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<br />r <br /> <br />83- d03849 <br /> <br />To HAVE AND To IlOI.D the same unto the Mortgag",,,, as hereIn provided. Mortgagor represents to, <br />and covenants with, the Mortgagee, that the Mortgagor has good right to S1'1I and convey said premises; <br />that they arc free from encumbrance, except as hereinotherwise recited; that the M.ortgagor will warrant <br />and defend the llallle against the lawful claims of all per80ns whomsoever. Mortgagor hereby relinquishes <br />all rights of homestead, all marital rights, either in law or in "'luity, and all other contingent interests of <br />the Mortgagor in and to the Iloove-.koscribed premil\ell. <br />PllovJDEl} ALWAYS, and these presents are executed and delivered \lpon the following eonditions,to <br />wit: <br /> <br />Mortgagor agrees to pay to the Mortgagee, or order. the afo....said principal slim with interest from date <br />at the rateo! ,,,n.VE ",,," "'J/1~F' per centum {2. scli) per annum on the unpaid balance until paid. <br />Thegajd I)rindpal and int~r"'lt shall he payahle at the OmC!! of::.o",m.,rd.; 1 F"dc.rnl nfffS & Loan Assoc. <br />in ('".,aha. ';..' f'r;,;;k" , or at such other place ItS tbo:' bold"r of the note may designate in <br />writing d.,livered or mail...j to th.. Mortgltgor. in mo"thly instalhnents of iHRH; HlJ:!DRF.D EIGHTY NINE and 55/10, <br />Dollars ($ :).f\9. y, l. ('flnllnendnjj' .>nlb.. first ,lay of Sept',',"l", I' ' 19 &l'nd continuing on <br />tlw. Ul1It day of "ach month tlw....lIftH nntil M,j,l "ot... I;; fully paid. l;X{'''pt that, if not sooner paid, the final <br />payment of prineipal,md inh'rc",t ,,!mll b~'lhj(' and Jlayabt.:! 'HI th" lirst day of AU1'ust ]013 ; all <br />at:c{lrdlng to the terms or " "..!'lai" l>l'omissory !loh. of .,"Nt dlit" !",r('with ,'x;lcutedby tHe said Mortgagor. <br /> <br />The Mort.Il8KOr filTH...... ajj'l'I"": <br /> <br />1. He will PAY tlw ,,,d,'hh,.!I,,,,,.. ;tfj fH..."'nt...fn.... pro.."1.,,,!. I'rh'ilege is l"esen'l'd to pr\!pay at any <br />tilJW!-. without p.r(.mwm f.'I r~"f", th4:" ditHY- UHlt,.ht.(~!tIf'~!'{ {H' any IJa,'t. th~'~re-ot no-t ie&.~ than the amount of one <br />il1!atal!ment. or om hundred dollan linOO.OO\, wnidw"..r IS k,"." l'repayment in full shall be credited ~ <br />the date r_I'ffld. f"a.ttW P"'P"Ylllimt, ,,!h<< than on an mstallment due date, need not be credited until <br />the fI"".t f,,!1oW1nll lnstaUm.t'f!t dIU! dau- or thirty day. after such prepayment, whicheV1ll' is earlier. <br /> <br />2. T~r "nt.h. ,uid m lItiditmn to, U,,', monthly l\ayro"'lt" of principal and iuterest payable undel' <br />th., U'rm& ,,( w., not" "'''''In-d 1H'l', Mor\.gligor WIll pay to M"t'tl(lIK<"" all tnlstc.;, (ulld"r the tenllll of thill <br />trust all mm.imUter lilau;d) 'HI the lint da)' of "...,h month untll Mid note is fully paid: <br />(4-1 A sum ti,l:lliiti lh thf-' j{n~tHj n:'Ht<'i, ~f any, fwxt dUf~~ pius the premiu.rt:l$ that will next become due <br />and l~~'a.bI~. -l}fi pohn~'~ ni ri-n' i-tnd nth-t,-:r' haxard IH"U!