<br />I
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<br />83-003952
<br />
<br />UNlf'ORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender covenanl and agree as follows:
<br />t.. ~ of J>riIIclpIIIIiBd Interest. Borrower shan promptly pay when due the principal of and inlerest on the
<br />indebletlne8s evidenced by the Note, prepaymenl and late charges as provided in the Note. and Ihe principal of and inlerest
<br />on any Future. Advances secured by tbis Mortgage.
<br />2. Falodofor Toes and~. Subject to applicable law or 10 a written waiver by Lender. Borrower shall pay
<br />to Lender on lhe da.y monthly inlltatlmem. of principal and inter""l are payable under the Note. unlil the Note is paid in full.
<br />a sum (herein "Fuods") equal to one-twelfth of the yearly tases and a$sessments which may alia in priority over this
<br />MOfIIIIIC,and .round rents on lhe Propeny, if any, pl... one,lwelflh of yearly premium installments for hazard insurance.
<br />plu$olflOotwdftb of yearly premiuminstallmenls for mortgage ,"surance, if any. all as reasonahly estimated inilially and from
<br />time to time by 1.<:n<ler on the """is of assessments and bills and reasonable estimales thereof.
<br />1lte -FlltlCk shan be held in a,n, insthutioo the deposlt5 or aCCtlunts t'lf which are insured or guaranteed by a Federal or
<br />slale agency (including Under if Lender" weh an instilution). Lender ,hall apply lhe Funds to pay $Oid la'... assessments.
<br />i~ premiums and ground rents- Lender may not charge for so holding and applying [he Funds. analyzing said account.
<br />or veri!)'!". and campili". said ........smenu and bin., un"". Lender pay' Borrower in'eresl on Ihe Fund. and applicable la',.
<br />permits -L.ende-r (0 m.ak.e $uch a charge, Borrower- and Lender may Rgree in writing at lhe time of execution of this
<br />MoJ1pp that intere&t ('to the Funds shaH he paid. to ~")rro\\'ef, and tml~ such agreement IS made or applicable law
<br />requins such imCR:$t UJ. be paid. tender UtaH n(lt ~ reqUlred to pit)' Borrower anv fmerest or earnings on the Funds. Lender
<br />shaU Jl\"e' to BotTO'Wet. without cbar~. .l1.n annual accoYnnn~ of rhe Furn"h showmg credits and debits to the Funds and the
<br />~ tOT -which ea-eb debit {o ~ht fund, wa$ made, lhe hInd... are pted2ed ;t\ additional secuntv for the sums secured:
<br />by 11m MortPF, - <
<br />If tbe amounf of the fl.ltl(b. heid by Lender. h'''gerht<r Vt'lth- the future monthly installments of Funds payable prior to
<br />the due dales' of t;a1e5. ~ments. Ul$urani,:1:' prC-ffiiUf\U and ~roilou n....nts. shaH ex1.'.\..'ed the ~mount requl1'cd to pay S8.Jd taxes.
<br />ane_aenu. insur.nce premfunu and gruund rent~ a!. tht:\' f .dt due. \uch e\cc\' ,hall bc;, at Bt'1rrower\ option. either
<br />prompdy repaid to Bor-rower Of crt:4t.ted to BO!Tnwer c'n IUlmlhh: !l1-..fi,dtmcnb ~)I Fund-s.. If the amount of the Funds
<br />beId by tender V\alI not be sult1cicot h' pay ta..\C\. aMe~.nh. H\'!iUHlth.'C premmms .m-d ~r('l\llld rcnt~ as they fan due.
