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<br />I <br /> <br />8~-fJ03836 <br /> <br />9. C.............. The proceeds of any award or claim for damages. dire('( or consequential. in connection with any <br />condemnation or other taltiD, ot the Property. or pan thereof, or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation. are hereby assigned <br />and wI! be paid 10 Lender. <br />In the event of a totallakiD, ot the Property, lhe proceeds shall be applied 10 the sums secured by Ihis Deed of Trusl, <br />with the excess, it aDY. paid to Borrower. In the event of a partial taking of the Property, unless Borrower and Lender <br />otherwise 8Jree in writin.. lhf:n:, shall be applied to the sums secured by Ihis Deed of Trust such proportion of the procee<ls <br />as is equal to lliat proportion Which the amount of the sums secured by this Deed of Trusl immediately prior to tbe date of <br />takiog bears 10 the tair market value of the Property immediately prior to Ihe date of taking, with the balance of the proceeds <br />paid 10 Borrower. <br />It lhe Property io abandoned by Borrower, or if. after nOlice by Lender to Borrower thaI the condemnor offers 10 make <br />an awaM or oeltIe a claim for damages, Borrower fails to respond to Lender within 30 days after (he date such notice is <br />mailed, Lender is aUlhorited 10 collect and apply the proceeds. at Lender's option, either to restoration or repair of the <br />Property or 10 lhe SUllU secured by this Deed of Trust. <br />Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing, any such application of proceeds to principal shall not extend <br />or postpone the due date of the monthly installment. referred 10 In paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof or change the amounl of <br />such installmenls. <br />.e. 'IIerrow", Not R...... Extens.ion of Ihe time for payment or modification of amortization of the sums secured <br />by this Deed of Trusl granted by Lender to any ,uccetsor in interest of Borrow", ,hall not operate to release. in any manner. <br />the liability of the original Borrower and BorrQWer's. successors In InfereS!. Lender s.hall not he required to commence <br />prOC"-eedinp against such successor or refuse 10 extend time for p.1)1menf or otherwise modify amortization of the sums <br />secured by this Deed of Trust oy reason of any demand made hy the original Borrower and Borrower's SlJCces.~oTS in interest. <br />1 I. P~e by 1.-.... Not a Wain,. Any forbearance by Lender in exerci,ing any right or remedy hereunder, nr <br />otherwise afforded by applicable law, shall not be a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any such right or remedy, <br />Tbe procurement 01: lt1$Ura.nce or the pa)'ment of taxes or other Hens or charges by Lender shall not be a waiver of Lender's <br />right to """"'"rate .he malUrity of (be indebtedn... secured by Ihi, Deed of Trust <br />1-1. RemecUi:I CUlll1ll8d.e~ AH remMies provided in thi~ Deed ('If Tmst are distinct and