<br />83-1.103794
<br />
<br />UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender covenan( and agree as follows:
<br />
<br />, .1. ~ of PritIdpId .... 1meftIt. Borrower <hall promptly pay when due the principal of and inlere<t On the
<br />u,debtedness evuleneed by the N_, prepaymenl and lale charges as provided in the Note, and the principal of and inlerest
<br />on any Pulure Advances secured bv this Deed of Trust.
<br />%. ....... fer Taw .... IlillIIiiraaee. Subject to applicable law or to a wrillen waiver by Lender, Borrower shall pay
<br />to Lender on the day monthly installments of principal and interest are payable under the Note, untillhe Note is paid in full,
<br />a sum (herein "FUnds") equal to one-twelfth of the yearly laxes and assessments which may a\lain priority over this
<br />Deed of Trmt, and llroundrenu on the Property, if any, plus one-twelfth of yearly premium installment< for hazard insurance,
<br />plus one-twelfth of yearly premium inslallmen" for mortgage insuTanee. if any, all .. reasonably eslimated initially and from
<br />lime 10 time by Lender on the basis of assessments and bills and reasonable estimates thereof.
<br />The Funds shall be held in an ill$lilulion the deposit< or accounts of which are insured or guaranteed by a Pederal or
<br />slate agency (including Lender if l.cnder is such an institution). Lender shall apply the Funds to pay said laxes, assessment<.
<br />i_ance premiums and ground renls, l.coder may not charge for so holding and applying the Funds, analyzing said account
<br />or verifying and compiling ..id _ments and bills, unless Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable law
<br />permits Lender to make such a clulrge. BorTower and Lender may agree in writing at Ihe time of execution of this
<br />Deed of Trust that interest on the Fumk shall be paid to Borrower, and unl.., such agreement is made or applicable law
<br />requires such int_ to be paid, Lender .hall not be required 10 pay Borrower any interest or eamin$s on the Funds. Lender
<br />shaJJ give to Borrower. withoul charge. an annual aewllnllO!! of the Fund. showlOg credits and deblls to the Fund, and lhe
<br />pltrpote for whi<:b each debi, to the Fumk was made. TIle Funds are pledged as additional securily for the sums secured
<br />by this Deed of Trust.
<br />If the amounl of the Fund. held by Lender, together with the future monthly in...allments of Fundt payable prior 10
<br />the d.... dates of taxa. ............,t.. ulluranee premiums and ground rents. shall exceed the amount required to pay said taxes.
<br />.asseumcnts.. insurAnce p~mjunt$ and ground rents M they f aU due. 5llCh l"xcess shall he. at Borrower's option, either
<br />promptly repaid to Borrower Of credit~-d to Borrower on mOfith~y instaltmentrs ~f Funds. If (he amount of the Fund~
<br />held by l.endet- .hAll not he sufficient 10 pay..''''. .."""men.., ,"'unon"" premIUm. and ground rent. as they fall due.
<br />Borrower man pay to. L.ender any amount necessary {() make up the dcficnmcy within 30 days from the date notice is mailed
<br />by lender to Borrower requesting payment thereof.
<br />Upon payment in full of aU sum. "",ured hy .hlS Deed u; Trus" Lender ,hall promptly ",fund lU Borrower any Fund.
<br />held by Lender. If under paragraph 18 hereof ,he I'roper'v is sold ('r 'he Property IS otherwi.e acquired by Lender. Lender
<br />man app1y~ no later, rhan im~edlately pno( w the .....de 01 {he Property or iu acqlHsltton by Lender. any Funds. held by
<br />Lender at the time of 1lppIkahO" as . credit against thc 'urn' >ccurc'd by thIS Deed of Trust.
<br />3.. A~ 01 ~ts. Unless app!Kabte hiw pro\'llk... -NherwllC. ail payments received by' Lender under the
<br />NN~ :}nd P3!lI.l'~nh~ i ~nrl -"') -'-'rf'lni "httlU n... o:iInnlM!n h\' I rnrtN- ttn:! In n..-'\{mef\l of Mtltmnts nl1~hle to Lender hv Borrower
<br />~;dCr-p;r~;Ph rher~[be~-i~-j~t~~~t~pay;tie-~~ -th~-N~t~. lt~cn--l(;~h~-rrmnpal of (he 'Note. and then to {nteres! and
<br />pnncipai on any Future ^dvancea.
<br />4. CJtatan: LJe.a. Bonowcr .,hall pav Jd! t~n.c"'< ,1'U~sm~nh .wd \lther ~-h3rges. floes nnd Impo'SlIions .~ttribut.\ble to
<br />rhe Property ","-bicb may .attatn a pnonlY over ih~\ Deed of TrUlL ~md J~asehold pavments or ground rents, Jf any. in the
<br />manner provided tmder _~pb 2 hereof Pf. If not paid trl 'Su-ch manner, by BenOYo'er maJong payment. when due, directly
<br />to tbe payee thereof. 8orJ'O\\.u !owl promptly furnu,h in Lender i1H nOW.'t'~ (\1 a.m<>-unts due under chi, paragraph. and in the
<br />eYeftt Borrow-er -,hall mU"e payment dirc:ctJy, (k)rrower s.haU prompth-' hlf11ls.h h) Lender tct.:CJpt:s evidenCing such payments..
<br />Borrower shall promptl)' du.charge liD'': hen wtHen ha-~ pnonty I'Yet Hw. I.kcd of TfU~t: prOVIded. that Uorrtlwer shall not he
<br />requut"d to -'l.ti~harlC any such hen $.0 h_mg h Horrower ~hali ;lIVe<:' II' ,,-'ountt 1n the payment of the obligation secured by
<br />\uch hen nl it manner accepcl.bt.e tn Lender. (Jt ~hltU ~n ~t~xt fiutn \:onlcst ~H\.'h /Jen hv. or defend enforcement of sm,:h lien Ill,
<br />IqaJ ~tn.p wtuch ope,fale (-l..l pn--ve-nt the cntofi,,:emefll lit the lien or forfc-Hure t..,t the Property or any part thereof.
<br />$~ 1IaanI1..-1"aet'lI:. Bot'rowc-r mall keep Ihe !mrw~.cmcnt\ now C\;l\-Hng .)1 hereafter cret.:I'C'd on the Property insured
<br />-",pin"t lost by fire. hu-ards indmkd wlthiu lhe term "c'\lcndc-d \.-Iwa&!t-e". i.mJ ~w..'h G~her haUfd"i ~\S l.ender 018)' require
<br />and in $UCh amount. ~d for 'iuch perIOd!; as l.ender may reqUIre; prnYl\kd" that Lender $h~1l not require that the amount of
<br />web lXW'ff3F ac:e<!d -that A.ft't;OUDt t)[ t"cverage rC4wred lo pAl' the 'tnl'\'\ \-(;i,.'un:d by t~w.. [.>cro 01 Truo}t.
<br />.fM fnnrra.nce \.~OJrrtef p-ruvu:tin. lhc tn'!.tiUn\.:'t' ..haB he t'ho'-...en r.y H()rnlW~f ~lIblC.,:t !p apP-r\w.aJ by I t:-oder; pt\lVldclL
<br />tba.t ~ approval ibalt m1t he u.nreot,\Orntbiy vnlhhdd r\ll preuuut'TU..- ,on In1>UfanCc l'Xlh\:',;cs shall he- patd in the manner
<br />provldod under- pal'alf'apb 2 he.rwt {)r, It Hvt. pud 1H :t-uch llU\nOet, n\' Borrower makmg payment. when t!ue, thrcctly to the
<br />,_ ClIITICf,
<br />A.U HlS\lf'atK'C: poh<-J.U.and n-newali lhetcot ~h.H ~ In h'rm accrptabk !n Lender ;,;nd !'Ihal! tndude a standard mortgag,c
<br />d._uw In favUT of' illld In t't-,-rm :i...:-.:eptahic to Lender. I cnder .,h.1H have the nght ILl tRtld the policic'!\ and rencwah, lhC'n~of.
<br />and Borto\llo'cr ~h&-U PHlffiptly furnmh to Lcn.det ~dl renewal lHJtKt'... and ~H r-n:elfH!\ of p;ud premiUffi"i. }r. the eve-nt of los.~.
<br />8orro~r an.U give prompt f\O{h,,"'C' tp the HtWUtlc( c~tn~( iinJ Lender. LehlJcof mil\' make P.ff)O( of k\S, II loO[ mnde promptlv
<br />by Borrower
<br />Unless Le-nde-t- and Botto-wet' IJlfwrWi$e agr<< in wHtmg. HH.ur ann: ptflO;:t":<<h ~haH he applied to re"$,lUratlnn or r~palf pi
<br />tilt' Property damaged. p'f'Cvlde-d such ffifOHi.hOfl Vi (CDOIn !~ C"1,.:onOflh;':-tlli) fca'Hblc ;l:nd the $tturity 1..\1 thl~ D('cll nt "1 fll!U I"
<br />not thereby lmp.,r-et.t It s-uch f\"!Stora-ttOn t.1f rcpaH rt;. not C'.....~)I\Ofl1l-~~H'f It"a\lbie ,,)r d the !\.el.:ur-r1Y of thi~ Ueed tlf .1 ftl\t would
<br />be, l.fQ.paHud. t.he IMtU"afK~ ph'X'"~ lihaU be a.pphc-~j to t~ sunv. ~t;-...ufed hy IhJ" Deed (If lnA~" With (he C"C''i'l. If any, paHJ
<br />to RotrOW;:f, It tbe Prupert)" '_'; liMn4."t"M:U by Iklff-l,:l,.Cr. i)f if H...}rr(~WCf f;ui..;, to f~CX\1ld to Lender "-'.thm JO day~ from the
<br />date- notic:c ~ mailed by tMde:r to Bono-...."Cr th-a. !he lfiSUf1UlCe (arl'lef otters 10 settle ~ (:h1lm for lO~urance hcncfih. Lender
<br />" autbotued hJ ~oUkt and apply the tnsurau.c.:-e p,,-,;~,;ccd~ al t.cru:.kr'~ t.lpuon either to ffiloratlon Of repair of the Propeny
<br />or to the wtn._ _ured by tll.. Deed of Tl'Uli"
<br />UnleM I.t:nd<<- and Bom\Wef oi.he-r"W1Ie alr<< m 'tf.'ntmg. no)' )u\:h apptk.:ittJ-lJn o-f pnx:U'ds to princlpal shall not ext~nd
<br />(lr postpone the d.. date- 01 the month})> InstAllments rdC'tted to In parairaph) I and ! hereof or change the amount oI
<br />.ucl> installment.. If u"r par....lOph 1 S hef'C<,t the Properl) .., .c"ulred 1>) lender, ,,11 "lIhl. Illle and Illteresl 01 Ilorrowe.
<br />tn aAd to all)' tnwr.nce pohoQ a.nd in ta.nd w 11w! J~tXced) thereot I'buhmg from damage to the Propert}' pnor tn the !\~\le
<br />Of ~IDn ,shaU paM to Lender to eM cMent (It the: .5oUm~ KCurw ~y {ht~ Deed ot rrml lmt'llCdiatdy prior to s.uch salt ftf
<br />~tioo.
<br />6. "'-""""'"..... H-.tn I i I to 01 .....,...,; u-Iloldo; C~ I'\amMltI VIIiI lR.dopmeats. Ilorrowcl
<br />~hait keep dw Propeny tl1 !tOL~ repair .1.!\d ~haU not ("mUlHl wa~te ,'r pernHI ImrMHme":t nl \h:te(lOraHOn nt the Prt'P'Crty
<br />and shall """,ply with die pruv_ of any letie if .h.. Deed of 1 ru.t .. on a ie_hold. 1I thi. De.d of TrtlillS on a unll in "
<br />COfldominlum or aplanne4 unit deve/opulenl, Borrow..r shaH periorm .11 of Borrower'. obltaanon. under lhe deel.ra.",n
<br />or rov_ ",,*t..., '" aovcrnin, the coodomt...um or planned unt' dev..lopnleOL .he ny,laws and rcgula..ons '" the
<br />~ondominlum or pbu:med Utut dcvdupment~ and constituent docuntent\. Jf a condmn,nlum 1.1f planned Unit de\'eklpment
<br />ridef n ~ by lIorrowu- and rcconicd topther 't\'Hh du~ Oe:ed loll TruSl. the covenants and agrcemenll nf such nder
<br />slM.U be iDC:OtpondCld inlo and shall amend and supplement the- co-ven-anh and agreement,s of this Deed of Trusl ~1:'i if the rider
<br />_ .. part bMoot
<br />,~ ~ of ~. Secarity~ If Burrowes falk to perform the COlo'cnan15 anu agrttmenb ..:Mlta;oed m thl'!!.
<br />~ of ~.. ~ M' uy :!('J~ !J!' ~L1'!& !!! ~L~.nC-.*!! wffidl ffi!c!€'r!aHy a~!'S L~~Je(s !nt~~t in fh~ Prf\~ny.
<br />t~ but. not linl4ed 10" eminent dOmain. lnsot\~~y. code. entor\."Cme:nr, or afTansemen~ or proceei.hng\ mvot"mg Oi
<br />lMl:tlI;tuptOf ~ tbet! Lemler al l.endet.s opllon_ upon !lotlCe to !lom""..r, may make such .ppearance.. <fi,bur,e ,""h
<br />J.UIUI. aM tak.c Rtd:1 adion aJi i$ nooeu&f)- to pr~t l..e-nder'~ mt-:re-j.-I, mcluding. hut not lut\ited tn, dIShuf'S.t'mcnt \It
<br />~. altorM:l"a t. .3;nd 'lftl,., upon tbe Property 10 m.ke rep..... If Lender reqUired lllOrlgall" '",urance ., "
<br />~ of "... tho loom SOCURld by !.his {)eorj 1f1 Truol, Bor",wer .baU (t..y the prem,um. requllcd to m,,"I.m ,ud,
<br />i~ ift ,dr. ... ~ 1m. M the, requitetJ:lrmt f:or such lmuiane.: ttrtnmate5 to ~ci,;otdatl\:c with (k")tfl\lA-^er\. and
<br />~~~~~~... Borrower shall p*y the ._t of .11 nlOrlpi" ,""Iron.", pren,,"m. '" the
<br />
<br />AaY ...-.. ~ by lA!tder pwauam. to this ""r.graph 1, wtlll mtercsl thereon. ,hall ben"tlc 'tkhh,.",l
<br />'I jltl~' of ~~ by lllia Olt>cdof Truot. Un"" ik>rro'<tIer and I.cnder 0.- to other tcr",s 01 pa~.,""n.. "",h
<br />___ tUIl be ~.UfIOII ~ fn>m Ltnder to Borrower __1m, ....rme..l theft.oC, and ,hall bear inl"""'t from the
<br />datit. ofdllbwll,.'~lalllw. _ payallle ,_,laM 10 1~ "" out..artdl.., pOlletpal under the Nule unieil. p..yment t>f inleres.
<br />.. web.rattt 100Ilid be ~ 10 ~ I....... in wbtch 'WC1't mch amount. .hall hear mt.'.... at 'he hIghest rate
<br />1*" 1~1..1tlldIr 3;~1M law. Nothina ~M....illO>d in thl' paralt1lpll1 '''all requirc Lelldef I" ,m:ur any ex",,_ ur takc
<br />
<br />M, .. may ttIllllJ. (If ,,_to he m_ ",__ltle ."tr.... U1><'" .",1 'O'lptlCllOO' ol.lle Pmpeny. 1'""",j,,<1
<br />u.... ~ _Ie;, prkw kJ .my.""" i'*fl""""" tpetity'", ,..,,,,,,,,,ah!" <aiM ther...tm .ej"lt'd '" t""de,',
<br />i-.'IlIt
<br />