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<br />7. Coademnation. In the e,enUhe Property, ouny part thereof, .ball be taken by eminent domain, the Mortgagee <br />i5eJ,J1powered to coll!Ict and teeelYe all compellSatioo witicll may be paid for any property taken or for ds.nagea to property <br />not taken, 8Ild .Moripceesball apply such COIl2pe_t1oo, at Us option, either to a reduction oftheindebtednl!llS secured <br />lMlteby orto'repalrand JeSt!>....the property so damaged. <br /> <br />8. Performance by t.fottppe; t.fortgqee may, butsball have no obligation, to do any act which the MQ~r <br />ilia acr-tbut fallHo doiandMo~ may also do any act It deems necessary to protect the lien hereof. Mortpgor <br />..,.torePav;~ demand, any sums... ~ded by the Mortiagee for the Ilbove pUrposes, and any sums... expended <br />by the MOrtpgeellhaDhe added to the indebtedness secured and become subject to the lien hereof. Mortgagee <br />sballootin(llltanY\)enOnalliAblllty becaus& of anytblnglt may do or omit to dol1ereunder. <br /> <br />9. DeIauIt;AsIipmeIlt ofRelltLTlme i5 of the essenee hereot, and upon MortgIgor'. detaultln any covenant <br />or~ ofW. Mortgap,lneludinrcovanuts to pay when due the sums stCOred by this Mortgage; the Mortgagee sbaIl <br />be .mi&d,at l1S sola option and without notice, todeclam all sums secured by this Mortpgdobe immediately due-and <br />pr.yabie and, may. COIIlIIUlIIC& foreclos_ of this Mo~ by judicial pmceedingJ; and, provided fUrther, that, npon such <br />deflIWt the M,,~,or a _1YCt"appointed by a court, may at Its option and without regard to the adequacy of the <br />~,anwupon and take ~oa of the ~ and col!act the rents, issues and profits therefrom and apply them <br />tlJSt ~.lhe. 00It of t:oI!ection and operaUon of the Property and then upon the indebtadnass secured hythlaMortcYee;. <br />Aktl1!lQS;lssues and profits beiG& ~. to the Mortgape as fUrthersacurlty tor the payment ofthe.lndebtedRe,u <br />--.i hereby, <br /> <br />10. 'l'raMtI!r of Property. It all or any part of the Property Is sold or _ferred wltbout'the eXpftSlFwrlttencon' <br />_tof the MortglIao!e. Mortpgee may at 11& soleop;ion. decWe allsumssecored bythl5~ to be lmmediatelidue <br />and ll'YaIlle. <br /> <br />11. Futm:e AdY_ Upon ""1_ <>f Mortp;or, Mortgagee may maIre additlonalalld ft\tun!~ to <br />~r. Sudl ad_, with interest therwn. shall be secured by this Mortpge when erideneedby pro~.uotes <br />mUng that lIlIId notes .... Iierored hereby. At no time sball the principal amount of lhe in~ seeur8aliftbla.' <br />M<IrtpJe, not indudilll_ ad\'anmd to p_ the security of thla Mortca&t'. exceed lhe original Note. <br /> <br />12. ~ F:t;nUl-. <br /> <br />la) Any focebeaftnce ill extu't'isinC any right Of ll!me<ly .lWl not be . waiver thereof. <br /> <br />(bl Alll!!lhediell proY\ded bemln are cIlstinet and cumulatiw to any olher rigbt afforded by I.w or eqi!lly, <br />and may be eutcised coooumntly, indepeJldtttltly Of flI<<ftIi"'"Y. <br /> <br />Ie) The eo_II and ~men'" eonWlIed ht!rein lhall bind, and the rigbtl in_ to, the mpectl'le <br />__ and &IIlps of the Mortg&lOl' Ind tbe Mortppt. <br /> <br />(dl All """'lIa'Ua and ............nt.a of the MortptCOr are joint and ..oenl. <br /> <br />Ie) The beadinp of the ~ of thll MorIfaIt... for COI1Yll1liMee only and ihaIl not be llSad to 14w. <br />pn.t or dlItl.... t:he l'rofl&ions berMJf. <br /> <br />11. R--. Upon pay"""" of all 111_ by t:hi5 Mort....., MOrifagee ihaIl cIlocharp thia MoriIIIa and <br />sball eXO!CllUi and dell"". ~ ~ therefor. <br /> <br />IN wrt'NBSS WHEREOF. Mortpcor bao "xecuted this Mort..... on the .....lL day of .Jlll'i <br /> <br />. 19.IU.... <br /> <br />, . <br />"",~~':'1'~-_'. l' ::~~~':::':~~"tJ,ii<,- <br />(J~ D" Narheri <br />_ 4/~?"/t.t-.., l\ 7('ttl~j< , <br />{Donn.t\ R" N-aroor} <br /> <br />1Ioa...... <br /> <br />-- <br /> <br />s-. olN....... <br /> <br />H"ll <br /> <br />______,COUllty A; <br /> <br />011 thiI l~th <br /> <br />day of <br /> <br />July <br /> <br />~ 19J1..L. betOft! _. t.'Ie undenlpd, a Notary Pu.bIIe <br /> <br />_ ~ and qUlllifted for said COWIty, penonaUy_ <br /> <br />J1W D. Narber and Donna R. Narber <br /> <br />. to me kMwo to be the <br />~ ..-<1) lira- "*-ta) are IlIb1cribed 10 the torecota& illllilu_llt and ackMwIedged the ex_lion thereol <br /> <br />to bit thtl~r .__\'Oluntal'y ~ deed. <br /> <br />.....,.-haDd.and.notaIWSNiat_ (;rAnn T4JAM1 M~ <br />...~. <br /> <br />in lllld _Illy, the <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />.~ <br />!! <br />5 <br /> <br />"\ <br />,3... <br />~\ ! <br />,.1. <br />-i ~ <br />, ! <br />.fa <br />t\- <br /> <br />'" <br />, " <br /> <br />-, <br /> <br />.- <br />- <br /> <br />.. <br />p <br />