cumulative to any other right <br />or remedy under this Deed of Trust or afforded by law or equity, and may he exercised concurrently, independently or <br />,ucceuivelv. <br />13. S-c_ ...... A...... Bouad: Johu and Sue"'" Uabllily: Caplions. The mvenan" and agreements herein <br />conta.ined shalt bind. ~nd the rights hereunder shaH inure to. the respective SUCCCS$ors and assigns of Lender and Borrower, <br />Mlbject: 10 the JlfllVistom: of paragraph ! 7 hereof All (o\'enant~ and agreements. of Borrower shaH he joint and several. <br />Tbe captiom and heedings of the paragraphs of thIS Deed of 1rust 3re for convemence only and arc not to he used to <br />interpret or deline the I'rov..ions hereof. <br />14. NGdtt. E..'l:cept for an)' notkc: reqUIred under apphca/'lle law It} be, given In ~lDother ,manner, (~lJ any nOllce 10 <br />Borrower provided for in this Deed of Trust shaH be glvc-n by mailing such uoHce by .;,~crtlfied mall addressed to Borrower at <br />the Property Addrcu (~r at such other address as. Borrower may de.8!gmne by notice 10 Lender as. provided herein. and <br />(b; any noIi<< to l.ender ,ball be gtven by certdied maiL return 'eceipt requested. (0 Lenders address sta.ed herein or to <br />such other a4d.rc:&s as [...alder may t1algnale hy notKe 10 Borrower as proVided he~em, . Any nOlice provi~ed for In t~is <br />Deed of Trust shall be: deemed [0- ha\-""e been given to BorrOW-iCe ~}r Lenuc.r when gJven 10 the manner deSIgnated herem. <br />15. Uftiform f.)eflj of T-rast; Go..rrniaa fAw; fW...-nbiUty. llwi fNm nf deed of trust combint':s umform covenants for <br />national Wie and non4..lDifonn co-\"enants wnh lmuted Variations !1-V -,uflsdu:tIOn: to constitute a uniform se-cunty mstrument <br />cover1n, rut property, Thi, Deed of Trust 5haH he govcrn~ bv the -bw of the Jurtsdichon In which the Property i~ h:x:atc-d <br />(n the event that any proVUJ-lCO Of ctame of thJti Deed l)! 1 rUM or the NOh: c.;ontllCls wfth ~ipphcahle 11lw, such conlllet shat! <br />not a:ti<<-t other pto\"ttkms. 01 this. [Je<<l of Trtnt llf the ~ote \'o'h:ch \"an he gw'cn etI~t wHhoUl the conflicting provisiun, <br />and to Ihis end the provitiom of the ~ of TfU:$I. and the ;";ote arc dedarcd (0 he sc".erabtc. <br />l~ Borrower. C-op-Y'.. Borrower ,han be- fUHUShed if (Imtormcd l.:,lpy !if the Note and of this Deco 01 Tru..t al the timl' <br />of elocution or .fter recordallon hereot <br />11. 'fraaafer of tbe ~Yi Aaompdoa, ff;:JU I)i any part of the Propenv HI an interest lhereln is sDJd or :ransfcrred <br />by Ik.trrowe.r without l..ender!- prior wnlten ~om-cnt, e.\dud!n~ (it_l the t:f~RIl(m oj a h.::n or encumbrance subordmate 10 <br />fhia Deed of Trmt. ib) the creal10n ;.,:of a ptJrt::hue muney 'foC\:'unt}' intern. fM howchoid .[)pphan;,.--es, 1\,') ~1 lranster hy deVise, <br />docent 3f by opc-ratjl;JU of Jaw upon ,he dealh (it a JOinl It'fHHll of i d) the ~ntfil or' any !ea.