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<br />83- 003821 <br /> <br />Leader'. written apeemem or applicable law. Borrower shall pay the amount of aU mortgage Insurance premiums in Ihe <br />__ provided under paragraph 2 ben:of. <br />Any amounu ditbuned. by Lender pursuant to Ihi. paragraph 7. wilh jnte.....1 Ihereon, .hall become addilional <br />indebfed...... of Borrower 1lllCured by this Mortgall". Unl.... BolTower and Lender agree 10 olher lenDS of payment, such <br />aIlIOUJIb sballbe payable upon notice from l-ender 10 Borrow"r rt"questing paymenllherwf. and shall bear interest from the <br />date of disbunement at the rate payable. from time 10 lime on outslanding principal under lhe Note unless payment of <br />I~ at $Ud!rate woWdbecOllU'aTy 10 appliable law, in which event such amounb shall bear inte.....1 al the highest rate <br />~ IInder lIJIllIlI:abIe law, N<lllUng contained in this paragraph 7 shall rt"quire Lender 10 incur any expense or take <br />aayaelio<t ~. <br />.. ~ Lender may make or came 10 be made rea...onabl" enlri... upon and inspedion.. of lhe Property. provided <br />that ~ shalf give Borrower notice prior 10 any such inspeclion specifying reasonable cause therefor relaled to Lender's <br />in~ in the Property. <br />9. ("i.Jt1JuM1G- The ~ of any award or claim for damages, direct or consequential. in connection with any <br />condemnation or other taking of lhe Property. or part therecf. or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation. are hereby assigned <br />and shall be paid to Lender. <br />In lbe ""ent of a total taking ,>/ the Prnpe11Y. t"" proc..w. shall he applied to lhe slIms """"red by lhis Mortgage. <br />with the e_ if any, paid '0 Borrower. In the .vent of a parlial taking of the Proper1y. unle.. Borrower and Lender <br />~.. ag_ in writing. t"",.., .ha!! be applied to the 'urn. sectlred fly this Morlgage such proportion nf the proceeds <br />u is equal to IhlOt prop<>rtion which the amouot of the .um' '.cu,ed !w thi, Mortgage immedialely prior to Ihe dale of <br />laking bear1to lhe fair !IJlKkel valu" of t"" Pmperl)' 100media,el)' prior (0 I"" date of laking. wilh the balance of theproc..w. <br />paid to .Borrower, <br />If till! Property is abandoned hy Borrower. M if. .fter notk. I>y Lender to Borrower lhallhe eondemnor offen to make <br />an award "r 5ClI1e . dalm {or damage,., Borrower fails to ,,,,pond '0 l.