<br />(I) month prior to i\$ due date the annual mortgage insurance premIUm In order to provide such holder
<br />
<br />;,l '::t_O 03 77 9:'~~~~~..:~;~~Y A:'~C~.p::::~,,: t~~~".~,~:~~~ ~:f_.l~~~~~~ .~.~~~~~~~ ~."vel(}pment pursuant to the
<br />(..Iv .~ - - -. .......av.a_ -."".-----&~ ..,........... ...u_.............., un... a.l~~u..avtc r':~:;~wauuI13 1-H\;J1:;UIIU1;1 t VI
<br />
<br />(II) If and so long as said note of even date and this instrument are held by the Secretary of Housing and
<br />Urban Develupment. a monthly charge (i/llieu of a mortgage illsurtl/lce premium} which shall be in an
<br />amounr equal to one-twelfth (Ifll) of one-half (1[2) pet centum of the awrage outstanding balance
<br />due on the note computed without taking into account delinquencies or prepayments:
<br />(b) A sum equai fO the ground rents. if any, next due, plus the premiums that will next become due and payable on
<br />pollclei of fire anrl other hanrd insuran"" c,)vering the mortgaged property. plus taxes and assessments next due
<br />on lhe mort~ property (aJJ iU estimared OI' tlte Mort!la~lless all sums already paid l~.refor divided by Ihe
<br />number of months 10 elapse before c~ne month prior to the date ",he-II such ~rnunt.l rents. premiums, taxes and
<br />a~n(s w'i:Ji b-tcome lli-hnqucnt. such s.ums to he held by Mortg;.lgee In ttusr to pay said ground rcnts_ pre-
<br />mIUms, tltXe$ and speCial aoscliSmems; and
<br />(c) Ail- payment! mentioned in the ~W() pn~ccdlng 5ubsecHom, of this. paragraph and aU payments to be made under
<br />the note- .!l.ecured h~reby shall b<: added {O~thcr, :mt! the aF>!tre~ate amount thereof shall be- patd by rhe Mtlftgagor
<br />each month in ~ Slft~e payment to be a:pphed by fhe Mortgagee to the followmg j[ems ill the order set forth:
<br />
<br />(0 PU:frliUm- charges under the .::ontrart of !llsun:mc~ ",'nil the Sccl'tat'v (n' Houf..mg and t irban [)evdopm(,-l1t.
<br />,,( mont..t-Jy char~ 1m lieU of mor!g~j(g inSUf'Wlt'e premm1t1 t. j\ lllt ta:'iC may he~
<br />nn gr(lund H:!fttS". t.axes~ a>>es:uTtems, nrt <IflG OTher h;U3.fd ln~Ufan(;(' premiums:
<br />Hn) in-terest on the f'Wlt Siecur~ti hcn:hy, ;mt!