\eoold interC$t, of three YCi.trs or le% <br />not conte-ajDing iUl oJ":f,nt't to purc-nue, Lender mar, ,H J ~nde-r'~ ,-lrttlon, dedi,HC all the ~ums ~ecured by this, Deed Of "J HISI to tx~ <br />Immediately due and P'a)'"ilbk,. Lentkr s,haH have Wi.uved 5ou\:h opt!'l'Jt\ to ac~eJenue 11. pnor It) the r-ale or transfer, Lender <br />anti the penon tv whom the Property il {<,J he w.l-J or tra1i,f~rred r~a(;h agreenwnt ion writing that the ~rc-dtt of "iueh person <br />is ~oiti$tacIOtj' to L~,ndcr and thaf {he mterc;.t payabk l)n the ..UOh ''ureJ l-y tht:'i Deed 01' lru~t shali he lit such rate a... <br />Lender shan req~t, It Lender h-u "'lu"'e-d the npw:H1 1-0 .h.'~chi'rl!t~ pro-vided in thi.s p'aragrapb j 7, and If Borrower's succeSSOr <br />In m~l has CXOCUleU a wntt~l w.umptw-n agree-mem rtl".;;epted fB wnl1fig b~ Lender, Lender shaU relebe Borrower (rom <br />all obli",tion. un<kr th.. Dee<i <,I Trusl and tlte Not< <br />It Lender cxerd~ SlJi;h .)-pt.i-on to a..:-\:cieratc, l.etuJet :-haJl mail Borrower Hl,)tICC (Jf ~ct.:elernl1on In ~l.:....()tdance Wllh <br />p.rag.raph 14 hereof S\A"b uoti~~ shaH pro\j-'u:j( u penuJ of Ol.,ll !CS!\ than 10 da.~'~ irHm the dale (he nOlice p" mailed within <br />wbi<:h Borrowcr ala!! pay {he. sum, deciAresJ due. If 60uuwer f.:l!Js. to p~tY 'lw.:h surrus pfior 10 the e,-piratjr)ll of such perit)cl <br />lender nay. wllOOut further notk-e l1.f demand on ikH'f\IWer, ':l'.-ol(' ~t'ly rCfHedlt"" permitted h-y p~tfagfaph J Jot hereof, <br />NON~UNU'-'ORM COV~NAN-t'S Botn...-WC'f and- Lender iunhe.t co.....enlln! and agree .as follows: <br />'8. .>\..cderaCloa; R~ t:...cpt.. pro.Wed jD 17 here..l. >>PO" Bon........ brea<:b of any ro_eoant o. <br />.__1 ot in llti. l)oed of '1ruot, indndlna the <.0'......1.0 10 pay..""" dUt' aflY ....... "".u..d by thb Deed <br />of T...... 1",wl<K. prio.r I.. lK.ederallon -.ball mall f1Olk. In Bon...... lIS p""itlcd in paraaraph 1-4 hrrr..r sprdfylfll!: (I) th. <br />me""h, (Zllho ...tlon ,"""'"'" to eUf< ....b bNach; ill a dalr. ..... _ IhaD Jfl days frum Ihe d"t. lho ....tic. is mailed 10 <br />.............r. by ..Ilidr _.. brqch must he ""eO; """ ,4) lltal lallure 10 ('.re .....10 br..."b on or hefore 110. dal. specilled <br />la lho """"" ~ r..m in a...demlon "f lhe ..._ w.llted by 11m l)oed of Tn"" and .ak of lite Propr")' '110. notic. <br /><MIl r,ntllrr iMf_ Borru..... "f the richl '0 rrimlaf. lifler aculerallon lhe right 10 hring . <(JUri a.lion 10 a...,rI <br />the aoo<~~ of . def:auU: Uf aJJJ other dtfen~ of BorTO~.f fo act-elertiion aod QJt'_. If the breach l'i not ('ur~d <br />.... .... l:tefon Ih<< date op<<i&rcIln Ih<< D6dc.. L"nder ... Lender's "pllon may dedar. al/ of lho ""n.. secu",d h) Ihis l)oed <br />of 1....... I" ho i~ly due art4 pay....... ..Itho"t f",ther demand and _y imuloe Ibe po...r of .air and any oth.r remedi<.. <br />~ ~ ~ law, I......r sbaII he ."litIrd It, coll"" a/l r.-.""lJk "..'" and nil"..... I..curred in pur",ing lb. <br />r~ pro.