<br />r
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<br />83-003849
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<br />r
<br />
<br />6. If he fails to pay any sum or keep any covenant provided for in this mortgage, the Mortgagee, at
<br />its oJ)tion, may payor perfonn the same, and all expenditures so made shall be added to the principalsum
<br />owing on the above note, shall be secured hereby, and shall bear interest until paid at the rate provided
<br />for in the principal indebtedness.
<br />
<br />7. Upon requestor the Mortgagee, Mortgagor shall execute and deliver a supplemental note or notes
<br />for tbe sum or sums advaneed by Mortgagee for the alteration, modernization, or improvement made at
<br />the Mortgagor's request; or for maintenance of said premises, or for taxes or assessments against the
<br />same, and for /illY other purpose elsewhere lIuthorized hereunder. Said note or notes shall be secured
<br />hereby on a parit}" with and as fully as if the advance evidenced thereby were ineluded in the not;e":ftnit
<br />desd1bed aboVe. Said sllpplemental note or not.!s shall bear interest at the rate provided for in the prin-
<br />cipal indebtedne8ll and shall be payable in approximately I!qUal monthly payments for such period as may
<br />be agreed upon by th.. Mortgagee and MortgajiWr. Failing to agree on the matUl'ity. the whole of the sum
<br />or sums so lldvantoed shall tl<! due and payable thirty (30) da}.s after demand by the Mortgagee. In no
<br />event shall the maturity '!xtend beyond the ultimate maturity of the note tirst dClICribed above.
<br />
<br />8, He hereby UlIifllls. transfern and set.~ over to the Mortgagee, to be applied toward the paymentDf
<br />tbe note'and all sums seeufl'd hereby in IOlIlle of a default in tlw performance of Imy of the tenns andcondi.
<br />tion.. of this mortgage or the said not.... all the rcnta. rcv..,nues and inCI)rrJ{! to be derived from the mort-
<br />gaged premiseo during su.:h time as the mortgage indebtedne5ll shall remain unpaid; and the Mortgagee
<br />shall hay<; power tc appoint any a~nt or agents it may desire for the purpojl() of renting the same and 1'01-
<br />leettng tiut r"nts, T<'venues ,md 1l1iCI,me, and Jt may payout of said inromes all neceasary commissions and
<br />.."!Wn~ incurred in n:ntmg and ffilllUll!ing the same and of (,olleeting rentals therefrom; the balance
<br />remaining, if "n~', to be appik>d townrd the discharge of !laid mortgage lllllebtedn_.
<br />
<br />9, He will contlmwusly maintain haurd itlllUrancc, of sutoh typc or typcs and amountliasMortgagee
<br />may from tllnl' tuum.. l'i-qllirl". 011 the improvements naw or he,reafter on Sliid premises and except when
<br />payment for all such pn"miums nAlli theretofore be.m made under (n) of paragraph 2 hereof. will pay
<br />llromptl}' ,,-hell UU" all'- l'l'pmiuID!! ih"l'f!for, UPOll default then'of. MOI'tgagl'ce may pay the same. AU
<br />Insurance "flall be ('ani''ll III wrnpaulL'll approv,,,! by the]l{ and the policies and renewals thereof
<br />"hall "" h,~ld hj' tit" ~t"rtg"g,... and ha",. atudwd l:hemto 1< . or and ill fOl'1ll
<br />ttt""I)tabl" W the Mnrigall"", In '''''Ill. <It )""" ?>fortgagor wii mail to the Mort.
<br />ga~~ who llltlY mu.kt~ tH-~;"Qf of lu~"t tf not mad<t promptly by'''' ~f :'~ :', _~~ c.olnpany con..
<br />eN'flt"l ill he~JY auUH)ri~",1 and dm..,t<!d It> make parm.mt (or such loss din",lIy 1.0 t!u'!lrortgag"" instead
<br />(.11' to the M:ortJr.llf<>r Imd Ih" ~t,'rrJ!;lI.lr"" J'Hntl)'. ami the irll,urance pW(',,,,>d,,. nr ,my part thelwf.