<br />Bortowe-r $ball pay to Lender any .anwunt llC(.'~'\an hl m..ke up- the dch~fcn...;'\' \10 I1hw. ~O o.an tmm the date notice I' malted
<br />by LeDder to Bo-fr()W't:'iT rcquattn.g p--aymcrn lhc-n~~(\t
<br />Upon p.ltyniCDf tn tuU of ail ..urns :w::(U~ in ttli~ .'..-h"ln,.agc. I -cHdcr shali p-amlpt.ly reiund to {\orrower an)' funds
<br />~ by t-.endet. If under para,taph !-N hereof rhe Propert\-' i"- '11.1id 01 !he PiiJpcrh I" I.Jlh~(\\>'I...c 3i..'qtUrcd by l.ender. l.ender
<br />ibaIJ apply. no later than l~tth pnd-f h:> the ....ic d ill.!..' Pt'i.tp,.~r1\' ,'r 11\ .-t.:qUlslll'(ln h\' I cnder. any Fun," hdd by
<br />l...eodcT .. the tnnc- of applJc~ iOI-'i :& (fc,bt Ala-In1l lhe \tHll'i ~\;ured b\ thl-\ ~h'Tlp.a#t'
<br />J~ A~ at...,....,.. t nk-,-" ;lppth..'abic 1-\\\1\' r-n-',"Hic" \,r;wrvO't\C. .J.H p-aynk"nt~ rt'\.~elvN by tender under the
<br />Note and p.&nl&~ 1 a.nd,1 n.:N:'ut ~Hlh be appj~(:d h\ I oH.kr ftr~t In p.tlo'tn(,J1t uf ..,t'f\i'unu p-ayabtc to tender by Bllfwwer
<br />undct paraJI.aptt 2- ht-t'C'Ot then lu tnl('fC''\l r"''tabk ,'f\ the "'\~h: lhen h' tt~( prllKJpai nl the Nt)h.~. .md thcn to int~r('5t and
<br />pnftClpIl on any I'u."", Adv,u..:a,
<br />4. (~lJeaL tknt\')v.1:f ~.t}#H p.:.n <til Lnp, ,p.'>('",.H'\o('nh MHJ ,'thl."f . h.4q.:'C''\ tlne~ ;.uhi tmp,>>lht)flS a.urtbutablc to
<br />~ Property which may It.u.a.lil. II pttt.mt)' .net tn... ~hlftg'aJC., .tnd tc.'udWh.l p-,n.tnt'.f1(S l~f ground rt"nl~. It a.ny, in the MAnDer
<br />ptOYtdcd under PU.~ 1 k~t ~'f. it 0-,.'1 po),fd tn \n~h m;.tnm:T t-... tl..~t!<n.~'Cf maton, pa)mt':'nL ~hen due. \.hrcctly to the
<br />p<<,....e tiw:Tcot. ~n.... 'thai} prumrt.h I uHu~h fA. l i;OJ\ik; aH !1~"'l'., "'.. n! ..m-nlHlu t.h~ undef t.1I' par..,rapn, and in the c~nt
<br />Bor'fO"i'-U" ..nAU ~c- J"A)flK'nt -iJ4fb.:th. lhffr,-'~\":r ,h:aH rWft1l--"U' !uttH'\h i_I l.t"u\k-r h;-~'C'tph t:'\:tde-rn.:lng s-u\.:h payment!..
<br />Borf'OW\U" -dW-i pft-lC'npti)' dfKbar~ .nv ben "^'tu..h t\,u fHH.'U!\ \~~t~r lht.... \1011....,"(, rfo~Hk.d, thilit tit.'ffower ..h"ll not be
<br />~tffti Ie 41'iC-nat'te ..n)- ~h hen \'i.> k.u., .u tif\Hp\IiolU 't..dl ",gl\,"'(" It; "flll!'\~ tc' th< P.l)IMtlt f,."! th< \1!-lh~atH~n \.c~ured b~'
<br />,ur;h hell m I. fU.aft0Cl a>.;:<<ptab.ie: h1 tender, ,~f ..to..H HI l(."l.>O t;llth u~l'ltt."'\.l 'ou..:h h':-i\ tn. \'1 ~kttlld ,'nlpn;,c-me:nl t,-I 'ill~'h hen tn.
<br />~ pn,,,,.ftd.ln~ lilituc-h ()perat~ lu pt1!\'tnt lhr cnfpt..."'('lnent \1j th(" ~;~:n "! h~dt'ltUf{' ol ,he Prt\-p<:n~' Of ,In} pdrt th<<-,ren't.
<br />-5. ~~. }k\fh,~"'-ct \h.:Ui ..~... ttb\' ,mpr\1\t'tlM:t1h n.'" ~<'U'!ln. ~"'f ht.'h~;;I;itt;r c~('dt-\J on the- f"h)pcft)' Insur~
<br />.a-thSt ~ by fttc~ h.~...ni:t. wo;;fudfit <o\Hhm ihl:' t'Cfrn ~'l.h:mk.','l ~j\~HTf~':C- MJ:t'\ \U~h i'the: hat4tt1\ a" l-itnder 01:.1:)' f~q\.llfC
<br />.00 tfI 1Ucl\ .atn4-'t.U\ll ~ fo.l'f totk:h ~rk)(b. ol-" I. ",tRk! rH.:t)- ft'~liln', ~,,,,.qtk...L Ih,U i ,'ode! \h.H tWIt f1:.t{Ufft' fhat th(' amount \11
<br />sueh \,;,-}\.'('r-.. ce'\(~ IM.t alJ'U:.oufH :;,~f ":i.',,(-11iI<' h~h"r-oJ h' p.t_ tht~ .,,_.;;'1'>,\. ...t"i..1Jrn~ h.. lha M,.fll.ke
<br />t.... .l\f,U,....... ~arncl Ph.l!ttdm, the- iI!-l.UUIK~ ~hi1H ~ .. h~"""n b,. K~~1V.(,f 'lHb}ClCt h' 4P()S,""..-"l hy 1 t"uJ.<r. rro,,~.ded.
