<br />83-1+03995
<br />
<br />UNlFoaM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows:
<br />1. hymeat of I'riDdI* lIIId IlIleftst. Borrower shall promptly pay when due the principal of and interest on the
<br />indebtedness evidenced by the Note, prepayment and late charges as provided in the Note. and the principal of and interest
<br />on any Future Advances secured by this Mortgage.
<br />%. F....... for T_..... 1_. Subject to applicable law or to a written waiver by Lender. Borrower shall pay
<br />to lARder on the day lll(mthly installments of principal and interest are payahle lInder the Note. until the Note is paid in fulL
<br />a sum (herein '~Fund.1") equal to one-fwelfth of the yearly ta~e~ and assessments which may attain priority over this
<br />Mortg.. and ground rent. on the Property. if any. plus one-twelfth of yearly premium installments for hal.ard insurance.
<br />plus one4Welfth of yearly premium installments for mortgage insurance. if any. all as reasonably estimated initially and from
<br />time to- tjme by Lender on the- ba.,is of as..~sments: and hills- and re.:asonable estimates thereof.
<br />The-FandA shall be betd in an institution the delX"lSUS or ac..counts l.."lf which arc insured or guaranteed by a Federal or
<br />state agcm<:y (including Lender If Lender i~ such itn institution L l.ender shall apply the Funds to p:.iy said taxes. assess.ments.
<br />insurance premiums and ground re-nts. Lender mtt~' not l'harge for so holding and applying the Funds.. analyzing said account.
<br />or verifying and -compiling satd assessments. and hill!\.. unles-s Lender pavl.O Borrower interest ('n the Fund~ and applicable taw
<br />permits- Lender to make such a charge, Borrower and Lender may ilgree In writlOg iH Ihe til'ne of execution of this
<br />Mortgage- that interest on the Funds shaH he paid to Borrower. ~md unle-'Ss- such agreement 1\ made or applicable law
<br />requiTeS!UCh rntCl"tSl to be- paid, Lender 'ilhrtll not he re-quire.d fO pay Borrower an\' mterest or earnlngs ,m the Funds, Lender
<br />\haU give to Borrower, WIthout charg~ dn annual accounting of Ihe Funds ...howmg I..'n::dlts and dehus to the Fund-l{ and the
<br />purpose fOf whteh each dehn to the Funds. was. made. fh-e Ftlnd't itfC pledged ;1'; additional 'ieCUrilY for the sums -secured
<br />by thi.< Mortgage.
<br />It the attlOUnl of the Funds held by Len-de-L lO~ether Vdlh rh(' !uhlre month!\" inst:1Hments of Funds payable pnor to
<br />the due dates of I~U_es., i~;;mC'nts. insurance premmms and !!-Hlund rents. ~hall e,-ceed the :llnounl reqUlred to pay said taxes.
<br />auessments~ jnsunmce premiums and ground rents a~ the\- ! .lfl dut;' -;.u;;h C"\l~e_~~ ...hall be. ~l! Horrower"s oplu.)fl. either
<br />PTonlptJr repaid to Borro~'er or credited w Borrower on month~~. !1\'il-a!lment~ \tt Funds. If the amount of the Funds
<br />held by Lender shall not be sutfic:tent to pay taxc$., .1s..'ie.~~rn€.'_nis.. Ifl'.urao.;e- premmms .md ground n'nt~ as Ihey fall due,
<br />Borrower sha.iI pal' to Lender any amount nt:~cesuf\' Ii' rn.ikl.':' tip the defii..-!l~nC\ wnhl!1 ~o d;J\~ from [he date no-f1ce IS m;;nled
<br />by L.ender to Borrower requestmg ~'Ym-ent thef-&.\t
<br />Upon payment m fult t")f aU !.um-s liC\.:ured b} thlO; \1ortg~-\~-c_ lender ."haH promprIv r!,~tund to B\lff(lwcr any Funds
<br />heki by Lender. If under paragraph l-H hereot n~ PriJperf\ i'\ ..."id I'r !hl' Pn'pcft\ I'i olhcrwl~c .KqUlfCd by I...:nder. Lender
<br />\bail appt". 00 later than unmed:tate-l)' pnnt t(~ tht' '\aj~ <'f lhe Pn.1pert\" .If \1... ,h.:qwslt!on ov Lcnder. any Fund.s hchj by
<br />Lender at the ume Of a.pplication as a (r~au agam!\.t :ht~ :!r-um.. "t'-I.:mci.t tn' lhl'\ \It_'rt~agt.'
