<br />
<br />
<br />I Thi$ form ii: used .in wfii'imlwi I
<br />with mongaga inslired'under'-1he
<br />,one. 10 fow-f8mlly nJ'QVisiOnSof
<br />the Nalional HoulingAct.
<br />
<br />
<br />83:'" ()63719
<br />TfQSMOll'fGAGE:..madeandcueutedlllis. 18th dllyd July .A;D.
<br />l'8:f,W1ll!lifletw- ~r81d R. Kindig and P<1tricia A. Kindig, HusbartdandWife
<br />ofll\ilC~ of Hall , ami Sllltt o{Nebraska,. party of the first part. hereinattercalled
<br />dle~.aild Superior Mortgage. Inc..
<br />
<br />a~ <<fllUliucIalldeJl'JstillSUlI!Iu flle.IaW" of Nebraska
<br />part)' ofdle.~part.llerei~ler~alIed lIlcMortpgee.
<br />
<br />WtTNESStITH:1"b:udleoaid~.farltlKlincon~r.uionofthuumof Forty Six Thousand and
<br />No/lOOths------------- DollanlS 46,000.00 l. paidbl' t.heMon-
<br />~tbe f~ of wbk:b il; heteby odawwlt!died, bas Gr.Ulle'd alKl Sold and by these presents does Grant. Bar-
<br />_,SdI. Coover and. COt1ilm> unto 1M M<lft8llll<:e. ,f1i WCC"SSOf5 and assigns, forever. 1M following.de,scribed
<br />relltil$j&te. ,,;llIIIlelt ill W COll1lty of Hall . and State
<br />otNriniltll. to ",..t:
<br />
<br />Lot Twenty Seven (27). Western Heights Fourth Subdivision, Hall County,
<br />
<br />!tebraaka
<br />
<br />of .tIte Si OlD i'I'm..~ Men.b...., ""_NAt! '" ..1/
<br />lDI!nt _~~'}'
<br />
<br />TO lH\ \'f AND Tn HOLt) lhe """flU"" .!o<:", , <ie'a,t><,t ,.,tll alllhe orr"'I"n..":,,' 'oen-unt" b"k.njling 'IIl(/ jnduding
<br />m1~. plulllhilllland lIghtl1lj! 1i~lut". .00 """"""".., no.. '" ne,...hr, atl,,,hflj I" '." u""'" In ,,,,...,,,,llillI Mtlt .aid ",.1 ,,,ate
<br />tUll'i;Hbe ~l~~ itnd hi ib ';.K-CC~~)f!i iitld .n,ugn~. h)fCYCf _ The M(lf1P:~Vf t'tpU'-'tmt, w, itnti Ctfv'~nants wtth. tM MOflp-'
<br />!!ft. lhat tlM: ~". hit, ~>J "#lII1 ", 'ell JlAlj ,onw) ",,,J iH.llH"'~; INtI they ar, ft" ,"'''' <neunllt.."",; and !balloe
<br />M-~ ..ill W;llI:11mt ,;,uld .kfcatJ Uw "'aRM;- ..-PtD"I1t file! l"".tlll \J~im!i ~:d ail p<1\Vrh ..honhlK""'-er; ~lnd the '.!-aid M{.lrtg11gor hert-
<br />hl rdiJ\qll~ all ri,bt' "I ",,-.INd. JlAlj all Rlurtt;;! '~h, <J.ther In low", ,n <<lUll).. aoo on nlhe, ,ominllfnl inte,,,,t> ot 1M
<br />MMIlliOI. PI llBd (,\ 1t\e.",..<<",f1hr.l flft"""'~' th""'len,,,,',, ""'fiIl 'i> "m"., h",.b, an ab,"llllr'ltk. In It. "mrle, Indud.