<br />lbat ),\..:h &PJtf\l\:ai mau I\'(~ be iJru~,",m.hl)' \lnt.kndd \!l p.e-nwum.. ,m 1I1!to\Jf!,:;.fh.:e pith(iO ,.,hall ~ pii;td III the tnarUler
<br />prmMicd undet pu.,r.,. ; 1ler<<14 \o'L it not p,u-d w ~\,h m"",t!lIlT he" tk~tJVw<.t tn.jung tMyult!nt, I,J,he:n due. djr~tly hl the
<br />l~~,
<br />All 'flMaIk"'C' p.:.~e-\ &rft1 fC'UCYl'.h- thc"~'t ~,*H ~ In h~fm ..t;.;..\,PL.tf)k h' {~n.kf 4f\J \-h,4111I'h.lw.k. .. ..l.lt"hjud m\\ftg4i1<
<br />d... m i.\i~ \.'\t ,and itll-t1ffD ..,~..Ne h! l':HUcL 1 ~:~~,f ..h.tH h.....;;.c lht tlgtu h' Jh\I,'t Ihe r".tiKH."i .-\11\.1 t~r\C""dh lhercvt.
<br />and Botnwrc-t ~-i pnxll.puy tUllU'l-h h:> tCrnkl ilJl l~t'l<\4;.Ao. lh~tn.-<:j. -<I!hi ..II f'-'''':CI(I{) ~)t p.ud pn:nuum'\ In the e~cnl ur kl"'.
<br />~ dwlU It',.\:, prl'-tnpi l\t;:1lh:C hl tbe Ht)Ur>tfk.C \....ffi.t'f .jHO l.t.:i'H.kl" I (,nd~t fu"n lH.'t..~ r~f\\o,.t .It it.~ It 11\.\\ m.Hi~ fHtHl1pti)
<br />by IIoxn_ ,
<br />u...ac. l.ender 4fk1 BorhYWiC.' I.JlMI""'''' -"-Ill<< W "HdlHS. m'\uJ ot~~'C pf~"" <<\-l\ "h,,1! tx ilppbt..tJ hl rc,h__'ulkm Of f-:p..i( of
<br />the Ptapesty ~, P-fQ\'tdc:\1 ~YiI.,h Itc!iJ..U.ht,.1-tl ,H tt: p.tl , ti. (.''I..'\J.fh;\ttlk:..tII;- h.;-,;.t~hit: ""ad the ~~Hfll.'r ot lhl~ Mo-rtilale l~
<br />DOt I.hofeby~.. It 'iUt..,b n:""OfaLU.)fl \,."!l' f('JHUf l)' !W{ \.----U'lWf1H'\,4i!~ h:'4"",hk \.H if lhe ~"lJn('Y I'll' Inn .\!ort&4ge "-,luid
<br />be ~ 1Iw to"","''' P'~ ~l be- "pplted h' {h-t' "WU." ~'l.irt:li h~ tht;. Molt,...., 'oloHh fin:' C\\:cU, if ,m)!, p.ud
<br />tv Borft_cr. It t.be- J'TQput,. D .~~ t~~ lk).[1;;;WCf - It u.,'\H".....Cl tad, h.1 ft~3.r(mJ. 1(1'. 1.I:lltkt wltha! :UJ dByi :r<,.fl) the
<br />d.uc aotN:C -tli mul<<i b\-< lct1dc:t 10 Bvrt\"M'c-t lhou th~ \H,MJUlk.t' -':iAfHCf '\.Jtkh Iv \<Hie ~ dau:n hn lUMJr..,t4,.:C bcmc-hh-, i ltn\kr
<br />lJ ~ l() (..'Oiiec'~ and appiy the ilUW'&u..:~ rt\~~ at l,Cf'l~1 ':0 Opt,l"",lfl ca.hc---f hJ fe$lO-f;thlM) ,,-'f' Ie-pat( -of the ProperlY
<br />'" IOlhe __ o<<<t.rild by d". M~.