<br />'IDW be llppli"d hy tlH" Mortgag</<' 'It it;, optlnn Nt/WI' t" th.. rt"lll<:llfJll <>f the IndehtL'tlnt'lll! hereby lI"CUretl
<br />ur h;; ttw r~~~tor~Hon o.r 1"'t"JUI.j,t 9f t.ht! pl"o-pert)' ~tBnut-ged. !n fr\'~'mt- of for'f'dHzHlff~ fir this In~)rtgage+ or vther
<br />tTamd~(tr o:f nUt; tQ the' rH-n-r'ig~~d nrnl)f:rty Hi f~~lin-g~n'6illn('nt of the HHh-'btpdn~~.'5s ~H';\Cul"t~i her-t"-by~ aU
<br />right ttth~ and ~nt:f;'-r-"<~l nf HH'.' )t~)l-t2.~)r in und to 3n:y in~UraU{:(t pnhclt,~ OWH in rnrc~ shaii pa~~ to tht~
<br />l'Uld_r "'. grant"",
<br />
<br />L
<br />
<br />i(t A~ t<<idHi(a-U'ti i!nd ~ HUnter>>.! '*t~(untj' i'or ~h.;;,' P~4YUll~ut of Ot(. nui~' ,dt:<:.S-Ci'itJt.d. ;l-ud all s:umg to b~_~-Ct}-fn~,l
<br />du!: u-ftd(>f' thh~. tIlt)r-t,M~(". tilt.' McH1g-fi)t'V( h~ri"'b.,r a-.lu:\ftInl'! h,~ the Mrii'lf,fnS't-:-t' fiU h_J",a~' l)(tf}H1+t..~, pr-(lf\t:B. rt've...
<br />nU:t;~ fl:}:}"aJth:1!" i"jght~. :;tnd OUH~r b~~ndH.)f; at..'t,.'-nHHjl k~ t.he Mf)rtgagor undt;-r any ~HH.i _aU od und gll$. fea-He..~
<br />flOW. -or during trw itfH Hf tht~ r:!lf).rtpgt:\ PXt't:tl:f_~~d un ~HI fwtmus<":$, w~th thf~ l<~ght to, f(-i<Ct~iV{~ and l'f.;l-cttipt
<br />f~)x tht' safU~t athJ app(:,.- rI'h.:nl to- ~id lnd*"bh:-df.h~,~-i a:; \Vt_,g t~don~ .as ~ln-et .;-t"!'au}t in th~"!< {~tJndiU()n1S of this
<br />nkJrtg..~, ;uW: the iJ-.orlK,lige~~ ma}; d(~--rtlAf-i-d, ,tH.le h.w 3h'.-i f'f't..'H\'er any ::iud-I pi.;ynl-NIt~ \\'h,._m due kind pay..
<br />?iibit;" but $-haU U(t-t !:it: n~{uin:-d ~ t.t) liG~ Thu ~!:iiu-rHru:nt i;'\ t.o ten:nHu"tt~ and l.H,~tHI<Ile uuH and void Ur)Of1
<br />l~klase uf thill ll<ortlP'll''',
<br />
<br />1 L He Dh_ail nut t"1_~lumit Hr J:.'R-nmH \\-Mtt;.~; [uJ-d shaH rnatnta:in the l;r(Jr~~rty !H as- j((RHi ron-diUon R8 at
<br />itt'~~-llL. t'~as(];'U\fJ-it. ",\'H3-f -li,hd tt:itl' ~'$,('f~ph.."tt Upon ~"HY [~Hhti'(, to it, rnfun-tli.ih, MortgUgf~t.~t at its option,
<br />tnay e.au-&: I't}a$VnaJ)~t !na~_Uhrnah~'-.,,' ';,!{ork t(, I~ f:-ftH~(iJrnl,~d at tht.> ~:H!it of ~\tortgaJll)L ..\ n,}' am(}utlLa paid
<br />t.n.lx~fOf." b,y ,Moxtaag~ ~haU beat inl~rr!.st at the rate lH'4j\Ohie'd for in the pi'HH~ipai lTHlt!btedlwB.:j. shaH
<br />tlwr"uplln o."~JI"" a part of the ",<kbted'W&l ",""UI"<."! by tiWi .n5Irum.mt. ratably alld on a panty ",th all
<br />other 11ldebt,wlWU ;;,"Cun...l h,'r"by. and llhllll 0.' IJllyahle thirty (;~l)) day" aft"r d.,mand.
