<br />r
<br />
<br />83-oU3"8~H
<br />
<br />3. The mof'l/!;agor eovenanl, and afEr_lhat if he ,hall fail to pay ..id indebtedn.... or '/I~ parI thereof when
<br />d~o..ahall fail 10 ""notln any con'lIanl or agreemenl of lhiainatrumenl or th" promi...,r)' nol.. secured hereby,lb"
<br />~ indebtedn_ henb,. ..,.,.,red .hall immediately """""",,<loe. payahle, .0.1 colleclibl.. wilhoUI notice. al Ihe
<br />option of Ihe mortgRfI!ee or aaM/<U.. relEardl_ 01 malunly, and.l"e morlgag.." or bi. ...ilEn. may before or after entr,
<br />scdl:~~..jd property without':appraitement ulle mor~...ftoT hav",," Wah'f"f! ;;;;:.! ...~'\liJ.!n,..{llo the tnortJ{af[ee all riflhh of
<br />ap~I'l:
<br />
<br />I'. III judicial ...t,.. punuMnt to the provi:elonA of 28 {),S.C. 2001 t a I ; lOr
<br />
<br />( II) al ~ option of lhe mortppe. eitb.... by auction or by oolicitation of sealed bida, for the higbut md
<br />beg hid complyiq wilb Ib" temu of sale and m.....er of paymenl'pe<:ified in Ibe publialled noli"" of ..Ie, linl
<br />)ti\'in~ four W"~k.' nt)t-if'~ nl' thr. tintf'. h"mil:;., and phu:r of ,o.urh p.alr-~ h\ itfi"f"rtl"t*ntent. not leNi than OfU.~f:
<br />dUl'tn& "ad. of oaid four w""*,, in a ne....paper p""llab.,.! or diatribuled in the county in which Mid. property
<br />ill ,itual.,.!, ..II other notice being hereby waived hy Ibe mol'l!!"Ior I aud said mol1ga,", or any pcltHR OIl
<br />behalf of did mortppe. may hid with the unpaid indebted...... evidenced by .aid DnlAl). Said ..Ie mall be
<br />held at.... on In.. pl'Opel1" lu be oold '" ollh.. red....l. <ounl", or eil}" courthouse lur Ihe <OUUIY in wbich the
<br />pn>peny i. loc_d. The mortp,.,., ia h......by authoriaed 1<> u"""I,, lor am! on behalf of the mnrlf!8@Or and to
<br />ddh'er fn the purdt....... .1 men ""I.. . .ulIieietll eon",,'ance ..f ..id prnp....t)'. which cnDve,.....,., "'all_tam
<br />noe.it.la OJ> t. In., bapP"I'inl! ,,( th" default upon whieb Ihe uuuti.... of tlaepn_of ..Ie herein grauted
<br />depe:nd.1 ....d tlu, ,.id "'Orlil"JDr h..",b. rou.ututa and appuiu.. th" mart,.g"" or any a~nt Dr altomey nl the
<br />mnrt~, Ihe a/!O",I and aUo....." in lacl 01 ...d ",..rtll.gor H> mal,,~ o"eh "",ital. and 10 e"eeuu ..id
<br />"....""'1- and h......t.r ,^,,_tIf aod .....- th.t the r"".lala ... made .h"lI be eBeCtualto bar .II equity or
<br />ri~ of ..........pd..... ,,_..ad. <I_r, .nd all ..Iher r..."'pli..... <>l the motljlajlor. .ll o( wbich are lIe",ll,
<br />f""p~J'f w-ai....,q and c.unv,,"f"~ to' t~ -mort,..... I or
<br />
<br />,t-.. ~ t&:l~ ijftV odJ~' :.rpprup-tt-tlU- achQIl PU-tJI'l.h1UU t~-, ~t.h" or -j."-~t".l .,t.hd~ t'"lihi:!.f in- .<<-i,fib: ur !<'$l.,.rul
<br />~.tntrt_ ,or oth...""""u,.. tOt tht' t!t.,pcHition flf tilt' 1)I'l.\P-t"rt'~:.
<br />
<br />I" the ev<'ltrt "f . ....lr ... lY.maW..... pr<lW1ded. the mortjtapr or ODY f>"l"OOI' in ~ under the murt.
<br />A."'" ob.U ,...... h<<>>_ .nd be 1"..""'to,Aooldint! ...., ....1 .11.11 f"rthwith ddher ,._..... In Ihe ",.....h....r .1
<br />.u<<...1.. ...be......m...ih d..~i.. ...,...........,., ..,11, In.. pnlH.i_ ..II... ....p1l....hl.. to I.......~ hol.li"l1 o.er.