<br />(IV) Jlfturltz..a.tKm or the prm{'lpai of ~lud noti'
<br />Any defict~~. in fhe amount ~>f :1...n\' 'iuch ;J~f{'g:ate Hlllllthh- pJ:ymi'nl ~hafL unlf:&"- made gtx,)d by the MOlt>
<br />~r p.rt.or h) the due dale of lhe n~\! &u{'h IlJ\-'tHent ,;di\iHuh;' all. ,''\..t.nt uf ,-h.'fault UndtI llns ttH.HrJ::u.te. Th("
<br />MOf"t~ m~y '<.',oUeu a "t.iie ;,;:h.j~~'" not tn '_'hn:J f'!~;f ,{"fIB, j"';". lu, eaLl! ,.iolbr (51) or C1Kh paYI;te~lt more
<br />than Hfteen ~ i 51 l~~n. w a.rft:ar.s hi (..'UYe.r ~he e:Xlfa ~<_\.peHw invt'!wd m h:UI'I.Hin~ Delinquent p:.ryments,,'
<br />
<br />:L Th.at if dw~ t.OUt! df the- !l2Jm-(>-nt..., madp h\' tht> \kt-rtu.agor Undf'f of pa,ragraph '! prN'f"f.itn~ ;.;h-a.U "\('N+d
<br />the amourH. nf Jun-menl... "-t~ltJalh rnadf! h;' dw \lortlla..J!t"'t' for ilround H~nL"'. f"t\P~ and a;-;"'~~~Smt'nb or in~urant:p J}f'fL
<br />mtuRt-ti!.. >>t UW 't"~e nUll tHt, ~il ex(,'t;'s~, d (he i~lO:U1 t"" \.'uO'c-nt ,it tht., of--ltmn ot {ht:, .\tortga).tor. ~hd.jj be ('rc.di{~d h,
<br />t:h.. \1o-f14{a;t'~ 011 :,,<ub~.~..nt paHI\M1tN tu h.:o mad."" h\ Ita'" \lortcagnr, or n;>(ufHiNf lH 1:hp \lort1!u.llor If. huwPH"r, lh(\'
<br />f\"tOfttJd); fUIJ1m"nt~ 1nadc h~' the Mortffa~ lH1dc-t !. {'~ pa.rl.~~rnph :: rr<~-c{'dm~ ...hail mu he suffiCIent to lXl~' ground
<br />fmt~ iiu:..f:'..'" 1Ult1 ;;vi........$i."l.~b rtf m....;.ynuu'f' pn~mfUm,". "~.,. ttlt.. t a..'....~ JUt!\ 1)(', VdH>'U Ihp ....;!mt. ...hat! tW('{im\~ diU' and pay'
<br />abf~ then tM \ltJtt.A"~ ..:haU pl'Y tn dlt~ \1t)r1~a~tw ~n~ ammu--i1 nH'('........ar~ 10 m1f,....~. up tilt' d()(jcH'nt:'y, on ur tn' fort,
<br />tlu~ datv .'tlfffl paynu:mt of "'-uch Kh.>>ilU:l f"t,<nb, ~,a('"",, ;:1,,,,,,...p:':':~,):wflh uf If}.....uf:Uln. pn..tltlUm..... ..:hall h(~ due If III an~
<br />h~ i.J'w \\o.tt,r....,,. s..t13.H h.,ftdN' U.J Uu~ \'kln;Ulj!f"'." m :i."nmialH.-t' ~Hh !h~" pru\l....iun~ of tht. mdt' ,...t't~un~ twreb~.'
<br />fult p.anrwnl <tf ~ t'n;Ur,~, tfidt;.hh"'~~'" H~prt''''Hnit'd du:m'h\ ! Uh.' \1of1.$!;;a'J~1'f' ...h~i.lI, H1 n1fflpUHnC (h(~ amount HI' ..;uch
<br />mdebt-.ftU~8,lJlj:, i'tt"dit fO the ~Kt'ilWU uJ the Mm'f~(lf oil1 p...n'!Ut;'nl'!!l m..li.lt' und.er du' pro\ '....Il!(l.... of "" qi p..:tral{f~l,lh ).
