<br />83-003877
<br />
<br />6. If he fails to pay any sum or keep any covenant provided for in this mortgage, the Mortgagee, at
<br />its option, may payor perform the same. and all expenditures 80 made shall be added to the principal sum
<br />owing on the above note, shall be secured hereby. and shall bear interest until paid at the rate provided
<br />for in the prindpal indebtedneaa.
<br />
<br />7. Upon requat of the Mortgagee, Mortgagor shall execute and deliver a supplemental note or notes
<br />for tbe aum or sums advanced by Mortgagee for the alteration, modernization, or improvement made at
<br />the Mortpgor'g request; or for maintenance of said premises. or for taxes or lIIlSessments against the
<br />same, and for any other purpoee e1sewhenlcauthorized hereunder. Said note or notes shall be.secured
<br />hereby on a parity with and as fully aJI if the advance evidenced thereby were included in the note first
<br />described above, Said supplemental note or notes shall bear interest at the rate provided for in the prin-
<br />eipalindebtednesa and shall be payable in approximately equal monthly payments for such period sa may
<br />be ~ upon by the .MortKagee and Mortgagor. Failing to agree on the maturity. the whole of the sum
<br />or Sllmll 80 advanced shall be due and payabiethirty (30) days after demand by the Mortgagee, In no
<br />event !Iba11 the maturity ,.xtend beyond the ultimate maturity of the lIote first described above.
<br />
<br />8. He hereby auigo&. tranafers and sets 0\'<,1' to the Mortgagee, to be applied toward the payment of
<br />the note and allllums secured hereby in cue of a default in the performance of any of the tllrms and condi-
<br />tions of thUi mortgage or thl! Mid note, all the rent... reVellUetl Imd income to be derived from the mort-
<br />PBM ~)rt!miaell during 'u<:h d_ IU! the m()rtp~ ind"btrollt'JiA shall rl'main unpaid; and the Mortgagee
<br />shall ha\'t> powet' to appoint any agent or aa-enl.s it may ct..,sire for the PUrpolW of renting th(; same and 1.'01-
<br />k!d.ing tblil rents, "";\'eDIreJl and income. and it may pay (mt of BJlid incorn(!s alllle<'e~"Ilry commissions and
<br />elrpt._ incurred in rent",g and managmll' tll.. ""me and (.f eoUeeting rentals therefrom; the balance
<br />remamilllt It any, t" be Appii.;d tl)wllrd the di8<:'tulrg(! of said mortllllge Illl'lebtednt\SS.
<br />
<br />~. He ...il! <>mtinu"woly nmint.Alll haurd insurance. of such tn,,-' or types and amounts lUl MortKagee
<br />may trom {iln<! 1,'1 ~ f,-'<.u;re, ('11 thelmprov..~ntll now ('1' h..redte.. on Mid p....mises and except when
<br />pI$)'rwmt for all "\l.dl ..e('ffillJrn.s !1M thert!t<lfof't!' ~n made under (.7) (,f paragraph 2 heteof. will pay
<br />!ll"<Impily ...illi'll due an, pr''JlllUIrul t.herdor. Up"'" d~faujt then",r. MortJ,,"all"'" may pay the ;;ame. All
<br />iUMlnl~ ..lullll~ ':af"rcn.! HI Olf'l1i>'lRlt'" approved by the Mortgllgt'e and Uw p,.lici... and r..newals thereof
<br />lIiuUl 0., h<'ld br tit.., !>lilfll1:al!'<"\' "nd h4"" atUdlM ~hcr'<'tf) klOlS payabj,. dau;;"1i in fa,or of and in form
<br />~able l" the M"rtg~ff, In "Vi'lll "t 1_ MnrtgagvT will gi"" immedi.ai.. nQUe,; lIy maii tn the Mort-
<br />~,who may milk.. p"""l.;,f 1,>M1( ntJt made pn'lltptly by Morlgngur. and "..ch "'''''raIlee ,.'"ml'any (;,)fI-
<br />"ena!!d ill het'@by IUltbl>l"it.""j "ad dir..ett'<l h. maJH~ lJaYffWut for suell h",~ ,!1r,'dly to tll" Mortgag.,<: lllS.telld
<br />,,( i.<> the Mifrt~r ~ tbil Mort#1ll.ll:l'1: jutntly, aud tilt; inl>urtlnn, 1'1'<)(".,.,05. "I' nny part thlln'Oi,
<br />may bt' "r!pH$! bf,t~M(>rtltll'lf!'!t' at it.;, optioll dl.h..r tn th.. r."Ju('l.wn of Hw 11l'kbl<"ln"5~ h..r('b)' s'''''llr.,,1
<br />~)_r tt> tni:"' rf.'~t{)r_tUm.,~__l_<~~1t_fj-r.':ft. rt'",)~r d.llnlf:"'l~-i hi f"\;'t;'!nt nf fnn~insun' ~:1f thllt mortpw", or ot1wr
<br />tt'tUl$.fto-t u! t~,-tf}-'>I~-';>>oi~~ii:l~ In ~,~ttngl.Hahtffi~nt 1)( Ul{~ 'nth-bh-.~jw.'<,-_~ '{\"(tin'.!.! he~by. aU
<br />dght-. ~. And bJ-t~t"mi-t nf (h!!, Mort:g...ur H'1 and t.{~ ~U1Y ttl.u:r-an~ poheH-'-"" !.h'.~'H In ('.}rn~ sh.a:H p.aM to th(~
<br />f""t;huer ,,.. VIU'Il...,.
