<br />I
<br />
<br />UNIFORM COVENANTS, Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows:
<br />
<br />I. Payment of Prindplll alld 1..-. Borrower shall promptly pay when due the principal of and interest on the
<br />Indebtednes. evidenced by the Note, prepayment and late charges as provided in the Note. and the principal of and interest
<br />on any Future Advances secured by this Deed of Trust.
<br />%. P..... for Tax. alld 1_. Subject to applicable l~.. or to a written waiver by Lender, Borrower sball pay
<br />to Lender on the day monthly installments of principal and interest are payable under the Note, until the Note is paid in full.
<br />a sum (herein "Funds") equal t.. one-twelfth of the yearly t..es and assessment. which may attain priority over this
<br />Deed of Trust. and ground rents on the Property. if any, plus one-,welfth of yearly premium installment. for hazard insurance.
<br />plus one-twelfth of yearly premium installments for mortgage insurance. if any. all as reasonably estimated initially and from
<br />time to time by Lender on the basis of .......ments and bills and reasonable estimates thereof.
<br />The Funds shall be held in an institution the deposits or accounts of which are insured or guaranteed by a Federal or
<br />state agency (including Lender if Lender is such an institution,. lender shall apply the Funds to pay said laxes. assessments.
<br />ill$urance premiums and ground rents. Lender may not charge for so holding and applying the Punds, analyzing said account
<br />or verifying and compiling said ......ments and bills, unless Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable law
<br />permits Lender to make wch a charge. Borrower and l..ender may agree in writing at the time of execution of this
<br />Deed of Trust that interest on the Punds .hall be paid to Borrower. and unless such agreement is made or applicable law
<br />requires such inlerest to be paid. lender shall nOI be ""IUtred to pay Borrower any Interest or e.min~s on Ihe Punds. Lender
<br />shall give to Borrower. without charge, an.annual accounting of the Funds showmg credits and debits to the Funds and the
<br />purpose for which each debit 10 the Punds was made. The Funds are pledged as additional securily for the sums secured
<br />by this Deed of Trust.
<br />I( the amount of the Punds held by Lcnder. together wilh the future monthly installments of Funds payable prior to
<br />the due d.atcs of taxes. au:estn\enl-S. insurance premiums and ground rents. shaH exceed the amount requared to pay said taxes.
<br />aS$e5$ments, insurance premiums and ground rents as lhc~' f.all due. ~uch excess shaH be. at Borrower's option. either
<br />promptly repaid to Borrower or credited to Borrower <'n monthly installments of Funds, If the amount of the Fund.
<br />held by Lender shaH n'Ot be- sufficient to pay faxe.... asscs.."Oments. in~urance premiums and ground rents as [hey fait due.
<br />Borrowtl shaH pay to Lender any amount necessary 10 make up the deficiency within 30 days from the dale nolice is mailed
<br />by Lender to Borrower requesting payment thereof.
<br />Upon payment in full of all .ums secured hy thIS Deed of Trust. Lender shall promplly refund to Borrower any Funds
<br />held by Lender. It under paragraph 18 hereof ,he Prope"y " sold or the Property" otherwise acquired by lender. Leoder
<br />shaU apply. no farer than immedIately pnor t~ the s.ale of lhe Property or ItS. a:cqmsHlon by Lender. any Funds held by
<br />Lender 3tlhe time of application as a credit against the ,ums ,"cured by this Deed of TrusL
<br />J. AppIkatIoa of h)'llleftk. Unks$ applicable l:J~ pnwldes othenw!5e. all payments receIved by Lender under the
<br />NOIe and paragraphs I and 2 hereof shall he apphed hv L<nd<r first to payment of amounts payable to Lender hy Borrower
<br />under paragraph 2 hereof, then to interest payahle on the Note. then to the principal of the Note. and (hen to interest and
<br />principal on any Future Advances,
<br />4. ~ I..JeeL Borrower ~hDJl pay all t,ne... ;.t'U.C!iiSmenf'!io and \)ther charges. fines and :mpusltions. attributable 10
<br />the Property which may atUlln a prio-nty over thi~ Deed of Trust. and leasehold payments or ground rents. if any, in the
<br />mlA""r provided under paragnaph 2 hereof or. if nOI paid in such manneL hy Borrower maktog payment. when due. directly
<br />to the payee thereof. Borrower ,hAil promptly fUrfll'iih to Lender ~U 11()t1Cr~ of amounl'i due under this paragraph. and in the
<br />event Borrower shall make pa}'tnem dlrectiy. Borrower ..hall pro-mplly furm-sh t-ll Lender receipts evidencing such payments.
<br />Borrower shall promptly discha"!JC' any hen ",hKh ha~ pflorilY over tnls l~~d 01 frUit: provldeu. thai Borrower s.hall not he
<br />required to di!tCh.a.rge any sw.:h hen \0 long lJ.\ Borrower 'Iohall a.gree In wrulOg to Ihe payment of the llbligutl(ln secured by
<br />\uch lien In it manner acceptable to ten<kr. or ,haillf1 good f;uth COOleSl iuch lien hy. Of defend entorl.:cmcnt of Juch hen m,
<br />lepl pn~:.~in8$ which opc:ratc to ~lrcve:nt the: enh.)rcemcnt of the lien (H" forfctturc ~)f the ProperlY 0(' any part thereof.
