<br />83-0088'V
<br />
<br />Mortgagor agreell to pay to the Mortgagee, or order. thE' aforesaid principal sum with int~rest from date
<br />at the rate of TWELVE aOO50/1oo ~r c{;ntum t2.5ot) per annum on t1w unpaid balance until paid.
<br />The said principal ar.d interest shall be Il.'lyabl.. at the offiCe of C_rcial Federal Savings &. Loan AS8OC.
<br />ill o.aba. Nebr.alut . or at such other place as the holder of the note may designate ill
<br />writing delivered or mailed to the Mortgagor. in monthl)' installments of FIVE HUNDRED NINETY SEVEN and 66/10l
<br />1>oHan($ 597,6(, I...."mmencinll'on the tkstdayof Sept etIIbe r .19 &:Jlndcontinuillgoll
<br />tbe Ill"llt day of each mnnlh th..rlY,<it..r until Mid lIOI,' I" fully paid. except that, if /lot sooner paid. the linnl
<br />payment o( princ.ipal and intn"sl "hall I", dUl' and payable Oil tilt' lil'st day of August. 2013 ; all
<br />aeeording to 1M I..rm" of a "..rIAW pn>nll"'~nry IIOt.- ,,( "Vd' date h..rewilh eX"t:utedllY the said Mortgagor.
<br />
<br />The Mortgajl'Or f u I'tll", "ll'n'{'~ :
<br />
<br />1. He wiil PAY trw tfHld}tN.tn.{>!\~. ;(..,~ h,'n'!nrwfnn> pro\'HI...<d. PrivH(-'gJ~ is (t~t{t~r\"ed to l)repAY at any
<br />tiJ:ne-... wfdll'Hlt JH'f~tn~um (t.( (/;>.., tIw ('ntln:~ HHh>i">>h>.dm-'s(>i: IIr ~nr part ttli}f'enf not If~u than the amount of one
<br />lndallment, ur one hundred dollar> iSlOO.OOl. whldleVffl' '" lns,,, Prepayment in full sball be credited on
<br />1M dak> ~ved. Partial rll'epaYffiflflt. I)tber than on an insto1l1ment due <late, need not be credited until
<br />the next followlltflulJrt4llmenl due d,"-" or Ihirty days after sm,h prepaymenl. whichever is ..mier.
<br />
<br />2. T~r with. and in additmn t.., the monthly paymt'lll" of prmclpal and interest payable under
<br />tho.; terms...! too note """-'U""j I>,,,'ffiy. Mortgag'lr wllll'''Y to Mortg"ll'''''. "" t'~.1..t...... (und,,,' the t.enn" of this
<br />trust 8JI ~mtna.iter .~) 00 the first day of ,'ach month unlll Mnl note is fullY paid:
<br />
<br />(~) .l-'.v.um ~fu~l to :~w .round r..'n-ts. If all)', !W,xt duf'. plu~ th(~ pn\'fTI!um$ that v.r-Ui next btxome due
<br />aud fJ,ll)'-3blt, vn rl'i:,~H('it-"li f.i t\.f"i' iHld ndwr hn1.a.r.rt ~HtPJi'iUl('),~ ;:'OVt~T1ng the nlortgaged property...
<br />phu ta~",,~~ i'iud Ri{,..'M~~~mf~tit$ Ht"Xt lhH~ dB Uh' 1l1ortf,tagt...d iH'ofl~~rty (Hil ai t!sttnlak:d hy the MQrt.-
<br />a~. ,~nd nf ~yhkh tlw M(J:r-tJ;t:3~(1" !'1..q! d~~~.d l J.d!~ uU SUftl.foO nlrt"ady paid therefor divided by
<br />tb~ l~Ufnbt"'-t:' Hf tl'~~~>.ntiL-~ t{J ;.i.:ii*t; f-'i4;,f,nri' 1'J1H: f1i{Inth lJ.ni'f tn Hw d4~ wh(i.n $Ucl1 ground re-nt8l
<br />j)remHHm~ taXJ;~~ ~~ltj it~M~~nh"Hb ;\ d} t",_~~'!ln'w d!>I~nqH~nt~ such S:UI'f1-S to tK~ held by Mortgagee
<br />Hl tft~~ tAl !mY ~.Jud .iln}-l!.jud ~"T'nts, l'~h"fn!t!m$. L~X,.-'.f!l. iHH1 ~P("'(~jtiJ ~nl~tib~
<br />(b) 'The ~ar-~~rtu;> ~d ~ht:. an:-;:'(.HlnL~ poaY*{.hi-t"" ~JUr.ntHuit to ,~qhl'tf!rngr3$~h I ~1) and tht)~o P3yable- on the
<br />:rH)tt:-: ~1l{:Hn"~l h"TdrL !lh->tlj 1.""... plHd m:l Jital)t'!.' pd:nnf'nt v.i.d) rHunt-h.. to i}l'! apph(~i to the foll-ow-
<br />~n.' d.mntf in th.ti' ~}'frt1?'f ~.:t,ti.b~i't-:
<br />{i'l fl'f'\Ji.,t:Uti n~nt~. t~1.);('~> n-~~~t1'U~Ht$. 11ft' ~~id ~}lhrr h.l.-larl! ~n*unUH't' ftretIlIUJ'fU;
<br /><It, 'Jnk-r,:f--~toHUWl1ow~~..tJrnth~,'r-i:"t4i, ~tHd
<br />Oll} .[aH()i>~-Ju-:th)n l.)f th.., jH'TJwip,at or' t\.llhl !1ff-tt.,
<br />A.n)" ild}(:-H'J~{^Y 'In th~~ atlVJ:UHt ~'-,f ;-I,'(]')/ .'P.if-h ~-t'jfl''f'lV~h' nl~H}t.h!y pJt)if!tf',nt gr:udi, u:nl~ trutd<'! grx:KI
<br />by tht" Jilnd)(~'jp'Jf' pnvt' f-t} ttw t1tk d.at!' ,-d lht~ i1:4'\:! '!HH~h f:taYftlt~nt., .c:lJfls-tHutr ~n event {jf default
<br />unoor 1M:!! fflt"'t~.Ai ~1"NliIlt~''<'', "pli",., ~l,,'i,i"ll'''f .dH p'tY" "lat" rhlirlCll" noi el>~j-
<br />tnlt {~\1f per ",nlltm.!. '1; j ilf it!>y ,<1l!lt.lIii "'''lIt wi"", 1'".<1 llIQrl! dU!U1 Mu.en . 15 j days after tt."
