<br />UNIPORM CovBNANTS. Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows:
<br />J. ~ of Pd8c:ipII _.--. Borrower shall promptly pay when due the principal of and interest on the
<br />i~ evidenced by the Note. prepayment and late charges as provided in the Note. and the principal of and interest
<br />01\ any Future Advances seeumi by this Mortgage.
<br />1....... for T_.... '-aaft. Subject to applic.ble law or to . written waiver by Lender. Borrower sh.1I pay
<br />to Lendu on the day nwnthly installment< of principal and interest are pay.ble under the Note. until the Nole is paid in full.
<br />a __ (herein ''Funds'') eqnat to one-twelfth of the yearly laxes .nd a..""'sment, which may attain priodly over this
<br />~, and llrotmd rents on rhe Property. it any. pi"" one-twelfth of yearly premium installmenrs for hazard insurance.
<br />pM __twelftb of yearly premium installments for mortgage i,,,,,rance. if any. all as reasonably esrimated inirially and from
<br />time to time by Lender on the ballis of a.........ent< and bills and "",sonable estlmares thereof.
<br />The Funds shall he held in an imttlution the deposits or accounts of which are insured (>f guaranteed by a federal or
<br />state agency (including tender .t tender" such an i....I;lut;"n). Lender ,hall "ppl;' the funds to pay .aid taxes. assessments,
<br />jflSU1"aDt'Cl: premiums and grouml rents.. Lender may n()t charge for so holding: and applying 1he Funds. analyzing said account.
<br />or verifying and compiling.said. assessments 'and hUh. unles.lJ. Lender pays Borrower HlIere~t f>n the Funds and applicable law
<br />pennib Lender 10 make 'ialCh a charsc Borrower and Lender may .Jgrce HI wrifing at rhe lime of execution of this
<br />Mortp_ that iot,crest on the Funds shaH he paid to Bor((~wer. and unless 'iuch agreement l.'i made or applicable law
<br />r.equjR$ weh interest to be paid. Lender- dtaU nOI he required to pay BOfr,nwer ;1OY iuterest or earnings on the Funds. Lender
<br />lthaU give: to Borrow<<, without charJt:. ;in annuai .U::C(luntmg ('If lh,e f""und:\ ~howiog creditt.l and debits to- the Funds and the
<br />purposre for which each debit to the FHnd~ was made. fhe Fun-d~ art' r!edged ~l\ additional l',ecudty for the sums secured
<br />by this MOTtsqe.
<br />U lbe amounr o-f the Fund$ hefd hy Lendct. ['ogether vdth rhe future month;y ll1S!allments ot Funds payable prior to
<br />tbe dUQ daf.el- of caUl,. ,UseMmenu. llu;ur3.n.Ct:: ptCfn!Umi ilnd gfound n:l'Jts. shall exceed Ihe amounr required 10 pay -said taxes.
<br />~S. tntUt'anc-e premiwn-s: .:rod_ gf'\)und r~nfS a~ Inc.)' Lih due. \uch c,~C\s ",-haU be, ~l Borrower's option. cilht:r
<br />p:rom.ptf)-' re~d to Borrowe-r or c.:redued h) &\Hnw-er {m momhty HUlaHmenrs {If Funds, Jf the amount of the Funds
<br />held by l...endct mat! D~ be wJficient to pay U,l:~CSo -a..~~..men(J;. lH...ur-'!nCi~ premIUm;;; and ground renti<t- as. they faU due~
<br />lso-rrow-er ~halJ pay to J~ an\< lunoout !1eC-C'.5.'S..'\-ry to rna_ke up 1he ~ie{iot~t1,,'V \\'lthln ;0 day~ I rom Jhe date notice is. malted
<br />by Londer.I,) Borrow.... r"'l_mll i"'YO''''''' !ber",,1
<br />Upoo_ payntent in tuB (~f aU WtIU secured hy Hu!\ Mf)'I'tg;tJ;e, I ead-er :;haU promptly refund to Borrower any Funds
<br />!lekI by l.endtr. if under- p:arap-apb i~ hereof the Property I'>. ~;..Ol-d m !he- Propcny b otherwlw ~h.:qUtre.d by Lender, Lender
<br />$Jail apply, no lakr thaD l~lClv pnor to the s..ak pt the Property fH' ll'f, ~KQul:smon hv Lender, any Funds held by
<br />Leuder at lhe time 01' application .a.$', a uedh dpm~! the ium~ ~\::uted f'Y ll'H~ :-'-1ongagc.
