<br />I
<br />
<br />83-003952
<br />
<br />
<br />LeIlder's written agreement or applicable law. Borrower shall pay the amount of all mortg,,!e insurance premiums in the
<br />manner provided undet paragraph 2 hereof.
<br />Any amounts disbursed by Lender pursuant to this par,,!raph 7, with interest thereon, shall become additional
<br />indebtedness of Borrower secured by this Mortgagee Unless Borrower and lender agree to other terms of payment, such
<br />amounts shall be payable upon notice froml~r to Borrower ",quest;"g payment thereof, and shall hear interest from the
<br />date ofd&!:tt'_nt at the rate payable from time to time ononlstandmg principal nnder the Note nnless payment of
<br />in~at suchnik would.be contrary to applicable law, in which event such amounts shall bear interest at the highest rate
<br />pennillSilllc undfir appli,Able law, Nothinll cMtained in this parngral'h 7 shall require Lender to incur any espense or take
<br />any aetlon horeUtider:
<br />8. .~ lender may make or cau,", to he made reasonable cnttie<; uJ'On and inspections of the Property, provided
<br />tll&t t,endero!lall gl.... Borrower nori<:e pr.o, to any "",h inspect;o" speejfying re..""ahle cause therefor related to Lender's
<br />in_ lnthe ~l1y.
<br />9-~ C........... The. ~l;. ()f any award ~r datm for dama.~s. dire-et or con-wquential. in connection with any
<br />\..'Qndemi'tAtkm-ot ot-fter taking of the Property, Of" pan thef'e('l;f. Of (('If' conveyarn:-e in Heu of c(\ndemnatlon, are. herehy as..'dgned:
<br />0..<10""11 he paid to tender,
<br />In thee....nt of a l<~al t.king of the Propeny. the I'rO<'ff<lo <hall he apr!ied t" Ihe <urns secured by Ihi. Mortgage,
<br />wltb the e..cess. if any, l"'id ,<> B<<rower In the eYenl "~I a pa"ial lak,n~ of the Property, unle.. Borrower and Lender
<br />\>therwiloe "ll""" in writ,n" there sh.ll he applied ", ,t", "'m_ ,e,,,,,,,d I", lh" Mong.ge such proportion of the proceeds
<br />a' f~ equal to that proportion which fbe amount of the ~urn" 'CCured hv ~hi~ ~-ff)rt~a~ immedi~J~ly prior to the date of
<br />raktns- bean to the fair mllket "'atuC' of Iht! Pn:.~~n\. ImmNH'~t('h' prior Itl fh<.' dllte of t:lkin,< with the balance of the proceed-~
<br />I'liid l<> Born_r
<br />If the- Prope.rty k: aba-ndoned by 8nrfl..~w~t. or if. ~lJt....r tl,1-ttce hy t .e-nder h'1 "9off('\'\\'(',r that the condemnor offen to make
<br />an iiW.-nf Of' wtde ;3 dJlilm ;nr (hnna~. BoIT~Yifl'er fath M rt"'SfX""",d t.... Lender- within '0 d;I\"!t nfter the date such notice is.
<br />miled. tender i. aulhorind '0 ,-:oII<<t and apply ,II<> p,,,,'eed1<, M lender', ONion, ei.her ,0 restora.ion or repair of the
<br />Pmpomy or t,~ the "un" '<<11n>d h ,his Mm1j1.;re
<br />limes-'$. Lende.r .and ~e-r t-,rheN.'f<t~ q,1'N 10 ~rirl""< 30\' \u.::h arphC.:irit\o f'tf proc<<d" to rrindpal ~hi)n ntH extend
<br />or -~ the due dafe nf the mOtnhJv inlOuHmtnl'<; rdNh.*d w in f'l.l!a~raph'\. I i.ind ~ hereof 'or l.~haf\..ste t~ IUl'SO\ml o-f
<br />,ucb ,,,,,,alimento.
