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<br />I <br /> <br />83-003836 <br /> <br />the sums secured by this Deed of Trust shall continue unimpaired. Upon such payment and cure by Borrower, this Deed of <br />Trust and lhe obIiptiOllll hereby shall remain in full force and effecl as if no acceleration had occurred. <br />D. ~ of" "'W...,....,'" Recehv; Leader i. ~ As additional security hereunder, Bnrrower <br />heI'dly assians to Lender tile",.... of the Property, provided that Borrower shall, prior to acceleration under paragraph 18 <br />hereof or abandonment of the Proporty. have the righl 10 collect and retain such rents as Ihey become due and payable. <br />Upon accelenltionunder pat8StlIph I S hereof or abandonment of the Property, Lender, in person, by agenl or by <br />Judlcially appoi.."",~, shall he enlilJed 10 eftler upon, lake possesoi.-m of and manage the Properly and 10 collecl the <br />renb of the Proporty indudint Ihose past due. All relm collecled by Lender or lhe receivershall be applied firsl 10 payment <br />of lhecosts of manacetnent of lhe Property and collecti"" of rent.. including, bul nol limited to, receiver's fees, premiums <br />oct receiver's bonds..n4 reasonllble attorney's tees, and then tOlhe sums secured by this Deed ot Trust. Lender and the <br />receiver lIitaIibe liable 10 aecount only for thelot rents aclually received. <br />n. ~.~ Upon request of Borrow..... Lender, al Lender's option, prior to full re<:onveyance of the Property <br />byTrusu:e to Borrower. may make Future Advances to Borrower, Such Future AdVances, with interest thereon. shall be <br />SieC\I. tM Deed of TruSt when evidenced by promissory nOfes slaling Ihal said nOles are secured hereby, At no time shall <br />lhe priJu:ipal amount of the indebtedness secured by Ihis Deed of TTU5t, not including sums advan~jn .1ccoldance herewith <br />10 prolecttlllUClCurity oftbis Deed of TruS!, exceed lhe origmal amount of lhe Note plus US $. 2380,U. QU.. ,... <br />%1 __,..... Upon p*yment of all sum.. _ured by this Deed of Trust. Lender shall request Trustee 10 reconvey <br />lhe Property andsMll surrender this Deed of Trust and all notes evidencil1ll indebtedne.. secured by Ihis Deed of Trust <br />In Tros_. Tr_ shall reconvey the Property w,thoul warranty and wilhout charge to the person or persons legally <br />entitied tbemo. Such.penon or persons ""all pay allC05!S of recordalion, If any. <br />:u.~ T_. Lender..1 Lender', option. may from time to time remove Trustee and appoint a successor <br />tru_~o any Trusteellppointed l1metInder by an illStrument recorded In the county In which Ihis Deed of Tnlst i. recorded. <br />Witboutcon"'YlIlICe of lhe Property, the suce""",r trustee ,halt succeed to all Ih. tille. power and duties conferred upon <br />the Trustee helllin and by appbl:able law, <br />,%4. ~for ~ Borrower requests Ihat copies of the notice of default and notice of sale be .ent to Borrower's <br />addreu wIlich i. the Property Address. <br /> <br />II< WITNESS WHEREO!', Borrower bll5 ext.'Cuted thlS peed of Trust, <br /> <br />~ 1 f~, , .. ....... <br /> <br />. t:frson 7 -SOr'-.r <br /> <br />!I); .~ 'Yh ~. <br />"'~1ilIl1~.. ~*:{.! .. . . " r.;:rM~>.c..,).,.., <br />l'o:u. yn 1"1. dlciiSOil _.8<mow., <br /> <br />STAT!; 01' NEllIlASltA,., .,..... HaJ.l. . , . County ss: <br />On 1M , , . 2.l.Irt;, . ' . , .day of, '. JJ.1ly . 19,83.. before me, tbe undersigned, " Notary Public <br />duly ~iuioned and qlllllified for said wunty, personally came, <br />. ,Gat:y, a~,Qu;son, an:l.Mat"ilyn M~.Carl;on... .hul>banI;!..<'\!"IQ .me.. .. . ' ., to me known to be the <br />idenUcll.l person!.) whose _(,l are ,ubscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged the execution <br />thcnof to be . ,t:.l::1eiJ:, . . . . , . , . voluntary act and deed. <br />Witn_ my hand and notllriallWltl at. . ~ ..I;!"!J,.al);l,. ~~, <br />dale aforesaid. <br /> <br />, ,In ,aid cnunly, tbc <br /> <br />My C~e1ipin:$; <br /> <br />.J:--. 1lOTAIiY.... III ~ <br />Cl.'lHH1f: ~ BAI.Es <br />life... u,. Oct l!. .1SB. <br />REQUE!,T TOR <br /> <br />,~,~_~d:::~'~';':~<.;~_';-lf~?-~-. . <br /> <br />!'iolA'Y PYbtk:: <br /> <br />RECONVEYANCE <br /> <br />To Tll.l.ISTU: <br /> <br />Tbe undenipd is the lYMer of tbe lulle or notes secured by thi. Deed of Trust. Said note or nOles, together <br />with dother i~ MlCUred by tbis Deed of Trust. haw been paid in full. You are bereby directed to cancel <br />SlIm IlOttt Of _ and th!$ Deed of Trust, wbkh are delivered hereby, and to reconvey, witiKJut warranty, aU Ihe <br />~e ll()W held by you under this Deed of Trusllo the pel1IOlt Of persons legally entitled tbereto. <br /> <br />Oato;,...,.,."."..,..,.... . <br /> <br />!~ ... r-,..i;t. \..m. -RtMt.....c- FtM l~ ..00 ROCOfGet'~ <br /> <br />Wtl.. ar. ilD F.;qwol _l:O~t ~rttlllity/AfH!."1!liIit1Y", Action ~loyer MjF. <br />