<br />d~ dab~ tht<r{KJ-i to -t{J!Yt;l' ~h~~ ~."xtr.:'i !'\.f-'1t.'nj.;J.' In.~o.j\~.'..d !rt ta-;\t)dlingd-(~'iln-quent p.tty~t1t..,~ but such
<br />hlaw cjl3.r.~" %hAJI tfi;,)t t~ p.~lfa.bk<- nut {,f f.ht" j:f!-.l~.<-t~~b ~}r an)" ~a.h~ ~n3dt~ u) satisfy the jrHit~bted.
<br />.m.v ~<ln>d fl<'OOY, unlel!a 1ll.Wn 1>1.""""",,141<"''' .mIlk",Il! tn <!i",J"trge th.} "nUN .ndebtedn_ and
<br />all prO'flOll' c<lSv, "11<1 "XIlWl_ ll<<un~l th;"reby.
<br />
<br />3. U'the totAl <:4'.tAw~" made by the J\{~ uTldeT (a) of paragraph :3 p.--lilltl'lIhall
<br />~ ~.~ fff 1*Ytn<!!llt..a<:tUlllt:r _iol by tAw ~{ortlCllg("" M trUllt,,.,, fnT l{rmmd r,'IlU, tllX('ll and
<br />ll_rfflW'W or i~ ~l.llM. &$ tItt! ,,_ l:llli,Y be, lIHe.h "XC!!$to ahall ~ eredit...,J hy the Mortgagee
<br />OO~~" I1:l oofnll(\(! by the MortgAg'V:f for such tt'l'IDll ()f, at MQrtp3'OO''"l)ptioo,&$t~,
<br />.. be ref~~ to M~, If. howt;"'!l'. such monOtly paymenlJlllhall not be sufficient W pay llueh
<br />i... when the lliUl'I(It aha!l.~. due .>mdpa)~ th0t.t Iii.. Mortgagor shaU pay to tire MfJrtgllll'<"" as
<br />tl'Ulltooo. &a1 _1. ~w r:nakIr up the ,kl1eit!-IlCY within thirty t~) daysllft.,. written notice (rolll
<br />tho ~ 1I~ the $lIl\'iUnt ffftM ~, whidt llOtiee InIlY be given hy mail, If at any time
<br />u.. K~ m.Il under to !:he M(I~ ill ~'Ordane.. with the prQvi;glofi" of tbe note lK'Cun,,1
<br />~, fuJl.~ of the <mUre i~ T(!PreI<!'tJk..-} thli'r..by. the Mortgajp;"'. ll3 tru4tee, NhaH,
<br />in ~ the lUIll:mllt III Buell ind~ credit to tit", llCJ:(lunl (}f the Mo~r any credit b4la11<'"
<br />~tM under the Pl"OVW- o( (ll) of ~ph 2 hemot 'f thero shall be a default under MY
<br />of file pnwWou of this ~ ~tinlf in II publlel<Aw I)f the prtmli_ tXl\'"red hereby. "r if the
<br />~~f5 the p~ QtherwiM after default. th.. Ml)rtga~. lll! tfUll""'. shaH apply, at the
<br />tillwof tbtt _~ of llIld1 p~lIIIl. or at the time thll Ill"llil"rty is otherwitll! acquired, the
<br />~ ~ ~..\() ~.Ute~r under (II) t>! ~ 2 pnl<<lding, M II erediton th..
<br />I~ ~.. uuJla4d aad the ~ to the principal wn ~inlflg' unpaid(Hl Mid not<!.
<br />
<br />.. . _ of thill inmlilDU!ibt M\liOII remain in full foree and elfoc1. durinlt/U.y p'Jlilpolll'lJtellt Or "mll-
<br />__.lli _ t_.ul...,ment et Ieh..i~_ or anY part then",! secured he.rnoy.
<br />
<br />So "* ~,_ "'~.~t&. taus, '~~1~ wakr rll~ luId ath"r gtl""r~tAl or Inllnlci-
<br />~,~~ -.. or ~jw.-, liwilildll)lOl!altid'~ 4Ud that ht- will P4Y all !,aXel/leVIed upon this
<br />~_:_*_1Ifi\4~. ~r wah IlAY othl(Jr t.lwl$ ur -.><;j\mentlt which mllY be k<Yhld
<br />~.tiM1aW'1I.0t.N"'..iMHMM~,vr the Iepl holder I)f ltllj,j prilleipal n<>u'. "llll.ecounl of
<br />~~ll""~~ "'hllU ~_Jlt tar aU:!lUcll itatns hAIl thereto!ore ~n m4<k und..r ('0 of par..
<br />~a ~, ..... b.. ...m ~Iilb' ,""Ii;'''T 1M utTh:W I-~ipu th".."fvr \0 U1.. Mor~.,.. III default
<br />~the~._1pa7tlw;~,
<br />