~~n-e.H c-ovi?-rtng the- morig'aged property.. <br />pluJ; .!.,i\l:t"S 11nd ~~~c"'~~!n+'l'~L~ rwxt -rhh' '1!"j OH~ uHHi.jfiUitX"l pr{)fJ::\~rt.y (AU tilt eatimated by the MOf't.. <br />~~ l'tud ('if '\.,",'hH:n th(' M.ortga:g'Hr i-'" nQtlf1-;;:'-<O kss a.H :'\tJtn~ aJrt~ltd~\<' paid therefor divided by <br />t~ tHU1'!tY-:"'>T ;,f n~'onth}i t~'f_'I~fi1\~_' f,.:"fflf'P '-.!~t' nioHth pr{or l~j; th(. date wh~n such ,ground rental <br />1:rt'(t::m.Hjnl~", t"IXC'~ $tud fl~~:,~'!-nwHt;s{ \ydl hn.'utllC d,~'hH-qUt..'nt" fiHt.h .unt$. to be .M(;iJ-t~ <br />in tMiSl t,,~ pay ,'ij'3.u.1 J(rn"ufu! n->n:t.~. !lrNn1~irn",. C:'i_'!i.(>'S- and' :f.llt;"'(.;Ial a-.~nt&. <br />to,} Th~ ilqrepilf Hf ih,:' r~HHHinl", V.;t~-;%iJj{:' }Jut'~u.ftnt tn $ubt).Jt,'~aJ.)h l,(l} Atld t.h()8~ payable .un the <br />ntrt~ ff4~~(~.tU~,q h!"n+r~'. ;;"h~\U he- p~hi H~,~ ~~n~l.;' P~ll fnvnt t" ~1'wr'1th. hJ tH, a-p-pH("ti to the follow... <br />in..- .H(!.tJ\l\ 100lh~} '1Wt,h:~.r ,~~-al-f"ti <br />{I) af.:r~j-utH.i n~ftt.~", tr;;!u"1\;, it~~'~.%':nH~nb" !tn', U.1Hi 1;tfHi't hi.U:1U.d Hl"'lIf'MW::~ vremhtnu-: <br />I il,) lflh.t'r.~tHH tb~~ tJ~;{~~~;o{.'-("Hn...i ~H,'i-r"d-~;f < tUl-d <br />\ Ut) ~H'!1_~rtit~h{.ltl- ~~f Ht(~ prn-wqJ-itJ uf ",-~ud H~}t..". <br />Any .th41i:lr-"BCY ~n i.h:,,' H-rtW..'lun{ f',[ ~l1-1~' "'~,l~'h ;i,j{.grf'it~-t.t' tnH~ft.hb !'nl}'UWJJt ~ha-U. unleatt tnad-e good <br />h-y thi.~ ?d(,rt~~ltHt' p.n'ot' to thv dtH.~ .d;-~t(< '.~.f th4~ tH'xt ~Hdl pnynw:nt-. ('Hn$ti-tut-f~ an event of default <br />iUhrer Un.' m"ngl>jf". Al ,\h>ttWlliett'.' of/liN', ~,1"rtlie"jft>r ,,,U pay l\ "latA; charlet''' not \1xe~. <br />ing- .ft~ur r**r 'n~nt-unl {,ti,;' } zz( jU~Y i.t!~tdHnH."nt vdWl1 paid fn:Oi:eth3nnft~f1 ~ 15.~ aay'safler the <br />d~ "tit.l:' t!-;w!-nd t(l '< 'V'H",f thv ',' x t. fJt ,.' )q.~' ~.i~' ;H \-',(Jh'trd HI ft.(jlh:ihng (l(+jhH~uent PAyment#. but iuch <br />"f-ate t'h.l:lr)t~" shn,H n~)t h(_~ jhtyai:d,e ""it ot Uw pn,)ci~j,tl8 of au,,. SAW h) $Alia!)' t-h~ indebted... <br />~ $t-s:Hn~d twr,,'.hy ~ ~Hl.i~..1'ii3 ~tH...!t pn~O('h+.d-# .in" ,li.ulfi(,j~jrt- t() dischargl1' the eNUre indebtudnes.a and <br />aU -pf"(tt)t~r t:~_ls aud ('fJt~-1i s.:.