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<br />MORTGAGE <br /> <br />83- 003774 <br /> <br /> <br />Tim n N~rhgT ~nn nnnnH Q N*rnoy <br /> <br />Wi f e (herein "Mortgagqr") and <br /> <br /> <br />81< ilK (herein "Mortgagee"). <br /> <br /> <br />Mortpgorls i.,oobredlo Mortgagee inlhe principal slim of $ ';0, 000 00 . evidenced by Mortgagor'snole' <br /> <br />dated 7/14/83 <br /> <br />(hereil1 "Note") providing for payments of principal and inl.erest. with tbe balance of .the <br /> <br />i~. if not sOOll.... peid. due and peyable on. Ja rl ua r y 1 0, 1 964. , <br /> <br />'. .... . ~......... '*1. ~.... ote. with. 'inlerestas provided therein.. the payment of aU other sums, withinl.erest. <br />~~tiiE security of th~. Mortpge, and the ~rfonnanee of the covmants and agreements of <br />~~\4..gor does hereby mortgqeandeonvey to Mortgagee thefoUowing described <br /> <br />adYanced <br />the <br /> <br />property local.ed in <br /> <br />f-rPill <br /> <br />County. Nebnlska: <br /> <br />A tract of land in the Nt of the NWi of Section 10, T-ll-N, R-I0-1>/ of the 6thP..M. in <br />HaJ.l County, tl.e/:)raska, more accurately described as follows: Commencing at theNW corner <br />of said. Section 10. thenCe in an eastorly direction along the north line of said <br />Section 10 a dIstance of 1961.11 ft. to the point of beginning, thence in a southerly <br />direction para11"l to the west Hne of said Section 10 a distance of 1327.21 ft. to a <br />pOint _on the E.~st/West 1/16 l~ne of the NWi, t:.hence in an easterly direction_ a long_ <br />said Ease/West 1/16 line a dUiltanc" of 656.24 feet t.o a p;nnt on the East line of <br />S'aid N'Wi or,jf Sectlon 10, thence in IT north€~-rly dl.n:~ction along said east line of. the <br />NWt" a distance of 1329..83 ft.. too tho Nt c:C'rner ()f said Sect1.0n IO~ thence in a <br />westerly direct:l,on along the nort.h 1 Hlf~ of suid Section 10 a distance of 659.29 <br />ft.. t..o the i:;.oint of' [){i':qlnninq ,3-nd (~ont;:llru_nq :~O.O(~ :'icres more or less which i.ncludes <br />0.50 ,.ores of counl1' r.oad nght -of -way. <br /> <br />~r withllll butldmp. imptoWlIWIIu. ftxtll...., .t......t.. alley.. pasuvways, .ase_nts. rights. privilegei and <br />appurteaances loeale<l u...- 0< In anywise pet1lluuol ",,<I till' tl'ob lUUO'< and profits. rev..raion. and........ <br />th<ift>of; indudlne. but not IUnlle<! to, heatin!!. and rooImll <"QUIP"""" and such pl'llOOI.l Pl'OIM'rty tlII.t it ...uaclleO to tlII. <br />~ts ... ... to .......IlIUll' l O"tll"'; all <'.I wl\lch. 'nclwhng "'pla<<mt'IIts and addiUOIU thel'f'lo. ia beNby dtdutd <br />to be a pert of th<> rHi _ _ured by the li..n of this Mort..... and aU of u... rorelOing bf'ing referre<l 10 beftlln iii the <br />..l'Joopefty" <br /> <br />~ furtlMor con_to and ll&ft"O., with Mart........ as follow" <br /> <br />1, l'aymem. 