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<br />83-003851 <br /> <br />Said promiMory n_ ..u given to _u", a loan in whi~h the Small Buain_ Adminiatration., an agency of the <br />United SlJlW of A_riea. baa participated. In compl;.nce with ..,.,tion IOUi d) of the Rul.,. and Regulati..... of <br />the 5_IIB".._ Adminiat,ation f 13 C.ER. IOU (<11]. Ihi. inatrom"nt ia to be conatrued and enforced in accord. <br />ance with applieahleFodorallaw. <br /> <br />1. The roonpJOI' __ and Ilf!reeo ..lollowa: <br /> <br />... He..m p.......ptly pay the ind.ea- ~ideuced by prominorynote at. the timM and in the <br />m_ thtnia p......ided. <br /> <br />b. He will pay all la_ _I., ...ater .au... ami othe. governmental or Iltlll1icipal dtarp. 6nea,..- <br />impooitio_for ..hkh pfl>'Vm- b... not be. made h"""inbefOt't', and will promptly delive. th"......l._lpu <br />lhuefM to the uid mort...... <br /> <br />e. He wilt pay oudr uv- ....d f_ at mar be '''''''Hed in the protection and ma~ofuid <br />pt'"Of>l!1'ly, induding t1... f_ 01 Any attorney empl,,"e<J by the mortpgm> I.... the ""'\ection otany or allot, <br />t.... lndebt..dnt-... ~ ..._..<<1. or f,...""'...,,.... hv "'-!t."""', ..Ie. 0' <,ouft ,,_ling>>;. orin _yothe. <br />!ltJglOl'Oil a. ~"'" alf<!<'t,n" saW "..,,,..rt.. A !lam....; (..... '.........abl. Im'Dr"," in '"'''' othe, wav""all. be <br />paid br Ihe mortalll<t>., <br /> <br /> <br />d. Fut' bd-tft ~t\' of lhr .u.d..-btMu"11 hf'f"C-b\ ~.tirt'"i-i~ HJU'U the H"{{'U'14t of thi! nlUrtff~ ita <br />!U'ff:~n fir .~i~,tt~ lu- !flu'!} f'X"f"('' 1tnd ddh(*f' 4 i'>-UI~-plem:enl.t m(t-r1l{illi!t' n-.r nmrt:IlJl!lN' rov~ri", an\~ <br />./IfidiHo1U,. imp-nl\-:f'tf\('llt,.. ;:)-( t,.....1tf'f-nt-f"nb trt.fJ~ ~n the,. i,~ropt!"Th lWH"U1li'htJ\t, d~~'f'1"i-hed .anti dH prt}pert,~' <br />,.u'qutrt"if U'- ,1 -i:bf"'t th.# d"h' h'l"',.trnf '.JH iu furnl "';It1~t--,"'" hl mntft!,;litN" FurthiFrm~rt!'. !'lhouJ.rJ. mortp"r;or <br />fad tu. hUfl- ittt~ ~if'f.il_uh U"~ thr !~:A"HH>F'n! vf ;,i p-nu.,. '.It inff"I'UH r:H--;jfHhy~w("-(< HH itw pt'u-P'i!,rt~' d-(,~ri-ool hy <br />lh.i~ tlUt:tUffiOH. a'H)-ftj(,]l.~id hf."rt"u\' .ljtrf"'"'" In fH':'tmh m-Ottg..jJ_~'t~1t' lij nlt~ ,-",dt ,If'f$uh. but m(Jrt~a~<< i/i- not <br />~)hh.Jtllh".d t-o au #:0; oi'-m1 .-Uf'h a~h "p.r('-~ ~-tuH :-'PT't'~)lJW p.lrt Hi till'"m..... ",'t'UTNi h,' thi.- iUii;tr'lm1"-n-t~ <br />~Ubjtti hl th~ ",.mr' h.m~ :.tfU:i .t(Jfh-jinl}!:\,* <br /> <br />Tl~... ttJ:hh l'r" in thh t'~.ifn"'\-'a.!U:':r ~h;,tH h"*n-.un H~ fnH fo-rn:" "md (,{jfi'i dH-f'.lU~ #U~ p-UfttV-UJ-tf'-JJt.filt <br />iU' t""f'~A~ of t.f$r Bm't' oi th... p,",'fm:~. -nf lh(" md-d:nf":4'it~!l"!!JlO. t''''!l!'''''f'!t'f'-f! fn "'4hf fI-,fnUti:~r~ not..