<br />
<br />10-.. ~~ :.ufd}tjgI.Ht~ ~~n(l ~ '!iH.iJ:{,j~~r~d titr'f'Uf.!tj-' intO ftJ:,. i,~,ymj'~Ht '"f tht. jY~h' d-f'l;'';.'j' i~:flf~d. ,..ud aH :"u.ms t-(il!1.;enrne
<br />-dUv- u.ntkf" th-a.lrtfjr-t,:t"""J!'~_', thl' )lurlta.91' h~-rf!b:1' ~gl.t( hii t6 th;f:' Mnti:,g:iiij(~'t-. ;dJ ~!'t-t.;4;oi' hOHUSJi.'iIi. pl"(lnt~f n:"'Vl.~-
<br />rHJe-'&-~ t111.1ht'1t" dpt~.. ;,HH.1 vth?'f t'1k~n~.tiL~ ai!:X:1~t1i!lg tf~ lh~ ~t-iH'tR:agur I.H~d{'r art}' and an nd i't%~d gas J~!1l8t"}j.
<br />n.t)\\,. OJ'" du.dtlg t,n,-~ hfil~ uf thl~ rrt-';;jrt~:i.tt1:'. 1~~.t:"t,v.U~i>-d (in ~i-1'd pr.vtw;'tf",5~ ....nth tht., ng:ht tl.. rf~(.ej\,f' a'Ud :((.'-{'l'JJlt
<br />((;/:.t' !,!tt.'- ~ UJv..i #tpp.t~. ~h.t..':f" ttl j~;!Hd ~lhj(~-ht('~1n{'-~~ as \'t'~;<H th(~(VP:' lL.1i -aft.t<r 'l-l'tUU;t' hl thf' cOfH_htio:lS f)f thi~
<br />miJr-t~;. ,;iud-lilt- M.t.t"tlt~.gt~ tna.)' di!:~nuuttt filt.W" {('Jr' tUtti r~)V~~r An)' .ii',lH.'h p~ynwHt~ :dH"n f.hH; dud pay~
<br />~t~ but ;:qllaU t;:.,-f,t l}(' H"<'iUH~.~~ ~o t-,,-'~ So 1"'hi.~ ~lgnni(~td: i1j to' h-l'rrn.tn#-tt,~ iHld f-....;'..:Hf1lf: n,uU and v-Hd UPUH
<br />rej~~nf ~hh5 n',(~rt-gqt!.
<br />
<br />t L H~ WU n(j.-t ~,(}fnnut n.r FO(~l'Tfut wMt-t'-; tHHl 's.huH rn.awta~n thrt pn.pt'rty !n ag, J{.uod fondtUon i-t;~ at
<br />rll'~~ l"u....~a.b,ie ~.\r..at.. aJHl tt."a.r t~..-~'('~p.tb'.t t"'l-"flll- an}' f<iliun" hi: so rrn:tinti:t~n. Mortgujiff?(-i:. at its option.
