<br />83- 004056
<br />
<br />tbe'UJl1$see\l~dbr this Deed of Tr\JSt sb1i.ll continue unimpaired. Upon sucb payment and cure by Borrower, this Deed of
<br />Trust arid tM Obligations ~\Ired heniby shall remain in full force and effect as if no acceleration had occurred.
<br />D; ~ofRe_Appolnhllellf ofRftti>'el'; Lender in POliSeSSion. As add;~jollal 3eCurity hereunder, Borrower
<br />~byamg.11'$11'$ ffoo Le LeMMer tberentJ of tMProj'lCrt)', provided that Borrower shall. prior to acceleration under parallrllph HI
<br />bereof<)l'a~toftlie'Property, havelbe right to colie(:f and retain sucb rents as they become due and payable.
<br />~~letlltiOO\lndlltl:'*1'ajp'llph 18 berMf or abandonment of tbe Property, Lender, in person, by agent or by
<br />illd. . kiaflyappOiirtedl'eeO. Iwr,stWibeentitJed to enfer upon, take possession of and manage the Property and to collecfthe
<br />renll<of thePrope'rty intludinIthoso! 'put due: All tenlScolfected by. Lemler or the receiver shall be appliedflrst 10 payment
<br />oftlMi ~.ofmana,-fohlMi Property andco1Jeclion of rents. including; but not limited to, receIVer's fees, premiums
<br />onl'eeOiv<<sb<il:l& amireasonabJeattOTney's fees, and then to the sums secured by this Deed of Trust. Lender and tbe
<br />redeWtt "'lbe4Illblllro~o~fOf t~:renlS actually re<:eived;
<br />%I,' ~A~ Upon request of Borrower. Lender. at lender's option, prior to full ~onveyanC<.' of the Property
<br />byT~tofklrrowet, mayllll\kePuture Advances to Borro_r, Such Future Advances, with interest thereon.shaR be
<br />sewre'4b)'dli$ Deed of Trust' when evidenceclby ptomillSory nOtess!atin. IItbllt uidnotes "'" secured berebY... At no time shall
<br />tlMiprillclj.W amoullt of tticl;~secured by this ~ otTrust. not including sums adva41J1~~?81rce herewith
<br />tl) prolllCt the_onlY oftblS Deed of Trust,ex;;eed the animal amount of the Note plus US $. '''H'.HH.."_"."m, H'
<br />11 a-m..,...., (Jpoo ~ymentof 1I1lsums secured by tbis Deed of Trust, Lender shall request Trustee to reconvey
<br />thePropcrty andsllllllsurrettdet this Deed of Trust and al/ notes evidencing indebtedness secured by tbls Deed of Trust
<br />to r~. TrusteewU reconvey tbePropet1y without warranty and without dmrge to Ihe perwo or persons legally
<br />cntitledllle:n!to- SlICh petSOll or penoosshal/ pay all cost:!: of rerordlltion. If any.
<br />n~ T_ lender, at Lender's optIOn, mllY from lime 10 time remove Truslee and appoint 1I successor
<br />t~tl':fallY Trustee appointe<i"-nder by all instrument rec~ded in the county in which tbis Deed of Trust is recorded,
<br />Without ~ance ,,' the Property, the successor trustee sball ,uee<<d to all the litle, power anddnties conferred upon
<br />the T~benlltIandby applicab!e law.
<br />U ....-. fM. NOCka. Borrower requests that copies of tbe nOlice of default and notice of sale be sent to BOTrower's
<br />add_W'IUclt lube Property Addreu,
<br />
<br />II( WITNESS WHEREOf', Borrower has execuled this Deed of Trust,
<br />
<br />'~~ailz.;ri~~"~~
<br />~;~~.1ta4.:n'~'~,~~
<br />
<br />
<br />STAn: Of NlllltlASXA. <' ......,....... .. . Hall. . . . County ss:
<br />011 flUs . . . . 1st.. . . . . . . . . day of. . ..August.. . . 19 83.. before me, the undersigned. a Notary Public
<br />dulv l~i$$ioul:dr . and quahlie4.fPf 5aJd .COIlmY, m:nonaUy "alOe". d.... a . '" f' ...................... ..
<br />!'li.1.. ~~~. .:. ~.a.~,!~~. a!,~. l'~lhelUl.~n.e. K'~1ianna.n.husvan. ~n. .":': e.'...... 10 me known to be the
<br />identical ~(s) wbosl: nllJl)(';h) are subscribed to the (on:gomg 'Mtnlment and acknowledged the execution
<br />lhereof 10 be. t. e.u. . . . . . . , ' ,,"Q{untar)' act llnd d<<d.
<br />Wit_ my band and noomal ~I at. . Grand .Island.< Nebraska . . . , . in said county. the
<br />date llro-id.
<br />
<br />My Comll'liision expires:
<br />
<br />
<br />')
<br />...
<br />
<br />x::..4.-/ .
<br />
<br />"
<br />.-
<br />."~..
<br />
<br />.~'f'~'....
<br />
<br />To TJ;VSlU;
<br />
<br />.J;--. -.. p.....'"
<br />-- .....,
<br />.. _-~~.~ECONVEYANCE
<br />~"
<br />
<br />~ unden;ij1led is lhe hotdet' of the note or notes .e.;ure<1 hy thjj, Deed of Trust. Said note or notes, logether
<br />with alIotbw indebtcd_ scci.itOO by thIS Deed of Trmt. have been paid in full. You are hereby directed to cancel
<br />l&id note Of note-> Mid thi>. Deed of Trust, whicb are delivered hereby, and to tecQllvey, without warranty. all tbe
<br />eslatC now hold by )'011 under lh.is Oeo:d of Trust tv the pef>OIl or penon. lepUy entitled there(().
<br />
<br />n.o;,...,..,...,......,...... ,..
<br />
<br />{~ ~ Tb.;a loM R......w Fw ~ ~ R4IC.Q-fu-."
<br />
<br />Wo. Uti 61:1. ~.l Ealpl~)'IlIflnt Opportunity I Aff1~tiV1l Actioft ElltploYlilt: MIl.
<br />