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11/19/2008 3:59:24 PM
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11/19/2008 3:59:24 PM
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<br />Loan No. ..,..?~~f!.Q::~::J~..... <br /> <br />Q <br /> <br />ADJUSTABLE RATE LOAN RIDER <br />83- 004058 <br /> <br />NOTICE: THE ~'1}f,I'YINsmtJMENT SECURES A NOTE WHICH CONTAINS <br />A PROVISION ALLOWING FOR CHANGES IN THE INTEREST RATE. IN- <br />CREASES IN THE INTERE...~ RATE WILL RESULT IN HIGHER PAYMENTS. <br />DECREASES IN THE INTEREST RATE WILL RESULT IN LOWER PAYMENTS. <br /> <br />This Rider is made this ..m.~!:......."" day of ..........:~~~g~t;.........m.......' 19..Jl.~, and is incorporated <br />into and shall 00 deemed to amend and supplement the Mortgage, Deed of Tl'USt, or Deed to Secure Debt <br />(the ."Security. Instrument") of the same date given b:y the undersigned (the "Borrower") to secure Bor- <br /> <br />!ir.~.~.t;t:~~J:~~g:~::i?~:::~~~=:A.~~~~I~E~2E:::~~::~:(~~?X:~~:::~::~E:~E~~:::~E~!:~!:~~~:ri~!~:~:K?~:::: <br />{the "Lender") . of the same date {the "Note"} and covering the &ro~ described in the Securi~ Instm- <br />mentand located at . !.~.2L~.~,~.~~~.'?!l.~~..!.'?~,_........,......,.. .... .......' ...E~~!!-'m .~l.~?!b...~,~_~E~_~.~__~~~.X.......... <br />Property Address <br /> <br />MODlFICA TIONS. In addition to the t'Ovenants and agreements made in the Security Instrument, Bor- <br />rower and Lender further covenant and agree lIS follows: <br /> <br />A. INTEREST RATE AND MONTHLY I~AYMENT CHANGES <br />The Note has an "Initial Interest Rate" oL....l).J5.{l.... % <br />Int-erest rate challJlElll may 0Ct."lll' on the 1st day of ..................,........ ...O'~.c,"'~~E.." 19..8,~,.. and on the <br />1st day of ...,...................M.a.E<:~........., 1985.... and on the 1st day of.............,....,!!!,\!,"'.."........, 19..~?.. <br />and on the 1st day of ...............,,~.~i!l'.~~m.?.,.E., 19..B.~.. and on th~ dates of thOll6 months in evel] <br />year thereafter. Each date on which the ratc of interest may change will he called a "Rate Change Date' . <br /> <br />.. in~ =~11 b:,d~r: t\':~~nJ:yt~tlij.Ul>tq~~~tjO~<!~~.~~~~., t~9j}~~:n ~~ <br />date every..,::::::::~~':'::... yearta) the_fter. Each date on which the principal and interest peyment may <br />change will 00 called a "Payment Change Datc". <br />Cbanlfflll in the interest rate !irt! governed by changes in an intel'\.'5t rate index rnlled the "Index". <br />Check box{e;;) to indicate Index. <br />(1) 0 "Contract Inte.relilt Rate, Purchue of Prll'.'ioualy Occupied Homes, National Average for all <br />MAjor n1* of Lendem" published by the Federal Home Loan Hank Bca.rd. <br />Securi t ie~:n.Jl1U(!~~~$t~a~1:~~i.,a~1ot~;u:rthl r.! vye~r411:,! .!tN:h~)J'{~Sih!):;':':~~iies';;r~e"B';;ard. <br />....,.._~.._'..J.."......... ......H........ ".w. .............m...... ...ct .... .'.." . ....,.~.. ...1',... ."...............y...,.... ......................,......'......".."..... <br /> <br />Cheek bQx(el!) to indicate limitll. <br />{ I) 0 If this box ill checked. there will 00 no maximum limit on chanllllll in the interellt rate up or <br />down. The Pmlm.inary Rate refemod to in the Note, will I... the new interellt rate. <br />(2) 0 If tbi$ box ill checked. the interest rate thet I pay shall not increase more than ................... <br />pem;ntqe point!; on MY Rate Change Date. <br />(3) 0 If tbi3 box ill checkl!d. the intel'e6t rate. that I pay llhall not decrea&e more than ,................... <br />~ poioQi on allY Rate Change Date. <br />W U If t1lls box is checked, the in~ rate that I pay shall never 00 more than .JJ..j.?!L..% <br />cluioI.tbil period I have my loan. <br />(5) [] If this box is checked., the intlml6t rate that I pay shall never be _ than ..~~~,5.Q'''H<~' <br />duri>>.i the period I have my Ioa.n. <br />(&) 0 If this box is checked. the principal and interest payD'Mt that I pay shall not increase more <br />tblUl ........N......'... ~t on any Payment Change Date. <br />(1) 0 If <:~ed, the priooipal.and interllllt paymoeot that I pay sba11 not decreue more <br /> peI.Qllltoa aD)' PaymeQt Cbanae Date. <br />The. _... ....thl.v. .. . ..t:. . t lUI1OUllt8 wiD. cbaDge. on Payment Cha.nge Dates as provided in the Note. <br />.~. ..... .....~. . .... t.. .. . .~.occut... _ often than. intAlnlllt..... rate cbanllllll rmdJ. or may be subject to certain <br />u.m~. the.Note. the monthly payments may be i1lwt6cient at times to pay accruing <br />.::= .~~ unpaid iDtere8t is added to the principlll ba.lance of the Note and itself wiD IlCCNe <br /> <br />..... <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />.J <br /> <br />L <br />
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