<br />,..Illl rilhh ..r~"'I""d. ,..1<1 ,vtb.1. ''lj/lh 4!ld inl",e,,, .. "1<..".,,,
<br />
<br />:1..;.'1(:"'1 al:curding to tiQvcrn~
<br />
<br />P'ltOVloon f\LW A YS....a ,"".... f''''.....u. .rt .'''''lIIt'll.nd dtlivered ""'.... lhe toU,'wing condilion.. I" wil:
<br />
<br />Tlt.t Mor'......,..~. to""y l<lthc M(1I1~. ",' "rUeI. the ptln.tplll.....' 01 Forty Six Thousand and
<br />No/lOOths------------------'O"U"" is 46.000.00
<br />
<br />..Ub.~ trtlm ~..ltiw ,.te ,)\ 'I'wel ve . and One-lla1! pel "mum l 12. 5O'k) reI' "nnum "n
<br />1M ll~tIralanI:eUlllil"", 'Th!<",jd prin.;,lpai and "'k""''' ,.t.;;ll h.: rayal-It:at the .,mCt of Superior Mortgage, Tnc,
<br />
<br />;;. Grand Island, NE 68802 . ," al ,udl OIMr J'1ill:e ", the lwlder of
<br />tllt_lIIIl<~m..rilinw:,ill!m,Mhltilt'llalt\llClt,of 1"0\1[' Hundred Ninety and 94/l00ths-----
<br />. --4~ IS 490,94 f, ,wJlrnenclIli ,m ,Ite: lit" day of
<br />SeDb!!lDber . ' 1\1 83. ~nd on lhe ti"" day "lead, monlll t""t<alt" \lRlilthe pr,netpalaoo in.
<br />leftil ':.T. t>tYd. u~ lhal the linal .paymat/ ,-.( ;>fmcJpal 000 'JI't..,.. If 001 ""''''''' pald. ,hall he d~ and
<br />~...tM ftn,l~'" AU3U$t, 2013 : all occUfdillll 10 the 'erm~ ,,{.. cerl:;in l'f<'''''''
<br />~ DOl.m.vfl.1l~~wldte~by lhe oaid M.lI'tjI!lplr.
<br />
<br />Tht llkv~ ilI<<dcf _dull). In jll(>tttl the '"'COOl)' "t this Mnrtt:"lle. "llfee,
<br />
<br />Ln.brI.... pay fbe~,. a, lteffi~f_ provided. Pri,'ile~ i; re",nt'll "'l'liY 1M debt in whoJ", Of in "n
<br />NIIIIMt... W.<lll!t;llC _ ~ l'llYl!lf;Btl; OIIlhe prim:ipW that are nexl ,1..... on I"" "'ltt. on lhe 11m da.' of "'" mO<lth
<br />_ w__y,~~.~_. .TIlat. ~ootice (,f an illllmti<m 10 t\"H'i>;(: ,ue" ptivilel1" " \lIVen al I<..,t thllly I WI
<br />.....'m..~1,
<br />
<br />
<br />1 _.~1l'itI!> _.~~ Ihr~~".1f prieclplll and 'nwnl payltt>le under the lerm~ 011""
<br />....~.Mcm.t.l!ot~'Il'iII...ytqtheMlliI'lpJ!M, ....the Ilmday.>I. cadIIMlllbUlUrI'h.....ilI Mte" fully ,\iUd, 1M
<br />f___,~
<br />
<br />(,,) ~~~t f..,~lM'~ ,",~wiUt fu...n Ie> IU\Y dl<l ..~'K' fltr~'lllll" in$I.llJII1<e l"ermUl11 If ,111'
<br />~1l/Ilil!l1..lIOO~ft<lJII. tIil;Uftd; ~r.m t~.. "I" ,,,,,,,,thly dllllJf: 1m Jim oI iI "'''n~' tnJi,nm.:t' l"'"
<br />~_'J.fiMy' ifflO.~.~ 1h<l~WilI.}"nfa~lltIdtJrbl!ll t~lflI'tnelll.,,~ f"lk}",,,
<br />
<br />~""'4'{""""____ .....~iiI~..l\"'_
<br />
<br />tt_.w~~l_~"f'_ ~ <tMllmmm..""nl al" m~ullffi ," ... "'ll\~u,,'d "",Ie, tho pHI
<br />...w ~"",ml~~ i\ct, iltJ. _1~!'\lI"'kl>l In ",<'Umwa", '" '''' h$lldl "f .ho h.4Je, '..e
<br />
<br />STA'tf! 0' N!'!lItAl!IV,
<br />'f.H.Jf,).g..i'-'-4JM t9:- r~!
<br />.'-:Gl1-t.~fn ;iifJ,ll)Ol
<br />
<br />