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<br />83-'l03995 <br /> <br /> <br />JAnder's written agreement or applicable law. Borrower shaU pay the amount of all mortgage insurance premium, in the <br />manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof. <br />Any aniouot. disbursed by l.ender pursuant to this paragraph 7. with interest thereon. shaU become additional <br />indebfedness of Borrower secured by this Mortgage. Unless BOITower and l.ender agree to other terms of payment, such <br />amounts shall he payable upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting payment thereof, and shall bear interest from the <br />date of dishtlrsententat the ratepayab1efrom time to time on outstandlng principal under the Note unless payment of <br />intemtat.uchtllle would be contrary to applicable law. in which event such amounts shall bear interest at the highest rate <br />pern;iU1'b1e .undet' applicable law. Nothing contained in Ihis paragraph 7 ,haU "'quire Lender to incur any expense or talce <br />any action. hereunder. <br />8;. ~. Lender may make or cause to be made re.""nable entries upon and inspections of the Property, provided <br />tlllttl.endet .hall give BOrrower notice prior to any such in'p"ction specifying reasonable cau.. therefor related to Lender's <br />ililetest in the Property. <br />9.; C~........... The proceeds of any award or claim for dama~e~. direct or consequential, in connection with any <br />condemnation or other talcing of the Property. or part thereof. (>f for conv..yance in lieu of cond"",nation. are hereby assigned <br />and shall to Lender. <br />In the event of a lotal talcing of the Property, the proceeds shall be applied to the ,urns ,",cured by this Mortgage. <br />with the exce!-i. if an}'. paid to Borrower. In the event ('If a partt31 taking of the Property. unle.\.~ Borrower and l.ender <br />otherwite agrt'<' in writing, the", shall be applied tl) the 'ums seemed by this Mortgage ,uch proportion of the proceeds <br />"" is eqlUlltc that proportion which the .mount or the sum, <ocured by this Mortgage immediately prior to the date of <br />taking be4rs to the fair market vahle of the Property immediately prt0r to the date of taking, with the balance of the proceeds <br />paid ", Borrower. <br />If the Property is abandoned hy BOITower. or if. .fter notice by I.ender to Sor",wer ,hat the condemnor offers to make <br />an award or ~de a claim for damages. B(\rn"'\wt:'r faits to respond h) Lender wtthsn 30 day~ ~tfter the date such notice is <br />mailed. Lender i; authorized t'O collcct and apply the pf('\Ceed~. at Lender'" opfion, either to restoration or repair of the <br />Property or to the 'ums secured hy this M<>rtgage. <br />Unles$ Lender and B()f'f"Owe:r otherwfs.e agret' lfl writing. ari\' ,,-uch applicarion of proceeds to principal shall not extend <br />or JIDStptJne lhe due date of the monthly imna1!mcnts referred tn in p~lragraflh\; I and 2 hereof or change the amollnt of <br />,ueh installment.. <br />to. Borrower Not R..... Exten'\1on of the lime fnr fl.1.vmcnt \.\r mndification of amorfi2at;on of the sums secured <br />hy thit Mmtgq~ granted hy Lender to an,!<' \UCCCSfinr lf1 mlne",-t pf Rorrower ",hall not operate to rele:lsc. in any manner. <br />the liability t]f the original Borrower ~md Borrower',> Sll~c~s.s.ors. In interc!it t .coder I:lhall not he required to commence <br />proceedings against such sm::ce~'''or or refuse to e-xtcnd !,mc ,'or pil\"ment (lr otherwt'*C modify amortiZ3[ion of the sums <br />~ured by thm Mortgage h~' reawn of any dt:' made hv the prl~mat Borrower and Borrnwer's o:.tlcces..'ors in interest, <br />11. F~ by Leadt-r Not a Wan'fT. :\nv (orhc':arancc tw l,l..'n(..ter in ~xen:l~mg an\' right or fl~n1cdy hereunder, or <br />o-rherwiSf: at1ord-ed hy appHc.