<br />~ A'plY..:...... of Pa)"lBellb.. Un~~\ .rspphcahie: taw P:f\V-Hk"j {-;thef~f\(~.. J.H p,<lymenr.lJ, [{'{;el'o'-ed by Lender under the
<br />Note. Md paragraphs i .and '2 hcn-ol -;.haH be apph-ed by L(',nd(:t 11tii-t 'on payment ,H .:unnnnu payab~-e to L~nder by Borrower
<br />undcf pat:altaph 2. henro-t then to mUw:)!;! raynbjc I1U tho('- "iVlt'_. fhcn tt_' tilt' pnncJpal of the Note. Oind Ihen to interest ~nd
<br />prn"'lpal "" allY Furur" ^<iY~
<br />..... (~1..inJ;a. lk)rr-o~'C't ~"h.aa pa)' aU Iot'1.f:"ft, ,i'~'io"m~nU :tfH1 mncr lh,lrjZe~_. tine" ;inti HllJ'J<.:"Jti.iuun'S annbutabl-e to
<br />the- ~ which may- .ttain a;, p:tlority {}vtf thl" M(wtpfIi('. ~nd leawh()I.d payrnenh or ground rent$. lf any. in the manruef
<br />provided under pat~ 2: nu<<,,,f Of. Ii ntJt paa,J in i,\N,:h maf!-I)~f. l'lV Bortflwcr makwg payment, when due~ directly to the
<br />payee t.hereot-. ~ ~j prompdy tUfQu.h k' i.--ctldc-T .il1i lJ\'l-ln;o (}: ,tJUounHi due under thl! p~fagfa.ph. and in the event
<br />Borrower ,batt m.Mtc' pay-m-et!t dtreiaiy, R.orn:~-ef 'l'-hsH prompHy tuml..h tl_; Len-der ft>:',eipts cyuk-ncmJ s.uch payments.
<br />ik>>'~ dud! p-romptiy dit.cbarg:e any hw wh~-h hM p"rH.~rH"V <_'\'~r d'U~ MOf1~-U.#~~ Pfl'J-V~.-:le",-t that Bon-ower shaH not be
<br />rt:qUired to diK-haIJC lUll' tiuch tie-n MJ kme >~1< 8,,1-trfH~;~f ..MIl itg-_ft"e HI "+fHmg l-~; the payment of Ule {)bhgA1imt ,ccured by
<br />~ lien-tn," mAaar:t ~pt.,&bk 10 l..e-ntk,:. m '.thaH H1 Jt{,,'l(1 Lu!h ~oo-trr.?-t :o.u\:'11 !le-n by. Uf Jefend entDrcement Of. such Hen jn~
<br />}-qat ptnL-.dt.n", ,*h:j-~-b opcf'ate to prevent !he e-Oh"t!t'cm~nt ~J! the h~!1 l~f HJffc-\lUft: i.1f the Pt(~l'ty or af'ry pan thereof.
