<br />T
<br />
<br />0060095-5
<br />
<br />
<br />83-1J04009
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />~ij)~OFTRtl$ri8D!lldetblS... .....:?~~!t............ ,day of ... }.~~y., .... d... d'.....
<br />1...~~~thcrl't'lI$tfM:...,.. .~~~!'~~. .~t;~~'.'H. fl!i.~.~~~~. ~... .i!'!t;HI}~.f,. .I'\~~~~~. !if1$!,.\<{~~~ .....
<br />.....,;". "..' d' t:.... ...... ......... . .". (herein "BorrOWer"),. . . .<:~!,~~.i.a.~ .F;"'~~~!l;L..S.a.~~~:
<br />. ..<........,.a,~.,.?!'P,.A.~~~~~f~.?!'. ., . . . . . . .. ............' . (herein "Trustee"), andtheBeneftei:"'Y'
<br />..~~~r:~J.a.~.r~~!'tr.a.I..~~Yf~~. .&. ~~ .i:'~~.?~.'.. .... ....,. .... ...,. .., a COlporatlonotganite(iam.t
<br />~JUlldOrthe:la'wsot..,.... ~~. ~~.s. .'!......... .. ..,. ..,. ......., whose addreSs is. . ....... ..... ..~
<br />.,?l~. ~t,l\ .H\19.:>.t1.<1,<':t; ,.~)\FI....~. .Q~j?~,. .................. . (herein "Lender").
<br />
<br />eo.emil, in considenItioll of the indebtedness herein recited and the trust herein created. irrevocabty grants
<br />_~ to Trustee, in trust, with power of sale, the following describedpropc:rty located in the County of
<br />....... ..... . .lilfll......,.....,.......... "Stateof Nebraska:
<br />
<br />The Eaaurly Thirty (30) Fed of Lot Twenty-two (22) and the
<br />Weo;terly Fifty-four (54) feet of Lot Twenty-three (23). all
<br />in Block Two (2), in Parkhill Subdivision. an Addition to
<br />th<l Clty of Grand Island, Hail County, Nebraska,
<br />
<br />....... _tile....... 01.... .2f4;2,4 .Wl;H. !\n,,\a,.Gp;t~d l.sla'!-~L t'e.brl.u~I$L.
<br />t~teetl
<br />
<br />f(;11,j
<br />
<br />.,..". '. '..,........... .(bcreln "~rtyAdd~"");
<br />~__~l
<br />......tl)tIf't"'id1 all I- impro~"lIl<lflts 001li Of her,:al1er ,recled on the. pI'(lperly, and ati eaM:menh. riglll\.
<br />~..l'\lIlI& h,,~ bowc"ll{ to tbe riJht$ nnd .autbol'itic$ given herein. to Lender 10 ~llecl and. apply ,uell
<br />"h~~oit_.-s riJbb.oo. pN6\s, Waler. water righl&, and water slock. and all fixtures now Qr
<br />~~19*~)!,ldlof \lfblc:a. Includin& replace_u and ad4itiom lneret{). shall be deemed to be
<br />.. ~..l!\. P'!U1 of *.~ covered by this .Decdof Tntsl; an.<! all of !he .for"aoing. tcogtther WIth said property
<br />(~lIle~~if tftilDecdof Tntsl is on II le.ascllold) arc herein referred to as the "Property";
<br />
<br />
<br />;:-(
<br />
<br />~ 'f..'" '.-, "- ~''C...
<br />
<br />~~itllc~~mUtc: ~teJtcteby _veyedand ha~ the nl!ht ((tgflUlt alld
<br />"~'~ls~ andthlU BoIrowv will wamult and <kf..,nd gi'lWl'ally llle
<br />"..~~~I!JI\.~M!bjedto ~)'~llliom>. __ts or rewlclUms h!>ted Ul ~
<br />...~..~mlllY tlt1it...~.fl'OllQ' insvtillIlLen<m'~ inter<:$l III dw PropnlY.
<br />
<br />4,)1"6/>.)
<br />w~..td,~~~
<br />