<br />
<br />12.. If the l)renllStU~'t fH" any P8_rt thitYt1oQf. 00 {~HHlernrwd und*-~1" tht~ p{j\\er of enlincut doulain, or
<br />ACqui'r~lId fQ:f a public ~, th(! t.ia,tnage$ awardtxi. thf} pt"(x~l~ds f(;f the taking oe or the con".,id('i~ntion }ot"
<br />~~lt a:Ctlut.~itiQn~ t.o the {..xt:t:-nl (,l( th~ full Alnouut, vf the n:tnalHing w)}JilHl jndebtednf'M ~)t~{~iH(:d b,~' this
<br />m;.'rtaag<!, nrherL'by aiilllgl",;J to the MOl'tgag"",,, and ;;hall b'J paul forthWith '0 "wi M01'lga",,', to bt.
<br />applied on aecoynt vf Uw. jMt luatu.t'ing instaH.n){:ut$ ~)f stlc_h in-debtetl.ru..ss.
<br />
<br />13, It the MtH"t.gagu-r fad$ b) luake ill):}' i:mYUhH'ita wh~u (fUel Oi' to t~unfnnn t~) and rutflpiy \\-' lth any
<br />ur t~ ~ollditi(>nli tf!' ~'gl't"'IIlt!UUl <'Mtaill<:d ill thIS nwngll.jft:, 01' ih" ,wt,!~ wilkh it sev'm',;, th"1l tht,
<br />entifll pril:U:.ipalllUfll ilnd >waued itlten~",t ><!,,,U at uti"" l:w...:on", dll" ami ~~') "bl.-. al the "h'clwn of the
<br />Mor~; and ihi" mortgage may then.upon be fOI'"dt'll<.<d imlTh,,;Ljatdy (HI' till' wholt) of tl!f~ indl,bted-
<br />-~ 1'w.r-ebr St~un~-d.t ~ndudlug U~t. Cqst oJ exwnding the abst.ra<:t o;-,r titlt.~ fi'tan ~hfj (hIt,,-. of thi& rHort-
<br />~Jo tho:.tim.: of emnUI%mt:mg l!ucl:lsuit, a reawllabk alwnH.y'" f,x', and allY Sllm~ pitid by th,. VdtH'itll>i
<br />Admjniatr'a.tktu 00. a(;t~tUht of th~ guaranty or iMuranct.~ Df the ihdebh'dtlNi-i st'nncd ht'rt.~hy. 4lH uf whith
<br />M1al:llle fn>:Juded lnth.. tklt;ree of fQr~'C1Q$Il.re.
<br />
<br />1._ lt~i~NI4lli $Cum h(!~by two. gU(u'ani~'€il (ir lfl~u(','d lInMr Till,' a8, {'nito:-d Stai.<'$ Co,k,
<br />~k~*,~"t~ i~edtll..rt<under and in .,tfe"t ull th" ,Jate twr"Qf shaH ,,"VNIl JJIt, right,. <iut!""
<br />~. t~lit4ei Qt ~ lliU'tieltllllmo.llM. any provi$jl'>u$ of thi""l' "t!l,.1' instnm1l1nts !'x<;cutl.,d in "l!TlIIL>etINl
<br />wltft Mid j~~ which al"~ im:m.llillhlllt with SliM Title 01' RegulAti<:ms are !wl'eby am,,"d(~l III
<br />~mmJ.~,
<br />
<br />n. ''!lWlil~tIo ~rnin oontalmm shall bind, ftlW the benoflt.~ and advantall"s .IUIl! !111m' to. H",
<br />