<tnder wi.hin 30 day' after the date such nolice is <br />mailed. tender is atltllorillOd to cnllttt and apply ,he, proceed., at Lender', oplion, eilher tn restoration nr repair of the. <br />Pl'Ope'rty 01 to lbe sums """,red Iw tni. Mortpj!C <br />'Un'- Lender and Borrower Ofhe""!,,, agrte in, any wch applicati"" of proceeds 10 principal shall ont e.tend <br />or ~oo the due. date of ~he- montMy trtllaHmtmti rdern"d to' in paragraph" 1 and 2 hereof or ~hange the amount of <br /><rICh i".t.llmcnls. <br />...... 1Iorro...- NfIt Jldtww,d~ E-'.tt':U'ilOn (~t the' time- for P:lVrrn.;-nt nr mndifiCJfioo of am-ortiz.a.tion nf the sum.'lj secured <br />by thi$ M-on:~ grantw hy Le:ndt'J' to ilny "Htt..~5<Or !H intNc;i;1 pf l'klrrowe-t 'i.hall rim tlopenue to release. in any mannef, <br />the nability of the nrilinal 8c.rrow't"t :;md a~rf(~w...r'i ;iU(;-Ce1i~t'H'<':; H'i 1nttt-t'sI Lender .:..haU n('lt he: required to commence <br />prOCt'tedmtt qai-n~ '!Oucb !UCCtM{!!'t' ,or refuf< H) e'(te'nd time f."}~ payment or 0dK'f"\\'I~ m_ooify ;rm{\rtizatioo (If the sums <br />\eC:Ufed bY' th~ MortPl't b,< f~m ft( any .:k-mand ma.dt k.. ~hc (\-ri~H1al Hotro\\.'f't' imd B{)rro'4'-er'1. Sl!CCe/lWM in interest. <br />1 t.. F~ 1tr f........ Not it Wtirer. Aftv brbeanin<:.r- h1.) l-endcf in {L\cr{:'i..if'lg any right or remedy here-under. Qr <br />i)therwt!C' .aff(~ hr -itppkJ,bJe LtW, ..,;h~H -i1ot t>e- ;1 w;Jr........r ,_'It ("if prex'hldt the c'u~'-rcise of any ~\1\:h right or remedy. <br />1"be .Pf<<ummen-t fit Cl'r the ~~"mt'!U tJf fJ\t't {tf' {~th(,f !l{'-tt~ ,)l'" ~'harJtes hy Lender ..haU not he ~, waiver of toc-nde1'-'s <br />riPt to- J.ja:eJct.1f~ the tn-atnon -of (he iutkht-cdt-\C'\it ~~tm,:.d l'tv 10;" Mort~age <br />11. ~ C~-" All remro~ ptl.1Vl'iJed: H1 thk Mortgage :J.fe distirn:-t and \"'umul~tjve to any Ot.h-e_f right or <br />ren:w-dy' '{;~ th-K Monta~ (~f ~()n,kd ~v la\\- {if t'qiury ,;,nd n't;lY ~ e"I',':;dsed -{.'{}f1\.~Hr-rrfJtty, independently or ,uc~ivety_ <br />13. Stott_...... ~ lIoItlnI, JuIlll aad Seund I,Qbilhyl ('~ '1''''' C(>v~"$n" and "!Irecmenl$ herein <br />'k~-.Jned ',::baU hmd~ ~nd tbtt yigttho \h-aH inli't'C ti:~, !h.-e -re,Jipe.;TlVt' ~\..1";(:\t\~';~ and ,a;i:,i-R;M (if r -coder ~m-d Borrower. <br />!i.U~'1- to {he pr{~v:kiot>>- ~d par~'a,*, 11 here-Hi AJf (:()\;(Jt1.a:nt\ ~~hl ;J~f't-~mcn-t.. (If Borf'DWCf' ~h~t1 he jt,ltnf -and several. <br />"Iltc- ~aptKmj o)ud ~itJ" of the pMa~t"#p-hi,. (,( rhh \tnfftu,'"1.' Mi::: {,q ~.ptJ\.-'t"tH-CfW~ Pflty 1-tnd lln~' n.n-f to he n~ -to <br />~ntct~ i,'~ tk:fin.c: tM !H"<wt;;KH11. hc-rel"!'