\ded in tltA """" J It. iu<;llIlimt:, hot _ limiled 10. r.""uK'bIoI .1I0....f. fees, <br />If .... pow<< of ... " iavoked. Trustee- .maD fft"Ont a notice- of defauU in each t'ount,. in wbkh the Property or smne <br />part doenot 1& locakd and oItaII mail copies ..r _h nRI"'" in !be ma"""r pr..crihed hy applkable law '0 and I" th~ <br /><Idm- ,.....,.. paew:ribc4 '"' appIk_ _, MI.... I"" lapse of .,u<1I lime os may "" required b) applkaWe la.., Tru.tee ,hall <br />.... ...... IIIOlke of MIlo 10 die ,......... and I.. 11M ma..""r p.....,rilled by applic....... la... Trust... wilhou. d.mand "u <br />~,.<ltaU!<dl t.... ~y, at JMlbli< audi<ta Iu .be higloeot bi_...t Ib~ Ii.... and pia". .lfd under tb. (er"" designaled <br />in doe ~ or... In "'"' Of ......... JIiU''eI& and. .1.. slJCh or.r as Tru8lee may """'rm..... 1'"",1". may lJO'olpone saI. of all <br />.... My pan:d .of doe ~y lit poWk __me... at tho lime """ p/K~ of a..y prnioooly <<hetIvIed ...Ie. leuder 0.' <br />I.......'! ....... llIIIIJ polfrltae Ih<< Prvpmy at aey .... <br />I!...... '-', of ...,_ of the prke bid. . . '1'_ .tlaIl 10 the pordl_r lrftSl",,', deed ('O.neyina .b. I'rop"rty <br />StOW. The ~ 18 t.Iw Tn._'. deorI ....u t... peimll f...", .~~.. or the troth of tho ".",,,,,,uts _de I""eoin. fr-..stee <br />.... -'.l' .. ~ ..r the >ale '" tllO! rou....lrtj orde.-; ,a/t.. all ............ble cosu anrI ..,.....$ of tho ...1., ineludlrtj, bUI <br />-~ 1u,1'Nollee'. I_or_.-... that> " of I'll< uf thell'- ...wprin>. ".".maW<: all...."")... f_and ....Is of liiW ,<,irk,"(,,; <br />,h}.... _~ by dIio Ilt!edof TNot; """ (Cl th<< e~, ita"y. 10 lhe per><rn or ptrr_leaaIly ."litltcllhenl... <br />1.... ~"RiIhf 19~.o- Not-withs.I,a~din3 Lender's "('I.A.'tel3HOO (}f ~h.i: "HUh ~c(,ufcd hy tIll'> De-cd cd rnpd, <br />J:ik)n~~f mall MVe.- the.rl-j-ht tu n.\'e-- .'~-n); pf\.)('.ee-dm$s begun ~y Le:n~1 h. enror~e thIS ~u of lru:'lf dl!)OmwweJ ai <br />~JJy_time- ~,J<ff_lO t.t'te ~r:"~r lD ~(::ut...~ It} lAe flhh dl-y t\C-f,\)fe. the- ,ale ~)t tht' Ptopeny pursuant 10 the ro"'Cf Of s~\k ",~"'nllljll(d <br />l:At~b~Q-f.T"."" _ ~r~t.iJ<~U1 u~a h.JdameJ?:t i".nfnrdtl1d'u_1 t~ of 'Tn~S1 j(. ~:1} Bor..'O. wef. pi:lr~ Lender ~'tll ",um" Whldl \It,!~l!d <br />be t~ due tJtldcl' t~ f.)ectj ill Trt3C lbc Note, %i:OO nou~~ s"cl;Hnu8 FUlUre ,.\dv,:uu:€o,,", If ;;my. had no .K~:-dcutlnt1 t)l<.'\Jn\"J <br />{~J ~t(~'W~ -cuU1i an br(,ll'(k1; dt '-fi)' ~Mf t(:r\'t;na.n17i1i Q'f Jltee-me:.fiU. (~f Borrower I.:nntain~i.l jfi t~H-\ t)"'~d ,~f 1 flt\l; <br />ftJ ~:~,e-:f p~~ -tIi "'a~6ilbJe e."QXfiM';l, HlC-'tir-red !'1.)' t ~H>-jtf and Tn~~!~; m cnfor-cmg the ('{l\>c-ll.:wh aau ag-l\~etUclih ilf <br />Ik~f~t t'-'L~t;limc-d tn fhh~ ~ ~~{ 'Tf-'WU ilnd iti t:nh:~-rt'm. i_--t'ttder'", ~nd Jrul;.t'C'.c:"j f'{'tnt-the" a-; rt\~Hd~'d ,11 p;ull;j!xaph <br />hc..f~ $-f'Jt'l1.i4b., but -Fkl~ htt>>r-t'd tQ, f.~n.bk itUorAvy',. t~: ftf'ld hi~ UtM"WW~f tab"J) ..vch iH:tH1U M I t.tnj~..r l'fl{t\' ,t~~"'un~d'.!h <br />:'"t\.~A!': ~ .~-U~'l;' ~hltt r~ l~n n-i lh:tJ!, f>e-fl:d tJ-~ Tru$L !.1:'ruJ~t'\ j{Here",,~ .r! ;h~ Prnf)e(ty -4nd HNny,>,e,., l"'hhg~ih'" 1,,'- i".l." <br />