~uti'o<i th{~YrlW. <br /> <br />3, If the tuI.a4 <if th<; pli,YUW.lll.ll mJid<> by lltjJ Mo~>r urI"ler (il) of paragraph 2 pl't'Cfldiog shall <br />fl.llIlIld th<; _t ()( pa)'1llE'ntll aclu;olly INl<W by UI~ Mtit'tPi\~, lIX tr~te<'. for I!'I'<lUlld fl!llts. l.ll)lfl'l and <br />~Ill.ll q... illll-llNllI.C<> pro.;miunu, li.l! the r_ ll111y be, !juth ~'X,:,'M lihall b.; c.rt;dited by th,; Mortgage.! <br />()Ii ~UCllt ~nl.ll to 00 n~ by !hI!) M'orlgagur (fir lIuch iti!rtlS or. at Morllfll&'oo'lI option, II<! trustee. <br />abaU be munooa w Mortea/lUr. If, hOWl"''''. .!loch monthly paym,mt.<> shaH mA b.J sutlkient u) pay such <br />ltema w_~ ll&I1'Ml m.ul ~ .1"" and p"yable. th;;n the Mvrtga,gor "lUl.ll 1MY t.o ttw Morlgllg.,.,. 'Iii <br />~,any l\ID{Iunt n..,:<:_ry to _1;:" up tn.. d,,!\;:i{mcy within thirty (:~i)) d"ys"ftcr written notlt-c fmm <br />tlle ~ mtilllT the amount of w., Mlicie!l<:y, which notice may lx! giv,'rl by maiL If at auy time <br />the ~ 8ha11 t..-Ju:k>:r to the MortPl';t;, in "ccunJauce with the pnnisiofl8 "f t.he rwv., ,..."'\1....<1 <br />~, tnllpaymoot of Uw enun! indcltte<ln;.;1llI repr.,;;;"nt.,.i tlt"rcb}', t.he Mortgagee, 1IJi trust:e<,. "hail. <br />ita ~tina the_unt .if SUt.o indebted~ "red;! to th" tlCC< of the Mortgagor any eredit balance <br />_u1awd under the provuuorul of (a) of pa.r; 2 hereo.f. If ther" shall be 1I default und"r ""Y <br />ot ~ Pf'WUiiom of thia moripge rosuIting in a public ~l" of tll" pmnlW," coven."<i h"r"by, or if the <br />~!.lllh<lPrtljl<!'rly oth<lrwi.$e after defllult, the .\t"l'tg/.\w<~,. JI>i iru$4~" shaH ..pply. "I. ih" <br />tiJ.ueo( _emlJnt of lIUch pro<:oodinlClll. or at Uw litne the prop;;rty l.S otherwise acquire<<, th" <br />~~ .~ to credit the M~ under (It) of pjU' 2 pn",..,.ling. M It cr"dit Oil thr.' <br />ll.i~aecr~ Imd unpaid an.:l the ba.lll.ll<;'" to thl! IIl"locipal thel) l"e/l'Ulinin,g \luPflid Oil said 111)4;, <br /> <br />4. 'f.'liutlien of tbill IIl:ltl"Ument "hall n,utain in fui! forC!' alld <"'If",,t dllrillg any p.~stp()Il"fnellt or l,x4;n. <br />~ gf.thtt ~ vi plUfJl(mt of the ind"b~IU,'$$ or an,)! p"rt th"n~>f llOCunw heN.'hy. <br /> <br />5, ihl. ~i,Q lll'Y. iULl'J'OUml rttll.ll. tJlX~, J~"Ire.iWlI"UI., ''''ater ..ate.,., "wi ,>ther gowl'rllnentlll or munlCI, <br />pal du>..~ ~> t,r Imp;)I<itio,}$. l",vI"'! IIP<lJHill;id pmmi-"les and that 1m ',>'i11 pas ;111 t;lX:"'~ kvwd UpOIl HilS <br />~ 9r.l:bt i~l!OC\u'"d tlwn,by, t<:>tf(tHIl'r with any other laxel! "I' ",_'I!ltln<'fit.l\ wlnc:h ""ty be InjeJ <br />1J~~JllwJtI.I1'.N~rm.ll.!thlJ!t tOI! M<lrtJr~'<'. 01' u." legAllwld,;!' ,.,f Mid prindpal !wh', on arnlUnt of <br />tfi~:.~ ~:c.t. wtn'll f'<lY'Illf!nt fur all lOurh ite.lllIl has th,'I'..,t;:;(o"<.' b';<'11 l1l..,le und.-.r {a) ,if 1'.1".. <br />fP'1l.ilb"il Mf<.!(Jf, l!lM II" will !>nooptl.l' .wlivH tit., Irftkial nlCdpU\ thudol" to lh., '\f"r(lClIg",>. III d.,fnult <br />tMtIIlOC Ilw .M(trlif~ mil}' }:lay thl; I/>Vj;~, <br /> <br />