- u; al1\ pull <br />lh.,.~).f #;fj('un--t! b~tt"h~ <br /> <br />!- It.. ..-ill "-r~. ...,....ta... !.....r<i ,.....t"""... of ...tb IYl'" '" typu ;...d in _ ..the <br />1f1:o-fi-jt~*!'C l:t,'J,.~ {-Tn-PI h~ hJ hm~ n:-~lUH'I' HH Iht;: nnpnHr-t'_ttWfih nH~ '~r hr-tf"f\hr1 H-U: pr-tlJ-k:'rh i a-uti <br />..ill ..ay .""",,..j, d"" ,,,,,,y ........HI.... ,,,..,..1..,\11 .nou,...r.. ,1>.11 b.. .,...-k<l i.. c""'''''..,. """ <br />hl 1nort....~ .ad Uw> f~iQ ..and N'tM'.;tb- th<'H~d ",h_H tw< ht',M la- tt\---ijf1.-4.~ .lid bav-q ..UliCh-ed thereto <br />k_ p;l\-.,hi" (-l,,~ to_ f~",g-" 1)1 .-utl &'l'i form lit(':(~ftuhlf' In Ih--f'i- Jtu-U1:#,iI#~,_ll} ~"'tr:nt ~(lu"" tno-11~.p.r wiUpv-e <br />,.............t" <><>t"", ... ,. ....... '" mort'''V''' .nd "'''''lI''l!'M' ....., ",.j,." 1'.",,[ ..f 1_ if Il<>I nt.d.. promptly b,. <br />mortl~;, -;.Util l!:!'-.Kh U:'M~~U-&tl~ C'-ompm)' ~("...,.,..,d h h.,.ff;bY .-n-tTtuunJ iIlnd dtn-cted 10 mal.,.e ,p.yment for ..\leU <br />ft... difft'd~, It)> 1f'H)rt-l-_Vt" jfl"~ ~f t.u ff)-(H'fP-F ilud m-onlA~4! jUdith:. 4-nU the imut.~ P(~. ur an,. <br />I,.r' It_....,... ftuy l,.. 'I'"h~d by _n~ 01 ... ,'t.,,- ....I>... Ii> ,t... ...<i_iO" "j Ihe i"'I.....M_ he...,by <br />~..ttd O't too tfir. f~tu-taU~J;fl ~r -t~-pau nI tn., t:tl0pt-i"h-- i.Ltm._5.f'4 01" ~tmyfli. In ~'\-ti1t 'Of 'or~lOMlre qf lbit- <br />:m-u-rtpp. or -at.n.ll:-f u--;;n.ufti'f' of titJc. to..W p~ny to. t'.umfu.i.;.1Hn~nt 0-' i~ U~hit!'d~.. ~U~ hereby, aU <br />n~t,. titk.. and Ul_trfiN'-f 04 tbt: mQ.-~.-liOt itl .tad t{l- ,!UH' ltaurijS.~ J>-t1i~ tht"J1 if) force "hall paM to the <br />p--!;j,f('-h3M'-f' l\a motlJt*V-t" vI. lH UJ<<' np-tu.w ~[ th~ UH:,nJt-~N<" lIt"''<- h~" _-a-nr-~..t:hl.'-YNJ rut 4, r~fUhtt <br /> <br />t. U". ~-dl kibt'lt lilt bUll~jj,ttp- ;HU:! t::dhttr lftl:ilt't;IH.,tU'''U.-li flU t.;.j,iri ptb-fWrt? IH ~;tn,od r-l:'jHfir- ~nd ("utHiiti-ou ~ <br />w-..U JK-rmit.. t1)Q't.JUit... Q' ~uft-t'" ft(l 'W4s4!!.".. i.mpatt$f:>tli. ,.1t"!-t'.riMatinlt oJ !\ahl pn..!H~,.t'\ nr all'\' p~tt th~l ~ <br />Ul iN ~\...ftt 1:)1 h,ilufr &1' tlut "lU-ft.,~.,tl-r t4J k~p tilt" -buii-dJn~ Ott Wl-fi i-'rt>lHi~;. ;:uHi thnl"t" t'i't"el"'tl un "aid <br />pf~.fUi,w:"", nr ~9"pfUvf'l'ftlrll':.Ii th-lf"t'-on~ iu ~tJt-m. "p..r-_ th-f' mi,)r-ht,i).it-t-~ ~nA~ H'1akt>- ;;JHdi .rt"J1-ain- ;jlil in ib {hilM:;~ff"-tj-un <br />it RhU ~.i...~m ~~1r.:it,.