\bl-e taw. shaH not he- ;l waiver N (''- preclude lhe l"\('rci$~ of an\! <;;uch righl or remedy. <br />The p-rocuretnen:t of imunun:e (~r the rayment of t.J;),t"S ;1f nthcr hen.. ~~f chargl~s f,\-, Lender ..hall not he " w..liver pI' Lender's <br />right to aeeclerate the ma.turitJ' "",f the, indebtedne",\ 't'ct:red h\' tr\l~ \fort~agc, <br />,12~ ~ CtlJlltdatift" AH remetfics- pnwtded :n thi'\ Mort!l:lgr arc ~hlitinct and (tlnmlattvC' to .mv olhe.r right (lr <br />remedy under thti 'Mt.'\f'tgagc (IT afforded b\" !"w ,}f e\~UltY" ;\f'l1.1 may he- l''Iercl'''I.~d \,,'pm.."tlrrentlv, ltlderendently or slIccessively <br />U. Succ........ a.... AIIIiIat Bo....r. Joitt, ami s.-,~raI U.biIIty: C.ptio.... fne "' .00 a~tcement' herein <br />i,.;ont-atned shall hind. and the rig;hts herr-under ,hail Inure to. the rc'"'pe\:tlvt" ,ItCCC''ioor-.,. alid as.:;ign"i ,If Lender uttd Borrower. <br />s.ub-ject to lhe provi-s:iuns of partllrnph 1;-'(1t Ali ",-'\wt:nanl~ ;l1~~1 a.~reement~ ,~f Borrower shall be il1int ~Ind -;cveral< <br />"f'be c-sptiuflS anJ headm", ot' the. paragraph, pi lhi.. \-tongilgt' Me f"f dm'\'t'JHern.'~ poly and are mlt W he lt~d 10 <br />interpret or ddine the pro'Vl'sion!\ hereof. <br />14. Notki:. El\<<Pl for any aotj,,"C- rCqlJ1fed \ ;tpr.k'lh(~ 1,1V< \,-, he glVCli Hl anolhef Olanner, fa) ~ny notice to' <br />BO!fHWer ptovidcd tOt' in thi!!. M(utgagt:: ",halt he ~I"tcn hy nl.H!m~ ,tJ\.'h nnllo...'(, I>v \.'l..-n,ned nHtll addre~s.~d to Bt\ffowcr at <br />the Prop:rt~ Addres.'i l~r af -'-la:h \)tht'r ,'H,idfC"iS it't B.:H H\\."'-cr m~\ dC-"ltgo,Hc hI!" nntkt h\ I ,COtler <t~ prtwi\lt~ti herein. and <br />(b-) any notice- to Len~cf ~han he giv'Cfl hy \:et'tificd fH<id tf'tIJrl\ fc.;,:~"tfll n:quc,lt:!d< in l.cmier"... <td<iress .stilled herein (lr to <br />fiim:---h other atldrw a~ Lender mi1~ d~<';'l~n~tc hv n(){I'.'~ tn BOH(W.''t'r ~t.. pwvtde..l hCfeH~ \tly nOlkc pwvtdctJ hlr in lhi\i <br />Mortgage shaH be deetnw Ii,) h.avc ~-n jl.l't'cn it1- Btif!"(l\\;(f \\f I 'Coder.... htBl given in the mllfiner de!\ignaled hen~in <br />t5~ UaHOftIt Molt.....-; GO\'f'f1lltql l.a,.; Se,,~hlWlitl. Trll~ {f'1m ,It nH)ft~age ~ (If!lhine,,. uniform ..'ovenants l\\f n~\ltonal <br />U~ and notl~Uni(OUH (-t:"'erta.fH~ ",'ith hfllHt.>-tl Y"lftall\)U.., h:-- pH l..d.':ftlll\ h\ ~ t~lhHtHfe J Uniform "c~unty instnuflcnt l.'(lvering <br />real property, ThtS Mnflg~e ,hall he ~uv'\ifned ~\' lhe bw p( !ht. jHfI...dit:'h~)n >11 which the Propcfty h hKaled. In the: <br />event that an)' rrOVii-hJtl Of i.'lau!:.l: of thi... Mo-rt~a~c itl th~ So{t' .....-\uftid... ';...ilh -Ilpphc>lNe !~w, <;uch (.:tmtlicl ...hall n\lf affe..'! <br />othe-r pHwtsit.m.s i.q thJS Moftgag~ or the ~(\h.' Whlt.:.h ';"M\ ht: ~Ylo'en l~n~d ""UOt\lll Iht~ ~onnj(:ting pnwi,ion. ;1nJ to this <br />end the p-fo\<'isron.) of the: M"lftl!~ and: tnc '(\h,~ .Ht ,k'....:laft'-d Il' lx~ 'tt""'t-rahle <br />16.. .hnuwer.s Cop,-. Borrower ..hall ht: fnHw.h.::u .'! ...dnk,rntetJ \"t)pj' lIt the ~urc anJ of thb Mortgage at the time- <br />l'tf cxC\.'utkm Of aher ret.:o.rdation hen~,of. <br />17. Traaa$f.r of tl-. Property; A.Uiun.p.tioll~ If illl {~f dll}' p.lfl \II tht., Pmf)crl~ lH an Int~l'c~l therein i.. sold or trans.ferred <br />by Iktfrowcr \lOt'hout Lender's pnor \\'riUCf\ (nn~nL c__xduding: i,lt the -.;rcatu..m l)f ;t lien {'f en~umbran..:c ..uhordinatc to <br />this. MQf"tgage. (h,) the \.TeaUoo p-f ;, pun.:ha.s.e. nwn~y 'l,c..:urilY mtCf...:st for hnU'i't::hold appiiJn-i.:c"'-, 1\~1 .