<br />tl'u't)~' eattk r~:A$O-i'U\t)~'\' nUHlH,,"uanee Wtd'K. tn tit! pef'fo.rtr'Wd at th.t~ t:Ydt (/If Mortgai'or, .-\flY JiruouuLS patd
<br />th~f'it:for: b,y.1Ao.rtp.~\~ Mt.AH t~'ar H:~1f~'h'!~t hi. th't~ rate ptU\'''ujl;#.1 fur Hi ttH: pnaup~"ll HH,idJt.(~dlH.t3S. shaH
<br />tbl'n;ufJ(m t",,"-ml\t. .. f>3J'l "f thtt ,:r""'l:Itedn.~ _'un"ii by this llllllrum"nt, ratabl,' "lid Ufl a f>lil'ity '.nth all
<br />"ttl~r i~lli\'A$ :;t!eul"<'<l b~r'llhy, and ..hall ~ payahl\; t.hirtl' I;tO) days lith'r ;j"mand.
<br />
<br />J.2.. If th~ pf't!m'l~ nt ~,HY part th~teot blf; (-Onik111n~..\(i. U1lf!f~r tm! r<fPkli,>r {Jf ('onnent dona}n, or
<br />~llirM for a V'uhbe tlM., tft.,. 4~ aW3.f'fJed", th~ i)nx:~J5 for th~~ hI-king of~ ~lf Uw ~'~H1sldt.~nltjon for
<br />$-\l~ ~WJi~UJ-.t-lJL t(~ t~ {=-x'f.~nt of the: fuft atnO-U.ht ;)1 th~ j''(~m.a}-n~'Hg u.npaiJ HHjt:'bt(....jfW~ *_'eun"d hy Ul.l8
<br />mut"l,pill!. t.r I!t'l"t>br a.uign<;<i t" t.h.. M"wtgllg"",, lind i;hl1H ~. llald (m'thwith I" "",I Mortj(llg."" 10 lw
<br />11J>~ .m ''''''''''''!.It "I th" Jnat lilllt.llriflg i,.stallm.jl'(.o ''if <;uch imlebt",>d.WllS,
<br />
<br />IS, If!..~ M(lfigagor fliil~ to n\li.kf! allY paym"nts wh<m dUli, 1'Ir to wnf'Wlll t.o llnd "H"Wly with auy
<br />tll ~ c(ffl,dit~ 'Or a.l'~"m(lnu t"(Wit.aU~'1i in loh.hl- mortga.M'~; i)r tl~{~ nvti;"~ whidt It ::'f.Ct'-tln"14. thvn thi'~
<br />"ftU"'" j>r,i...,ipaIJlIlJrI and ""'C~ iulcrri>&t IIlulil at Ollre ~om" du.e and lUiJ"bi." at tl", "!.'dlOll Hf the
<br />M~; AIM U"'. flWrtlJ1lllli' may ther",uf.l<iU be f"r~IQIK.,J imrr",..liat",ly {OT tilt! "h"i~ of liw inddited-
<br />~ ~.. _..r!.'d. 'UdUltill. th<! l'i.Rlt ,^,{ ..xumdllllf the abatra<:t or titie fmlll tiw <lat., oj' [hi~ OI"1't-
<br />~.tq;~ U_ (If "",on\Il'E'I>eU'lt such ..ult, a n>a....nable attorney'. f"t', and 'lilY ~tll,," ''''HI h,\' the \'do.'I'IUlJI
<br />Admkti&~ <>l\At(:{'IIl'lt of t.h<;, IfUllt'ant,. "I" inllUranCf1 of the indehiNlf"'u ".;"'ur,,,j h,'r<'l,). all of which
<br />llbd.tM;. i~ lit tb. ~I't'li! ul fon;elo8iun,
<br />
<br />H.lfthtl~lII:IWl"t'd I;e~ be fj;Wirank...".:! or ;n"<UU.,,d'llld<tr Till., :11'J. 1'llit<<1 Stalf;s C(><k
<br />iludt<~~.R~~ i~~ thtMl~lI.lld. i~ ",/f""t <)U til.. ,!ate lWfwf llhall gowm tll" l'll!hu., dut.,,,.
<br />l't!ld'..~..(l( 1M ~tl~ he"",o. Md$tt1 p"o"lsmn8 <;It thi8 <>l' otlwr, tlstn>llwllts f'X""'llt<1d in t'ollll,>(llrm
<br />""~ ..dJd.~ wlJich Ill1< l!\t'(oo~tellt with :\!1M Titl.. or ft.,rfflati;:mll "1'.. tw....hy amrcnded to
<br />~t~t9.
<br />
<br />~ ~ Iwmn (;(mtllilied shaH hind, ltnd tiu; 1)(;1><:/11." ,ultl tldV>l11ta~ .hall :n\tr.. io, ill<'
<br />