\ f't}( thf" tHt).pr,-., prt',~H;diu-fl th~f-f"UL ,twt th--f!' hd! A_U-m~Ult of i'-iH,iJ >tHff t'-\..~n ",uell <br />~~-l)'i<t"tt:l ~h.U bot- H"mMj:j..i~h i'h!:(' .;iuji po\'t-a.hl'!'"" a.mi "hAn h(" ]I;(>.(\ttf"!t b-~ tot' Ht'fi He Ihj~ JU-{ltlSt.;1:#t'. <br /> <br />_It~ H-t'!: "",in ~ "'6luat-.rih; t"N!A.-lt" H--t ~nnd tu .b~, ('~.t~ iljtumt Ih~ protwrty "ub~t to thit flW"J-.".e .any <br />tifl't." tt~ Uifct'itlf' 0:( !fuprriu,f' {,oth~ H~ -f)! tni. m-Ot1jt-iig~ .tlhout th(' wf'tHr.:n n)n..nt uf th~ .fn-orlg.~; and <br />lunil"':f"" t-hat lu- "-"1U ..eep .u-\d- mAi'.ut-iitut th.r-' ~..fh.~ fn~ hmu th"" t t..HH ot olH pt'r...t_m~ ~Hpph-iuit- labor m <br />mate-ria-,.. EM' l'OfU(nld:lUff -oJ Mti' anti -.n huil-dtnJ" o-t nn-p-,-u\Cl!'!lt:wHh- u,",w' hj/'}utl rr~;.t'-'f'-.t Uf In h-r f~tf'~'h"4 HU <br />...W "_,"-, <br /> <br />j, Hr- ....11 not f'f"ftJ Of' it.~iJ.'l1 It-n\- pol-f't t}j' the.. n"nt Hi ~-"'Ht I1t-n"h,.!~,ed l1f'H~:wrt\ 0-( ,t"'Il1()hl!h. Hf t-'(~mHH~, <br />l~'''''.fl:h~H" ._het ...n tHtih-hnj: Jlii'lthoui th", ,,",riH-rn t-"<-)n~Hi ni thl!' nw-rt~.\J~-t".... <br /> <br />r -An (f..jJjcftb t~r d~-r.Ili in t~ti)Qttfftkm with an~ (,t;)ntt~mnitti6H for p-ubh.' H* ~}-t !it mjun- 10 ,;un ut tlw <br />t-.,.n,tW't'i" ..--tth-P.d .0- th-~ -m,M'I~q{'- arr hJ"r~;n a.~~fH:-1--i :.tfH.I ~h~U b(" f1-.ud h~ nli.t1jt..jtff~ who- 1"'.\' .pplr Iht" <br />~ Ht P'31'ftU"flt gf 11*-.. lftJ-...,Uf-UI!'_Ht~ i.e,...-l thl~ undt>-t ~Id n~_#ti'_~ a.nd W~,!l-ti#t,a(ij;t"f' I"' ht"_fdt\ ,H.uhontt'!tt w du' <br />~ ~->>f t.~ nioriJA.~r:.- to t"~~"~$~ .ad ddhet, ~~li-lt ilt'(," th--!!"-f'Nl-f ljfkt tn itf-ll>>,,-.d frHm <tU\ ,;w"h i.l'l'\At~i <br /> <br />.ft-., 'rM-',j)WIt~'If~ ~.J:"U b.ftf\ dl-f' ndtt h~ .~w-et the- tllH-n~4.~ti V-f~-mt~,,,, ..H /'tH.\- rnt~-HH__hl.. HUH" <br /> <br />t. JW<<Iik'.,. .~ ..t the _bor ......ditl_. <ti In;. mo'..........1 or "f the "".. u, I"".. "1t......m....1 _u",d <br />~".wn t;fJJri.tyt. th~ morlp_~-Qf"lI t-i"n-t ta tift;. and "nj<<-nlWtl( of th~ f'roJ~r1v~ 3t th~ 'Jlt)tioo (~f (b1'!' <br />~ ... h.. _.- i" hcitfll ........1 II.., 1lJ... ....OI'lf,~r .hall I..... ...,,1> ,,~hl ",,"I ,i~la..h It'""" .ny .uch <br />....,..... ll..._~ .;",n ""'"_ 'n.. ".........01 ..11 of 11M. ......t. "or! p'fttib o<~cruinjl .ft.., .l..fanlt at ",'mnl> <br />f"tM~~~""~, ..illl,~ritIl(14,............., pr"""rt, ">f Ib" 1''''1''_ "f ",UN'l.... ....-h <br />-. ...... .~nD' ._..... .hJlU"pe.iilk_'aiI ~ ttl ri,,'\I ,.."..I. Oft ."..; I''''!'''''' '<t Ih.t <br /> <br />':O-.-*, ';'-"~ 1tt:1: '~4'''H <br />