<br />Uaka .lC-a. and Bon\~~ ~ltheNtk >t'.t~ in ;"A,rlun". .0)' i-w-..h 4ppiH.:alk.~1 \..t' f';r...\:cd~ h.. pfirtl.:~p..d ...h"U li..'l t\lt'rW:
<br />()t ~ the due dale- ~'" lilt Uk.)Qlhty lO'$llli~nt\ fd~n<<i hI In p;,J;f*&tapn'\. i i,lnJ Z her'cHI Hi \.n.:ttl8" the ,,'t;nh..-~.mt ~,t
<br />w.::b tlU'&aUnwab. It under pIhIf.il,o s-!:t here.)! fhc: Prt.~pc-n~ t"" .l;.;,44tliH.~ h) Lcmk:r, ~11 I'lJth1, tnk .till.! totemt ,)j U4lHtl'A't:1
<br />in atid Ie); &Jt)- tDsur.....~ ~__ a.nd. Ul .00 to lh" ph.~~ lM:f~)1 rCM,dtHlI ff,.HU L1ilm-OtgC hJ the propt:nJ' pP\.1f h.~ !fit: it~t<
<br />or ~ wll pea- to L~ h.l the c.....w-r.t of the !l.ml'A ",~.-ur%.">J ~~ thl\ \t~rt'd#:C Itnmrdl.I~ll rfk,r 10' -..uch uk- Of
<br />~,
<br />... '-...... IiBd M-..-., of ~,; L......... c.......o.1i...._; Pla.....s \.'Ilit I"'~""""" I\om'''.'
<br />sb.a1t ~ the Propu1y in 10\14 teptuf ~fjd ~ ~ ,,:omnJ.J.i "';Ute' i)f permit m\f~Ht:nent \.)f Jctenu{.atl(~1 ut the Pr,",pc'tl~
<br />tod ... ...~ --Ith the. PfV"'~ QII an}' ~ ~f dH~ M.\ltt341C ~!\ ~m ,,~k...-.ciwk1, If lhl~ "'hJf1~ill'': 1\ on ,- H1Ul m ..
<br />~ Of It plan_ lln'11 ~y.ck)pmetU, llwt.(twer loh.Ji pcrf'.'tftn ..11 I..H 8,"'trl.}~-Cf" \\t1h,a\)l..ln\ upu-tt the l.kd.uiiU,'ln
<br />Of ~ cr-'RtlDI Of jtwctfun. the c!;~'lttimJufn i.~f pJill1t:K1l H~Ht dc;vc1u-ptut:nl. lhe by.law,; and f\:'gul~lk)H' ,t{ Iht
<br />(~-u..~ Of ptumcd bait de-.*-klprnenL. 4t-n4 ,ons.tuUt"-f'U ,Jtx:unwtu1'l ll.ii ~"loJormUtuftl \.}t rlailocU illHI \k\;('h'Pil\Cfll
<br />ridIr... ~ by ~ and 1'Ot~ ~;~ther _~th lhf~ Mort,...:'. the ,,(l""c-nanh i!:k! aif<<,nl~Hh ~~I ...lH.h IHkr
<br />___.tIt ~ated toto &lid ...u ~ and .M.tppkmt'fil dl< \;-(TIIClUifih ';UN ~f"ttKot). of ttH" Mt,nil'4~ ..' Ii Hb:: r;-,k-.r
<br />_. flirt lttMot.
<br />'7" ............ I......".. .~. if I:km~( hill, tH per!t,-,rnl the l,:t"Yt'fUlOt\ ..nu ,ts.r<<menu \,l,'t{l(-iim~ m t!U'ii
<br />........ Of It ., ._ .., ~ IS "_K'l'J ..,I.."" "\'I<ftall) .If<<t. I ~"d~1s .\\ler..1 lfi Ill.. r"'I'".j"
<br />~ __..IWC ~ la,~.~. 10M-\"f:JK:;. \-~. ('nt'4J~~meftL ~~r alh\fttetu'tt:nb ui p~~lni--~ l{)\'l...\i\'lfl' II
<br />~..~ ~ 1.... aI L~'. oJ'll<1ft. up.m ..l'I._ 1<> llo.>r,,>'IO'.", mol mole .""'.. ol'l',,,.ral"'''', .1,,\..... Slk:b
<br />.... ......... ~ ,~ II ~' 1(" ptotCC:J I.e-~t'~ 101e-l"ftt~ mdudiAj. tr..al n-:'4 hmlted hJ, dliburst:Hlt:Ol llt
<br />~ ~'. _ _ IiItUl' """" '.........11) ,,, ...... ",,,"or, l! Lender 1"'l""W ""..."..., In,,,,on,. .' .
<br />(~ ..I ~ lhe -. ...,:"""" b)' .h.. Motif., Jk'f.I>_1 thail PO) .he I"..rom,," ""l"'I<"l '" 1ll""10,,, ,,,,;I.
<br />~ Wt.~ ~,~ ~., i-ht~..... fur ~U\."h i-fi_r~"e' te-fmtna.tC:,$- In ~i.:'(;.l)fda.n\.~-c \lith lk'!tfPW~';" ,l\itd
<br />
<br /><.tt )L.:J
<br />