<br />3. AptIIkatioII of Paymeets.. t.mk~\ iiPphcahlc idw pff....'lde:i ~'\!h\.TAI..('. ;111 pa-yme-nl\ It..'\~l'l\('d bv I.ender under the
<br />Note and pa..raJlapo:t : and.2 hereof ",haJi he ~tppHcd b\' I ~n-uer 11l'M in p.nrnCnl ,'I .mwunt~ p;''i'';ihlt w Lc-nder hv Horrower
<br />under par-aaraph 2' rn:reot,. then 10 mt-er-e,,\{ pavable tin ttl{~ '(llt~_ fhcn 'I' the pflnd~Ml (q [he Ni.>h.'. ~ltld then 10 mterest and
<br />pnncJ:pal on any Future Ad"....m.-:es
<br />4. C~ lJna.. Born)'o\o-e! ...hdH pa,' ,.n \,:1\\;". ,i-'-~\.'~,menh .wo pttl-t'r dHn:t~..., tinc-" ;H~J Imptl,ItWll'i- alrflbufahlc h'
<br />tbe Property ",,'hkh tnay attatn 4- -Prl-ority (WC-t ;tw. MOrl~ajlC, ,wd k.l~h'n-hl li,nmlC-nts (,r gruund rent.., If ;my. lfl the manner
<br />pn1Vldcd under paraaraph Z herwi fH'. d unf p.uu rn "io-ch m.ttHl>:r. h\ t)orrnv.t:r rn,it..m.g pavll1cnL ~"ihen due. ~llrecllv to the
<br />p.a.-yee tbe:rrot. &rrowe:f mall promsnh fUfmSoh tt' J -e:nJer .'ill n~HH,:t':', \'f ..1rnuunB due lIndc-r ttWI paragraph, olnd in the event
<br />Borrow-er s.haH matt payment d:ift"~H'f. HtlftHWl'f ..hall p-rumprh :Uf111Sn !(l L("!l\.kr ft''::Clpl!l \''\"It.knclll~ \lll.:h paymt:nl$
<br />Bo-rro'wu' ~haU prom-pti)" d~hlUlC' any hell ',..nll..h h-4<"\ pi hI.)fI!V <''.'C'! ~hl~ Mtltt~;tl!;:-, rrl,l'\'IJeli, dUB H('rWWCf ....hitll not lx'
<br />requ,cred to dl1iChat-gt any '!ouch hen~) t.mg <_ts, fJ('n(l'~e:r \h.<l!i .t~rce in ..~f"!Hlo:. h\ the p,~~'JJ1cnt ,1f Iht' "lhh~.lthHl ..cr.:urC(! by
<br />'Such hen m it manfld- a-l.;,cc-piJlI>>t tn l-4.~tldcL .If "h4li 1ft R,~ld t;wh '\"*:"'~ i;.\.i..:h~llC"n (-1\', Pf ddt"nd ~nhlrC-Ctl1Cfif ~lf l'>li\.'h li~n !Il.
<br />l~.;d pn1C,eecbnllS whtch \\fJCf.ilf.t' hl prc-',;etlt the l.:f!f~~h:-c:m\'m i,1f n~('- H,'O \':' I..lf!t,"llun; HI lhe f'roflC!t) ,II ,illY part Ihereof
<br />S. H..-d ,I~~ UOffo-""-cr ~h"U J"wp Ow lmpnh'nncnh I'l',''';' ~'\I\.tlU~ iil n-c(c~d!er t'rn:tcd flf1 the p!IJ.Pt.::f'ty 1ll"-llfcJ
<br />aj:.&llUll joss hy tin:-. hU-JlHb focll,J(.k.d wlthm lh-e term C'\.tt'lh;h;:d ".,\....>'d~t: ,lnd q,f<.-h "lh'Cf h.ttcard... .j~ L(,IHj~f Ill.jY rt"qUHt'
<br />.:a.nd tn such am-ounu;:mJ tOt ~w.:h pcl'h>d\~.. l,\.~'~r m4~ :,-~-I{tllft:. f1l"'-':i.:kd. :h~t l,.;nih:r ,>tmil I)(lt f"'-l II la' Ih.tl !ht" M1Hl11rlt \'t
<br />:'i\.K;-ll (O\,(,l~ t.~~e-cd Ihaf ;Ul'lt~unt p! "'~~''-('t~ H.'t.llHfl'd l~> P;1\ ihc ""m.. "'('~lIIni h" ifn" \-t(}ngd~t:'
<br />The :lMUfllllC$1l.:lttnef rh)udw~ !tw.' Ln.'-Ufall~t' ...hail hc ~thy.en by H~~rh'~"cl ~Hh~Cd h~ 4pp~tJ"OjI h> f.(,lldcr, pfo\lu.ied.
<br />that MK:-h apflllwa! ~h.atl not be ~HlfeaM~{H\-h!~ wuhhdd '\H pr~n1H,Hn., l'H m'Our.w\,,-t;' pul''':ie~ ...h~U bt:' pau.1 In the !lMlUlt:f
<br />pt()\'utCld under paragraph 1. he_fro! ~H. d l1t-tt p"'-IJ In ludl HHiHHt:!, h), B,"lfI\lWCI nUlktH~ p~.,mcnc ~hen due. dlrl~~lly t(, lhe
<br />l.Q,.sur......"o \ial'ttet.
