh ,""cured by thi, !\1vrl!!"llI' .hall be at such fale .\ Lender <br />$ball req~t. If t.ender bu w.~ived the "plI"" ti' ",,,,,\erale ","'''ON In th.. paragraph P, and if B<lITower', 'U<;CCf;SOr in <br />in~t hali e""'-'uted" "'"lien MSiIml'Iioo agreclll"fllacc"pled in 'Hitinf. I>y Lender, lender shall release Borrower from all <br />oWiptiOlu UDder this MOflJaae and the.- Note, <br />If teadet ('~erc__ &~b ~)ptii,.m t~) accekra.t-c. Len~t o:.hati maSl Ronowcr notice ("If .ac'e-k:ra:ti~n in a":i;of~~ with <br />pal~h 14 hen:at. Such nOli<< sfuUlpco.vide a i"'fk'l\.l of 0<'1 ~< rh"" ~(J Jay. "'''mlhe dale Ihe nOlke is mailed wilhin <br />~h ~'\\'r.may p.\)' the .UfIU de<;la.'ed du<:, It u..' f,,,!. '" p"y ."cn "..'" pr"'r to IlIe e'piI'lllIOll "f meh period. <br />~ rtlA)" witlloul funhet noti<< or d<:man<! "n Borm,,'C'r, i",'>>lie ao) ,em.die.. permiueJ I>y l"tr~graph IS heroof. <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />NQN.v_~ CQ.V1;NA,'<ls. Borr_.' ~n,j l.ende, further c'uWnanl and asrre ," folk'w" <br /> <br />... ~........ EJopt ... pnn~ ia .......oopb 11 berwf, "PO" Borrower'. breach of lUIy ~OV,,"....t Of' <br />~. of............'" tWll\....... ~1eIltec.1tM: "...,,_'" '" paY' "hen due ..., ..._ _..r.... by thl8 Mona...'" <br />............!IId AI>fkc'" htf'o""l ..... pIl)<kkd III par.... 14 hr"<lf sp<<lfyl!t&' it) thr bf'ea(h; <br />to__"~ tJ).. 4ale,,,,,t IN; tllu JQ days ffUllt the ." Ihr notk" Is nualkd to Borro.."r. <br />....._ cwtl; .... f41 .. f~ to "un ""th lIrMdt "D .... lief...." tIw date opffiW In Ihr llOti<< <br />of.... __ _....... bl' litis M4.... "'<<"-n by judIellll ~ and .. of the ~y, <br />. .... ~<<of.... 1\1"'. to ~ life. ~ ..... 1M riahl '" "'ffrt In 11M f~ <br />'.. of. .........1UI) ....t .... of ~e' M ~~ .-l f~, If"", breach <br />~~~ 'e.; ~ ~r'~ =.,~=>tk~. !-"'l!l!~ lI! l~r'! ..~ _, ded>tn all of lhe ...... _urN by <br />.. .... "y",* "/lIIotJI fvrilltrr --... ..... ->. f_klo.e by ju4icUd~. t....<tt>, <br />..~. .. fi1"'ll'M of fifl'lttiootn. f~ ht!t II<If "'itflf to. e....u of cIot'UlDtIIt....y <br /> <br />~ N!.>f..itb..tand'~ ..1 <<*r'o IJ(;ct;",r"t."" ,,.f ,II<: ""'" "",,,,1i!d h~' Ih" Mortf.all~. <br />tft> blI,'lI any I'tOCel>dJIIIS "",un Dr t<:rttkt t" "",tn.l<;e ,h" Mmt"l1" ,tl"'QI\Illl\led .t an; 1m'" <br /> <br />