<br />h~t' w1ttrlf lh... \tort~&Jfef" n.~.... no.t tw.t-08U" nbflllt.3.lt'ri tu p...." t-H UH.~ ,.....~{n.l.a~ HI' Hou...in,e 'md l (hUll ()e\'dopmt"flt
<br />and JUl~' bal.arwt1' fl1I!atmn# in du" fund~ 1f,.u'ufi'tulattHi IHldt-t tiH" pm'" ..dun.... of f Hf JH\ral!raph :! ht~ff'{lL If th~rp
<br />..,haJJ 00 ;t ~.fat.lh l.uUJt>-f ,'Ut\. ni th.. PffJ\P<IUfl", .-" thl'" '~nnn~l.u.!f' H'-..;uh(fl~ In .1 publw ."';ih:. ilf dw pn'nH"':t'.~ ('HH'I'f'li
<br />h~.. Of li $bV' \~t,W tt...~tfUt.N-~ tn..>. pntp-wh "ldH'f\\I"'~> :lfh'f tif.hud~. Int' \1t)tl~Hl~t'.' ...,rutH a:Pf,)j~. ..u dw t.iu1l' ul
<br />(ht,> ~-t"~t 1:).[ "4H'h prt)H'.t"dtn~.~, of at in.. Hmv Ih~' J.tH'fwtl\ h ~IJnf"("t...\" lU'qUHt>tL l.!w babnci:' tht'n l'~"ml:lw,
<br />}fl'- in mi" lundlS a..(:i:'u.ftKJbu.~ titl~f \Ii lj;U~t"il~)f1 '.: tH".'{'qjwll, .{.'''l' ;\ ~'n:~dtl ,.lU.atn~t l,ju' ,imoun1 of pnnnpll.l lfU'n
<br />f"".lnul~ unptud tmdl~' "'aid tHJt,o!. ~4nd .....ha~j pft\tJ~"r!, Hf.u...{ ,un p.nmNH..... 'A.h~dt -huH h;tH' h\t{'n mad<<' H~1fh'f
<br />..{ Pllfllllf1l4lh :'.
<br />... fn.ill tne "'hlf'tga""'Vf \Hi: fi.l\ ;..'f\'HHW ,('"Oh U\r~ .iHi'''''';-ncnh. '.",.kr ;;IH:'\.. ,inti ,,!h(,T ~\~'\~ntrrlt'ntai t1f fHlllHt1r.l1
<br />f"hM~_ fine"" ~.~ ImpOyanl'h_ tot \A;MKh pHY\hhHi tu\ mH t~.n rH.,lric t~n;m~t'~'fl','", ,;f:.41 H1 ~1dauit therc,\)f !ht~ \i\)n~~~re m~\
<br />pa)' tht- um('~ ~inu thai rhe M,on~\)t' ......H ;'t.h>mf\ll\; Jein~:! lhe- ,~m"::l~ll recrlph f~rdol hllht' \4\1r(~gl't'
<br />... Thtt M()f{Iil~Uf '.nH ~I~ .i!H t,I\t" ....hh,h filii)' ~ 1f.Qet1 upon th(' \h1UI:t4ff'", InfCfC\t HI ',thi ft"~l1 ,,"d..lt' ,Iud nnprn\l'
<br />mtnb. a.nd ,,'hu.~.h mil\" be k>Hcd j.j~~)n ftu'- \unf1~t:' \~J ftw Jt'h! '{'\.'Hf~J h-er~r-.-\' IN.H nuh, Ii" ~ht (' '-!e-fa In...!! ,,-u\:h t.. nilt prt~hthu.
<br />-cd :0". r...~ ~nU (,nh W Ilk' t"ft"nt UllU \lH.n \i,Jjj tK)l !1i;<l.kc d~h ln~n U.,U!lll{Pd, t'ut t-:U:lli,l..htl/ot ;Hi.) Hh:OfJH" la\. \Iat~ PI" i-'eder:11.
<br />1.mpoti.ed (~ft M1\ft.~. .1n.i ,,~H nu- the t)lt"~:lal i't:'~('trt ,>hu~'m~ '>\h',(i r,t"ment \\j!h the '.h~rtt:a,M('e i ~1i.ln \H.iawm \11 thl' under.
<br />rlikme. "')of.! the- ,MiH1#il1t"lJ' h f)fvtnblt('d to\-. :.nn 1,*" ~\tl-'" ~.f tU:f(":Aftef ~\hlm~ from p.t\.m.:: :h(' \,o.'tWi( "t :H'l\ f'tlrlh)O of tht'" ,do(t-
<br />~ la.\r'" \,v upon Lhe H:nditlt'R#;.A i4n\ '-""'lire dri:rt't' P:f\1f'Hhtttn~ the' f'td'iiment t-,; tht \1t,)ng~gHr 1.H ~H\.,. \lKh ht \-('\ , ;',r If ..u\:h hw.