<br />18. IJeneweto Not R~.. L'ttc,uUfln fit nw tqn~' 1nf f'-J\ rncnt ;:\1" m..-.ddi:caHftfl ft( i\,nW'rtt73tJon "f Ihe sums 5l~und
<br />by this Mt"JttPJe f:ranted h~- LC'ndc:1 h1- ;:U1\' ,,-,.t..:..'C',"'i}{" l~) HllCH':"\'1 of R,,'I"rn.""!wer ",h~tH fh).{ opcrllte M rcl-ease. in ao)* manner,
<br />the 1..bdity ~'\f the ,t.W'1Jmal l'on:~"'e'f and BOfl'o,,'e(\ !,th..:I..'c~'\,nf'''' Hl mtr-'!C'!of I nH.,k'r ot.httH tu't t'*< required 10- l'omment."e
<br />J'!~ -A,a.m;4 ,neh \Ult4,'"'C'UOf' {,t rduw h\ (''''It'tH.i t\m\" t',,; p~l\"m('tH Itl' ,~thcrWI~ m;:-..dth' :Hlll'fUZah{\n of thr sums
<br />~,.HUl b~' th-" MM,.-,e bv f"t::&um ..'of ,Hr\' d('tn3n...1 made h lh.r l'Oil"",l l\-;:'ffftw€'r ,Ind BIH'rower'.. \U~fe\-~lrs in intere.JL
<br />tJ~ -F'~.., ,....... NOt. W.'Wfl, "\ww f~'rht',Ha;l-:." h\ I t'nd-ef In t''\en.:r'l:m; ;HT'-' n~h1 M f('moov hrnunder. or
<br />.'lt~l'\t ..dfnnXd M-' lI-p'rhc.bk- Ill.' "h.'ll! fl('l't t\( .~ W;l-\\'("r pt f'fcchldC' lh(' n~fCl\t' i'f am \1.Icn rl!lht flr remedy.
<br />~ r<<Jlo.-u.~ nf tntuta1\a' t"f" 1ttC" Pllyrnent o-t' Lnc-, ~'Jr \'~I'te-f Ite''tH ,\\ ..:hJ.frt'lo t-<\ I i:'ndcr ..twH t1l.~ ~ :.t W:.ll\lrr of I.ender's
<br />right to KU':lffa~ the tnttun,,' n.f th(<- ;I~tftdM'''''' 'i.('('nt;::,d hY ih1" \'tllrtl:l.J:C
<br />12~ ....... C~~ :\H f!tmcdKS f\fH".dN lfl tht\ M~W't,..~ :"'1" dt~tmd ;In,,J \"umulatt\'t' f~" any {\(her right or
<br />t~~ under ff1n M()rt,~ (:<t .tJot.d t>v bw ~'1 -t-..l\,lltit ,-l!~I.J m~n' !'of;' ~7'\("~.:I\\~\j (\mnuft'nth', mdepcnd\"nth-' Of !l:lK:ce,~ivel~t.
<br />13, __ """ ~...... --...., Jolm ...... s..,.... 1 illhilln: (........ !lw ,,'v....n" ",ll! .~'''''l,"",l' herem
<br />vO!t1ttmcd ~h.U Nnd.,and tht' ri(b\, h<ffuodtt- ....hitlili HHHt' t<~ lh: ~n~..:tn,r- 'nu.;\.('"-",,l"- "oJ "~'l'"' ol 1 coder and 8nf1'(\wer~
<br />\ubioL.'t to the- ~~. pt IW&Cfilirh j'" h~fltl').t ,\1; .;j.y"'("f\~nh .Inti ,1~rt'f."nWflh pt Hf\fft)\\''C( ..h,dl t"C i"lnt and wvt:ral.
<br />1M (.apti$:ma. o!.uU hc"~ i.)! th<- ihUil.t;tPh.\ ~rt tht~ \1P!1f~.lI.. Mt;' t',,~ ",.nVltf!lf'th:t" PHi,.- ;.wJ M~ opt h1 he tI'K-d h)
<br />1n~ Of ~ .~ f'(~v~~ hct~~:t{
<br />t4.. ~~ F.,--\~ fcM" ~n)' nOI<<.'C f~l;{'l.H'\"d tnh.kt ..tPI'\jtc-i~ic LH" tli b\" ~~Ven ,n anOHM:f' nu,nnct. ".} lUll' m"'lh.'"e t('l
<br />fl,nf'h~ pfiW~ tur In ih"- MO.tl'~ ....l'!.H ho.;.- i;t~"''''n !'" 1:lil~h~~~ "H~h n~'h\;e j.'t "Cf11~ "lotI! <tJdJ~~~ h} Bt)f((f.\:"l a.