<br />."\U iuwr.nu: pof__h.:;a~--Jlj. Anu rCfk......ih, i.ht'f~il ...h-.:il! 1''10,' i1l r,)HH .H-..t:pl,~Oi(: In I ,t:n~ki ,\nd ..hall lfidwk .. ...t;wd,ud llwrti!<1~~
<br />d&.l.l$C itl ta...Oi' ...~1 af4i on form ~\.:,c-vt.}hle t,-) LewJl:J I ~.n,Jl:: .,h.di h",\,-' !t;.: light h> Ih.jd lh~ pt1lh.IC\ ,~nd rCfH~y"IJ.., Ih~ll"llt.
<br />01..00 Bor-n.,lAer IOhldl PfolDpd}' fur~h H.\ L('UJ-l,.'f .ill ft'fH.'I,!o.;:jJ I\~lil....-Cl> -illd .t1J ft'\.:t-1ph l\( p~ihl pl',;nllwli" III I tit.' t,;\t:lll ,.t 10".
<br />8onow-eJ !i.haU ~\'(" phunpt fk){h,:C iU the lU~\ilMh..( ",-,;1fH('f .Hh.ll.t:lh'\Cf I cflt.h.'f Ill.,) I\Mkc ph,O! Ft h)>~ Illh,l! lo.iue pn1fnpth
<br />Ity Bormw",.
<br />U~ lender and BonllINt:c \,.ltht.'~I~ dgH')( i.ll ,\nHn~ m"m;u".,\: ph_'\.t"~d~ :.h:;!.i! hI.: .lpphco ill Il:\hlrattllll ,!f H~p<tH {ll
<br />.he: Pf'QPC1T) Jarnqed. pr'ln:'l:ocd ~w.-h r"".'"\hJ{lI:tH..m 'H !ep~lf I" t'I.'llhIHlh.'.:.t\1y :t!a!llhll" .iHJ the 'oC<.:lHU> l~l lhn, Morlg.lgC h
<br />not thereby Imp.tred, It 'toch re~Uf;ah\.)n ~)( n~pd.lf b n,Jl (,":i\n\.~ml",41h h..'t1!>-ink p{ It the s(Ouull; \)1 Ih!~ ~1ortg,Jg.c.': w4:\old
<br />be !mpa1.rcd~ the U\iUf~- pn~ceth- ~h.ltJl be "\prl~d (n Iht: ...nUh ;.e\..ufCtl h). tht~ ~h.\TtgOtgt;. \\'j{h the e,\cc"~, It ,lilY, paid
<br />m Borrowll'.r. It the Propc:l~~ b aharnloneu 0\ lk)ffO"'~L ,11 ,[ H-,)ff(IVl.-Cl i.Jlh [~l re:-.pond It.'l L~n-dt:r ~llhlfl JU days lrom the
<br />date oot-K:e lS m.oU!cd b, t~endcr to BoU'(l""C"J l.hal Ihe in~Uf,![}~~ ..:..-t:rh:f ntkn w i\,<Hl~ a d~Hn f-pr In\\.uanrt.~ hendih, I cnd~1
<br />$;\ autbo-rt-#d ft.l ~1' a.nd .il~y tlw alsuf.Uh.:r pHX.".Ci;''\1~ .!.t LcnJt;' -;i ~-lp-t:Dn either to rellltl,,}faUl.lH ~H repair of the Propefl~
<br />(It 10 u.., _ ...",ured by lhl$ MutlJlllle.
<br />Unk.s.s. Lender and Botn.l-W-I:f \'Hherv.:CM:; ci-gn."t' ,\-ntmg, A,n~ "v..:h .;;.ppil.:unon "If rnx;e-cd~ 1.0 pfl!l\':lpai :.h.dl nut c\tc-nu
<br />Of ~ the- d~ Jate u-( the- moftlhl)' ~nmUmcHh rdcHcu hI III pataifa-phs .lotl.2 herel)! PI .:natlgc: lhc .tn\l.~unt 01
<br />such ,insallmetu.$<, It under paraifiiph 18 hereof th:c PwpeItY J':\. ..t\,.ljUih:J h~' LetnJcL olli nght, tHi~ and Imerc:-.! {It &'1fl\,l"\'\Cl
<br />In and: h) any itmJ.t~e poi.J:cie5, and in .and. to lOe procec.ds tMrevl rt~~UiHn~ fn.Hfl J;jrn~ii:1: to the Property pnor w lhe ~;Iie
<br />ar -3Cq\w.itn;m ~U ~ to Lender to t~ C-,h:,fH d l.h~ \-unb ~...urcd n~ :hh \h,)!'1g.l~C- dHnu.::-J.f..teJ~ pnm II.' .udl _\~ic ,-.f
<br />ac'llliailloo.