_ <br />Jtt. ~~ E~~ f(,-r 1ln).-' -t~O"K'<< rltlFijr~d un-der J'j'lplk-jJh}c h-'oli' tn he Rl..'-e-fl m lln~'Hhef manne-f. fa) en\' 1H')ttcC tn <br />Iktt-n~t ,pn')-\"<<-d fQ:f in ~.h~ Mort33f_f; !fhaH he tt""~-n hy ~n-'l; '<.t!"i,;:h IH~H"c hy (~f"hAed J11Mi ~ludrt'O:s,ed tp 'Bt)t'fower .at <br />the ~y A~ Of it! such 1,.~Jl:e.r add~ ~'- 8t1f!"t....,N.t.f mav i,Je-"'~ll.nMt hy H.N:fcC" ft.~ l_etl-del' u provWed herEin. itn-O <br />{hl any nutn.~ h) Letwk-r ,,-h...H k ti'YC-h b\" -cef1t~J rn-;.Jit !~hH'!1' n:(':';'lfH tt'qu,.~1c-d" f0 L:eftdc(" ~dd-t-efi iUded herein o-r to <br />tkttdl .,')tMt _re:-u 'i.'i L(,:ndeT tn-a)' ;;lc<cittn~te hy nnlin,~ f-n r.nnl"'iw'\~r ~!j; f"f\}vl--ded h.treit\< .....ny notke p-nwi-dtd ftlf in lhrn <br />MQrtI~-5h3a be ~~ W h;}\-'-e bNn gn>(-fi u~ lk~Ho')d:' -{'r ! .:ndc-r \\-h~tl g,vc-n ~(t the I'fUU'Wef ffcU,:rui-tcd herein. <br />1"- U.... M~; C'~ I~aw: SM"~). nw.. ~nrm uf mt'rt.~3-jte- n.unbhu.'!'S amfnrm ;';l.__t'r-enan-t' (or nal-it'tnat <br />ua: and rf1('.4HJniform ~'tc.v17tllL"P\. w~h- HJflncd Y;-il'~~H,,'t.)f':~ hy ~ul",;~i~~'.h-f~fl f('; u"n~titutc- il um{ttr'm $eCUr1t~' in~~ruf1lent nwerjng <br />N.J -pt~y 'Tht'lO Mi,)tt;ilt~ :!i;h~Jt he ~'t"rve-nil;"d ~y dliC b..., ~lf !ht. ">;;{,ik:_Ht'itl in whk-h the })rnpetty t~ located. In the <br />e~f ~J .any .p.r(wl~'-n -i)!' d~u~ ~.~f ~hi~- M"''iit~~, f'r ~h<, Nr"~{'; 4:i'1-dH,,-r,,;; wirh ~ifiit!ic3-Nt' !aw< ~uch (:o.nt:lkt 'i:fUllI fiot aff-et.'1 <br />()ther_pt\Wt~ ~~_ rn:i5 MOff#. ~H' 1M N-ntc_ 'A-'h..;:h ':~n hi~ ~_}"'cn dfet:l wHI1;''.!tlt fhe ';:t'mfhClin~ pn'1\+\100. and to th" <br />ettd th('-f)fQ"'~~ ~~t dtt1 M(}-H,~ J.nd (he \ ;.{f't'- J.t'"f~~.fed H'\. ~~ ';:-t\'~r:ahk_^ <br />t6. ~. .{~,-. l;Jorn1w\e:f ,-,_h-~n be (UHllif;.h-ei! ;t ;,',p;'lf"n-m",rl '- (IffY' :,,{ i-he Nt;.-,e ;i.ncl (11 f~n!i ?-.-tort,:agc HI the time <br />tif 6~"f_im\ ("-'f' .iihcr ~~<~t.Qt h~RO'f <br />1.1. T~--uf-"", Propetty; ,A~ H aH '>'-f _~mv it-aH M th(! P'fi'~rX"rty nf an inteft~t therein llj, ~()ld Uf tra-n'\fe:rred <br />by_ 8orl't)~ with:mtt 1-,4".""1'\: 'p,riut \' l-~.t'M}.~-t~(, rJ\:duding '.i~ 1hc: ctl':alion ~;.i J. ii(,n Qt' wcumbf'3m..~ ,uOr."rdinate tp <br />t~. MM~'. {b) l-ht:-c~ttt.~ of- J;i f)Ut,h:a~ w-.t;w)ty ',~l"r-ity H\'h~!.t:-~~ ftx tV,'lUWh()f-d .ipp-li;ancti, (c) >i tral1~tt'r !'ty de-vi-Ie.. <br />~~ t'M"--hy {tpenu:.iM v'f -}-lv.r upon .~ death ~lt' .it F)-wt ~t:l.-tam (~-r !.-:~.\ the ~.ra.n:f 1,'d ~_al} k:;usehtt1d inl-C'fe5t-o_f three. year~ -tlf J~" <br />tlOt \:iO_tltllinm" -d ~Km h} J,un;.h-_~ t~~f- ma-y, ,:,~ l.