<br />[he Ph~y ,"~ .....r jJ 'ad, \.'o(h<-r .'idd1r'\"o, .t" a'lft..~(r nl.j.i" dC\t~t'l,"'H' ~" n;:,ti\":1l: tll lender alJ. pH.wit.k-d herein. any
<br />{hi ~r notK"e Ii.~ tcnOt."t ",-,haU ~ $t"-c'!! ~...'\' ,.'\~.t~~l ~~~__'d '~.iurn ~{',,''t,''fq i('4~lC:'...t~, w t t.~n,ki" Mldr~ $,hdW kt:f1~i" \)f to
<br />~ t)\M:t ~ 4't. L~r m...~ ~n.tc ~"\ r-...\ll'<.C "'(,n~-'~cf.H PH>\dik,J hT(l!\ \U\ l1~'~i,.'t' ptt)vKletl lpr In thl\
<br />Mvtt,.... ih.U ~ ~mnt h'" f.,A'Ht ~n ~l.\'-en f.{'t ~-ltf\'(,!Io:'"t <:-j' f r>>tkf b~h-cn W:)~CH tn th(' tU-linnC'f dew'f\;:d<<l herdn,
<br />IS~ U..... ~{(;o,."...... t....'~ s.t-,,<<...... p,,), L.ftll <.'-1 O1""t,,,..->;; ~\.'mhtltfl IHHI';)fm I.P\I('tHwl.. ldt fHlhon",;
<br />~fK i'lDd 11rl)ft~unitl,~ t,;(t\'o.t).~,- '\41th lttrlHt'.t l>,(t'..;j!fn'Q'- h'\ ;'ll,\,~...th"I'~ t.. ..;In\~I!I.lioC' a Ul1ifftflh \t~-l..:lirlt,. In'\trU'Ut"ui ~~'''enna
<br />n:&J P<<'r<<1'f~ Inn, Mi,lft.._P- w.aH he- t,.'u;'toc.J N>,. It\(-' i::l...., "i H'l<t. "1f,,..~h..h~'~n ,n ..hk:h th<, PH"'f"\"Hy "k'\:01ttd, In Ihe
<br />evot)llh4t 4ft)' pf(n'"U.ln ...~~ ...t.Uj~ ~~t dn., MOf1J,itR<' ,If fh..' '.'h" ~"'~'tb,,h ...\TO ;\Pt\ih:a~~ L,,,,,, :'>UI..O \""f!tl~f ..hall not ..tlf'et
<br />(')fftet jMli.."i*:,," l.t{ thu" MQfta8I'C pt the ,'I",;nh:,' .~h....h ...:1.,'\ t~ ~,;:\t;tl oCth:,,' ",,-"h''-\'.t \hi;." \(~nt\tdllH,~ Pf\Hd'fHJtl. ,md I() thi.
<br />end It\(: Pf'.,"'1!Ut)ft1o ,\~! lht Mon,-.e "OU lh< .....~~~ ..H'1t .~(..L1,f('d (ii N "'....,-tf..N~'
<br />t""- ~I (....,.. Borh)'*'C":l ...n.a r..c in:n.,hc,'d .,j .,\'Hh'fYu,-.,j 1c~,'P\' ~,! tt~. ~\l(-(, .wd ~\l Ihl' Mo:ttl(..t a~ !he:' It"\C~
<br />~\f e.~l"ion t\f .ftet ~('ffu.t*on hefl."'t~
<br />1'1. TIMII... of'" "",,,",~ "'-......... !l.h !~! .n~ ft,in ul l~ PW.~th ,H .(tu H1h::I\~" therem )1i. iiil.,ld !;"r tran,~rerred
<br />by lJotuw.-<< ..'fth\ltU l.t'~'" ftfw:"t '~OUt'n ,.-(\IT\<('HL ,,\\"hJdm~ i.$t the I.:fe.h,,'Hl ui ~ h~n \',r cfKumbnm(.C' \uhl."lrdmatc h'\
<br />th-ttt.. .w"'.... fb,\ fhe ....'f...c.KW' \~f ~ J~tn:hol!K; m...:~H<~ '~"'...unt~ !nh,.ht;.~ f~~r h,)iJ:\oChnhJ ~ppha~'~''''_ i....'} " tnun(cr lw dCVlW.