<br />L.\f deClef' rr-Q\'Mk-\ ttult ;:mv -amt.'Unt ",) p'A~d to", ji't(; \hJft.~l.\f ""naB tot(' (.reotted \~n thr !th-~nttag.t Jd'H, the M(lff~~ee '-!.hal! n;\\'e
<br />rfte f~ to JI"C' nU'td) ~a~'!' ",'nu('rl nt.:ttK.e til tbe iJ\l!fU:;r ,){ Iht' nl,;.-;.rttui~et.1 flrcm!'!\c('~. f'l."Quinng ttIt:' p.d\,men-t of the rnurt~a~e
<br />dent, If HA:'h "'Jt.*Cc be 1'*%-'t'1l. tbe ~kf dt"ht ~tuU! hc\:~unc duo(', p..ayab-Jc ...nd ....HHe.:Httk- at the c\puath.m vf ,...uci Oll"l<l\ dliS'"
<br />b.. 1'bl,t, snauld ~ fa.d to pal an)' ..um Of k!';cp .;in:- ~")"'l;":hqlt p-t{~.\!\..:lcd for In Iht~ MNtgo:lge; then lh(' M(j.rr~J.:ee, ;lIth (\p
<br />{Em, mi.)' pil)f.ot ~tf'orm t.lk-~. i\Ulda!1 t:\pt:'ndtt.UfC"," ~l made s.h.aU be m.id-e-d 10 the prim.."'lpal '!turn i~wlnR un the aoo\'C" nlill'.
<br /><JuIl1 be o<<un>d "..thy. and ~M11 t>car Inte,." ld lilt> ,.Ie '<llun~ in fil<' ,aid ""fe. ..nlii "..d
<br />"? That h.t ~f~' a..\~i8D"_ lraAMc-r';\ ;!fld 't'f~ l,.~,,'e'" hJ lilt- ,\.h}rt~(', {t" be ;;t-ppHc-u tOWard the paymcfH of itlt.' nott" ~~n\.l ;~H
<br />iiUQK ~uted. hereby to. i.'3'Se pi a. JdauU lfi {he ~ti~)nJHul\;e vf .UlV r,,{ rhr- term" ;.,md ..;:undtt&.on~ \Jr fht'i M,1rtga.llt Of 'he ).>.~hj
<br />note... aft the' rttlt':f..lt'.\O~nue:s and UK(\ftt(: tv b< d-trf\'~ frvm the m.nngage.d f'remi~t" dun~ ""ven time .,'1 the mortgage mdehletl.
<br />Qe:t-! ~ ~ft uapatd~ aDd the M.ort~ ~n:t11 have tx-~,..t'r to ,appoint an\' ;lgc.tH m ;,tgfnh If ma.) tkSJf<.' hiT' !he f'UrrO'( uf
<br />re........... ~ ltaduf u:-.mJ.,. thi:,~ and coi).e\,"'1I\1ltnc renh. H'\'etlUC'\ anti tncomc, :,U:ld H mJ\ r~H \)Ul \It "-<.Hd Ul"
<br />c~..u c..~~ of rcp.irin;t.~d. pre.miw" and t)<<;t'~satl '.ommr~l$ioo\ auo c,\pcnK'~ Uli:urred In (efltwp: <tnu mau,uA'1ng the
<br />~ aafii uf co1~~ rentah. tbet~Jr-(}m; tht- baiam.'t! r-emiU~. it an)'. w he ",pphed to~itrd the: diosl.:h.argc of ,,;~id mm1g;:*"
<br />i~_.
<br />*. Tbal bet "'. k<<v tblt tmprOvem<;IU. ""'" u..uog (I' bt>r...tle, "'."f...1 ,1fl Ih<: n",n~!llterl "'tlp.:rt\. lll\....et.l 01' m. \ 0.