<br />~. Hazawd 1~~ BOITOWCT '"hall keep the ~mpro\!tment!\ nuw t"I'iong t.')f ncre-after erected on the Pr(lperry insured
<br />qaiMt loss by fire. hazanb included wlthm lhe leml "c't-c:ndeo l:o\'cragc", and '\m.:h nlher haz.ards a5. Lender may require
<br />and in such umounts and for ,uch penoo_,. it\- Lcn.ucr rna~ rcq:ulfe; pnwuJed, Ihat Lender \hall Ilt,H reqUIre that the amount of
<br />s-ueh coverage C'xc-t'ftl that amount of coveuJe l'e-qu~red !O p-l1~ (he s.um! :\Cnar~d by thiS Deed of Trust
<br />The imurant::c earrtc.'r prOViding Ih~ io'\-uuu,-'t' ...haH Oc \.:ho"lot'u flY H()rr\l~er ,.UblCd hl approval by l.ender; provldeu
<br />that suc:h approval ab&1I DOl be unre"$()o~bly WIthheld All premIUm. 00 In'UratKe pohci.. shall be paid In the manner
<br />provided uoder par&&raph 2 hereof or. If nol pard III weh man"er. hv !lorro..er maki08 pay,nen.. when due. directly In the
<br />iQ$Ul"tDCe carrier,
<br />Atlln5-uraoce poliCies and rencYtaIs thereof 5haU be III lilrm a~\':'cp.ablt' hI Lender and ..hall IIldooc a 'itandard mortgage
<br />da:usc ill favor ot and in form .;acl.:ert.llbie 10 I.ender LenUcr ..h.,Jl ha',if;~ the nght to holJ thl;! puh\:Je\ and ren-ewah: ther~of.
<br />and Borrower shali promptl)' tUfnt.~h w Lender J:1l ft:-flt:wal Hf.Jttt:~ "nu ~U fC't.:CJpt!i ()[ r;uo fHtmIUm~, )n the eVent of los!\-,
<br />Borrower shall give prompt notICe tv the Hl).urao,,:c \:.JHl:cr .;tnd L("n~r I enJer nuy mAke p-lt)Of ot loh Jt not made promplly
<br />by Borrower.
<br />Unlu--.s Lender and Borrower -\.lthcrwt\le agrt'c 111 \to nllilg, lltSUHlfh..'e pr~ecu.\ ..huH b<- dPI)l!eu tu re..torafwn or repair llt
<br />lhe Property danUl&N, pt'ovided 'Sou.:.:h f'c-MuriSUuo Of n:pAIf l~ t'l,tHh"){l\h..ally ka~lhle ,;nu the M:t:Hruy nf thl' Deed of rruit ,I"
<br />nt.'ll thereby Impaired. If 'iUL:h fejtOf.atl\.lO l.)f' repililf f\ lint ,~""m(\mk;aHy fC3\lhk or It Ihe ..e~tt1'HY of Ihl' Deed of 'f ohl would
<br />he: Impaired, the msurant"C Pf<X'eeds shall be -af.-'~te,l to (h( 'HJ~'h \ct:uftd 1:1) fhl~ l>Ccd of fmst. With th~ (\t.:e,,\, It ,lny, paid
<br />to It.ofTowcr, If the Propert)' L'S abandoncl.t by Borrowcf. or tt fiorrtllolt~r t,lIl, (i' le\lXlIld lu Lender \\Hhm 30 day" fn')m the
<br />dal~ notK."'C is maileJ by Lender to Born.>""er Ihat Ihe lusura.lh,-C: ~arner \llfer... to St.:'tHc ~ ..tatm lor m,urancc benefils, Lender
<br />IS aUlhonud to i.:.oU<<t and appiy the m:s;urant;t PhX<<U." at I cnder\ opHon clther to re\torauon or repair of the Prop.:-ny
<br />or to the sum. secured by IhlS Deed of Tro'\l
<br />Unless Lc-nder and Borrower olherwlse qrC:e m wflllne.. any 'lA:h apphctluon l..lt pnx:eeu$ W prmclp-al shall nol cXlen~
<br />or pott.tpo~ the due d.lf: of the monthly mSI..llment~ reicned hl HI pitragraptb. I and 2 h:ereuf or chan,e the amount ot
<br />such insUlllmt1lb. Sf under par~lu.ph 1M herC't.)f the Propcfl) I~ al..'quircd b~ I. cuder, :illl r1~hl. tttle and In(ere~t ,,)1 Horrower
<br />in and to auy in$urall\.'-C policia. and In and 10 the pn"cct,h then.~t.d multlng hOl'n damage to the Property pnor to the sate
<br />or acqw$itklfl mall pass to Lendtf 10 the cA.tent of the lioUlllS. ~ured by {his Deed or rrusl Immediately pIlor to ~uch '!oate or
<br />llCquisition.