<br />~ \.'It ~ opn::,J11\'1Q oil.. upon Tbe ...k4.h ~lt ,a: l~\,gt knJ:n-t ~>{ ;.,i1 fh~ POlO! .;!f dfl)' k..~.ho1d mf(;-I'CM {~t thf'C'< "'cal'!' iU'~"
<br />fd ,,"(tI'd.it;lninI,u (~ioI\ t'll put\:b..uc" Lt'~r' J:U"~ J,~ t ,:T!tkf\ ,.')~h.>>l. ;:.kd.)!'l; ,lH tOt: 'HJOh '\oC;.tl/ed h\. thl1 Morttta,('< to be
<br />Im:~cb dtw .nd pa,)'.lIbk~ l.Cndltl \h..rl h;t..,.;: ......:1>('...1 "'i~"~h H~)tI-vn tp M.\:c-Wr-iUe ;L rrW'f {d the ,~k tH trw.mIJu. I.~~f
<br />~ t. pei~ 1t.1 \tI'BQm .~ P'rup:rty i, t~! h€ 'Ioo..,w .."r irillfu..le-ln:'d rea...;h .J:SJe'itffl(:tlf if\ 1,1, ruintl th~t lhe ~re>.i!t vI ~uch pe~'"\fl
<br />i\ ~-':k.~ to l"~f ilnd thal the int~f\.....t p',l;\..t-hk ,,)f}. {~ !i.,l{f".. ,><,"u:!'c.J b\' tht, ~h)l1.~4ge ,"haH hi.- aJ :\H~"h nu..:- a,- tender
<br />~ ~ If f,~' ~ .'..,ved t-tw- nVlH~1 1{) ;!l",,~k"4iC ptH~,.J<J H. ~hi'1j, f'OtI.liFaf.h 17. -1tuJ d Rilfti'V4"cr', '\h:\':~'\i. H~
<br />'~ba -t.~.~uted.. wt"ten ,U$UnlpHoe ~{('~''Oc-nl ...:~t.!pi~-d iN "ntH'S' tw t Ct1\k-:f, tt'nJcr ..h..u fek.\l~ 8\)ff(T~:Cf (rom \'iH
<br />,.....ioao ~ th~ "........ <lIld the Ntlle,
<br />If l~ e--UtfC~ .st-.""h f~k"lfJ h.'l .-:~ckf.il~(. I en..kt ';tuH r\'l,.i: tk'tW\iAr'Cl l'w.:~h('(' of ~h,\.'ltkratl~)n In ~h:':t\rJIlJk~C ~tth
<br />~... ,14 ~f. Sue'h fk1't~ shau pt'Wt'kk ~ f'lCriJ.~ nt fl<.'>l ~'"'' (h.aft 10 .h\''i- fft)lft ,h~ \hu~ the no.th..~ ~;; rH{i,led wdtnu;
<br />-bKh 8Gtf"~' .ma,y f'*>' ttw: .\um, dedat~~ d\K_ 1t I:ld.H\-~";:f }:J!;~ !(" p;:;" ~th.h \(Jm~ pp~u In n'M: c~.)tr.,UI"-'fi {"d "'l.I~h ~Wtut.d,
<br />t~ ...-y~ widwut ~ #O(,~~ cl" ,JcmAttd i.n IktUV,.ct'. 1i!n:)j;.C <in) n::,fhC'dt't.'"l. j)('HO.UC:J. h~. raraj'fi\ph 11\ h\'r~-\,)t_
<br />
<br />~"tJ...~ C.()\i1>.NA....,l:j;. bot-n'1'N~r.ilnrJ tender iurdtel ..:(\.\~n:.l.ni ,i.1l\.i .l{;:f-"'\:' <4~, loHow"lJ
<br />... '""., 110...,......... b,wpt............ Ie.......... 11 _t. ........ 801'......'. htu<il PI ...y ...._ .u
<br />........ ___ III.... M<<Ipp, ~ tlw ...'.e_ 10 ,.., wkit d. a., ..._ """"",, '" ,.... '\1.......
<br />.......... _..................... to .........e. .. ,...'i4ooI i.. par........ 14 ~ lip<<1fJ1tlI' "Ilk bntI<ll;
<br />................._............ (JI..... _ Ita I.....llt .,.1.... t.... ....Ihe ~e 1>...... f" ........."..
<br />.......... ....... ..~ a4I<CI ilIat ,.... It> .._ _II bntI<Il ... .... W..... It.. .w.. """,1IIttd i.. I.... ..........
<br />.. ..._~..........__...... ", fWo ~ f_*-, _, judklal ~ .... .. PI fhe Pttlport).
<br />Tlf!I.cJlllilllt....... .... .......... g( ltot .... '" ........ ...... ............. """ file riP! I.. _ in IIle f_ltwun
<br />
<br />.r==,:=-=;:=..-:. -: =.~..~ =~:==-- ~ :-:":".;..: :'tt::-;~
<br />
<br />. . . ....1 II, (1I111__ fIl).... ~ ,..."* ....... """ ~ f__ to, j10dRIaI """'...... 1.-,<<
<br />.....~...~ .f_..... _..... I>lIt _ ........ I1t. ._. Iff 4<<..-,
<br />
<br />............ . .
<br />. ,..,..~ Ngj...~Il<l<"'t"ll4tt.. "'.,,!<i......,"'" ,.1 fhto "m.. ''''''U'N h} Ihi, MNt,.",
<br />"".,,,,-'_w,~,~,t~.~:..)' ~,tfle'JW1 by l,f,'-ffodrt hJ 'C'~l,n-(,,,,, lruilll M'"'t.n;~ t,ti:~'vfi.UU~ ~t an) \iftl('
<br />
<br />,,' ;. ~ ... ..~ '!"'~
<br />