<br />5. .....~... Bott~'e.r snaU keep- i~ mWf\\y('rnt:.fH~ f;.H% 't''l:I'',OtlJl. ,)f hen.'".lhcf eJecled on the Pn'p<it)' tn'\ured
<br />aglUnlf u.. by~. tta.Qt<k t.'l(".f~ wnhm Joe lntn ....'"u;m.k~J .;",_Tvctar:t'- ,md '>.w,:'h ~Hher h;tl.~l"(i.. ;110 Lenc:kr may rC4uire
<br />lUld f-n ~ a..m04,uH.,i.ud fl,,, ~-h P<f~ '...:i Lcrnkt" m-.t\[ n.'_qUH~. pr-o\,td~~t thitt t \:'rtu-t:,:r "haH t'}(,t _n:-qum: th;t( ih~ a!lWU-tH 01
<br />sucb ""~ -1:~ tha1 ~nouot f4 io."t:r~ ft'q~Jlrcd to pOiY ih(: 'Idfrh- \C4.:Hn::ti hv thiS ,\4ongrage
<br />1"hc il'WU~ (,&rOO Pf"~ fhe- i~tM..'"(:' :j,-h~H he ...w,:~-n h~ Hi.'.ntJVtoCl :\ubjttt h) approval -hy Lender: prOVIded.
<br />that RJch 1pptl.W.t man t'\U4' be uf~.my ~-t,htu,.kt .--\n pretfUum'\ HO intu,rant;v pohc~ '\haU be paid in the manner
<br />~ UJ>ll<< p~ l ~ ()f. ,f no; I'a..'<l '" .""" m"""~L hy !10m""'" l1\....ng i"'ymcnt. when due. ,lll"ctly rf! Ihe
<br />'_Cllf'1'l<<.
<br />AU iAMuatKe pah:c~ a.n.d rene\\'&1. tnetct.,1J ~H be-: H1 h..1.tn1 .)t.~,l,.'~ptitbk l(' Lt:fidol;f .J:nd flh.ajf mch.l<k: .i ~uinda(d m~Jrtgage
<br />~ m tavur of 1ind U) tOf'm .u:~-ept"h1e iu l4:i:likr, f.('nder ....haH ha\'C- l.he rtgJH hi h~)id ~he- rOhCle5 and reuewah~ therc(j,L
<br />and,Jlo:rfO'WCr ~l pr-o<<>>pti)' lurut.\h to tel1:idft' aU f'e1te'"".a[ a~'-lHc~~ and .;dl fttCfpU ()t pAtd -PfellllWn,,- In lhe 1;',cn1 of to:\$,
<br />BotJ"OWW shail Ji-ve ItrOtnpl, tll'l(fCC to fb( Hbi-u;a~.-e ..:arner 4UJ Lender- I.end~r m.a~ uta.k-t pruot uf loss it not miu.ie, promptiy
<br />\>y s..a.-r.
<br />O~ ~ at\d Borrow-er othe.{'W,~ illJf'<< 111 wuhU!. H1HUiHlCe r)'(O~::eed$ \oa1l be applied to rc\toratio-n \Jr repair of
<br />the Property ~ pro,,'i-ded, ~U(:h r~ufllut)n i.H ct-pau- }i c:c-om..lffI-tcaUy h~'\tbtc J.i.W tm 'K-(;UtllY of thIS Mortga~ .i-'i
<br />tlOt-tbikeby ~ If ~,;h ffttQtlt.h.on or rq::mu t~ oN t-",,\'-mumk.,;:liHy It"-a\,;ble- or if the :securny of Ihf.\: Mortgage w{)uid
<br />be. ~Nd. the IDIU_ pr~ .nail b<: app.liM te' tn" ,wm """""0 hy ,h.. Morllla~. ""th the exc"... if aflY, pa.d
<br />to~, If 1M Proper\)! .. anand<>l>cd by llc<ruwer. Of ,I 8<".",,.er t..l, ." ''''p.>nd 10 tendcr wlllun 30 day. 110m Ih"
<br />date. ~ j$ ~ by-tend<< to Bu~ th:atlfte in:iuUlftt:C ".&tue! offers it) M';Hi~ -i;l Io.'!aim tor m'J,urance henefifst Lender
<br />i$- ~dDd IO-~ and.appty the }ll.$Ul~~ pr~ -:it Len-Jer.s opu\.m either to. retiOrauon (i-f repair vf tbe- Prope-ny
<br /><>r to tt._~ tIy !hili M.........
