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<br />r <br /> <br />UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender covenant anel agree as follows: <br />1. I'ay_t of PrlneipIII and Intexest. Borrower shall promptly pay when due the principal of and interesl on the <br />.adebteQneo evidenced by the Note, ptepayment and late charges as provided in the Note, and the principal of and interesl <br />on any Future AdvJlnees secured by this Mortgage. <br />Z. . F'" fot" Tuell and (1IIUI1IDf;'e- Subject to applicable law or to a written waiver by Lender, Borrower shan pay <br />to Leader on lhe day monthly installments of principal and inlerest are payable under the Note, until the Note is paid in full, <br />a.sum (hmin "Funds") equal to one-twelfth of the yearly laxe<! and assessments which may attain priority over this <br />M"rl8a8e. andgroW'ld rents on the Property. if any. plus "ne.twelfth of yearly premium installments for hazard insurance, <br />plus one-twdfth of yearly premium installmenls for mortgage insurance. if any, all as reasonably estimaled initially and from <br />tiJru!; tc time by Leader on the basis of assessment. and bills and reasonable eslimates thereof, <br />The Funds shall he held in a'l i",titution the depasilS or account. of which are insured or guaranteed by a Federal or <br />state agency (including Lender if tender is such an insritution), Lender sball apply Ihe Funds to pay said taxes. assessments, <br />i__ premiums and ground rents. Lender may 0<>1 charge lor SO holding and applying the Funds. analyzing said acco\ln\. <br />or verilying and compiling said asse..ments and bills. unless Lender pay. Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable law <br />permits Lender to make SUCh a charge. Borrower and under may agree in writing al the time of exe<:ution of this <br />MOt'tgaJe that intenst on the Funds shall be paid 10 Borft'wer. and unl",s such agreement is made or applicable law <br />requires such interest to be paid. Lender shall nol be required 10 pay Borrower any inleresl or earnings on the Funds. Lender <br />shall give. to Borrower, wilhollt cha~. an annual acwunllOg of lhe Funds showmg credit. and debits 10 the Funds and the <br />purpose for whICh eaeh debillO the funds was made. The Fund. aTe pledged a. addition.1 security for the sums .ecured <br />by Ihis Mortp&e. <br />If lhe amount of lbe Fun. held by under. logelher WI!h the future monthly lO.tallment. of Funds payable prior to <br />the due dates; of taxes, llS.wssmems, iMuran.:e prenuums and ground rents. shall exceed lhe amount required to pay said taxes, <br />_nts. tI'lSUlllllCe premiums and ground rcnt' as they tall du.