1'0 pay \be IntWbt.ed_...d u.... 'ot.......t t,...",.,,,, ... pn,..dt-d in ib.. Mott..., and the Nou.. <br /> <br />t. TlUe. ~ is the ow...... of th. Property. b.. lh~ nltht and .lIthont)' to lnortPCt' the Property. and <br />_ that the lieD eruu.d b_by I. a fint and pnor \j"" "" tn.. I'ropt'rty, """'1't.. lIlllY otherwise be...1 forth b"l1Iln, <br /> <br />(J ~ Proport)' .. ~t it> " ~ wn-in <br /> <br />is *~. I'tCOldltd at }look w,_,,'-. . ra,.. vI Ih" MortllACf' lWn>,m of <br />~,wllkl> ~.." lieu prim tu the I..", ........-d Iw"'''j', <br /> <br />.-,... ..".""",'___CoImty. <br /> <br />o other pilot littIllJ .... """"mbraD..... <br /> <br /> <br />a. Tua,..A j U. To pay '"""" d""all tu... .pe<'ial......._nts ""dail oth..r ehalJ'!$ against the Property <br />-'1tpCIR. wdltft ~ by ~,I() add to th" pay_ ",qtUmd lln.r the Note _d h""'by.'uch amount_ <br />IIIt\Y .bullt1IcielIt to eoabIf llIe ~ to pay ouch t&xes. _Ill "tOthtf chaflll'$ as thty become due. <br /> <br />...~. ~....... the twpm_now or ~aftff locaied Of> tb.. ",ai ffiate~bed henlin i_red <br />.....~. bJ', rm:ltIl451l1lh otberhazudll...!ii~ mayft'qwre, in.-IS and...tb CQlDpanin ._p\able to th<> <br />~..lIQ&h ~. payallht to tbe ~, In ~ of 1_ unclfl politi.. the Mo~ ili aull\orial!dto <br />.,...eollIct Uld ~tIllta dlIilation. aIlcialn tbefrUll.dl!r at its sol<> opUon, ...lhortZi'd to ..tlltr apply tbe <br />.-....tIlthe.~ QHhel'lQptrty or ...pun the ~ l<'Cllred 1It",!:>y. but paymenis b......undltr JlhaIl COD' <br />limot. 0IlIill*_...-..Iheft-", -l' in fun. <br /> <br />&.0............... aD41--.SotwiWWld!nc anythinll_lI.lne<l in pa.rllIt'I.llhs 3 and" bmlof to tbe <br />~, ~ IlIlIIlJlll)': to tbe ~ It tbttl_ of pa)'illl tM monthly insll.llll1t>1ll$ Qf principal and inl.enet, <br />",~:""llll'~ ~ ~ ~ ~ prf'lIIlUms. .lId (l<)Qnd mntl {If arty, wblch may attain a <br />. ~il) .~UtiJ.~,IIIl.~ ~ frOlll t'-lo llflle by th.. M~. Tbf' amounlllso paid Wll be <br />.....,...,'~ wiUt_lIl.....tlId~totM paytIWlIl of th" i:'1n1I In ""pert to wbk:h .uch __Ill_ <br />.........Ib'........~ _..~ ...~tinftaI ~ly furtheinllf'bt1Kln___dbythls <br />..'. .,..... ......,.to~tM ~tof lIIIf..lh>fldj;nq' ~_1I the ...tuallU.... _lWt$, i_ <br />_,.........,_u.~IIlmI..., witldn lO~ after demlln4 b IlIItWlIfJOII Mo~ Nq-UlII <br />~......,... <br /> <br />"~_1~'l''Il!P''''~'frt~ ~f, ~ <)f f1'but.kt aft)' bUlld/n... or Impru..._nta noW Of <br />t'l!l~OlI!~>~;fQ...~~tIlpd~-"'INtiJ. ,"thoot ........00".... from IlIl!clwIk'. at <br />~",llI!J~~tu~IMD.~ not tollllli<'. mlltr fit \lIi'rmI~"'y I1U_"" (0 ..xlot. nor to ;lnnjp. <br />._IIlI.....~~,ot...~l'IIy,M>'Jld. ot ..-lon.Io~; and 10 ..-ply with aU ft'qlli"'_bof law With <br />......_W~> <br />