<br />U~ I..ct>tlcr ltOll ~r ~.j,." agree m ,",,"nll. .ny "",h applic.atwll ...t l"rocced$ to pt''''''pal ,hall not e:>llend
<br />Of ~ the due date <>i the _>II.hl; itmal1_nt. r<ierred W h1 paragraph. I and 2 hereof or clWlllf' lhe amo,lOl of
<br />llPIllJ .-U-. If __.... paRlfaplll8 hereof tbe ''ruperly'' l<<:'lillTe:d hy L~tl<ler. .11 nght, litle and inter...t of 8<>rrower
<br />in &all to~. ~ pc:>liQa andm and to the proceeWi t.hetoot '...WtlDlI from damage to thc Property prior 10 the ,ale
<br />.(It ~... poI$li tc ~ to the ~I""tul the """" -...red by .hl> Mortgage ''''fIledu.U;:ly prli>' !n .uch sale '"
<br />~
<br />..'-.... .... Mlbl HIl" '" ..~y; ~ (,'...........~ ....... Volt 1)"...I""_,,ts. Borrower
<br />.. Ul:p. tt..Propony isI .....'<1 repair and .ruut l>OI comtnil "'ute fir ""rlnt< 'ml'alflnent or deteriorauoli of the /'roperty
<br />_"'~widlthe ~ oj'..ay Ie.- I( tlm MOflllllJ'l "on a ie_holo. If 'hi. Mortgage i, on . "rul in a
<br />~~..'I"""l_" ~ uIlit ~ Borrower sh.o.ll ""r1<mn .ll of Ilt""l'",er', obhllatlOflS under .he decu.ratu>n
<br />(If...~ (:~ pr ~'tW:i&.. the ~Jnt_ <" p,....>cd lInlt develoJml"f\t. lhe by./aw. and regulation, of the
<br /><'<lIlId~ P:"_<lf.~ tI,Qit ~. and cOMtit"""t documents.. It. c"ndom;n;um or .,Ianned \1m' development
<br />riMt. .lll'..~. .". __ JIDll. _de:d l<ltClher with th.. M~. the coveJ>a1lts and ltjl,eem""ts of ".ch !'Ider
<br />..... ~,_lllI4!ibtdlllm&ft1i and ~nt t!le cove......t. anuag_ts of th.. Mo~ .. 1I1he nder
<br />........ IMJIIO\l(.
<br />7,' . ~ 4iI, .............." If ~ f..rll Ib "".fvnn .htl _15 and ag_na ,0..1...."<1 in ,h..
<br />.....<ltJ( ~lKlticlD <>t'~.. <-.J ...1>icll mooterilllly aifc>.:ts LendIOt', '_esI .in the PropertY.
<br />~__/iI!IIiIII4l1!,.~~. i~y. lode mit>t_t. (Jf ...~s or f'l'Xud;np ,TlV<ll""1I a
<br />~...~ "'~IIL ~'1l""""', ~ noti<ltl wBorr""""r, may n....... _It Appoa"""""'. d"oo."",:wt;"
<br />...................-.y '0 ~llcndec.. ,"*-, ''''''..mlll. but not limrtocl tc. o.1lbunemenl 01
<br />~~.. ~ MllI .., lll'OO theP...,.>, I<> llJIII" l~"". 1t lAM<< requ.ired ~ ;n...r_", Its .
<br />~~","Jou ..~. /'IY UbilM~. Bort_ .ltafl Jl4Ythe pr_-''''''....e<l tt> mst!llalO "",h
<br />~.. clIiJctUt\!il,'" liIlIlo..... tbe ~ IOf ..~ ...__ '"m,_. '" ~.,. ",.th Iklm.,.,.",n ",,<I
<br />
<br />83- u03821
<br />