<. ""h exce..., shall he, at Borrower's option, either <br />promptly repaid to Ilt>rrower or credrled Ifi &"rower on m,~nlhly m.tallmen" of Funds. If the amount of the Funds <br />bdd by Lender shall not be sucft'1cienl to pay laxes. "",e,,,meol.. In'l"."":" premiUm. and grollnd rents U they fall due, <br />Borrower shall pay tn l~ende.r any amount ntce&\ar~' l4.,"\ make up rh:e defic~t"nc} withjn 30 days from the dale ntltice is. mailed <br />by uDder to Borrower requestmg paymel1t thercN <br />Upon paymenl III f\lll of all <um. sec\lred b) II", ~h>rtgage. 'e",lel ,hall promptlv refund 10 Borrower a...y Funds <br />held by Le...der. If under paragraph 18 he",,,j 'h" Prope'" " ,old ," ,he P"'peflY "otherwise acqUIred by Lender, Lender <br />obaIl apply, no lau:r than "nmediatel, pnor '0 the 'ille H! <he P",pefl) "r ,,. ""qmSl!lon hy Lender, any Funds held by <br />Le:odt:r at the hme (If ilppJkation as. a ~n:.d!1 agawM the $um, se..:urcJ h) th!~ Mortgage, <br />3. A~ of pW).1Itfld&. Uu;e'1os apph<e-ahk law rr,)\nk:J. ..~ft-.e!'\~-h(,. ;1U paymenh received by Lender under the <br />Note alld paragfllph.. I and 2 hereot .hall be applted by I mott Ii", .n r,i\mcft: 01 am<'lItll. payable 10 Lender by Borrower <br />U:U.det paragraph ~ ne.reoL tbe-n tD U'Heft"'St r'l:IJa-ble on the ,.}((" thr:n!n rhe pnnclpaJ of the Note. and then to interest and <br />pnncipal on any Fulure .-\dv~. <br />4~ ct.rpa;; 1JeM.. Borr\ 'tJ'tatl pa!; dB Ll \t-" J;"...e'......ments In>.l ('-{her \.':nMgc'\, fine\: and lmposiuoo.s attrtbuta.ble to <br />the PrOP"rty ,"'hieh may 3u".in " pl'wril)' over th" Mongail\'. "no "'",<h",<I pily_nt< '" ground 'en~" if any. in the manner <br />J'tO"idoed under pala,nph 2 henof or, ,[ ",,, 1'.,<1 '" '''':h "'''''''''-'. I" lj,'rt""er ",.kill/? pa~menl. when due, directly to the <br />.,."'" lhereof. BQrfl)""'Iw,,,1I prompfly 'u,m." h' L~",jef ail n"tlc", "~I ~m""..1> due under Ihl~ parag,aph. attd in Ihe event <br />Bor~ sb.att mue ~rmefH d..rr-e-'t:-H;.', ~JHtfwet \h.aU ph1mpfh- furOrlOt) h~ l.i;nder rC\.'eiplS ('vtdctKmg su\:::h p-ayment-s. <br />8or~ UtaJI p-rompd) l~_ha.fgr any i~n "t'H~:-t1 h~.~ prt~HII} ~n--er rht'\ Mort~a.)te;, that Borrower Ji-hall not be <br />reqUired h) dUU:bafJe aoy ~ttch hcn :H) forti a5 B~~rn.)'w'o~f dl..dl .!,gft:-'C H"1 ~ ritn:l~ h~ the pll}'ment of the i.1bhsation _secured by <br />such lten ll\. fnall--ft:et llC<<ptabk: to tC'n&:-c tH 'l\h~H in 1t-f_!l-:--.d. %iiHh ,-,~)f1k'-,,~ 'm~h hen hy, {~r deft:nd (tltdr-cernent Of $uch lien in, <br />lc&a1 prucecdtn,s. wht<'h Qpcn:nc to p-fC-'H~lH rh-(: cot_~.'r;,t:ilwni \o)! the iiClI "tr h1rttt.hJte ,.:tf the property \"}f -an)' part thereof. <br />$. lluant I~~ lklno\\'cf ~~U l..