-1.. tran-.;.fcr by dcvis~, <br />descent (.\f by operation of ht'M upon the Jeath of J. IOliH It:-n..HH llf tdl thl: gran: \)f <.Hlj ka:!i-eht."id tntere-M of rhl'~c years lJr k~ <br />not- containing, an {tptit;.m tl;l purchase, Lender may, .tl LtllJ<<:t'.. \)pti,ln. dcdar..: all the -sum~ se~ured by thiS Mortgage to be <br />unme.diuk:ly due and p8.}'abte:. Lender !ohaH halr'c ,",~J\.'(,:J\..:h !,lptii...'J.H lL' ;t...':l:dcrate if. prior to, the ",aIe Of transfer. l.ender <br />and the pe-rwn h,J whom the Propeuy j" 10 be ~oid ()( tnln\-knctl rea..:h itgrccmcm In 'Urriting [hat the ..:rcJit cr "iuch person <br />is. s-a-ti&f:<<;tQ-f}' to Lemler and that the. intcr-c.'O.t p.ay.tbk on the Scum;., ~...:ure.d hy ~hi\ Mongage shaH be at sw.:h ratt: '-\.'i Lender <br />shalt. req.uest, It tender has. wah..ed the (\fj,tion h) ;tct:-C,ler.Ht pn..widctl in thl~ p.a:ragruph 17, and if Borrower\; ::>,u,ce,'isor in <br />int~esl bas executeu a writt-en assumption agreem.t:-At ii~;;cp(ed in ",riong by LcnJer, l.ender ...halt rel.ease B-orrov.-'cr from JH <br />,>bli&atiQn,\ under this Mortgage and the Note, <br />If Lender \txerds.cs ,such option to a;;:~elera{e, ....haB mail Bmfi)\.licr notKc (.)f ~,u..~..:der.Hi(H1 in ~h:~(H"dan;,;c \\'ith <br />paragraph 14 hereof. Su<:h notice iohaU provide 4 period c)-I' i\Ol Ie!.''!> than J:O uay'\ f((\nl the dalt the nnlk,,~ 1:5 mailed withm <br />whtch Borrower may pay the sums declared due. If B(HJu\-t,.cr fail,;; ~(} p.a)" ~w.:h ";Inns, prltJf to the expiration ~.If :'.tI~h peflod. <br />Lender may. with<~ut further notkc or demand on Borrower. 11l'1tO}.,t: an.\- rem.edies pe-rmiued hy rant8-Taph IX hereoL <br /> <br />NoN-UNlf'OllM;' CoVli~,^N'f$.. 8Qffuwer ;lod Lender further C<J\-'cnaHl ~H1d agree rb loHows; <br />ill. J\c;~ R~ E.ce"t"" providoG in par811rapb 11 h".ror. u_ 8t.Irru...r's breach UlaR} <<".o....t ur <br />~. of .ou......., 1ft IIlls l\11KlW", indtt<llR& ,be ,............ In pay ..he.. due a..y'u.... _",red by' lb", Morlgag., <br />~~... ~.sIIlIIl mail ....Ii<< to Borrower ... p""idoG in paragraph 14 her"'" .pedl}'i..., II) tbe breach: <br />(1;.,t...~~,Io(&<<\.uell ~h: (31 a date, no'lessthll!l JO da}'s rron. lhe date lhe nolic. .. ...aikd 'u B..,ro,..., <br />I!f w~_"~_1 M,e..Ii1ldt."d.f4Itllal fall_ 10 <ur" sueh bru<.'h uu u. betur" the d.t" spedlWd in the nutk~ <br />.... ~lll.",,~ofthe...m.''''cll,JIdbY IiIk i\1orlPll'" r"'ed_ro by j",lld.d ptoeftdl"ll and SIII"...c lhe """",ft)'. <br />nw... ~~ iat- .....)0'.' \)( II... rlgtll ,.. reinobrt.. aft... ..""deral"''' aud lhe riltbt lu _rt ill Ih. fo..,do,u,. <br />~..~..,. ofa de,blttIO' ..ny ........ Ikr....., or Bon.....r '0 """"lerallo.. ....d for.d....ure. If the bre""h <br />, ilL" ~(O!! ~lld',"* ,be_ >J*illed lit th. nolleo, 14'114., al I,ender'. ""t19n may dedare all ...I the sums ..('uRd by <br />. ~'. due ..... payablll""'" rurlher m..tnan4 "lid ma.y r...e<l_ by. jutlkial proc~..,II"11. lend<< <br />r""'l ill_II ~1It&1!lI r~,._ <II ror""to.u..., ludvdlotl, but nul Unlit." I", ,..,g" or do<:u_..tat). <br />. ..lIl!4ll1U"POm,. <br />'if(. :~,~,".~,to,:~~ N-(;lt.w,klt\t.itm-hns. Lc-nde-r's. ,-K(ch;u.u-Oo of the ..Hm~ -S~l.~\,ltc-d b)' ttlj~ MongJ:g-c, <br />Bq(fO'Wt.{ .&ball'hav~ thc,rilht fd hciv(!. any pn::i(:C~i.ltlf; Oesun bf t..cn4e-r tu C,Uf0f;,::t thr<,; MO~(gif;gt; ..hs-{"i,.'>l)u,HHed i;tt ;in)' !lrHc <br /> <br />