<br />6. ~........... !IbiIMe_e of l'ntpHty; 1A_1MNd.s; COftdomiftiumo; PlaAIOed Unit o...cloptneau. O"rro"c'
<br />,hAil keep the Propcn)' in gOl..'\4J rc.pa~r ~Uld ...hati 1l\J-f ("lmlflHt V.a.1IoI~ ..If pcmlit un-p.tlIITI..:-ut ;:)f dct~rh'!-r;.lII\ln of the Property
<br />;and -sbal.t ~ply with the provisions. of ao)' lease If th" Deed ("If rrust 1\ on Of leasehold. If Ihls, Deed of TnUiot i~ on a unit In .t
<br />l.'-()ndommtUm or a planned unit developmenc Borrow-er shall pttfofm ~tl! of B()rruwer'~ obligations under the declaratlOll
<br />f,Jf CO\'-ena.nU ~re:alin& or governing the (.'ondommium or planned UOIt dC'vc~opl11ent. the hy.laws and regulahOn-llo of the
<br />condominium or plann.t'd unit developlnenl, and ;,:o-nsiltucnt ducumenB J( a c<mdonunium or planned. Unit develiJpmCnl
<br />rider is c-x.ecuted by Borrower and recorded togefher wilh thi~ Deed vf lrwu. the co\"etUtnls and agreemenh of 'iui;h nder
<br />shalt be incorpor&ted into- .and shall amend and ,"upplernc-Ill the ..:d\-'cnanh iHlJ agrecmefHs of thti Dcc:d of Tru'\t a~ If the ru.Jer
<br />Wl:re a part hereof
<br />1. ~ of t.e.cIer'. Sectarity. If Borrower falls h,.l perfom\ [he I.:o.'-c:mmts and agr<<menh ...,mt~Hl('d m thl'S
<br />Deed of Trust. or if any action or procccdmg is c\)nunen-ct.."d which miltcnall)' atTcch Lender's inlen~~t In Ih~ Property,
<br />ttlC:tudi:na. but not limited to. eminent do-main, lnKli\leru:). .;ode enfurcement, Of arrf.lhgemenh or proceeding!. JO\'(,llvHlg .1
<br />~rup' or ~nt. then Lender all.ender's option. upon rn)tJ~e to Borruwer, may male such, appearam:c~,' Ji\hufSe l>.w,:h
<br />lWDI and tHc such .ction as is t'1:C'CeUary h) ~t Lc_n<kr's tntere.)!. Indudmg. hut not i1mllt.-d 10, d,~bur~mcnl ()f
<br />fUIOt'lablc attorney's fees and. cmtI)< upon the-- .Property to make repaif$., If ~cnder requireu mortgage In~ur;jnl.:e a\ a
<br />coodition of maklD& lhe k>an secured by tlus DeW of Tf1JSt. Borrower shaU pa' the pt..millm' n:<jUlfed t" m.UltaUl ,uch
<br />fnsutancc in effeet until such time as the requirement h.lf such iJt~uralH.:e termlnato In accordan~e- wl1h Borruwer',\ lUlU
<br />l.eodcr-, wri~~c-n aarmnenl or appIQblc I....., Borrower mall PO) [nc amount of aU morta.8C' In!urauce pft'IllIUm, !t1 lh.c
<br />_r provided "ndcrl"'f1lll'&pb 2 hereof.
<br />lu~y .-mGI,lu&t dMboncd by Lende.r _VUrtoWlnt to tbia para$r~pb 7, \\'ilh interest the-reon, ..halt ~come adultH.:mal
<br />iTidel>ltd_ of Borrower i<<lIred hy thit Deed of TrUM. Unl_ Borrowet and '..nder "II"'" to othee tom" 01 f"\~me"'. ,uch
<br />.-, toball be "')fable upon notice from Lende' In Borrower ''''I_ting pa~o"'l1I thereof. and ,hall t>car Inlere.t Imm the
<br /><tat. of ~ at l~ tale payable frorn time ti,"l time on ~;mhtandin. prtncipal uo<kr th~ Note unlcn payment ;,'1 tntcre.st
<br />at _1I.rue would be contrary to *t>PIK:able law. in whkh event such .moun" ,h,,1I he", rntn"'t at ,he hllhest rote
<br />~ und<Ir .pplicable law. Notbi"lI cool"jJl4lU '" th.. ""r.lr.ph 7 shaU ""lui,. lender ." Incur .IlY <"I"'use ,,' take
<br />&Qy BClion ~~
<br />L ~ l.cndet" may f1't&b- or c.we to be .~ rea,,:mabJe entr~ ~Jpon tlnd m'\pX'hou~ of the Prop~.ft}', f'({'l'dded
<br />.fa.. tc...,.:th&U. &iYC: BotrowCl:r ooticc p.rtof In .U)' such tMpI;:ctwn SopecifYIOI rea.wn.bk CJi'U$C th'tretnr related It' L.(,ilde-t '-\
<br />.....- ill tllrt 1'to1lWlv.
<br />
<br />83.....D04009
<br />