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<br />the SUlll$ _ured by Ibis Deed of Trust .hall conlinue unimpaired, Upon such payment and cure by Borrower, Ihls Deed of
<br />Trust andlheobligalioll$ _ured hereby shall remain in full force and effecla. if no acceleration had occurred.
<br />2..."......... ofRHts;A~ ofR""eiver;LesderinP--..." A. additional security hereunder, Borrower
<br />hereby_iso. 10 under lherelll!l oflhe Property, provided that Borrower shall, prior 10 acceleration under paragraph 18
<br />hereof or abll'ndonment of the Property, have the right to collect an<! retain such rents as they become due and payable,
<br />Uponacedentionunderparqtaph 18 hereof or abandonmenl ot the Propeny. Lender, in person, byagenlor by
<br />JudieiallyaPJlOintedre<:<oiver, shall he en. titled to enter upOn, take pOssession of and manage the Property and to colleCI.the
<br />'-ROt thePrope.rty indudingtbose pHt due. All rents collected by Lender or the reeeivershall be aPl'liedfirstlo payment
<br />of lhe costsofm.n~t of the .Property an<! collectionot rent.. including, but not limited to, receIver's fees; premium.
<br />onreceiver"l< bonds-and uasooable attorney'. f-. and then to the .Ulm secured by this Deed of Tl'tISt. Lender and the
<br />reeeivenballhe liabloto accounl only for those rena actually received.
<br />1I.~A~ Upon request of BorroWe'r, l<lnder. al Lender's option, prior 10 full reconveyance of tbeProperty
<br />byTl'tIllleeto Borrower; may make Future Advances to Borrower. Such Pmure Advances, with interest thereon. shall be
<br />S<<Ured bytb.isDeedof T rn.'" when evi<knced hI' promissory notes Slating that said. 001."" are secured hereby' At no time .hall
<br />the prltlCiptd amoulU of tbe;indebte<iness $CCUred hYlhi. Deed of Trust. not inc1udingswnsadvancediJlo':f8.'3W'ce herewith
<br />to pr_ the _\IDty of tiltS Deed. of Trust, exceed lhe ongmal amount of the Note plus US L.""!:!L,m'"u,..,,,. _-'
<br />n ~ Upon payment of .11 .um. .ecured by Ihis Deed of Trust. Lender shall requesl Truslee 10 reconvey
<br />lhe Property alO shalhulTender this Deed of Trust an<! all notes evi<kncing indebtedness secured by this Deed of Trust
<br />to T~, Trust. sha1l_vey Ihtt Property without warranty and without charge to lhe ~onor pel'1lon..leg.lIy
<br />entitled tben:to. Sudt..penott or person.. shall p"y all costs of recordation. if any,
<br />:0.. SulIoIfItate T-. l<lnder, al Lender', oplion. may lrom .tirneto time removeTnlStee andappoinl a successor
<br />tr_.1O MY TrllStee appointed hereunder by an imtrument recorded in lhe county in which this Deed of Tnt>! I. retorded.
<br />WithoOl <<>n""yaa<;eof IhePropeny, lhe "IC<<uor truslee .hall ,ucceed 10 all the title, power and duties conferrcdupon
<br />thr Trusll'C Iten:in and by appl,"ble law.
<br />24. ~Ior N<Iodea., Borrow.... requesa that copies 01 thr notice of default and OQ\ice of sale be sent to Borrower'.
<br />.address which ~ the Propet'ty Addnss.
<br />
<br />
<br />IN Wrr~l!SS WlIEREOF. Borrower has executed Ihl, Deed of Trust.
<br />
<br />
<br />{U;)C~,rP~~J.."...,.
<br />
<br />Charles Eugene..rag~er . -eo.-
<br />, \
<br />
<br />. . {/.(+-J4 . . /r!~... .L!J~............ .
<br />Verda Mae Wagner -_
<br />
<br />....aau.
<br />On Ihil;15th. . .day of July.. 19.83., before me, lhe undersigned, a Notary Public
<br />duly commissiooed and qua1dled tor said county, pel'$QnaUy came. . . . . . . . . : . . . .. .........".,.......,
<br />.Glaf~jl.a. Al\&ttn". !I~.g.I\t\t:. ~M. V~.....d~ .~e. \oIM~~~, . hj-l!S.b;a.~~ .~n4. ~g:'l.,.. .. " 10 meknl)WO to !lethe
<br />ld.mtical penon(s\ wltose name(s) are subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged the execution
<br />thereof to be. .t.~ ~ 1; . ' . . .. .. "oIuntary act and deed.
<br />Witness my band and ootanal _I al. . . GJ::NlCi . ~$J.~,. .~~
<br />date afot'e$aid.
<br />
<br />51' ATE 011 N UItAStC-4, .
<br />
<br />, . County !\11;
<br />
<br />. .. ... in said county. tlte
<br />
<br />( \ ()
<br />..~t.....,... ......,..
<br />NGUfy PubtM::: I
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<br />M-yCommiMion ex :a:--....
<br />s.. 0. WlllI
<br />., o.a "" ..., fI, ..
<br />
<br />..~~~.
<br />
<br />To TRt-'S1'Ea:
<br />
<br />The undeni&ned is the bolder l1f the note or nOles St-,<;ured by thi5 Deed of Tnm.. Said note Or notes, togethe.r
<br />with all othet lnde.bted_ 5eCured by Ihi> Deed of TrWit, have been pard 10 full. You lire hereby directed to cancel
<br />said !lOle or notel and this Deed of Tru3t. whi<:b are ""I\""red hereby, and to reconvey, without warranty, all the.
<br />estate IIOW held by you ul1der IbU Deed of Trust 10 lhe pel'$Qn or penons lepUy entitled thereto.
<br />
<br />Date:........,....,..,.,...... .
<br />
<br />{~...... 1"~ -llM R......~ For teJ'\dfV aoo R~.l
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