<br />n'itf. po~r .ad 4"e'~~' h.rrb1'- .,.....U!d _he e.:mpJt!<d w'H_b ..n .tt1t,e~ ~n1{i ;ltt~ irr'tlv<<ith-le D\'-df'.th ill ufh{l:r....iH".. iuui
<br />An-- ftnftt~ ~ (,"ulllldath-", to dt:"-:~J""'" fu.t,__('gn~'U"tn o~. t4i~~ inf....bled~ vt1>>i~ b, f.\II..
<br />
<br />"" TIIe.~..r ....y ...levi...w~rtr ill .".,.,<<I.""e ..uh tlu. l"""edin!! p..........pha 01...11 "" applied lint
<br />ltJ pay the __ and "jMlaWAl of Mid..1e. t.M u....- 'IKurr.-.l h. tb", nrort..~ lor Ihr Pu"""" 01 Pt1>leetinll or ....In-
<br />..._, w.l prof"'l"l}', ..,..4 _..hi.. .Il...._". ,_, _.....Il,. ,,> ".~ .he ,"'l..hl...Io,.......or.... h",..,h.; "..<4II>>"Uy,
<br />tv p.~ aU'l lcul'piuft. or f!!k~ f~ ti~ lM"t'1W...n l.)f prrwlu 1'f".,.Jh ("ubt1ed tl"~tt"'t'J-,
<br />
<br />), la th~ t-.....dJt ..id rtf"op:.en1;' it: .,ld II_ . juditi.l fon:'o!:di~rt:. 'lI~k 0' f.HlhlUUlt tu tht!" powt:r (i( tAle herd-nabov;e
<br />,,--...i.. ...d the pr~. ..... _ .""";""1 ". p., Ih" loUl j"tkht..~ ...,.ured b., Ihi. i".trum....1 aDd ""id.,,,,,,,d hy
<br />.1Wl ...............r1 "....,. t.... __.._ ...11 be ,"oUlillto<!lo . lid."........ JUdltll>"Dt f"r Ih" .mOWlI of the dtlfk..,BC"J' ....'h...,
<br />...".,.llt> ~
<br />
<br />b. III t~ "'-fl.l-t the mo.rt.tl&l;o-r fiilJI. tv p.). tlJ1) r:_fiU~ -.1\-litle. of ll.K.4J t.." a~""le-ld~ ith~t.. bu. Of' uthe" t.r\.
<br />Ii_ cw.... I... .,.. other """"- .I.vg...! ~iUllllh., "....""rl\ lhe _~"g;:e .. her....y ...Ih"..i...d al bi. ..pli".. ".'
<br />I'.Y u..,........ Any _... p..... hy ,t-.... m"f'll"~ <h,,1l be ..dtkJ 10 ....d h<<o..", . f'." ..f Ihe l.n""i",,1 ."""...1 oi 11."
<br />iatielne'_ "..~ by...... _, .ubj<<t w Ihe _" ,"'..- and c"..d.Unna,. If tht mof'l/!;ajl;ur "'.11 pay and
<br />d~ the I,..",",W_"'~ by oatd I''''""-rr 1Wlc~ ....1 .hall pay ,,"eh .urn. and .ball diaebarge all
<br />'-.... a- ..d the -.... f_ ...Ii ".p"- ..r mill..... ....f"..,~ and eutlltiog lru. mol1~ then this mortg.ge
<br />.h.llbe-W aod~.
<br />
<br />7. Ttse __ he~ ~tlliAed .hall bind and ,'''' htl"di", ....d .d....I,,!!"" .l",ll ,,,"',, h, Ihe """Iw,;"" ,''''.
<br />-.... ...... of 11M pllJ1.iee ~ ~... aaed. the aiaplW number ah.ll inelude the plural. Ihe plunl Ihe
<br />~.... * - of ..,. ..... m.u ......."" .J1 paden.
<br />
<br />8. N. ...". of -J -$\'...... ~p Of' ~ l-be -ohlipuuu ~ur",~j hereby ..h.U .1 iW~ lJntt' tlu.'ft"dhi'" iw h,d(1
<br />.t> he .. "'.....u t1i the ,...... b.......r .... ..I tbe -., .............i It ere!>y,
<br />
<br />9? A ~ ~ ~-'t 01' j~t !.oltiin; au}' yru"iMou ut .Jultiuit: tit lh." i,""um~td Hi",..luJ Of Hl-W-U.
<br />f~ ..n _ ... .., w.y 1......... O' 1"....I"tk,be ....fo,.,.,.,..,...t or llur"....i..i.." 1"0"'''''''. (>f I">rl...,.. ..Ill...
<br />~
<br />
<br />l.._~...........k........to the....."......... 1'......_1 In lhe pnwiai<:n.o of thla ................1 .ball "" ,do
<br />.............. .."....
<br />
<br />....~ to" -.......
<br />
<br />aod ."y wnU_ .......... 10 be ..."...<1 I" I fI.. ,ftOttJ",..... <h.1I
<br />
<br />.j.~lt ;- ~~ ;1-h (~"'Hf
<br />