<<v :he Hni-HO-q:~n.tef\b th"" s.:-'q"~mg ~H h(''lcr C-ft~\..'H::d un the Property in~ured <br />.Q.i41US( iou by fin. ha.unh tndudc-J ,^,~Ihm the !(r-m --c't~;'!\kd '..d"l:"h~C 4nd ",u~h \H.Ocr hiAunh as Lender may re-qujre <br />-Uld m &ucb MtIDUn-tJ, arW f(\r ~Ut.:h fW:1<<;"\J-'\,1I:;o. l.e-n\k:t m"" ~C\'P)lf(,_ P,t.\-,ik--d, thii.l L-Cf-fili:'t ,ha.ll nrn require lhat ,he amount or <br />such rove-r. exceed that w.m\~Ult dJ ,'\;,'j.~('-:,j\g( C~"'UII(1j hi- j,"-.n Ht~ "-hrn!l- ...-c-"un,'--d hy thl~ M(~ns-~,ge <br />Th:o m.ufiU'lCe "4f~ phwlding tbe lmH..ifa..-'1...~ ,.ll-d.H be \:hU'y{'"1l M'y 8tYfh',^,'i.'t '!o.ubft"t tf\ 8'ppto\(al hy tendef~ provided~ <br />th~ StR:h app-rovai \haJj nut be- u:nr-e--.MKl4b-i~- wiih~kJ All p-rt:m_wtl't<. l.~O HlilHilfKt' ik>>tcH~l. ",halt be paid tn the maoner <br />provided under paragRph 2 hert:ot Of. tf not p-,iu\.! j;fi "i.J~h m.iU1Hef, hy 8l>fh.h\-e-_1 mUUl& P&y"ltmt~ when due~ tluectly to the <br />ittsUl1IIIo.'e CUTler. <br />.o\It tn5W'~ pobc;e-s and rew:w~1 thCf('1;~f ~haH t~ w form ,t"..cpt4-bk' t~) t e~hkr ~nJ ~haU mcludc a. ~l.uuhHd nlQrt3age <br />\."l.awt in ta\'Of of and m torm -ih-,,;:<ept;,:t.~ (.' L~'rn:kl. l.ender ..hAil h,n~ :hc Hllhl h,) h~~d ~h-t p-\Jh":'tei dnd n:nC'~als' thereot <br />.uu:I BarroWC'f ~U pn,'unpt:lj- tUfl\:l$h to tender ~H rcnc\\>dl fh:.H~~') dlhi .di r\.~clph ot pald premnuns, In. the event of los$;. <br />8o<nlWeI sbaH iii"" pl'ompl 'l<.)/.l~r t() the ,".llf~Il,,: "an",r .o<llcnu<;. lemle. "'.~ Il",ke pl'Hol "l loss It .."'I promptly <br />b)' Borrowet, <br />UlI_ Lende.. and Borrowe, Inn.,.....'"., al'''-': on ""I"'~. ,mUfali,C pl""ecJ, .h.1I be al'phed I<i ",,,otatioll or repair of <br />the Propctt)' damqed. pro\'H.ted s'w;h ('("\t(\fllli""l ~.H fcpaa ., C"~~l_n()nH';,l:IJi)' ka\ib-h: a:nd Ihe &e~urit)-' 0-( thjs. Mortgage is <br />oot tbc.reby BnplfJred. It s.uch re~h.J{..hon ...\f ft-ih1lf U. nu! ('~l.m",mlh;<lll~. kaMbte l.,")( If the $.C.o:Uflt}' oi Ihis- .MQrtgCtjc would <br />be lIIlpaired, 1M i_~ ptO\.~ sh..u be ~pphe,j to ..he .urn. ",,,,,,,,J h tll" )l.tllrtaajle. ".Ih th. ex.:e.., if any, paid <br />to Borrower. If the. Propeny IS .hi.iKlone.t by !k'rrv...."'. .'1 ;! Ik>rr,,".' l'''' 10 '''''1'',od w Lelldcr with... 30 days fmm Ih. <br />date IlOWIe .. mailed 1>)' Lender IU Bor,,,..., tl><>t In., m'U"ill~" ,at"", "if.r> Tv "'ltk a clIO'" for ",>uran<;" be"ellts, Lettde, <br />ill autMri_ tc 1;oU~t and apply the ItlSU,an<;c l'n:.::ee<i. .1 L""u<;r' ')pIlOll cllher 10 rCl>toralWn or repalr of lhe ProperlY <br />or tc tbo _ secured by tM Mortp&e, <br />Ualeti Lender lUld Bor1'O'A'Ct otherwlSC ag'''' ill "Hltfl&, an~ .",:h '4'1'1"'",,,,,, ,.f proceeds 10 l'nnc.pal .hall not extend <br />-or ~, the due date of the inlMaUmetU\ ;e(~rre-_J 1\) H\ para8r-ap-h~ I ami 2 here"t! Of (hanga the amJ,)unt ,,:~f <br />5Ul:b itmaIlmet>lio. It und<< panl&raph I Ii here..'