<br />... "'-en........ M.aia(elWtA<<' of PTopen,)4 t-('~lwfds;; (,'Ofl-dom.l:utt,tm~; PhUlDM LUll l)tn:lopmeuh.. B.l1rl-ow~1
<br />Mud! keep tbe Pr-opet1)' in good rcpa~r ami ..haU no: -.:OinmH wa.~H~ i..,~f pamH :ntp-alftucm I..H \,ktcfluratlQH 01 I he. Prnp~n)
<br />and. ihal:t ~omp!y \o\ltb the provlSloo,," (,>( tan} leaK d ttHil Mo-rtt-:;J.,fx i') nn ,'j lCd.~dw-td It Ow.. \longagt.' i:'> ;..';1 .t \\llil 11> .>
<br />i.'.~w.ium Vf a p~ u.nit de\lclop:ucnt. Bonowet ",oaH perh:Hl1i J.H 01 ROIfLl'olfl:t\ (lnltg..alion'\ liadel lh(.: \.kdi.u.lttlo!l
<br />i.lt oovma;nt-. c.reatiq ()f- iO-VUUJ.ll1 ,h<- ,;.\tf'idommium _ Of ph;tno'l,.":\! tliut d-e~'dtJp-m(-nL ~he by-la,"'~ ilfh.i t\.'~Uli;\tl-;Jll" ~~f the
<br />......~~n.uun Of piInoed unit oo\'elapnu.':f\t, and ClHUotHHe_nt \l(){;umcnh, it ~ ":Ondt'l1lilnlUm >-,r pL,.iUlIed \!fl,( Ji......dt\pmcnt
<br />r. ts ~~U~ by Bono-'\\'u ;wd rt';:('otdt:d t-~th(:! wll:h !fB~ Mungage. lht' ,-u~-.::nanh ,,\fiJ .:.<<gn.."Cm-cnb 01 "Ul.~h ! ,,-,kI
<br />~ be_,i~~ .i-m:o iU'Kllb,aH am~nd <:tJ'};d loupplemc:nt tht: ,;uH~n..f!h Mh.l otgtccmt:Hh 01 tbllio Mongae:c .lS, d th~ nd.t:1
<br />_ a P*rl her"",€.
<br />,~ ~ of .........~ Secv.ritJ~ If 8Uf1'tlWer filth lu pt'rlvnn ~h-e ..~i.!\'Cthlnh, <In-u :1j,tn"~elH"~nt~ ~,'rH,un('J Hl l~m
<br />,~t- Of if ~;- _,4k;t-tOll C"; p1ocemin~ _ l~ ,..:{)cmn\t:-llCt'-\! w1w.:h _ maH~tiaUy .ltl'U::h t e.nJer's I~!tert'<jt In lhc Pr\)I)C:n~.
<br />~ but f-ro( tjfQi:w:d lQ~ e:mUlent -dOtluun. !n~(.1t\'t--la.;}. c-odt~ {.'n(i)ft.:;::ment, i,'f ,U r~flgt"J1lCnb ,~1 p-r-u..'-ccdm!/.) l!l'\\"j\lng ,1
<br />*'-tilIt, 01" ~* tM-n 1~ at t~.s {tpth-\.tl, t.lp.;,ln m:H$-{;o.;-- ttl lk\fl'o\+Cf. m,d)- m<iKC 5u\,h ilppea"m_n;.--t'%. dt."htl1lit, 'Hj\.'h
<br />~ .uM$ tak. -AA"h ,~!j(~ .i\1 i$ ~"-ry h,le pt'otoct L(:ode:"\ !fHlitt.':Sl, Hh."fliJ.JU,g. hUl not tiUHlt,d h1. dn.hHr_'5l':-OlCllt ,tl
<br />t~ .l~'!\; f~ ~ entry upo'n the Prope-fl)' tl' ma.kc rcpil-\i''lo tr I emjc-! a"'tjlllft;..j nit-'ng;t$l' !.\1:>.ULUlI;t7 #\ .1
<br />~_ Qf ~ tM k>lIu ~w'e-u bj- fhi~ M{lrtfft.$~, Buuo'lft-t''1 ttt\it.U pa)' t~ preml\.lU\~ I~Ulf'~J tp m<iHtlLHl.~ '\u-.h
<br />~$tk."C m ~t until ~-h tj'~ ~ fb-(: ro--qu.u-en,lf;tH fOt {,\t\,:h In"iUr;Ul....'( !:.l,'":H'i'lW.tt~\ ;f~ .-h.:\.'.J:'dAHI._X "'''-llh Hnf{\,\'H.'[.. J.f1\1
<br />