~~dt:-x-'.. ....pU{Jf1. dcdMtI; ..H lhe _,um~ ~L\jred by !bfS Mortgage f.-{) be <br />~~~~ dUe ~nd _NAbk. l~' "!.ft..atl h~"'{t '"'~fved ~H,t~ {)f!tf(,lt~ t{~ acCt_tefiUf" If. f}J'mt' 10 ihe ~-'lje or transfer, Lentk.r <br />~,-f_ -per~ t(, ~hi~ the Pn:~ftr $._ to- he ~(~hl Of tn~n~f$T'Cd re:l<<:n ,;1gret-mt'tH m writing lhat the credit {){ 'mch person <br />_~__~x~, Ul l~e~ and tnj;r, the jIltt~rt';\,f P4;fiiOk >LHl th-c _'ium"", ~...;;ur:("4 by thi! Mortga~. 'ShaH "be a.t such r-Ate as Lender <br />*U~, if t.~ l>lIII"'~'Ye<l ,he "l""'11 '".c<ei.,.,c !,"rVlJed "' th"l"'u~f11ph r;, and If Il,.".~(, 'uccwnr ill <br />i~l\Ju,,,~ . writtM -tn,QIt "31l"'me'" aC'''I>loo in wn('''tl "1 \.""""'. LeodlOr ",.11 relea,s<; Bon'ow"r from all <br />~Ull<kt.ftmM~ilI'ldthe NOIe. <br />If'l.~~ ~~, ~'"'h ~ (<.\ ~iite~ L-oC',fi--l.krt _~-h.~H mai~ '66-rftWI-er !t{..'\{l>:e of in- ~H;.-\.:(}r-dam:.e 'U-lth <br />Pti~ l4-~f" Stich i~ shaH pruvitk, a r-<<ioo f:,1f n__x h:'4i... than 30 daJ". ft(~m the date the nt,tiee iit mai.led widun <br />'M\'bidi -~ tnlt.) -par t~_ ~tun.;ij._ ~i;ared {h.w, h :a:.)(n'.rwCt ~.;):i'Js- to pay ~u-ch '\,urns pn(l'f t(1 the: elf "lu-ch period. <br />:~-_Yr. -Mthtlut tUftbtt: ntl;fic;e.-or--d-c~nd on fk)r-ft~~f,- mn}$.f Gny r~nwd~ pt."rmttte:d by ;\aN.graph IR her~t.1i, <br /> <br />~,.~,"*..C~N:"'l<<nt ll<!tnc,..." "",i l..l!nl!ef f""he, <<>Yl'''.'H .,m .gree "' [(jllows: <br />i~~H'1I tl'. !..........~_~J1l~ 11~,....... of any'''''''''..... '" <br />."...U(~a_~ ~thf",,~_ '" ~ wNn ...... Bar _ _mil by t"is ~. <br />~. . ..,.___ fO ~ ... ......vlde4 18 pIlt1III!...... 14 hfleoI'. iJleC'lfylua,(Ij lite ~.., <br />. ~.~ ... . . ..,__~t~}. ......ll<>i.... rhti..3t1Qyf f..... lite ...., IIIe AOtI<< io ...... '" ............... <br />"'<~ ............. .. .... ....~....{4J_,...I....-wdt........... OIl.... ~ IIIe date.,..,lW liIlIle ~ <br />_.-.."il..IJ....._,__-""""tIlIIi~f~_ by joMlk/lll ~ aad..... 01 tM I'lnpetty. <br />. ... .~~"'_:ritlNfO~.Olflw ~lIIDdtl.w ript to _ in the f~ <br />.....~....,....~.,U..._."'~_ '0............. If tlw bnJldt <br /> may ~.'" lM._ ~ by <br />..._...~fsmW__.........,. f-'- by jtHIkllol~. t.-kr <br />..~...- "'~"", ~._ _.1iallWI II>, ~ of tlouml m')' <br /> <br />.......N~"'~a.'t<li....'l.~'. ""~ratron of lhe "..... _uted h~ tb.i'I M<m~. <br />to._ Ry:~~ fr)' l.~. I" e"f""'~", In.. Mooll. <1"-0&''''''''' at any I""" <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />