<br />
<br />
<br />83-00379"
<br />
<br />
<br />~~(W'I1W$Ti$madethis",.." '.'" ,~~tJ\." ..... .day of" .ilIAY~...... n'.... ...,
<br />1,~~.,aDtOllI''l:JieTmtOr; ~vnty. S*.Slll1tb. CJ.&J:;k,QQQ. Ga.mer .R.. CJ.a.nk".wif'e.a.nd .hu$band~" .
<br />d . in. .tJielr.awn. ,rJ.t,ht., .(lIe,eln"Bol'tower"),..c,... ...........,...... .... ......
<br />
<br />.. ....... .... ...... .. .. '.... ..' .'......, .. ........ H .n... :M~iQ1i;Of; cimUi; ~~~~e~~ ...~~st~:nu:::=t~d
<br />
<br />.._ ~~I~tJie . ..... . '. ~~.i?~..... .. .... whose addl'e$$is:..)'~S!JN~'~....
<br />J{.~..~1C~. ......,..............." ...... .(herein"Lel!der").
<br />
<br />
<br />Loan No.
<br />
<br />'i~R~I-I-18
<br />
<br />
<br />~l!ll, in consideIlltion of thejnde~neM herein recited and the trust herein created,itrevoCablygtants
<br />B;IIdecmveysto T~,intrust. with power of sale, the following described property located in the County of
<br />A<\J.1.. ". . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . .. . , .. State of Nebraska:
<br />
<br />.rQtlI Eleven (1.1). arxl'1Welve (12), in Brett's 1\ddition, WXld. River,
<br />aau Camty, NebraaIta.
<br />
<br />
<br />wbieb _the acII'Ims of. . .~Q\l. ~...t, .H~\1. . ..
<br />tSt....t)
<br />.~llf.~, .. . , . .~~l. ,. (Itel'eJn "Propeny Address" t;
<br />t....-liJ>~
<br />T<<IIlTli~1t wIJh llll tb<:. imptovenlenl.S IlQW or hereatter ef<'Ctcd on tf\<: property. and all cascmenls. righb,
<br />~..~ (tV,\ljlll=,Hlowcwet to thulptfi ~U1d alltborities .Well it_in to Lender. to colkect all<! apply su.h
<br />ftlils~,~mineralioiiatlli gall riaIII5 llI'lIl. ~ water. WIller rights, all<! water stock, and allllxlures nj}w or
<br />~...~ tOthe~,!lIlof wbich, iJll;luding repla!:emenlS 3lldadditioos thereto. shall be d<le~d to be
<br />_~jl~ottIMt.pmperty.~ bythi$ Deed ol'Trmt; and all of the.foregoing. together.with.said property
<br />(flf t~~ ~ iftl!:i$ De!l4of T~ is on a lelI5eitoldl are herein referred to lUi the "I'1opeI1Y";
<br />
<br />T9a.cy..to~(.a)JIletepllc~ot the lndebted_ evidoo<lC4by Botrower's nOl.e daled;r:.;jJ,y .l.~~. ),983
<br />;c.,.,. .....;.(~"~,.),m the~l SUI'll of.t~ll~! . .i'PIS,J.', :l:l\'Wn;\ll. :r.1Itll ,li\J\l4fl1P. .'\1\4 . oPt J.99
<br />",,'~' '.c..' ',< ".,.,. ...... :., n",. . ".P9llan. with, interest t~, provldlnJ fot monthly lnslaUment.
<br />Cli~...~ wiclt, tIMt~ofthe l~ II 00l sooaerpald, due andpa)'ltble on. , . .
<br />'d . .. ,. .. . . .,.,'n... n ,...... ; , ,;the paY~ohllotJleut1lllS. willi ifllerC$ltherc;;;n. advlIllc;:d
<br />',. .;,m..~ '1f,tt\I5, Del:4of Tl1ISt; .nd .the P<<(otmAm.:<! of the COWIIlUHs and
<br />'''~''aIIIt{b).~n\jllt)'_t of any futllft. .d...~, with interest then",,". lIllIde
<br />~~~~~~~Iheniclf (~rcill~f'UluteAdva~").
<br />
<br />...... ..\!m..~~,{~f,.,
<br />rei!)'}
<br />
<br />,;Qgit $4S
<br />