<br />f~ trum lim.r t-o tllIK' hy dw M~ ~pin.,,"l iu.\'i: ~-v rift. a.nd (Hiler h<-l.l,afd~~ (as.u~jttt'~ ,mJ l~'!.Hltln.gencre~ 10 \u\.-'h
<br />__t.", -o~..... Iliat I><:reqttired bYllIe M"''PII<< .,Id ",ll 1'" 1""10",1,. when due..m pttmlUn".w ,,,cn
<br />'-. ~ ft1r. pal'_t of ~_h lul. oot b<<ll maol. herrml:>e{",. All """ranee ,,,.lll'< ";\",,,,1 '" c<lm"",,,.' "p.
<br />~!>y Ilw Monppe UIllblt P<>iicie. ami "lie"''''' !ltereol In..!i l'< held h the Murll!Jllle< Mid h,,,. !.ll,,,,,ht"d the<<'" h."
<br />pa,~,,~ Nt UtV\lf (J ~ l:ft f':)ffft ~~.eptAble fi.,l tOe .)40"\14,", In ttlle'nt H{' k,\'!!, Mo(tjt.-'lgr."u wiH .gl\ct.~ ,mmedl;ih~ f)\\t\\..C' r\
<br />....,.~' ~t- _ilt>> ttUIL) ~c p.llOi of k..~, if Dllt.~ plompth h)' Mortp!{Qf, .Jt'Mi tf;j(,:"n m-"Hr,arh."-C u,tmf!~m~' d~n
<br /><:l!f'fllIlt. ~,..llmt.zed _~~ill" Ill,"," .....1'-..1 I,,, ,tlch 1<>.. dtreeil. Id fhe MorlllllJ'.'O 1[\".><1 ,.1 h' ,h<: M"r1M'll1p,
<br />__ ~~" l.Ift<lllwi iruourlifl<Oel'l'occed" ",.n. pari tbt>r."I. 10....1><: .ppli1:d O. Ih<: M"rl~< '" ,h ,'ptltln etlllt>,
<br />kJ liIlu",l!!c:flilllul!t fite>~. berd>~'~",.m ,It I.nlle rf'!ft>l._ or r""... oj the 1'1'<'1""" uamllJCd !n ev<,nt "i l't>fedH
<br />_ flI_~<KutllMlflIfMf. MlltlMo thelll~ l'I'uperry '" e\I1npu.hn",,,1 of lilt> ,n<!el>i.-.ifl'''' >t'ClIl..oU hereh~.
<br />.....,_ U!Ii ~ld!he ~ in .00 to JUly i_.>I<<' r<)/k:te.IMfl '" /i,./);e '0..111"'" I" lhe I,,,rd)..,,'r ", Ff..ll<<
<br />t.. Tbal... ~.., ~~WCtilllY .fm 1br.l'l'ytM"l .,( fhe I><Ite dt-\cril'<\l.. ,'fl" all sum, h' """ml<' clue mu.k. Ihl'
<br />-..... tllll~ ~ a"-Io!he Mntlfillllf'O ,"I pfolil>. 'ne"",,'. ""....It..." nllht\ and hen<f", ,""C!UUll/'" ,he
<br />.~ ~ M".t'iDIt aft.dU ...,IM j~A.Si,na qkJ: ~remi!l,e:A.. wdh (he naht w r~~H'e and H'!'C{'lp'" fi1,!, l~t" ,...~m'(' and .1t't'h
<br />a- k! ~~. '"'" tw.t_... ..1",1 dd1>Ull'1! 1ilIr,...."""'Ullll. of Iht. "",n_. ,,,,<I ,be ,Mollll"ll<< ''''n ,iffl"'lhl, '"t
<br />f~'_~~~"'''f_tth _Jwndutiand ,pi@ly_<hot fl:~~Jf not bt f~l!fe,.t! ''H) h~,d~, flu.., ft,,'j~.ru'.\t'n! f'" i';~ lcUtUfii-ll<-
<br />_~"IUllI'''''''l<I'l!l>f<l~..tt~''''~
<br />
<br />Nun ~llU.:~i'l;! ,"j. 't9i
<br />