>l tn., J>.opert} " ..:"u"eJ hy Lend.r. .n fight, lIfle and mte""'l o( Borm....'" <br />in &nd 10 any' i_nmce policies and in .ttd to the pl'oceed, lhered ,,,,o!lmg frum damage to Ihe I'ropert) pnor It> the ,,,Ie <br />or ~tlon $ball pau 10 I.a:ndef to ..Iem "f the ,uo,. ",,,u,eJ b) !h.. M"rtl'''/>''' ,mmedialely pHO' to such ,.le or <br />...--." '. <br />- <br />.. "-......... ~_ of Pr<OpCny; IkllSrJwl4lo; C...n<k>>ui1liums; Plaulle4 limt Dndt)pIM"ts. 80n"wer <br />1ibaU bcrp the Pr~ in &QOd tq>.u< and >hall n..>I commi! wa'l. or permll Ilnpalmlellt or <leler.or.!,,,,, of the Pmperty <br />aM.m.,u. i:(tl:t)JlIy wilb lhe provisiom of .....y Ie4$<: ,[ this \1<'H8"4.'" " on "ka",h,'lu. I[ Ihi, Mortgage IS on " \lml in , <br />~ or a p~ unit ~'do-pment. Bof~Q\\:er man pe~'furm aU tJ-f' Botr~1-\\-t:'f'S {)-h~I3-.ilti("\n.i under che _dedatUJivn <br />at' ~b-<<'Ca-lina- ot: lo-w:rmni tM: ("(\fldormmum i,)-t" pliAnnw u.nH development the by.ta\.\s- and n.~gulalKHl-\ of the <br />~~_.._~:'~ unil: ~v~,_ 4flQ ,-ollstltue-nl dut.::utnt:_Hti-. If a. ...:'on-l!,nminium Qf phUH1Cd unIt de\i-dopmcnt <br />~, M. ~. hjI BoI'roww an.;;l l'e!l.'(Jrded l<~hel "'Hh Ih" M,>ttg~c, lhe .:own~ttls and agrei.'n>cm, "f ,,,.:,, mlc! <br />~..~ ia<<! and QIall -U ,,"'. '''....kmeOl Ihe .:"'en.llts .nd alllllC..,""ts (If Ih" MOl'llOa&<' '" ./ the ride. <br />......,:.,m~. <br />,.:~Ilf ~~..II Bo'n.we, fa." m perfc'rm lhe coven"lllsanJ llI;f"tn!""t$ ,,"'tamed In Ih" <br />~ Of it ~. AiellM. <)fpr~1lll f. <:otlttnCuo:;eq which m.terially all"",1S L.,nJct', imer",t In the Propet1)'. <br />~ bljlllOt.l1m~ \O,II!lli~. damaill, il",'h",,,,,y, "ode ,'nf,"'t:menl, 0' aHlingt:ttl""ts ,)r p"x"",dmll1 mvoh"ig " <br />~tlt.~ I~ I.Atod#r at Lend<<'$ "plion, upon m}II':~ to ik"'ww~t. ""'Y' makesu~h o ppea"'''''''''", di,b......, ""h <br />... PIt .~ ~b. 1liltiQ(> ~ l$ --Ill'} W prole,! I",mkt'. ,"!.r~.t, ",dudm!!. I)ut not llrtut"!i t,,, \I'.!)\,""'m"nl ,.t <br />_1l1,lli!I ~~t fila _ OIltrJ: ~ the J>r"perty 10 mak" teptlio If L"nder requln:" rnNtg~e ltlSllun". ., . <br />~ 4lf ~ttw lO;ln. .~ured by tm$, Mo>ttJ'!olJjl, Bt.'l'fow"r .!l1'll1 I"'l the rre",intll,req>lired :"mal..t"", ,,;eh <br />~.ll! ~ lIItUl md\ tUlIt II!; lhe r.q~nt for 'UI.'h ;",...r'.nce le<mj"~I'" on """fda,,,,, ""h am",,,,,r's aml <br /> <br />83- 004071 <br />